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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

How about using private email address for government business?

You are kidding right?

Well Benghazi is the worst ever terrorist attack on Americans, and there has been no investigation whatsoever into the tragic loss of 4 American citizens. If I remember correctly that is the most Americans ever killed in a terrorist attack. Certainly the most killed in a Muslim country, and the fact that there has been no hearings on the debacle is troubling, don't you think?

If you don't count the 1983 bombing of the Beirut Hotel which killed 241 Marines. The only investigation of that was a military commission which determined that barbed wire was an insufficient defense against a truck bomb.
No I'm not kidding at all!
You are just hearing about it now? After the xteen Republican Inquisitions?

Yeah; That's because Angelo doesn't live in the US, and the story didn't exist at all outside the US.

It's actually a good way to filter the few grains of wheat from the torrent of chaff when it comes to political news. The level of coverage at home is meaningless, as it is as likely to be driven by political spin-doctors and professional publicists as it is by any actual importance to the story. So if you want to know if the news has any chance of being important, look at how much airtime it is getting overseas.

If you are in the US*, and CNN, Fox, CBS, NBC etc. are all talking about the '<prefix>gate' scandal, try to find the BBC or ABC (Australia) flagship domestic news show streaming online. If <prefix>gate isn't mentioned (or gets two seconds of 'And in America, people are going nuts about...' coverage at the 45 minute mark, after the business news and just before the football results), then you know it is a political beat up.

The only stories worth your notice are the ones that are making headlines on at least three continents simultaneously, or the ones that occurred in your home town - or if you live in a big city, your part of your home town.

The rest is bullshit. You can afford to ignore it.

*This is even easier for people outside the US; If CNN, CBS and NBC think a story from outside the US is worth mentioning, then it's probably very important indeed (unless they have footage of an impressive vehicle collision or explosion - those stories always get airtime, and can always be safely ignored unless they happened in your home town). Fox don't recognise the existence of non-explosion-footage incidents outside the US at all.
Well Benghazi is the worst ever terrorist attack on Americans, and there has been no investigation whatsoever into the tragic loss of 4 American citizens. If I remember correctly that is the most Americans ever killed in a terrorist attack. Certainly the most killed in a Muslim country, and the fact that there has been no hearings on the debacle is troubling, don't you think?

If you don't count the 1983 bombing of the Beirut Hotel which killed 241 Marines. The only investigation of that was a military commission which determined that barbed wire was an insufficient defense against a truck bomb.

I rest my case. Four is clearly more than 241. Why hasn't Hillary been arrested???!!!

I have been hearing some bad things about Clinton lately, about her cover up about the Benghazi affair. I think if that's true she's not suited to the top job.

Good job bringing up the ONLY city in Libya that Democrats are aware of. The whole rest of the country doesn't even exist, and all the chaos and bloodshed resulting from the western backed coup don't exist as long as people know the word "Bengazi."

I'd say that the whole Libya fiasco, from start to finish, is a black mark against Clinton, but the only part of Libya that exists anymore is Bengazi.
I have been hearing some bad things about Clinton lately, about her cover up about the Benghazi affair. I think if that's true she's not suited to the top job.

Good job bringing up the ONLY city in Libya that Democrats are aware of. The whole rest of the country doesn't even exist, and all the chaos and bloodshed resulting from the western backed coup don't exist as long as people know the word "Bengazi."

I'd say that the whole Libya fiasco, from start to finish, is a black mark against Clinton, but the only part of Libya that exists anymore is Bengazi.
Great point! Because all things that happen in foreign nations is due to the US. There are no other nations that get involved in other nations like France or such.

One could note Libya wasn't much of a nation to start with. Little infrastructure and what not to birth a democracy from, but you know... Hillary!
Great point! Because all things that happen in foreign nations is due to the US. There are no other nations that get involved in other nations like France or such. One could note Libya wasn't much of a nation to start with. Little infrastructure and what not to birth a democracy from, but you know... Hillary!
Neocons believe that the U.S. must fix the ME, and all problems there are due to Obama and Clinton!
Whatever. And non-interventionist libertarians (which is all of them) see US intervention - under any president or party - making bad situations worse over and over again. Libya wasn't a great place to begin with, but it is worse now, thanks to the neocon hawk Hillary and the Nobel Peace Prize winning warmonger.

