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Trump's alternative facts.

This is brilliant. Now it wasn't any longer a lie that Saddam had WMDs. Now it's an alternative fact. Just think of the possibilities.

Trump will never be wrong about anything any longer. The moon is made out of cheese... sure!

Well a big part of the Bush administration's strategies was redefining words. 'Torture is illegal of course, which is why we don't torture, we just use "enhanced interrogation'''.
Now it is not lies, it is 'alt-facts'.
Well that and preying on people's fear with their Descandalizing Wheel of Homeland Security.

Reporter: Sec. Rumsfeld, is it true that over $15 billion was lost in Iraq?
Sec. Rumsfeld: Hmm... look at that, we are now at Orange level.
I think people who feel brazen enough to just outright lie when the truth is plain to see are people who are very dangerous to ignore. Nobody would prefer a skilled liar, they’d prefer a skilled politician rather than a despicable and incapable asshole who lies, and has liars representing and interpreting him, just outright telling people “These plain falsehoods are what we expect all you dummies out there to believe”. What goes along with such brazen disregard for truth is a big "Fuck you all, we're the ones with the power and will do as we please with it".
Yes, Trump lies and he himself are very annoying, stupid and upsetting. But in a long run lies which you eventually start believing are more dangerous. That's why I consider neocons like Hillary more dangerous.
Well, maybe that is because you don't live in a Democracy. Where we live, what the Trump Admin has done is continuing to do regarding lies and attacking those he presumes as enemies (at least at the moment) is rising to unprecedented levels for our nation.
Yes, Trump lies and he himself are very annoying, stupid and upsetting. But in a long run lies which you eventually start believing are more dangerous. That's why I consider neocons like Hillary more dangerous.
Well, maybe that is because you don't live in a Democracy. Where we live, what the Trump Admin has done is continuing to do regarding lies and attacking those he presumes as enemies (at least at the moment) is rising to unprecedented levels for our nation.
But Obama administration has lied too.
Well, maybe that is because you don't live in a Democracy. Where we live, what the Trump Admin has done is continuing to do regarding lies and attacking those he presumes as enemies (at least at the moment) is rising to unprecedented levels for our nation.
But Obama administration has lied too.
Moore Coulter.
Where have you been when Obama administration was lying?
Maybe the term false equivalence will be easier for you to digest.
Yes, these are not equivalent. Trump administration lies are ridiculous and no journalist believes them. Whereas Obama administration lies were more subtle and pretty much all media believed them.
Maybe the term false equivalence will be easier for you to digest.
Yes, these are not equivalent. Trump administration lies are ridiculous and no journalist believes them. Whereas Obama administration lies were more subtle and pretty much all media believed them.

Plausible deniability v. "no fucking way in Hell that's true".
Sorry I don't have time to read through the responses until later, but here are some more alternative facts for y'all to mull over.


In leveling this attack, the president and Mr. Spicer made a series of false statements.

Here are the facts.

In a speech at the C.I.A. on Saturday, Mr. Trump said the news media had constructed a feud between him and the intelligence community. “They sort of made it sound like I had a ‘feud’ with the intelligence community,” he said. “It is exactly the opposite, and they understand that, too.”

In fact, Mr. Trump repeatedly criticized the intelligence agencies during his transition to office and has questioned their conclusion that Russia meddled in the election to aid his candidacy. He called their assessment “ridiculous” and suggested that it had been politically motivated.

After the disclosure of a dossier with unsubstantiated claims about him, Mr. Trump alleged that the intelligence agencies had allowed a leak of the material. “Are we living in Nazi Germany?” he asked in a post on Twitter.

You really need to read the articles that go with this thread to understand the full extent of these lies.

What we need to understand about this particular set of lies from Trump is that, in addition to trying to marginalize the media and gaslight the public, this is as close as the pathological narcissist will ever get to apologizing to the CIA for the crap he spewed previously. He desperately needs them, and he now knows it, so this is his way of mending fences.
Maybe the term false equivalence will be easier for you to digest.
Yes, these are not equivalent. Trump administration lies are ridiculous and no journalist believes them. Whereas Obama administration lies were more subtle and pretty much all media believed them.
Trump's lies were obvious and he still was elected President. The Neocons lies were obvious, and we still invaded Iraq.

Your attempt to try and say 'Well, he isn't convincing as a liar' to defend him is pretty much void of any intellectual integrity.

He lies and his brown shirt supporters accept his lies.
Sorry I don't have time to read through the responses until later, but here are some more alternative facts for y'all to mull over.


You really need to read the articles that go with this thread to understand the full extent of these lies.

