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Two Weeks Until Election Day

Cheerful Charlie

Nov 10, 2005
Houston, Texas
Basic Beliefs
Strong Atheist
Tomorrow, Monday we will be only 2 weeks until election day.

Now it all gets serious. Lots of people usually make up their minds in the last few weeks, though it seems not many people who are undecided are left. Voter registration is up by record amounts. we might expect to see a lot of dirty tricks, legal threats, and chaos. From here on out it gets serious. The end of early voting is coming to an end in many states. Everybody is pissed off.

Trump is now well behind nationally and in the swing states he won in 2016 that gave him the electoral college. He has spent his money. And is doubling down on ugly campaigning.

It is going to be an interesting two weeks, to say the least. Can the Democrats win the Senates? 538 gives them a 69% of doing so.

We may have two weeks of final vote counting, law suits, squalling Fox News eedjits and savage Democratic counter actions. and maybe rifle toting boogaloo boys doing some nasty 'poll watching'.

Are you ready?
How is all this insanity playing overseas? (Or just north of me, in Canada?) We always holler about 'We, the people' and 'by the consent of the governed'. Here we have a President crowing that he can only be defeated if the other side rigs the whole thing; he has multiple lawsuits pending, challenging the various states that run elections in ways he doesn't like; we have states like Georgia with people waiting in line to vote for unbearably long hours; large metro areas with one drop box; many states with reduced numbers of polling places. Plus dirty tricks in Michigan (the robo call hoax); voter abortions in states that may scrub your name if it's hyphenated, and you dropped the hyphen; DeJoy in the P.O., doing God knows what...what a mess. The entrenched politics that brought us here will make it excruciatingly difficult to get sensible reform measures enacted. SCOTUS certainly won't step in, based on what they did to the Voting Rights Act before they got Trump's add-ons. Look away, world. We're hideous.
How is all this insanity playing overseas? (Or just north of me, in Canada?) We always holler about 'We, the people' and 'by the consent of the governed'. Here we have a President crowing that he can only be defeated if the other side rigs the whole thing; he has multiple lawsuits pending, challenging the various states that run elections in ways he doesn't like; we have states like Georgia with people waiting in line to vote for unbearably long hours; large metro areas with one drop box; many states with reduced numbers of polling places. Plus dirty tricks in Michigan (the robo call hoax); voter abortions in states that may scrub your name if it's hyphenated, and you dropped the hyphen; DeJoy in the P.O., doing God knows what...what a mess. The entrenched politics that brought us here will make it excruciatingly difficult to get sensible reform measures enacted. SCOTUS certainly won't step in, based on what they did to the Voting Rights Act before they got Trump's add-ons. Look away, world. We're hideous.

It is disgusting. No pride for my country now. Even if Trump loses and democrats take the senate, this should not even be in doubt if this was an honorable or enlightened country. Even if Trump loses by an electoral landslide, far too many will vote for that man for me to have any pride in this fallen country.
How is all this insanity playing overseas? (Or just north of me, in Canada?) We always holler about 'We, the people' and 'by the consent of the governed'. Here we have a President crowing that he can only be defeated if the other side rigs the whole thing; he has multiple lawsuits pending, challenging the various states that run elections in ways he doesn't like; we have states like Georgia with people waiting in line to vote for unbearably long hours; large metro areas with one drop box; many states with reduced numbers of polling places. Plus dirty tricks in Michigan (the robo call hoax); voter abortions in states that may scrub your name if it's hyphenated, and you dropped the hyphen; DeJoy in the P.O., doing God knows what...what a mess. The entrenched politics that brought us here will make it excruciatingly difficult to get sensible reform measures enacted. SCOTUS certainly won't step in, based on what they did to the Voting Rights Act before they got Trump's add-ons. Look away, world. We're hideous.

To be honest I'm concerned and worried about the next few months in the US looking from afar. It's almost every day something happens that I just shake my head at.
Part of me has Biden with a strong enough win early enough so as to give little wind to any sparks struck by ignant, gun toting right-wing thugs.
The other part of me started taking on extra canned goods yesterday. If not for after-election dickery, then for Trump’s Covid Winter.
How is all this insanity playing overseas? (Or just north of me, in Canada?) We always holler about 'We, the people' and 'by the consent of the governed'. Here we have a President crowing that he can only be defeated if the other side rigs the whole thing; he has multiple lawsuits pending, challenging the various states that run elections in ways he doesn't like; we have states like Georgia with people waiting in line to vote for unbearably long hours; large metro areas with one drop box; many states with reduced numbers of polling places. Plus dirty tricks in Michigan (the robo call hoax); voter abortions in states that may scrub your name if it's hyphenated, and you dropped the hyphen; DeJoy in the P.O., doing God knows what...what a mess. The entrenched politics that brought us here will make it excruciatingly difficult to get sensible reform measures enacted. SCOTUS certainly won't step in, based on what they did to the Voting Rights Act before they got Trump's add-ons. Look away, world. We're hideous.

Why do you yanks seem to hate each other so much?
How is all this insanity playing overseas? (Or just north of me, in Canada?) We always holler about 'We, the people' and 'by the consent of the governed'. Here we have a President crowing that he can only be defeated if the other side rigs the whole thing; he has multiple lawsuits pending, challenging the various states that run elections in ways he doesn't like; we have states like Georgia with people waiting in line to vote for unbearably long hours; large metro areas with one drop box; many states with reduced numbers of polling places. Plus dirty tricks in Michigan (the robo call hoax); voter abortions in states that may scrub your name if it's hyphenated, and you dropped the hyphen; DeJoy in the P.O., doing God knows what...what a mess. The entrenched politics that brought us here will make it excruciatingly difficult to get sensible reform measures enacted. SCOTUS certainly won't step in, based on what they did to the Voting Rights Act before they got Trump's add-ons. Look away, world. We're hideous.

