• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

*Warning: May contain nuts, Christians and/or both

b) it may be the end of us, but to the happiness of the little child (God in this analogy), the reaction of the sand is ultimately not important. What is amazing is that God has decided to save any of us.
This seems a little unstable. You don't like God being described as an asshole, but you will explain him by comparison to capricious little child having a tantrum.

And to those who are saved, knowing that is surely only by this graciousness, our love and happiness and appreciation will be, and is, through the roof.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that.
I absolutely could not understand the idea of Heaven and Hell when I believed they existed. Seriously, I could not grasp how any actual Christain could be happy in paradise as long as they knew even one person suffered eternal torment in Hell. Gotta figure that at some point, even Hitler might begin to think that maybe some of what he'd done wasn't worth what he was going through right now. And he wasn't the worst. I was told that far less evil people were hell-bent because they worshiped the right god, but in the wrong way.
So anyone who wasn't a complete selfish bastard would have to be sad, rather than feeling this 'through the roof' happiness and gratitude.
But, hey, YOU are sure you're saved, so that's what you care about, right?
For those who have decided to accept the fate of being smashed back to the sand (death), so be it. You don't seem to care.
And keep telling yourself that, too. I suppose it makes it easier, to think that we've made a positive effort to reject a god we think actually exists. Then it's not unjust or even sad that we're in Hell, it's our choice.

Just ignore people telling you their actual reasons for disbelief. The actual failure of your arguments, your scriptures, your pretense at evidence or logic. Brush your hands clean of any sense of failure, there.
I scarcely care,
Uh huh...
but I'm giving it a feint go,
You're bluffing? Or did you mean faint?
and God, being so awesome, is open to let more in. And, as pointed out, it doesn't even matter how much of a lowlife you/we/i are or have been, God just requires this one little thing. That you believe that his son died on the cross and rose again.
Seriously, why?
What's the deal with needing to be believed before he'll save us?

My kids have had trouble with the law for rather childish stuff. I came to their aid. I did not demand that they state a belief in my sea-story about that time I had an inflatable sheep.
They've all been to the emergency room. I took them. I did not require a signed statement accepting my story about performing a countdown wearing shower shoes, a towel and shampoo suds.

If your god is awesome, and loving, why does he only rescue conditionally?
We'll keep reminding you until we are blue in the face, because that is the new requirement, and being nice, we want you to enjoy the big party also.
Except you hardly care? Uh huh...
This is about you. YOU are directed to proselytize, so YOU can get to Heaven. Don't pretend it's about your feelings for us.
You already said you don't have any.
In the end though, we're not going to mourn those who didn't make it, anymore than we mourn the sperm who didn't make it to the egg.
See, I could never understand that attitude for someone washed in the blood of an omnibenevolent being...
It seems that God is revealing more to us as time goes - proving more of what the Bible says is true.
Except only if you already believe.
Maybe we are not yet at the Ark part. But maybe that 'rock formation' is the Ark. Maybe not. Stay tuned as science and archaeology reveal more.
Not more. "Any." Any is the word you're looking for, there.
We are waiting for various sciences, including archaeology, to provide any reason to think a deity must be involved.
Or even a decent argument from the believers. Poor math and presupposition are not working.
In the meantime, as the Red Letter Christians do, you can believe what Jesus said
You never said why we would do that, though.
Bottom line - I'll always believe. Most of you sceptics here probably never will, and we'll just have to wait and see how the cookie does in fact crumble. I can tell you that I feel a lot wiser being on the side that even has a chance.
But you don't really know that you even have a chance. You drew your ticket, then constructed the odds to favor that one.

God's book tells outrageous stories AND warns people not to follow false prophets.
What if the whole point of any religion is to see if people are gullible enough to fall for it? Maybe atheists and the more cynical agnostics are the only ones who will make it through this without accepting total bullshit as facts.

We are all on the search for happiness in this world, and as a Christian I can tell you that I am at the top end of ecstatic bliss,
And how do you measure bliss? How do you measure my bliss? How can you be sure your self-congratulatory back-patting for belief is superior to my self-congratulatory back-patting for skepticism?

You're just making shit up and bragging about it. Not terribly useful at convincing others of your thesis.

What have you aligned yourself with? "Reality, facts and death. But a noble death. A death, and life, where you can hang my head high knowing that you did not believe in any fairy tales. Still, you are living a life where you believe that death awaits. Those children and friends that you love, the ones (who half are secretly Christian by the way) who love you. It won't matter a jot after your last breath.
Yeah, argument from consequences isn't a lot better than your other fallacies.
Even if I found my current state of affairs disagreeable, that does not provide evidence any other POV is accurate.

