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Vague Threats, Direct Threats, Insults...


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
White house diplomacy...
Don the Con gets on the phone, insults the PM of Australia and hangs up on him, threatens to send troops into Mexico, and trots his security advisor out to announce that he has put Iran "on notice".
Not bad for one day... by next week it could be USA vs The World.
White house diplomacy...
Don the Con gets on the phone, insults the PM of Australia and hangs up on him, threatens to send troops into Mexico, and trots his security advisor out to announce that he has put Iran "on notice".
Not bad for one day... by next week it could be USA vs The World.

It appears the earlier claims were false.

Mexico has denied Donald Trump threatened to send American soldiers into the country during a telephone conversation with his counterpart, President Enrique Peña Nieto.

Such a threat “did not happen during that call,” the Mexican government said in a statement, released on Twitter on Wednesday night.

r Turnbull also made clear that the deal made with Barack Obama was “not an acceptance to take in everyone.”

“Can I just make this clear, the suggestion in some parts of the media . that this involves taking refugees sight unseen is wrong, it has always been based on the premise that the US homeland security officials would take into consideration their vetting measures.

“It is possible that they will take a smaller or larger number.”

“Trump didn’t hang up on me”

As for the US putting Iran on notice which seems to be correct, I have no idea what it means. Maybe Trump's going send a tweet if it happens again.
Have you got your pink hat yet?
I give this turkey six months. I could be wrong. We could be a nation of gobblers...but I think six months ought to do it. An insult a day...perhaps a number of deaths in the population that lost its health care...perhaps a new level of torture at Gitmo. There is no saying. It is really ugly!
I give this turkey six months. I could be wrong. We could be a nation of gobblers...but I think six months ought to do it. An insult a day...perhaps a number of deaths in the population that lost its health care...perhaps a new level of torture at Gitmo. There is no saying. It is really ugly!

Six months until what? You have no mechanism to remove him beyond having the religious nutjobs to whom he's giving everything they want decide they don't want him giving them stuff anymore.
Six months until what?

We're evacuating arkirk to Canada.

Try to get that room above your garage cleaned up by then.

Sorry, due to the recent mass shooting by a Trump supporter, there's a temporary hold on refugees from the United States. This isn't any kind of anti-American measure, just a pause while our federal agencies look into the security implications.
I give this turkey six months. I could be wrong. We could be a nation of gobblers...but I think six months ought to do it. An insult a day...perhaps a number of deaths in the population that lost its health care...perhaps a new level of torture at Gitmo. There is no saying. It is really ugly!

Six months until what? You have no mechanism to remove him beyond having the religious nutjobs to whom he's giving everything they want decide they don't want him giving them stuff anymore.

The two primary methods for removing him are: 1) impeachment and conviction of "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors" and 2)the 25th amendment.
Six months until what? You have no mechanism to remove him beyond having the religious nutjobs to whom he's giving everything they want decide they don't want him giving them stuff anymore.

The two primary methods for removing him are: 1) impeachment and conviction of "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors" and 2)the 25th amendment.

Let's not talk about creating a martyr, shall we? Much better to send him to the Federal Pen in Florence CO as a traitor. Most of his supporters would still support him, but the stench might result in Nazi sympathizers losing the Senate and maybe even the House.
We're evacuating arkirk to Canada.

Try to get that room above your garage cleaned up by then.

Sorry, due to the recent mass shooting by a Trump supporter, there's a temporary hold on refugees from the United States. This isn't any kind of anti-American measure, just a pause while our federal agencies look into the security implications.

I thought it was some french canadian guy. Good luck getting rid of them.

- - - Updated - - -

2)the 25th amendment.

What are going to do, hit him on the head with it?
Sorry, due to the recent mass shooting by a Trump supporter, there's a temporary hold on refugees from the United States. This isn't any kind of anti-American measure, just a pause while our federal agencies look into the security implications.

I thought it was some french canadian guy. Good luck getting rid of them.

- - - Updated - - -

2)the 25th amendment.

What are going to do, hit him on the head with it?

Well, it would require the rest of the Republicans to decide that they are through with him and would rather have President Pence. I'm not sure what would want them to do that just yet, but something could happen. They'd have to think of a way to get rid of him without losing all his followers as supporters/voters.
White house diplomacy...
Don the Con gets on the phone, insults the PM of Australia and hangs up on him, threatens to send troops into Mexico, and trots his security advisor out to announce that he has put Iran "on notice".
Not bad for one day... by next week it could be USA vs The World.

It appears the earlier claims were false.

Mexico has denied Donald Trump threatened to send American soldiers into the country during a telephone conversation with his counterpart, President Enrique Peña Nieto.

Such a threat “did not happen during that call,” the Mexican government said in a statement, released on Twitter on Wednesday night.

r Turnbull also made clear that the deal made with Barack Obama was “not an acceptance to take in everyone.”

“Can I just make this clear, the suggestion in some parts of the media . that this involves taking refugees sight unseen is wrong, it has always been based on the premise that the US homeland security officials would take into consideration their vetting measures.

“It is possible that they will take a smaller or larger number.”

“Trump didn’t hang up on me”

As for the US putting Iran on notice which seems to be correct, I have no idea what it means. Maybe Trump's going send a tweet if it happens again.
Have you got your pink hat yet?

FFS. The media is shit.
A vision of Islam as inherently hostile has long flourished on the far right. Now Mr. Trump and his top aides have pushed it to the center of American decision-making on security and law.


On the NYT website now.

A far right nutjob is now the president. Archie Bunker is now the president.
I don't see much chance on the 25th Amendment. It would take "Gov Dildo-cam" and at least half of the other members of the Executive Branch to sign off on it. Then Hatch and Ryan would have to agree.

25th Amendment Section 4 said:
Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide , transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

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So, impeachment if he does crazy, illegal things and the 25th if he does crazy, legal things.
I don't see much chance on the 25th Amendment. It would take Pence and at least half of the other members of the Executive Branch to sign off on it. Then Hatch and Ryan would have to agree.


All that can be done is a change of the majority in Congress, in 2 years.

Trump is igniting a fire under a lot of people who would have voted against him but stayed home.
I don't see much chance on the 25th Amendment. It would take "Gov. Dildo-cam" and at least half of the other members of the Executive Branch to sign off on it. Then Hatch and Ryan would have to agree.


All that can be done is a change of the majority in Congress, in 2 years.

Trump is igniting a fire under a lot of people who would have voted against him but stayed home.

The Dems would have to pick up 19 seats in the Senate to Convict. Conviction requires a 2/3 majority of the Senate. (Unless Cheetolini realy pisses off a lot of the GOP)

Perhaps unilateral bombing of Iran? Of course Ryan and McConnell are pussy whipped.

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