Why do you yanks seem to hate each other so much?

We're an ugly little Empire, at odds with itself as to whether it is okay to be an ugly little Empire. How could that end well? A solid fifth of us are former victims of the current government's many attempts at enslavement and genocide, and nearly everyone is a descendant of a brutal Civil War that never truly ended.
How is all this insanity playing overseas? (Or just north of me, in Canada?) We always holler about 'We, the people' and 'by the consent of the governed'. Here we have a President crowing that he can only be defeated if the other side rigs the whole thing; he has multiple lawsuits pending, challenging the various states that run elections in ways he doesn't like; we have states like Georgia with people waiting in line to vote for unbearably long hours; large metro areas with one drop box; many states with reduced numbers of polling places. Plus dirty tricks in Michigan (the robo call hoax); voter abortions in states that may scrub your name if it's hyphenated, and you dropped the hyphen; DeJoy in the P.O., doing God knows what...what a mess. The entrenched politics that brought us here will make it excruciatingly difficult to get sensible reform measures enacted. SCOTUS certainly won't step in, based on what they did to the Voting Rights Act before they got Trump's add-ons. Look away, world. We're hideous.

Why do you yanks seem to hate each other so much?
Simple answer? Slavery... still. Still fucking slavery. The South and North had issues between 1820 and 1861, and then it really got bad. Then the South lost a rebellion, but won immorality and were able to Jim Crow things up... all the while holding a grudge against the North for decades, turn a century, turn 150 years! The animosity grew in the second American Civil War, primarily fought in the US Courts, which the South lost again, but it was slow progress, many civil right leaders lives were lost!

Then post Watergate, the GOP just got real ugly, manufactured a right-wing media empire that has grown over the last 30 to 40 years into a goliath that produced an army of willfully politically ignorant fucks that literally say they want the Federal Government's hands off our Social Security and Medicare. There people, who can be quite intelligent otherwise, have been sucked into this info vacuum. The GOP has run off the rails since the 90s. The GOP impeached Clinton, stole a SCOTUS seat, used the Congressional investigation bodies as a political tool to harm the candidacy of Hillary Clinton. The Tea Baggers are shifting towards an anonymous Q-Anon conspiracy Jonestown like cult where they think Trump is saving America (and the Children) from the liberals, who'll allegedly be imprisoned in a great awakening.

The animosity has snowballed out of control, and at this point, we are along for the ride. Liberals are hardly the enlightened ones, but the right-wing has become entrenched in fantasy.
How is all this insanity playing overseas? (Or just north of me, in Canada?) We always holler about 'We, the people' and 'by the consent of the governed'. Here we have a President crowing that he can only be defeated if the other side rigs the whole thing; he has multiple lawsuits pending, challenging the various states that run elections in ways he doesn't like; we have states like Georgia with people waiting in line to vote for unbearably long hours; large metro areas with one drop box; many states with reduced numbers of polling places. Plus dirty tricks in Michigan (the robo call hoax); voter abortions in states that may scrub your name if it's hyphenated, and you dropped the hyphen; DeJoy in the P.O., doing God knows what...what a mess. The entrenched politics that brought us here will make it excruciatingly difficult to get sensible reform measures enacted. SCOTUS certainly won't step in, based on what they did to the Voting Rights Act before they got Trump's add-ons. Look away, world. We're hideous.

Why do you yanks seem to hate each other so much?

We do not value education nor public health as much as most other modern societies
We do not value the lessons of History, nor honor our elderly
We value individual perspectives of "Personal Freedom" higher than the those for the "National Good"
Our freedom to speak has become some kind of privilege to be heard
Our fellow citizens are both densely populated and also widely dispersed, creating niches of conflicting culture
The degree of our barely-regulated capitalism has made greed a kind of virtue to be expected from all
How is all this insanity playing overseas? (Or just north of me, in Canada?) We always holler about 'We, the people' and 'by the consent of the governed'. Here we have a President crowing that he can only be defeated if the other side rigs the whole thing; he has multiple lawsuits pending, challenging the various states that run elections in ways he doesn't like; we have states like Georgia with people waiting in line to vote for unbearably long hours; large metro areas with one drop box; many states with reduced numbers of polling places. Plus dirty tricks in Michigan (the robo call hoax); voter abortions in states that may scrub your name if it's hyphenated, and you dropped the hyphen; DeJoy in the P.O., doing God knows what...what a mess. The entrenched politics that brought us here will make it excruciatingly difficult to get sensible reform measures enacted. SCOTUS certainly won't step in, based on what they did to the Voting Rights Act before they got Trump's add-ons. Look away, world. We're hideous.

Why do you yanks seem to hate each other so much?

1) "Rest of the world" is not a popular concept in certain areas of the US

2) Watch SKY News and listen to Ben Fordham on the radio. Imagine that being your only source of news and information for 50+ years and you can understand how some Americans think "those other people" are their greatest enemy. It's a very profitable industry scaring the living shit out of Americans with innuendo regarding AOC and George Soros.
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