So, while you're alive, you should be attempting every thing that you can do get past the death part. Christianity is the WAY. You just need to Believe that part above about Jesus. Not a thing more. Don't have to go to church, don't have to be a great person, just one little simple thing. But you can't, because you're just too smart. Do you see how you really aren't that smart at all?
And here, you can fuck right off yet again. This is one of those bad arguments that are not convincing. I'm not an atheist to prove how smart I am, I am an atheist because as near as I can honestly tell, there are no gods. None. Everyone who tells me 'all you gotta do is believe in allah (for a given value of allah)' are not compelling.
Hey Gang,

Here are my thoughts after a quick read through of the latest:

1) As to why God doesn't reveal himself more evidently - so as say, to provide less death and such. As a human, we can't fully know the mind of God, but we can assume that, being God, and us being only human, his wants and needs out weigh ours. Imagine a child building sand castles, including little sand people, out of the sand, and then later smashing them into dust. From the point of the sand (it's okay Rhea, I know Sand has no point of view), a) we can't even comprehend anything other above and beyond sand (unless we believe) and b) it may be the end of us, but to the happiness of the little child (God in this analogy), the reaction of the sand is ultimately not important. What is amazing is that God has decided to save any of us. And to those who are saved, knowing that is surely only by this graciousness, our love and happiness and appreciation will be, and is, through the roof.

For those who have decided to accept the fate of being smashed back to the sand (death), so be it. You don't seem to care. I scarcely care, but I'm giving it a feint go, and God, being so awesome, is open to let more in. And, as pointed out, it doesn't even matter how much of a lowlife you/we/i are or have been, God just requires this one little thing. That you believe that his son died on the cross and rose again.

John 3:16 New International Version (NIV)

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

We'll keep reminding you until we are blue in the face, because that is the new requirement, and being nice, we want you to enjoy the big party also. In the end though, we're not going to mourn those who didn't make it, anymore than we mourn the sperm who didn't make it to the egg.

It seems that God is revealing more to us as time goes - proving more of what the Bible says is true. Maybe we are not yet at the Ark part. But maybe that 'rock formation' is the Ark. Maybe not. Stay tuned as science and archaeology reveal more.

In the meantime, as the Red Letter Christians do, you can believe what Jesus said and not worry so much about the rest. As mentioned before, God himself has let it slip out of the bag that the Bible may have been tampered with - so we (Christians) don't necessarily have to view the Bible as fully infallible. We also have see that some of the stories may be more symbolic in nature. Was there a real Garden of Eden with the snake and all that. Maybe. Or maybe God chose to include that story in the Bible for other purposes - such as to illustrate a greater truth.

Bottom line - I'll always believe. Most of you sceptics here probably never will, and we'll just have to wait and see how the cookie does in fact crumble. I can tell you that I feel a lot wiser being on the side that even has a chance.

We are all on the search for happiness in this world, and as a Christian I can tell you that I am at the top end of ecstatic bliss, knowing and believing that the Kingdom of Heaven awaits, in all it's glorious perfection. I believe, therefore I feel it, and am truly happy, now, and having aligned myself with the most powerful God in this universe, that of the Bible, I feel invincible, and full of endless potential, now.

What have you aligned yourself with? "Reality, facts and death. But a noble death. A death, and life, where you can hang my head high knowing that you did not believe in any fairy tales. Still, you are living a life where you believe that death awaits. Those children and friends that you love, the ones (who half are secretly Christian by the way) who love you. It won't matter a jot after your last breath.

So, while you're alive, you should be attempting every thing that you can do get past the death part. Christianity is the WAY. You just need to Believe that part above about Jesus. Not a thing more. Don't have to go to church, don't have to be a great person, just one little simple thing. But you can't, because you're just too smart. Do you see how you really aren't that smart at all?

You're welcome.


It is amazing how Christians individually claim to know the will fg\\of god for which there is nothing referenced in the bible. An endless spinning of self fulfilling conclusions.

The Abrahamic god creted humans and unless they worship him they are doomed to eternal firey hell.

Sounds like an old Star Trek plot where the enterprise encounter one the Greek gods who demanded the crew worship him.

The god of the bible has some issues we would say today. Needs incessant continuous flattery, temperamental prone to acts of violence and cruelty, toys with his human creations. Rained crap down on Job to see if he would break, on a bet with Satan his nemesis. Turned people into salt.
Yup. They have this bible. It’s FROM GOD and so yeah, they have to either believe in god wholly, or they go to hell, right?

