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Ultimate YouTube Videos


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Pianos taste terrible, even with honey.
These guys live just up the road from me (apparently) though i don't know them

Ravens are cool. They liked to watch me work in Yosemite.
I had a few days in a dry pit where flow and pressure sensors are located that monitor the poopy water. Each morning I'd open the pit, climb down, look up, and there he was. I'd chat him up. He'd caw back a bit but I think he was more interested in figuring out how to change a desiccant pack. He was good enough to let me know a coyote was passing by with a rather stressed call. Good thing. I'd hate to look up in the middle of a conversation and see Wile E. instead.

Not sure why they felt it was necessary to add the Benny Hill music, but eh.

Not sure why they felt it was necessary to add the Benny Hill music, but eh.

Sagan was an atheist and not a creationist, therefore everything he said was stupid. Ergo, the Benny Hill music lets you know that Sagan is stupid.

Rightists need that kind of reinforcement.

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Ok you did ask for videos that made me laugh :)

Oldie but goodie!

While I strenuously disagree with his assertion that it is pointless to argue with creationists, his critique of creationists is spot on.
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