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Trump's wall

Also doesn't the US economy need the Mexican migrant labourers? They'd do best to pursue Trump's policies half-heartedly.

Yeah, or quietly oppose them. The agriculture lobby might not be able to convince Trump that his wall is a bad idea, but Congress critters in districts where the farm industry depends on migrant workers will face some serious conversations with donors whose bottom lines would be threatened by a wall, to say nothing of mass deportations.

We saw this happen here in Arizona when the infamous "papers please" law was passed. In that law was also a provision (updated from a previous law) that levied significant sanctions on employers found to have hired illegal immigrants. And like the previous employer sanctions provision, it was not enforced at all. Many illegal immigrants were rounded up, but no business were forced to shut down.
Here's my prediction. Trump won't actually build the wall. But he'll say he has. And when the media questions him he'll say that they are lying.

Maybe instead of mocking Trump's wall Europe needs to build their own.

If you look at the actual legislation, it's not really a wall, but instead a patchy fence.
Here's my prediction. Trump won't actually build the wall. But he'll say he has. And when the media questions him he'll say that they are lying.

You make it sound like Trump would lie to us. If he doesn't build the wall, why think he'll say he has?


That suggests deceit on part of my President. He's done nothing to make the reasonable among us think he would be dishonest.


Sure, he might mispeak on occasion, and what else (!) would we expect to follow from the lying media? It's no wonder so many newsviewers have a dim view of things. They will take the slightest slip of the tongue, harp on it with no respect for the truth, twist the cradle that holds our precious truth and deliver it painted as if it's been through a liberal car wreck.


The media is like a person who squats when taking a shit, and if we're not careful,


our thoughts of what is the the truth will not be unlike the crap they're crapping.
Unless you are a stupid white Christian afraid of the competition.
There is plenty of evidence that more than just white christians feel that way. All people are prone to those feelings.
Demonising a race or religion, as you do, does not help


Christians are unusually ignorant and dangerous. History is evidence of that.

They present a real danger to the world.

GW Bush invaded Iraq because his Christian god told him to.

We would be better off without Christians or Muslims or any other religion.

People would still help one another, because we are social animals capable of empathy.
There is plenty of evidence that more than just white christians feel that way. All people are prone to those feelings.
Demonising a race or religion, as you do, does not help

Christians are unusually ignorant and dangerous. History is evidence of that.

I call bullshit. Sounds like liberal white guilt. Do you have anything substantial to back it up with, or is it just a feeling?
Here's my prediction. Trump won't actually build the wall. But he'll say he has. And when the media questions him he'll say that they are lying.

Maybe instead of mocking Trump's wall Europe needs to build their own. Because you guys are under invasion.

Yes - these bloody occupation troops are a pain in the arse. The trouble is that they look and talk American.
Christians are unusually ignorant and dangerous. History is evidence of that.

I call bullshit. Sounds like liberal white guilt. Do you have anything substantial to back it up with, or is it just a feeling?

The latest example was the Christian US president saying he invaded Iraq because his god told him to.

In the US, Slavery goes on unopposed for centuries by the majority of Christian leaders. The majority in fact spoke in favor of it.

A devout Catholic named Adolf Hitler sees himself carrying out the will of his Christian god.

The Christian monarchies, nothing but brutal dictatorships, started endless wars, caused untold misery, again for centuries.

What a better world we would have if these Christians did not exist.
I call bullshit. Sounds like liberal white guilt. Do you have anything substantial to back it up with, or is it just a feeling?

The latest example was the Christian US president saying he invaded Iraq because his god told him to.

In the US, Slavery goes on unopposed for centuries by the majority of Christian leaders. The majority in fact spoke in favor of it.

A devout Catholic named Adolf Hitler sees himself carrying out the will of his Christian god.

The Christian monarchies, nothing but brutal dictatorships, started endless wars, caused untold misery, again for centuries.

