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Trump's alternative facts.

Most people are naïve and I can deal with it. Still, I remember the phrase trickle down and it made me laugh because I thought of pee. I was like 8. How had it been going since? I feel unaffected. My point was partly that everyone hates a President.
We already had one president who was suffering from the symptoms of early stage Alzheimer's during much of his 2nd term

Every childhood punk song I listened to was bitching about Reagan. Come to think, EVERYONE hated his ass. Why do people now look back on tha failed actor and mentally non-present President as some kind of hero? Anyone could have done his job. He had distinguished wrinkles and a good voice. That was all I saw in him, sorry. Trump has some good physical features in his younger footage, which is pouring into Youtube like a billion tons of crude oil. I'm white and my electricity is still on, so no worries, but still... what is the difference when it comes to figureheads

Those would be the same people who voted for Trump. And haven't a clue in the world that Reagan would be spinning in his grave over almost anything that comes out of Trump's mouth or his cock sucking embrace of Putin.
Every childhood punk song I listened to was bitching about Reagan. Come to think, EVERYONE hated his ass. Why do people now look back on tha failed actor and mentally non-present President as some kind of hero? Anyone could have done his job. He had distinguished wrinkles and a good voice. That was all I saw in him, sorry. Trump has some good physical features in his younger footage, which is pouring into Youtube like a billion tons of crude oil. I'm white and my electricity is still on, so no worries, but still... what is the difference when it comes to figureheads

Those would be the same people who voted for Trump. And haven't a clue in the world that Reagan would be spinning in his grave over almost anything that comes out of Trump's mouth or his cock sucking embrace of Putin.

He hasn't met Putin yet so wait for it. :)
Most people are naïve and I can deal with it. Still, I remember the phrase trickle down and it made me laugh because I thought of pee.

Perfect! It is quite a bit like getting pissed on, unless you're a billionaire. The term itself took a break when Bush succeeded him, since it was apparent by then that the results were a disaster for the middle class, but the practice continued up until Clinton was elected. The practice was revived when Bush Junior took over, then discontinued under Obama, and is about to be resurrected by Trump.
don't get too down on Putin and Pence. Annexations and friendly relations are coming and I feel confident about Russian bride prices dropping drastically. See, all things come out in the wash. For me, it will not matter one damn bit. Peep my location. I doo feel afraid for my life sometimes, but all I have to do is say something positive about Trump, and I may leave Kroger with my purchase. Things are looking up for ME.
What happened? I missed something. I shouldn't make sexist jokes. Women should be respected. It was supposed to be more abstract in meaning. But seriously, have you seen Russian women?
How exactly did you decode what the administration's intent was?

It's not like there isn't an easy way to spin the story: "The weather was shitty, that's why no one showed up"

and even trivial statements like:
Spicer said:
This was the first time in our nation's history that floor coverings have been used to protect the grass on the Mall.

Those are most certainly lies. Why even say them?


Is it a lie if you don't actually know the facts but provide your own data? Or 'data.' That is: best guess fantasy numbers. I'm not sure.

I agree with fast when he says you need an intent to deceive in order to lie. I disagree that the current administration had no intent to deceive and are merely exaggerating. If you don't actually know the facts but provide some data representing them to be factual, then you intended to deceive your audience into believing what you are reporting is factual even though you know it not to be the case.

Only if you were provided information unknown to be false, and reporting it as fact could you be said to have not lied.

I would expect the administration press secretary to adhere to some minimal level of due diligence in fact checking prior to holding a press conference. Stating that this was the largest attended inauguration in history is easily verifiable and not something you report during a press conference without doing so. It was stated only so that the audience would accept it as a fact without question - deliberately and with the intention to deceive said audience into believing it is a fact.

Actually no, IQ<85 is about 15%

My bad! That 15% is close enough for our purposes (One source says 17%, another 16%... not sure where 15% came from, but it's the same ballpark).
To what do you attribute the apparent non-alt fact that more than twice than many still support the orange buffoon, and seem to believe what he says?
To their desire to piss establishment off.
My bad! That 15% is close enough for our purposes (One source says 17%, another 16%... not sure where 15% came from, but it's the same ballpark).
To what do you attribute the apparent non-alt fact that more than twice than many still support the orange buffoon, and seem to believe what he says?
To their desire to piss establishment off.
By putting the highest echelons of the establishment directly into power. Great job fuck nuts!
OK, nobody with IQ>85
You simply don't get it. Trump currently has 30 to 40% approval rating. That means 30 to 40% of the nation supports this idiot and his idiotic claims. They can't all be idiots. Politically idiotic, yes, but idiots that aren't so stupid in other aspects of life.

They just need to believe that Trump is better than Hillary. None of his supporters need to believe any of his nonsense.
Well, we forget the 2 million Bikers for Trump that showed up and spent their time away from the cameras battling violent women attacking the inauguration.
To their desire to piss establishment off.
By putting the highest echelons of the establishment directly into power. Great job fuck nuts!

This is the most fascinating part of the dysfunctional American narrative. In what fucked up universe does a guy like Trump get to represent the common people? It's a man who's never had a real job. If he hadn't been so rich when he started he'd have been a poor failed businessman at this point. His values are horrendous. He's clearly a narcissist. This is a man who represents everything that's wrong with corruption, cronyism and class society. Who the fuck wants to be represented by a narcissist? Well... Americans obviously. This needs to be unpacked by a psychologist, because I don't get it? It looks masochistic to me.
By putting the highest echelons of the establishment directly into power. Great job fuck nuts!

This is the most fascinating part of the dysfunctional American narrative. In what fucked up universe does a guy like Trump get to represent the common people? It's a man who's never had a real job. If he hadn't been so rich when he started he'd have been a poor failed businessman at this point. His values are horrendous. He's clearly a narcissist. This is a man who represents everything that's wrong with corruption, cronyism and class society. Who the fuck wants to be represented by a narcissist? Well... Americans obviously. This needs to be unpacked by a psychologist, because I don't get it? It looks masochistic to me.
Failed businessman? You are too generous, he would have been trailer trash wife-beater. So, in a way he does represent his voters, it just because of ironic twist of fate he is rich, and he represents them better than Hillary Clinton.
By putting the highest echelons of the establishment directly into power. Great job fuck nuts!

Not highest, just a bottom of the swamp. And democratic and significant part of republican establishment is pissed off. So I would say mission accomplished.
Actually, the Republican Establishment is quite happy with a number of the appointees. And the rest of what Trump wants, they can prevent any legislation in Congress.
Not highest, just a bottom of the swamp. And democratic and significant part of republican establishment is pissed off. So I would say mission accomplished.
Actually, the Republican Establishment is quite happy with a number of the appointees. And the rest of what Trump wants, they can prevent any legislation in Congress.
Does that include Jeb Bush and the rest of the gang in the primaries?
By putting the highest echelons of the establishment directly into power. Great job fuck nuts!

Not highest, just a bottom of the swamp. And democratic and significant part of republican establishment is pissed off. So I would say mission accomplished.

Yes. Quite like cutting off one's nose to spite one's face.
Most people are naïve and I can deal with it. Still, I remember the phrase trickle down and it made me laugh because I thought of pee. I was like 8. How had it been going since? I feel unaffected. My point was partly that everyone hates a President.

Actually trickle down, under president Trump has exactly that meaning you thought when you were 8. This time it also carries with it the thought of a soaked mattress and a russian prostitute though.
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