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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

And ACORN registered ISIS members to vote in US elections.

And Reverend Wright preached sermons to them. That's why they hate America.

And Obama taught ISIS that there are 60 states in the U.S.
And ACORN registered ISIS members to vote in US elections.

And Reverend Wright preached sermons to them. That's why they hate America.

And Obama taught ISIS that there are 60 states in the U.S.
While bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia!

See kids. This is how it is in American Politics. Republicans complain about these serious issues, while liberals attack the very foundations of America by questioning claims of WMDs in Iraq on the run-up to the invasion or FEMA reliability while rescue help awaited red tape to be cut up before they could help those in New Orleans, or noting that things were going to hell in Iraq, losing several thousands of soldiers. God bless the GOP and God bless America!
And ACORN registered ISIS members to vote in US elections.

And Reverend Wright preached sermons to them. That's why they hate America.

And Obama taught ISIS that there are 60 states in the U.S.
While bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia!

See kids. This is how it is in American Politics. Republicans complain about these serious issues, while liberals attack the very foundations of America by questioning claims of WMDs in Iraq on the run-up to the invasion or FEMA reliability while rescue help awaited red tape to be cut up before they could help those in New Orleans, or noting that things were going to hell in Iraq, losing several thousands of soldiers. God bless the GOP and God bless America!

I could not agree more with your assessment of the Republican Administration's bumbling and giving away the store to the bankers and the oil people. But...the milquetoast Democrats have demonstrated much of the same type of ineptitude. It might be a fair assessment that the democratic process has completely slipped away from the people and has been captured by corporate and military-industrial interests. Sometimes, I feel I am living in the land of the blind, where it is the task of us all to remove the offending organ (eyes) for the sake of social cohesiveness.

I suppose every generation hopes...maybe the next one will finally be allowed to keep their eyes! Despite all our best efforts to foster a hopeful outlook, I feel the subject of media wide discourse is perhaps as constricted as the Roman Catholic Dogma was at its height. We need something that is currently not available in the political pantheon of our time...an awakening to our current environmental and social condition and general consensus that we need to change our ways. I just wonder which of our current societal liabilities will become so onerous that it can snuff our civilization from the planet. Will it be nuclear war based on religion? Will it be mass extinction as a result of driving our CO2 to 800ppm? Will it be massive total crop failure? These things are all rearing their ugly heads...along with the personality contests between the Bushes, the Cruzes, and Hillary (just more ugly heads).:sadyes:
I have been hearing some bad things about Clinton lately, about her cover up about the Benghazi affair. I think if that's true she's not suited to the top job.
She's pretty much a diehard dupe of Israel.
Hateful Hillary

The woman is extraordinarily vulgar, reprehensibly and pathologically dishonest, and unfit to hold any public office, much less
that of POTUS. She was fired from her early job in law, and has since disgraced herself time and again. She is being
worshiped simply as liberal payback for her sufferings at the hand of her sexual predator husband. How anyone can possibly
defend this individual is incomprehensible to me.

"Let's say Hillary is a lesbian." - Dick Morris on a talk radio show about 10 years ago, after he fell from the Clintons' grace
Buddy: he was being sarcastic!!

I gathered that but let it ride as I see a Clinton apologist block here!
I can see how could be confused with people debunking claims with Clinton apologism. It looks so similar. I personally don't want Clinton to be President. But if someone brings up the atrocity of Benghazi where 2 million Americans were sent to camps and killed on Clinton's orders, I will object.
"Let's say Hillary is a lesbian." - Dick Morris on a talk radio show about 10 years ago, after he fell from the Clintons' grace

Oooh! That's gonna leave a mark! 'Cause being a lesbian is so awful, right? Wait. It isn't.
Presumably meaning that she is not a Real Woman but a woman who acts like some male stereotypes.

I note that nobody has identified any woman as her lover.
Hateful Hillary

The woman is extraordinarily vulgar, reprehensibly and pathologically dishonest, and unfit to hold any public office, much less
that of POTUS. She was fired from her early job in law, and has since disgraced herself time and again. She is being
worshiped simply as liberal payback for her sufferings at the hand of her sexual predator husband. How anyone can possibly
defend this individual is incomprehensible to me.

"Let's say Hillary is a lesbian." - Dick Morris on a talk radio show about 10 years ago, after he fell from the Clintons' grace

How insightful! Please do go on.
I gathered that but let it ride as I see a Clinton apologist block here!
I can see how could be confused with people debunking claims with Clinton apologism. It looks so similar. I personally don't want Clinton to be President. But if someone brings up the atrocity of Benghazi where 2 million Americans were sent to camps and killed on Clinton's orders, I will object.
I would simply settle on some evidence that she tried to cover up anything regarding Benghazi. But the damn republicans on the committee keep clearing her after each congressional investigation. Where's Ken Starr.....!
"Let's say Hillary is a lesbian." - Dick Morris on a talk radio show about 10 years ago, after he fell from the Clintons' grace

Oooh! That's gonna leave a mark! 'Cause being a lesbian is so awful, right? Wait. It isn't.