What a better world we would have if these Christians did not exist.
Humans can be brutal. We see this across religions, races, sports fans. Terrible atrocities have taken place on most of the continents.
The Wall shouldn't be the end of it. There's at least one excavation project, and it's in Queens County NY. How can Trump's life work be complete if Emma Lazarus remains in American soil? Listen to this dumb bitch:

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

Dig her up and ship her to Isis, then bomb the shit out of them, then make Mexico pay for it, THEN we'll be great again. Jesus, what are we waiting for?
I thought those cuts were expected to pay for his increase in military spending.
The cuts in the EPA and State Dept/foreign assistance are to magically pay for the $54 billion in DoD increases.

I see red money, floating around like regular money. They don't see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don't know they're all red.

The miracle of the Money Multiplier? This is how, according to the supply side economics apologists here that savings is converted into investment and still magically manages to increase the wealth of the saver. The money is deposited into a bank and allows the banks to make loans amounting to ten, twenty or whatever the amount of loans as they have deposits, due to the miracle of fractional reserve banking. The apologists are going to get back to me any day now on these questions,

If you depositing the money in the bank produced this miracle of modern banking, where was the money before your company paid it to you? And since the money most likely was deposited in the bank by your employer, why didn't the miracle happen with those deposits too? And since you probably didn't save 100% of the money that you were paid, didn't paying you actually reduce the amount of money that the bank had on deposit and the amount available for the bank to loan out? And since the deposits are only 5% to 10% of the money loaned out, where does the other 90% to 95% of the money loaned out come from?

Since these for the most part are the same people who are trying to find a job killing regulation after two years I don't expect answers to these questions anytime soon.

But I believe that they believe in sentient money, money that has a memory of where it came from and acts differently depending on that fact. Therefore the money spent on the department of defense boosts the economy but money spent on social programs actually depresses the economy.

Sentient money, is it the answer to your question? I don't know, I am still having trouble navigating through this Trumpian world of fantasies and alternative facts.
Naw, they just believe in what their rich supporters tell them to believe in. That their rich supporters should be richer.
I call bullshit. Sounds like liberal white guilt. Do you have anything substantial to back it up with, or is it just a feeling?

The latest example was the Christian US president saying he invaded Iraq because his god told him to.

In the US, Slavery goes on unopposed for centuries by the majority of Christian leaders. The majority in fact spoke in favor of it.

A devout Catholic named Adolf Hitler sees himself carrying out the will of his Christian god.

The Christian monarchies, nothing but brutal dictatorships, started endless wars, caused untold misery, again for centuries.

What a better world we would have if these Christians did not exist.

Hitler was not a devout Catholic. Nazism was probably most aligned with German Protestantism which was even more virulently antisemitic than the Catholic Church, which is saying a lot. He certainly couched his antisemitic rhetoric in Christian terms, since the majority of Germans and Nazis were Christians. While he had a treaty with the Vatican, he allowed Protestant persecution of Catholics. Publicly, he praised "Aryan Christianity," but privately, his opinion was that Christianity was absurd. He was probably an atheist, and if he had any supernatural beliefs, it was probably some weird sort of nationalist Neo-paganism. Although, according to Speer he thought that was stupid too, and a lot of his inner circle were into that at the time (e.g. Himmler).
The latest example was the Christian US president saying he invaded Iraq because his god told him to.

In the US, Slavery goes on unopposed for centuries by the majority of Christian leaders. The majority in fact spoke in favor of it.

A devout Catholic named Adolf Hitler sees himself carrying out the will of his Christian god.

The Christian monarchies, nothing but brutal dictatorships, started endless wars, caused untold misery, again for centuries.

What a better world we would have if these Christians did not exist.

