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Trump's Lazy Presidency: Lots of "Executive Time"


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
Read Trump's "Executive Time"-filled leaked private schedules - Axios
About 60% of the last three months were "executive time".

Scoop: Insider leaks Trump's "Executive Time"-filled private schedules - Axios
has a diagram of his "Executive Time" over each day.

Why Trump swears off planning - Axios
... In "The Art of the Deal," he explained that he thought too much planning curbed his creativity and impeded his thinking. That philosophy is alive and well in the White House, according to more than half a dozen current and former officials.

Between the lines: Trump believes to his core, one former senior White House official told Axios, that he's better off not preparing for some meetings. He thinks preparation hinders his ability to read the room and act with spontaneity, this former aide said.

... One of the key challenges for his staff: He doesn't like long or complex documents.

He'll skim newspaper articles, news summaries and bullet points, but hates anything longer. So his evening briefings look quite different from his predecessors'.
He will read some documents, but his aides have to walk him through them, and he likes lots of pictures.
I'm not sure what the point of these articles really is? Most of us know he's a lazy, shiftless moron with the attention span of an ADD 3rd grader. Those who worship the ground he walks on won't read this, and wouldn't care even if it were pointed out. :/
I'm not sure what the point of these articles really is?
It's for the post mortem. The talking points that'll be all over the internet after his fall.

Like after Nixon's fall, when it became nearly impossible to find a Nixon supporter? Everyone will be less of a Trump supporter, and start saying 'Well, he was the only choice AGAINST Hillary...' and 'I never really like him as a politician. you know he spent most of every day with blank spots on his schedule, to avoid white house aides knowing what he was doing?'
The only time he probably did any kind of work was while he was at that shitty business school. And I am not even that sure about that.
You want him to start working now? at his age?
He took classes at the business school and graduated with a BS in economics from the U of Penn.

He doesn't have an MBA from Wharton which is the exclusive degree.
I'd think an overwhelmed president would be an advantage to industries, lobbyist and others who want to get laws and regulation/deregulation through. That causes a president to lean more heavily on cabinet members and whoever else.
He took classes at the business school and graduated with a BS in economics from the U of Penn.

He doesn't have an MBA from Wharton which is the exclusive degree.

That explains why he often seems to know economics terms, but also seems a tad shaky on what they actually mean.
I'd think an overwhelmed president would be an advantage to industries, lobbyist and others who want to get laws and regulation/deregulation through. That causes a president to lean more heavily on cabinet members and whoever else.
As opposed to a lazy President that is completely uninvolved and lets his Cabinet handle things with Industry Lobbyists.
Yet another unbearable euphemism from the Nightmare Age. Alternate facts = lying your ass off. Unscheduled Executive Time (UET) = fucking around. Very stable genius = delusional fuckwit. Fake news = factual reporting on this asswart and his gang of rogues. Trump rally = collective meltdown.
He took classes at the business school and graduated with a BS in economics from the U of Penn.

He doesn't have an MBA from Wharton which is the exclusive degree.

I don't know if this is actually true or not but I've seen this:

Sorry, I don't think he's any good at bullshit. He can only consistently con a third of us -- add another 7 or 8% who are willing for a time to overlook his deceit when job reports are good. He is so comically -- so blatantly -- mendacious as to inspire intense, visceral loathing in 60% of us.
Sorry, I don't think he's any good at bullshit. He can only consistently con a third of us -- add another 7 or 8% who are willing for a time to overlook his deceit when job reports are good. He is so comically -- so blatantly -- mendacious as to inspire intense, visceral loathing in 60% of us.

I think it's safe to say that he is, hands down, the single most successful bullshit artist of all time. Nobody else even comes close. The raw numbers don't matter in that, only the results.
Good point. Hope I live long enough to read the magisterial books on Trumpism -- and to see his name converted, like Joe McCarthy's, into conventional wisdom for bunco (or racism/sexism/degenerate egotism, take your pick -- really all those things wrapped up in the infamous name of Trump!) (Homage to Mr. Micawber's 'HEEP!' speech)
He took classes at the business school and graduated with a BS in economics from the U of Penn.

He doesn't have an MBA from Wharton which is the exclusive degree.

That explains why he often seems to know economics terms, but also seems a tad shaky on what they actually mean.

That and dementia. Also not giving a fuck as he's been able to half ass everything he's done his entire life.

U of Penn and Wharton are actually fairly selective. But Donnie had the old ace in his pocket of a rich old man which is an even better legacy than having family who graduated from there.
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