When leftists aren't defending homosexuality, they are accusing conservatives and Christians of being homosexual.
There are many, many other extant hypocrisies practiced by the left, most notably accusing everybody else of being racist when
in fact Democrats/liberals are more racist by far than Republicans/conservatives.

"I'll have those ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years." - Lyndon Baines Johnson

- - - Updated - - -

She's pretty much a diehard dupe of Israel.

This doesn't separate her from many US politicians!

Spoken like a Muslim terrorist supporter.

If only Israel had weapons, there would be peace throughout the region.
If only the Muslims had weapons, there would be no Israel.
Well, if Hillary were a lesbian, Bill would likely be very happy because it would up the chances of his being able to convince her of a threesome. Not that Bill has much trouble getting one of those as it is, but he'd be able to ask his wife to join in and that's just good manners.
Oooh! That's gonna leave a mark! 'Cause being a lesbian is so awful, right? Wait. It isn't.

When leftists aren't defending homosexuality, they are accusing conservatives and Christians of being homosexual.
You must be gay.
There are many, many other extant hypocrisies practiced by the left, most notably accusing everybody else of being racist when
in fact Democrats/liberals are more racist by far than Republicans/conservatives.
I hate white people.

"I'll have those ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years." - Lyndon Baines Johnson
I have a picture of him on my night stand next to my bed.

She's pretty much a diehard dupe of Israel.

This doesn't separate her from many US politicians!

Spoken like a Muslim terrorist supporter.
IIDB (what this board was back then) was the place to be after 9/11. We were dancing and partying. Down with the white man!

If only Israel had weapons, there would be peace throughout the region.
Israel has no weapons because they... umm... well... boo Israel!
If only the Muslims had weapons, there would be no Israel.
They had weapons. Israel kicked their butts. Booooo!!!!

- - - Updated - - -

I can see how could be confused with people debunking claims with Clinton apologism. It looks so similar. I personally don't want Clinton to be President. But if someone brings up the atrocity of Benghazi where 2 million Americans were sent to camps and killed on Clinton's orders, I will object.
I would simply settle on some evidence that she tried to cover up anything regarding Benghazi. But the damn republicans on the committee keep clearing her after each congressional investigation. Where's Ken Starr.....!
And this is coming from a right-winger. Shit has gotten so tilted in DC, that right-wingers (actual ones) look like hippies.

You damn hippy!
Oooh! That's gonna leave a mark! 'Cause being a lesbian is so awful, right? Wait. It isn't.

When leftists aren't defending homosexuality, they are accusing conservatives and Christians of being homosexual.
There are many, many other extant hypocrisies practiced by the left, most notably accusing everybody else of being racist when
in fact Democrats/liberals are more racist by far than Republicans/conservatives.

"I'll have those ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years." - Lyndon Baines Johnson

- - - Updated - - -

She's pretty much a diehard dupe of Israel.

This doesn't separate her from many US politicians!

Spoken like a Muslim terrorist supporter.

If only Israel had weapons, there would be peace throughout the region.
If only the Muslims had weapons, there would be no Israel.

You've been here for a couple days and assume that I'm a Muslim terrorist supporter! Thanks buddy, maybe now I'll start getting some rep!
When leftists aren't defending homosexuality, they are accusing conservatives and Christians of being homosexual.
There are many, many other extant hypocrisies practiced by the left,
It's not 'accusing' conservatives of being homosexuals.
But every time the more virulent anti-gays get caught in a homosexual tryst, it seems more and more likely that the driving force of the anti-gay movement is self-hatred. So maybe the word you're looking for isn't 'accusing' but 'observing.'

"Paying Attention," even.

But that's okay. We'll still defend their right to BE homosexuals. Maybe they'll work out their issues and embrace their real natures.

Want a hug?
Oh please let Starman be a creationist also, I need to read some more loonie posts! :D
We can always hope, but I think this is the same person who has bounced here at least twice before in the very recent past.
Well, if Hillary were a lesbian, Bill would likely be very happy because it would up the chances of his being able to convince her of a threesome. Not that Bill has much trouble getting one of those as it is, but he'd be able to ask his wife to join in and that's just good manners.


Good one. :wink:

IMO of the available candidates, at least the ones with a realistic chance of winning, Hillary Clinton is probably the best choice for me. That's subject to change, but that doesn't seem likely at this time.
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