Hitler was not a devout Catholic. Nazism was probably most aligned with German Protestantism which was even more virulently antisemitic than the Catholic Church, which is saying a lot. He certainly couched his antisemitic rhetoric in Christian terms, since the majority of Germans and Nazis were Christians. While he had a treaty with the Vatican, he allowed Protestant persecution of Catholics. Publicly, he praised "Aryan Christianity," but privately, his opinion was that Christianity was absurd. He was probably an atheist, and if he had any supernatural beliefs, it was probably some weird sort of nationalist Neo-paganism. Although, according to Speer he thought that was stupid too, and a lot of his inner circle were into that at the time (e.g. Himmler).
If Hitler were truly an atheist, then why did he try to find the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail? Answer that.
Hitler was not a devout Catholic. Nazism was probably most aligned with German Protestantism which was even more virulently antisemitic than the Catholic Church, which is saying a lot. He certainly couched his antisemitic rhetoric in Christian terms, since the majority of Germans and Nazis were Christians. While he had a treaty with the Vatican, he allowed Protestant persecution of Catholics. Publicly, he praised "Aryan Christianity," but privately, his opinion was that Christianity was absurd. He was probably an atheist, and if he had any supernatural beliefs, it was probably some weird sort of nationalist Neo-paganism. Although, according to Speer he thought that was stupid too, and a lot of his inner circle were into that at the time (e.g. Himmler).
If Hitler were truly an atheist, then why did he try to find the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail? Answer that.

Lol, Indiana Jones reference?
Yippee ki-yay

The cuts in the EPA and State Dept/foreign assistance are to magically pay for the $54 billion in DoD increases.

I see red money, floating around like regular money. They don't see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don't know they're all red.

The miracle of the Money Multiplier?
Closer to IMDB:
red == dead
money == people
I call bullshit. Sounds like liberal white guilt. Do you have anything substantial to back it up with, or is it just a feeling?

The latest example was the Christian US president saying he invaded Iraq because his god told him to.

In the US, Slavery goes on unopposed for centuries by the majority of Christian leaders. The majority in fact spoke in favor of it.

A devout Catholic named Adolf Hitler sees himself carrying out the will of his Christian god.

The Christian monarchies, nothing but brutal dictatorships, started endless wars, caused untold misery, again for centuries.

What a better world we would have if these Christians did not exist.

Wouldn't it make more sense to blame all this on industrialization and the preposterously skewed balance of power in Europe's favour? It's easy to think you're a superior race chosen by God if none of the available evidence challenges that assumption.

Also, how are Christian monarchies any different from monarchies anywhere? I think they're all the same everywhere.
The latest example was the Christian US president saying he invaded Iraq because his god told him to.

In the US, Slavery goes on unopposed for centuries by the majority of Christian leaders. The majority in fact spoke in favor of it.

A devout Catholic named Adolf Hitler sees himself carrying out the will of his Christian god.

The Christian monarchies, nothing but brutal dictatorships, started endless wars, caused untold misery, again for centuries.

What a better world we would have if these Christians did not exist.

Hitler was not a devout Catholic. Nazism was probably most aligned with German Protestantism which was even more virulently antisemitic than the Catholic Church, which is saying a lot. He certainly couched his antisemitic rhetoric in Christian terms, since the majority of Germans and Nazis were Christians. While he had a treaty with the Vatican, he allowed Protestant persecution of Catholics. Publicly, he praised "Aryan Christianity," but privately, his opinion was that Christianity was absurd. He was probably an atheist, and if he had any supernatural beliefs, it was probably some weird sort of nationalist Neo-paganism. Although, according to Speer he thought that was stupid too, and a lot of his inner circle were into that at the time (e.g. Himmler).

Hitler banned atheist groups in 1933.

Besides that, I think you ought to make a distinction between the organized religion (hierarchical denominations) of Christianity and the belief in Christianity. Hitler was technically a Catholic and ex-communicated. He was critical of how some Christians and denominations supported an idea of equality because he believed in survival of the fittest at his core.

IMO, Hitler wanted a religion that put his ego on a pedestal but had no real problem with a theistic belief. If I had to compare his beliefs to a modern religion, it would be radical Islamism, where the prophet is Hitler, not Mohammed. Some other modern cults could probably also be compared well.
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