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Twitter likely to take idiots offer to buy them for $43 billion

Musk is reminding me of presidential candidate Trump.
"I'm rich. So rich I don't need anybody else's money.

Oh wait..."
Aaaand yea, those content moderators were needed.

Fascist Europeans being fascist.
These laws exist as a result of fascism in Europe. The fascism that got tens of millions killed defeating it.
Aaaand yea, those content moderators were needed.

Fascist Europeans being fascist.
These laws exist as a result of fascism in Europe. The fascism that got tens of millions killed defeating it.
Uh, you're okay with the government regulating speech? If you are, just say so. China and Iran okay with it, too. And who would you chose to censor what you could read? (Me, choose me!)
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't concerned about some deranged Tesla hater keying my car in a parking lot. So far I haven't seen any signs of backlash for simply owning a Tesla. Can't say the same for public figures.
I've had my car damaged.
It was about my "out and proud gay" thing. Somebody carved Faggot into the paint.
I never fixed it. To me, it was like having a bumper sticker with teeth.

Another reason for me to like you Tom. BTW that FU comment was for a funny comment you made about my delicate booty. I thought it was funny but now it's gone so it looks like I'm saying FU out of nowhere. Now, in my non-religious desire that Karma be a thing, I hope whoever carved that on your car gets a really really bad tattoo job.
Aaaand yea, those content moderators were needed.

Fascist Europeans being fascist.
These laws exist as a result of fascism in Europe. The fascism that got tens of millions killed defeating it.
Uh, you're okay with the government regulating speech? If you are, just say so. China and Iran okay with it, too. And who would you chose to censor what you could read? (Me, choose me!)

So ahh, can you provide a link to these fascist rules the EU is imposing on twitter? I mean, I'm all for the government not regulating speech it's the EU being fascist part I'm not seeing.
Aaaand yea, those content moderators were needed.

Fascist Europeans being fascist.
These laws exist as a result of fascism in Europe. The fascism that got tens of millions killed defeating it.
Uh, you're okay with the government regulating speech? If you are, just say so. China and Iran okay with it, too. And who would you chose to censor what you could read? (Me, choose me!)

So ahh, can you provide a link to these fascist rules the EU is imposing on twitter? I mean, I'm all for the government not regulating speech it's the EU being fascist part I'm not seeing.
Ah, if the government choses to decide what you can and cannot read/see/say, that's pretty much facism, or communism, or authoritrianism. There'll always be an excuse to censor. Always.
Aaaand yea, those content moderators were needed.

Fascist Europeans being fascist.

No. Europe has no need for Fascists or Nazis. That is why encouraging either is unacceptable. Your homework assignment. Google Karl Popper and the paradox of toleration.
The trouble with Twitter, if nothing else, is monetization of the product. They have struggled with that forever. Twitter provides a niche service that others provide better.

So Musk wants to reinvent Twitter into something else, but he seems utterly confused about the fundamentals like mistaking Twitter users as their customers instead of their product. And mistaking banning actual misinformation and Trump as political censorship.

These issues could be debilitating and Twitter very likely is going to have issues existing on its own.
The real difference between Twitter and other (possibly better) platforms is that Twitter is the main platform for politicians and entertainers to reach their audience. No other platform comes close in that respect.
The real difference between Twitter and other (possibly better) platforms is that Twitter is the main platform for politicians and entertainers to reach their audience. No other platform comes close in that respect.

Maybe that's why I never cared for Twitter. I have no interest in hearing blurbs from politicians and I couldn't care less about celebrities have to say.
Aaaand yea, those content moderators were needed.

Fascist Europeans being fascist.

No. Europe has no need for Fascists or Nazis. That is why encouraging either is unacceptable. Your homework assignment. Google Karl Popper and the paradox of toleration.
Yeah. Always an excuse to censor. Always. Scratch a leftist, reveal an authoritarian.
The real difference between Twitter and other (possibly better) platforms is that Twitter is the main platform for politicians and entertainers to reach their audience. No other platform comes close in that respect.

Maybe that's why I never cared for Twitter. I have no interest in hearing blurbs from politicians and I couldn't care less about celebrities have to say.
Twitter is much more than pols and celebs. Many neat and non-political accounts. That's why it can't be replaced by a hyperpartisan alternative.
Aaaand yea, those content moderators were needed.

Fascist Europeans being fascist.

No. Europe has no need for Fascists or Nazis. That is why encouraging either is unacceptable. Your homework assignment. Google Karl Popper and the paradox of toleration.
Yeah. Always an excuse to censor. Always. Scratch a leftist, reveal an authoritarian.

So it is perfectly acceptable for people to post anti-Semitic or racial incitations to violence? To denigrate public figures with lies, slanders and threats. Threats to rape or murder people some right winger hates?spread lies that get people killed like anti-vax disinformation? People who object to this are the authoritarians? Pull your head out.
Musk is turning out to be an eccentric wack job on the order of Trump.

Who knows, maybe Musk may run for president.

From Captain Obvious, he reveals a major weakness of our system. Money buys popular influence and control without any oversight or say so by the people.

It is the old slippery slope argument. Limit speech even if it is harmful because it can lead to restrictive limits a on all speech.

Same argumnt is made against gun control.
Aaaand yea, those content moderators were needed.

Fascist Europeans being fascist.

No. Europe has no need for Fascists or Nazis. That is why encouraging either is unacceptable. Your homework assignment. Google Karl Popper and the paradox of toleration.
Yeah. Always an excuse to censor. Always. Scratch a leftist, reveal an authoritarian.

So it is perfectly acceptable for people to post anti-Semitic or racial incitations to violence? To denigrate public figures with lies, slanders and threats. Threats to rape or murder people some right winger hates?spread lies that get people killed like anti-vax disinformation? People who object to this are the authoritarians? Pull your head out.
How can anyone on an atheist / agnostic board, with an understanding of history and contemporary politics, so blindly agree to the government censor? Do you deny that the Earth is the center of our univerise? That Christ is divine? Well, then.
From Captain Obvious, he reveals a major weakness of our system. Money buys popular influence and control without any oversight or say so by the people.
Money is only a problem when someone the left doesn't like does it. Remember the outrage when the Amazon billionare bought the WaPo? Me neither.
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