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Trump's wall

Anyone who believes Hitler was any sort of Christian is obviously so crazy they'd have voted for him. The way Church bureaucracies grovel to power is another question.

Wait... what? Obviously he was a Christian. He went out of his way to prove he was. I try to avoid voting for religious candidates. So your theory doesn't hold for me.
If publicly proclaiming yourself a christian is all you need to be a christian no matter what else is said or done then that sort of renders the term useless.

It is useless, but that is a different discussion.

Since various sects under the Christianity umbrella insist that "works" don't matter, proclaiming one's self to be "Christian" is indeed all that is needed.

What RavenSky said. Many denominations of Evangelists claim that belief in Jesus as their personal savior is sufficient for them to be Saved. That's why many of them are obnoxious, mean-spirited assholes. They believe nothing else they do matters, as long as they believe.

Catholics can't even become 'non-Catholics' without the Pope's say-so. So someone like Hitler can easily be a Christian and still order such heinous acts.
It is useless, but that is a different discussion.

Since various sects under the Christianity umbrella insist that "works" don't matter, proclaiming one's self to be "Christian" is indeed all that is needed.

What RavenSky said. Many denominations of Evangelists claim that belief in Jesus as their personal savior is sufficient for them to be Saved. That's why many of them are obnoxious, mean-spirited assholes. They believe nothing else they do matters, as long as they believe.

Catholics can't even become 'non-Catholics' without the Pope's say-so. So someone like Hitler can easily be a Christian and still order such heinous acts.

And then there's the one true Scotsman thing. No Christian can say that any other Christian is doing it wrong. There's no authority (accepted by all Christians) to point to.
If publicly proclaiming yourself a christian is all you need to be a christian no matter what else is said or done then that sort of renders the term useless.

It is useless, but that is a different discussion.

Since various sects under the Christianity umbrella insist that "works" don't matter, proclaiming one's self to be "Christian" is indeed all that is needed.

But doesn't later going back or against your claim to be christian negate the original claim? You can't claim Hitler was christian just because he lied and told everybody he was.
It is useless, but that is a different discussion.

Since various sects under the Christianity umbrella insist that "works" don't matter, proclaiming one's self to be "Christian" is indeed all that is needed.

But doesn't later going back or against your claim to be christian negate the original claim? You can't claim Hitler was christian just because he lied and told everybody he was.

He didn't lie. He was undoubtedly a Christian, as were most of his supporters. They considered themselves not only to be Christians, but Christians of the best kind - the sort that do God's work by eliminating the Jews who they held responsible for the death of Jesus.

Obviously they were cruel, immoral bastards, who bullied their way into power and then were ruthless in their use of homicide, and later genocide, to enforce their opinions on the people; But that most certainly doesn't disqualify them from being Christian - indeed, for a large part of the existence of the Christian faith, it was practically mandatory.

That they don't fit into a narrow and parochial view of Christianity that has only been around for a few decades, and even then only in the more civilized parts of the world, is no reason to declare them non-Christian. The only reason to do that appears to be an attempt to re-write history so that the Christians come out looking like the good guys, who value peace, love and brotherhood over dogma, power and obedience. But there is no factual support for this retcon. Quite the reverse - in Western Europe, this 'watered down', happy-clappy, flowers and bunny rabbits style of Christianity has proven to be so unpopular that most people simply abandoned religion altogether, rather than bother to subscribe to it.

Christianity appears to be incapable of surviving being run by people who are not attempting to seize or hold power.
But doesn't later going back or against your claim to be christian negate the original claim? You can't claim Hitler was christian just because he lied and told everybody he was.

He didn't lie. He was undoubtedly a Christian, as were most of his supporters. They considered themselves not only to be Christians, but Christians of the best kind - the sort that do God's work by eliminating the Jews who they held responsible for the death of Jesus.

Obviously they were cruel, immoral bastards, who bullied their way into power and then were ruthless in their use of homicide, and later genocide, to enforce their opinions on the people; But that most certainly doesn't disqualify them from being Christian - indeed, for a large part of the existence of the Christian faith, it was practically mandatory.

That they don't fit into a narrow and parochial view of Christianity that has only been around for a few decades, and even then only in the more civilized parts of the world, is no reason to declare them non-Christian. The only reason to do that appears to be an attempt to re-write history so that the Christians come out looking like the good guys, who value peace, love and brotherhood over dogma, power and obedience. But there is no factual support for this retcon. Quite the reverse - in Western Europe, this 'watered down', happy-clappy, flowers and bunny rabbits style of Christianity has proven to be so unpopular that most people simply abandoned religion altogether, rather than bother to subscribe to it.

Christianity appears to be incapable of surviving being run by people who are not attempting to seize or hold power.
Yep. But people like to forget that Germany was and remains a Christian state. Nazism grew out of Christianity, a fact some people don't like to face. It could have arrived via any religion but it arrived via Christianity, same with Fascism and Stalinism.

Everything happening in America is arriving via a Christian state, including Dumbo's Wall, if it ever happens.
It is useless, but that is a different discussion.

Since various sects under the Christianity umbrella insist that "works" don't matter, proclaiming one's self to be "Christian" is indeed all that is needed.

But doesn't later going back or against your claim to be christian negate the original claim? You can't claim Hitler was christian just because he lied and told everybody he was.

We can claim Hitler was a Christian based on what he did. If he wasn't Christian they would hardly have exterminated the Jews.

Also, looking at the history of Nazism. The Thule society was fine with Jews until it became a popular party attracting Christians. Only after that did it become anti-Jewish.
Anyone who believes Hitler was any sort of Christian is obviously so crazy they'd have voted for him. The way Church bureaucracies grovel to power is another question.