I remember people telling me, on this board's ancestor board, how Libya doesn't count as a war. I guess all the casualties aren't dead either, and that is why only the city of Bengazi exists and the whole rest of the country is blanked-out.
Libya wasn't a great place to begin with, but it is worse now, thanks to the neocon hawk Hillary and the Nobel Peace Prize winning warmonger.

Yeah, because what's happening in Libya right now has absolutely nothing to do with the Libyans. :rolleyes:
You are kidding right?

Well Benghazi is the worst ever terrorist attack on Americans, and there has been no investigation whatsoever into the tragic loss of 4 American citizens. If I remember correctly that is the most Americans ever killed in a terrorist attack. Certainly the most killed in a Muslim country, and the fact that there has been no hearings on the debacle is troubling, don't you think?

Exactly my point and the point of many others. That it's a cover up by those who stuffed up! These are American lives that were lost by someone's incompetence.
Well Benghazi is the worst ever terrorist attack on Americans, and there has been no investigation whatsoever into the tragic loss of 4 American citizens. If I remember correctly that is the most Americans ever killed in a terrorist attack. Certainly the most killed in a Muslim country, and the fact that there has been no hearings on the debacle is troubling, don't you think?

Exactly my point and the point of many others. That it's a cover up by those who stuffed up! These are American lives that were lost by someone's incompetence.
Who stuffed up? The Republican inquisitions (what 4 or 5 of them?) never determined anyone stuffed up.
Jason: I've been reading your posts for 10 years. I can't think of a time where you called out a republican on foreign policy. IMO, I think that the US should pull completely out of the ME. It's the most fucked up place in the world due to their religion. We ought to just let them fight it out and stay the hell out. But I have a minority position in the US. The fact is that Obama and Hillary are better than the opposition. Obama "invaded" Libya. But then he pulled out. If a republican were in office today, no doubt in my mind we'd have US troops in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Ukraine. And we'd be planning invasion of Iran. This is the basic foreign policy of every single republican running for president in 2016 except for the wacky Rand Paul. But Paul is becoming militaristic every day.
Exactly my point and the point of many others. That it's a cover up by those who stuffed up! These are American lives that were lost by someone's incompetence.
Who stuffed up? The Republican inquisitions (what 4 or 5 of them?) never determined anyone stuffed up.
And there will be several more investigations over the next year as well!
Who stuffed up? The Republican inquisitions (what 4 or 5 of them?) never determined anyone stuffed up.
And there will be several more investigations over the next year as well!

And they will damn well keep investigating until someone gives them the picture of Hillary knifing the US Ambassador in the throat while a crowd of ISIS generals are on their knees before her worshipping her as the Prophet Reborn. They know damn well that this picture is out there and it's only Obama's illegal coersion of the FBI investigators which is keeping it from being handed over. :mad:
And there will be several more investigations over the next year as well!

And they will damn well keep investigating until someone gives them the picture of Hillary knifing the US Ambassador in the throat while a crowd of ISIS generals are on their knees before her worshipping her as the Prophet Reborn. They know damn well that this picture is out there and it's only Obama's illegal coersion of the FBI investigators which is keeping it from being handed over. :mad:
And don't forget the IRS's involvement of keeping it under wraps by delaying tax exempt statuses of Tea Party groups!
And they will damn well keep investigating until someone gives them the picture of Hillary knifing the US Ambassador in the throat while a crowd of ISIS generals are on their knees before her worshipping her as the Prophet Reborn. They know damn well that this picture is out there and it's only Obama's illegal coersion of the FBI investigators which is keeping it from being handed over. :mad:
And don't forget the IRS's involvement of keeping it under wraps by delaying tax exempt statuses of Tea Party groups!

Don't leave out the part where the guns supplied to the ISIS generals were handed to them by Eric Holder as part of his "Fast & Furious Arming Our Enemies" program!

Oh, and Saul Alinsky! Can't mention Hillary and/or Obama without bringing up Saul Alinsky!!!
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