What we need to understand about this particular set of lies from Trump is that, in addition to trying to marginalize the media and gaslight the public, this is as close as the pathological narcissist will ever get to apologizing to the CIA for the crap he spewed previously. He desperately needs them, and he now knows it, so this is his way of mending fences.
Of course, except for the paid people in the back, the CIA wasn't biting on his statements. 'I'll be behind you'... a bullshit line they've heard before, and coming from a guy that talked a lot of shit against the CIA already, they know what is really going on. The only question is Trump such a narcissist that he actually believes the shit that the media lied about his Tweets.
Are those like alternative facts?
I was told not to eat lunch because we were having an early supper, so I had breakfast, but because I was still hungry I had lunch anyway. When asked if I had lunch, I spoke a truth, the truth that I had breakfast. It corresponds with fact and is therefore a spoken truth, but speaking a truth is not the same thing as being truthful, as I was dishonest and avoided the truth by deflecting not with a lie but a misleading truth. Some call it a lie of omission, but it's not a lie, and the reason it's called a lie is captured in the confusion between a lie and dishonesty. A terms name is not necessarily indicative of its meaning or etymology. Positing something as a fact when it's not a fact is an alternative fact, which in fact is not a kind of fact at all.

Let's see how this works...

There were roughly 250000 attendees at my inauguration so I said there were a million or a million and a half because with numbers that big a factor of 4 to 6 is the same order of magnitude, so that was a misleading truth.

Spicer better watch his back or I'll take his job.... :rolleyes:
Yes, these are not equivalent. Trump administration lies are ridiculous and no journalist believes them. Whereas Obama administration lies were more subtle and pretty much all media believed them.
Trump's lies were obvious and he still was elected President. The Neocons lies were obvious, and we still invaded Iraq.

Your attempt to try and say 'Well, he isn't convincing as a liar' to defend him is pretty much void of any intellectual integrity.

He lies and his brown shirt supporters accept his lies.
I don't think he has many supporters, and they don't believe everything he says. They know he lies most of the time, they just think establishment lies more.
Anyway, Trump press secretary said something ridiculously untrue and laughable.
How about Obama press secretary Jen Psaki?
Trump's lies were obvious and he still was elected President. The Neocons lies were obvious, and we still invaded Iraq.

Your attempt to try and say 'Well, he isn't convincing as a liar' to defend him is pretty much void of any intellectual integrity.

He lies and his brown shirt supporters accept his lies.
I don't think he has many supporters, and they don't believe everything he says. They know he lies most of the time...
No they don't. We went through shit like this with W and the WMD's in Iraq. Heck, the W Admin admitted the WMDs really never existed, but the supporters carried the water from there saying the WMDs were moved to Syria.
I don't think he has many supporters, and they don't believe everything he says. They know he lies most of the time...
No they don't. We went through shit like this with W and the WMD's in Iraq. Heck, the W Admin admitted the WMDs really never existed, but the supporters carried the water from there saying the WMDs were moved to Syria.
Come on, nobody believes that there were more people at Trump inauguration than at Obama one.
No they don't. We went through shit like this with W and the WMD's in Iraq. Heck, the W Admin admitted the WMDs really never existed, but the supporters carried the water from there saying the WMDs were moved to Syria.
Come on, nobody believes that there were more people at Trump inauguration than at Obama one.
Sure there are people that believe that. Because Sean Spicer and Donald Trump insist it is true.
Come on, nobody believes that there were more people at Trump inauguration than at Obama one.
Sure there are people that believe that. Because Sean Spicer and Donald Trump insist it is true.

Holy shit! That means that there are at least three or four people in the US who believe the things that Trump says and defend his words and actions in a non-ironic way. My opinion of the US just dropped further than what it was on Friday and that was the day that Donald Trump became your president.
Sure there are people that believe that. Because Sean Spicer and Donald Trump insist it is true.

Holy shit! That means that there are at least three or four people in the US who believe the things that Trump says and defend his words and actions in a non-ironic way. My opinion of the US just dropped further than what it was on Friday and that was the day that Donald Trump became your president.
These are the people that defended the invasion of Iraq despite no viable weaponized WMDs being found in Iraq because the WMDs were moved to Syria... because some classified documents had to of said so. These people bought into the narrative so much, that even when W admitted no such WMDs, they wouldn't stop believing.

Trump is just taking this much further. Right now the lies are about attendance of the Inauguration. Tomorrow, who knows what. And those same people will be defending Trump the whole way, probably even through and after his resignation because "The establishment was destined to get rid of him because he was a threat to them" *snort*.
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