Of course he was a Christian.

So were the murdering, whore-mongering, conniving, greedy despicable Popes of the Crusades and the Renaissance.

They were just bad ones.

Circular argument, kid, and just opinion. Nothing whatever suggests any of the nazis ever had anything to do with Christianity: neither did the Popes; neither did Genghiz Khan. You are just calling anyone you dislike 'Christian', and all that produces is intellectual confusion. Jesus was an early socialist, whereas Hitler murdered and died to save capitalism, as you know.

- - - Updated - - -

What was on the German soldiers buckle? Got mit uns or something.

'God' has nothing to do with the matter, as very well you know. You think anyone who uses thst word is a Christian, you live in a dream world.
'God' has nothing to do with the matter, as very well you know. You think anyone who uses thst word is a Christian, you live in a dream world.

Ultimately there is no test for "Christianity".

If one claims they are, they are.

It is all about "faith".

This primitive idea that faith has value.
Ultimately there is no test for "Christianity".

If one claims they are, they are.
That sounds like transgenderism

With one you get to pretend you will live forever. You get a lot of friends as deluded as you are to reinforce your "faith".

With the other you are a small minority, an outcast really.

Doesn't sound like the same thing to me at all.
Ultimately there is no test for "Christianity".

If one claims they are, they are.
That sounds like transgenderism

If you can use words to mean anything you choose, you have to be careful not to have a great fall - all the king's horses and all the king's men won't be able to put you together again. Lewis Carroll obviously knew such people! :)
That sounds like transgenderism

If you can use words to mean anything you choose, you have to be careful not to have a great fall - all the king's horses and all the king's men won't be able to put you together again. Lewis Carroll obviously knew such people! :)

Yeah, but Christianity has meant all manner of things in various ages. Today it's truly an empty vessel free for each Christian to project whatever nonsense on it they like onto. Yes, I think it's strange. But that doesn't stop Christians. There's a companion piece to the Bible called "the White Man's Bible". It's one of the most outrageous racist publications ever put out. One might say unchristian. But it was still fairly popular in USA among Christians back in the day.

Religion has always been great at validating whatever nonsense is popular to believe among people in general. No matter if it seems to violate core values in that religions holy text.

For example, the Bible is incompatible with democracy and religious freedom. Yet, that somehow doesn't stop USA or nominally Christian European countries. Not to mention gender equality. We've banned slavery, because we think it's wrong, completely violating those parts in the Bible. Gay rights?!?

Nah, Christianity can mean anything. It's a completely meaningless identity.
If you can use words to mean anything you choose, you have to be careful not to have a great fall - all the king's horses and all the king's men won't be able to put you together again. Lewis Carroll obviously knew such people! :)

Yeah, but Christianity has meant all manner of things in various ages. Today it's truly an empty vessel free for each Christian to project whatever nonsense on it they like onto. Yes, I think it's strange. But that doesn't stop Christians. There's a companion piece to the Bible called "the White Man's Bible". It's one of the most outrageous racist publications ever put out. One might say unchristian. But it was still fairly popular in USA among Christians back in the day.

Religion has always been great at validating whatever nonsense is popular to believe among people in general. No matter if it seems to violate core values in that religions holy text.

For example, the Bible is incompatible with democracy and religious freedom. Yet, that somehow doesn't stop USA or nominally Christian European countries. Not to mention gender equality. We've banned slavery, because we think it's wrong, completely violating those parts in the Bible. Gay rights?!?

Nah, Christianity can mean anything. It's a completely meaningless identity.
Umm... I'm really having trouble connecting the dots that led the OP to here.
If you can use words to mean anything you choose, you have to be careful not to have a great fall - all the king's horses and all the king's men won't be able to put you together again. Lewis Carroll obviously knew such people! :)

Yeah, but Christianity has meant all manner of things in various ages. Today it's truly an empty vessel free for each Christian to project whatever nonsense on it they like onto. Yes, I think it's strange. But that doesn't stop Christians. There's a companion piece to the Bible called "the White Man's Bible". It's one of the most outrageous racist publications ever put out. One might say unchristian. But it was still fairly popular in USA among Christians back in the day.

Religion has always been great at validating whatever nonsense is popular to believe among people in general. No matter if it seems to violate core values in that religions holy text.

For example, the Bible is incompatible with democracy and religious freedom. Yet, that somehow doesn't stop USA or nominally Christian European countries. Not to mention gender equality. We've banned slavery, because we think it's wrong, completely violating those parts in the Bible. Gay rights?!?

Nah, Christianity can mean anything. It's a completely meaningless identity.

Christianity is contained, surely, in the New Testament minus Revelations. Religion is anything you please, and its father.
Yeah, but Christianity has meant all manner of things in various ages. Today it's truly an empty vessel free for each Christian to project whatever nonsense on it they like onto. Yes, I think it's strange. But that doesn't stop Christians. There's a companion piece to the Bible called "the White Man's Bible". It's one of the most outrageous racist publications ever put out. One might say unchristian. But it was still fairly popular in USA among Christians back in the day.

Religion has always been great at validating whatever nonsense is popular to believe among people in general. No matter if it seems to violate core values in that religions holy text.

For example, the Bible is incompatible with democracy and religious freedom. Yet, that somehow doesn't stop USA or nominally Christian European countries. Not to mention gender equality. We've banned slavery, because we think it's wrong, completely violating those parts in the Bible. Gay rights?!?

Nah, Christianity can mean anything. It's a completely meaningless identity.
Umm... I'm really having trouble connecting the dots that led the OP to here.

Well, it's that sort of site, mun! :)
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