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Twitter likely to take idiots offer to buy them for $43 billion

Elon Musk's cost-cutting plans may have left hundreds of Twitter employees on high-skill work visas on a countdown to deportation.
At least 250 Twitter workers appear to be employed on a H-1B visa, according to official records and now face an uncertain future. And according to analysis of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) data by the National Foundation for American Policy, that number could be as high as 670, or 8% of the company pre-cuts, Forbes reported.


670 H-1B visas getting emptied. B2B
You don’t think people n H-1Bs can find work within 60 days? I’ll bet they don’t even have to look. The work will find them.

I wonder how these H-1Bs are getting on finding work.

Google, Amazon, Meta, Microsoft, IBM between them have laid off 50k+

Seems Elon was actually ahead of the curve to start the cull.
Zoom has just announced 1,300 layoffs. 15% of their workforce.

Maybe Musk was onto something after all.

Zoom tripled its workforce during the pandemic. As far as cutting back my only question would be, what took them so long?

I would still refer you to post #1111. Search and ye shall find. There's plenty of stories about just this.

Unemployment is the lowest it's been since 1969 all thanks to Joe Biden, the best president since Lincoln.

Yahoo laying off 20% of it's workforce, GitHub laying off 10% of its workforce.

The ex Twitter people may not find a new job as easily as you think.
Scuttlebut on Twitter is that Musk threw a tantrum at his last few software engineers because fewer people appear to be responding to his posts and he has accused them of shaddowbanning him! Seems they showed him data that his Google numbers are also way down so he fired one engineer.

What a twat. I'm sure people have in vast numbers just decided he's boring and have ignored or blocked him.

Scuttlebut on Twitter is that Musk threw a tantrum at his last few software engineers because fewer people appear to be responding to his posts and he has accused them of shaddowbanning him! Seems they showed him data that his Google numbers are also way down so he fired one engineer.

If true, the engineer will have no problem finding another job so why the whining?

Meanwhile that idiot Musk just finished testing one of his rockets;

Elon Musk's Starship is another step closer to making its maiden orbital flight after SpaceX engineers successfully completed a key engine-firing test. The so-called 'static fire' – carried out at a launch pad in south Texas – involved the simultaneous igniting of 31 out of 33 of the engines at the base of the $3 billion (£2.4 billion) vehicle's lower-segment. It had been hoped that all 33 Raptors would fire during yesterday's test, but Musk said his team turned off one engine before it started and another shut down of its own accord. 'But still enough engines to reach orbit!' the billionaire tweeted about Starship, which is set to blast into orbit for the first time next month and become the most powerful operational rocket system in history. NASA is counting on Starship to ferry astronauts to the lunar surface in a few years, while further down the road, Musk wants to use the mammoth Starships to send large numbers of people to the Red Planet.

Daily Mail
Elon Musk's cost-cutting plans may have left hundreds of Twitter employees on high-skill work visas on a countdown to deportation.
At least 250 Twitter workers appear to be employed on a H-1B visa, according to official records and now face an uncertain future. And according to analysis of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) data by the National Foundation for American Policy, that number could be as high as 670, or 8% of the company pre-cuts, Forbes reported.


670 H-1B visas getting emptied. B2B
You don’t think people n H-1Bs can find work within 60 days? I’ll bet they don’t even have to look. The work will find them.

I wonder how these H-1Bs are getting on finding work.

Google, Amazon, Meta, Microsoft, IBM between them have laid off 50k+

Seems Elon was actually ahead of the curve to start the cull.
Zoom has just announced 1,300 layoffs. 15% of their workforce.

Maybe Musk was onto something after all.

Zoom tripled its workforce during the pandemic. As far as cutting back my only question would be, what took them so long?

I would still refer you to post #1111. Search and ye shall find. There's plenty of stories about just this.

Unemployment is the lowest it's been since 1969 all thanks to Joe Biden, the best president since Lincoln.

Yahoo laying off 20% of it's workforce, GitHub laying off 10% of its workforce.

The ex Twitter people may not find a new job as easily as you think.

Deere hiring. Caterpillar hiring. Auto manufacturers and other large equipment manufacturers all hiring. Setting up hubs in Austin and Chicago for the urban dwellers or work from home it they so desire. It's all good. Large agricultural and construction equipment manufacturers are moving toward remote control equipment and integrating AI.
Think they're going to want to go back to their 80 hour in office workdays at UselessSocialMedia.com just because there's gedunk and a foosball table? I think not. Or the 10 million starter homes around Silicon Valley? Highly doubtful.

Silicon Valley layoffs are a boon for tech-hungry farm equipment makers
Between Amazon, Yahoo, Zoom etc, at least 150k laid off. Sure Deere, Caterpillar etc will absorb some but it’s just not going to be anywhere near the numbers shed in Silicon Valley.
a Tesla thing rather than Twitter.

Tesla is moving its engineering HQ back to California. Gee, he supposedly moved out there for lower taxes and cheaper labor (and less regulations). I don't think those things have changed, and there doesn't seem to be an explanation for the move back.

My wild guesses are
  1. Elon made friends in California
  2. Future Production plans in California makes this move a necessity
  3. Talent pool for engineers suffered after moving to Texas and Elon wants to go back to the glory days
  4. Avoiding some stupid law in Texas
  5. Elon quit running from the fact that his main customers are liberals
  6. All or some of the above
Elon quit running from the fact that his main customers are liberals
I think this is part of it. Smoozing with Newsom deflates the "he's a Nazi" charge. But note that he's keeping his personal residence and Tesla corporate headquarters in Texas. He's not stupid.
Elon quit running from the fact that his main customers are liberals
I think this is part of it. Smoozing with Newsom deflates the "he's a Nazi" charge. But note that he's keeping his personal residence and Tesla corporate headquarters in Texas. He's not stupid.
He isn't stupid, but he isn't remotely as smart as he or the Teslarati think he is.
Between Amazon, Yahoo, Zoom etc, at least 150k laid off. Sure Deere, Caterpillar etc will absorb some but it’s just not going to be anywhere near the numbers shed in Silicon Valley.
A large % of those people aren’t tech workers; they just work for a tech company. Twitter fired actual, competent tech workers, who aren’t having trouble finding jobs. In fact, Google, Meta, etc. are hiring some of them.
A large % of those people aren’t tech workers; they just work for a tech company.
Correct. They were DEI deadweight.

Twitter fired actual, competent tech workers, who aren’t having trouble finding jobs.
Perhaps, but's Twitter is running fine.


a Tesla thing rather than Twitter.

Tesla is moving its engineering HQ back to California. Gee, he supposedly moved out there for lower taxes and cheaper labor (and less regulations). I don't think those things have changed, and there doesn't seem to be an explanation for the move back.

Musk discovered the top talent isn't just going to follow him. If the best engineers want to live and work in Southern California, who they work for is a secondary consideration.
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