But on the other hand, when they try to convince other people that it is wholly true, they realize how full of holes it is. And/or how inhumane it is. So they don’t want to believe all of it. But that makes their bible so... human and not godly at all.

Holes? You must mean the parts that are not decided or agreed upon by a few different pov's. Or the parts that are yet to be understood or validated - step by step continuous study, fiurther research, discoveries and archeological finds for example.

Tough spot to be in, for sure. But unavoidable if you want your book to be a “bible,” innit. Either you believe shit or you’re a shit believer. And the only way out of your pickle is to stop being “a believer” altogether.

You don't need to know the ins-and-outs of the bible to be a believer.... and who actually does know the ins-and outs? The difficulty to know everything and explain is not a good reason , to get out of a pickle and stop believing altogether,...if the belief is true.

That is indeed a tough pickle between a rock and a hard place.
But that’s not our problem, we’re just observing you in it.
So, yup; Christians are often told that because they are trying to maintain a fiction and it’s pretty obvious that the emperor has no clothes.

I think Christians (more so today) are intrigued and at the same time, feel to point out or challenge particular verses that non-believers bring up, who often think (some atheists), what they find are always real contradicting issues.
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Noah was plagiarized from the earlier Gilgamesh epic.

Then everywhere else that depicts a boat in an ancient flood, has also plagarised poor Gigamesh who is, the only one that depicts the big floating cube box - a somewhat unconventiional design that can somehow stabilize itself steady in a big flood with all the creatures aboard. The "so-called" plagarists avoided that part.

Gilgamesh seems to be the plagariser here perhaps.
Holes? You must mean the parts that are not decided or agreed upon by a few different pov's. Or the parts that are yet to be understood or validated - step by step continuous study, fiurther research, discoveries and archeological finds for example.
Your faith that someone, somewhen, will spackle them over is adorable, but that's still not NOW answering the holes that exist NOW.

So holes stands.
Noah was plagiarized from the earlier Gilgamesh epic.

Then everywhere else that depicts a boat in an ancient flood, has also plagarised poor Gigamesh who is, the only one that depicts the big floating cube box - a somewhat unconventiional design that can somehow stabilize itself steady in a big flood with all the creatures aboard. The "so-called" plagarists avoided that part.
No, Learner. Not every other flood story plagiarizes Gilgamesh.
You might want to actually look into the claims, to see what evidence people can point to in order to suggest/conclude that one story predates the other, than the other borrows from the one.
Remember, YOU are the one insisting that the further efforts of archeology and other research will eventually discover the truth, right? So you need to be open to the actual results from archeology, otherwise you look like a fucking hypocrite.
Now, if you find an error in their peer review, or perhaps the dating of material, you can point that out with no issues. But rejecting the conclusion because you dislike the conclusion means you aren't REALLY interested in the science. Just in people agreeing with you.

So shut the fuck up.
Holes? You must mean the parts that are not decided or agreed upon by a few different pov's. Or the parts that are yet to be understood or validated - step by step continuous study, fiurther research, discoveries and archeological finds for example.
Your faith that someone, somewhen, will spackle them over is adorable, but that's still not NOW answering the holes that exist NOW.

So holes stands.

Yes there are holes in everything we've "yet" to know about in the universe, its all adorable.
You could have said that about Steves multi-claims
Except Steve is a little more careful about making claims about what science has or will find, or what he understands of the science, or what a skeptic means when he or she is underimpressed by an appeal to future authority. So, probably not.
Holes? You must mean the parts that are not decided or agreed upon by a few different pov's. Or the parts that are yet to be understood or validated - step by step continuous study, fiurther research, discoveries and archeological finds for example.
Your faith that someone, somewhen, will spackle them over is adorable, but that's still not NOW answering the holes that exist NOW.

So holes stands.

Yes there are holes in everything we've "yet" to know about in the universe, its all adorable.
So, if you acknowledge there are holes in everything, why do you rush to marginalize a claim of holes in the litany? Why didn't you just nod, accept, and move on?
This insisting, though, that one day people you've never met will use science you don't understand to come to support a theology you can't actually grasp? That's pretty fucking adorable.
Yes there are holes in everything we've "yet" to know about in the universe, its all adorable.
So, if you acknowledge there are holes in everything, why do you rush to marginalize a claim of holes in the litany? Why didn't you just nod, accept, and move on?
This insisting, though, that one day people you've never met will use science you don't understand to come to support a theology you can't actually grasp? That's pretty fucking adorable.

Oh please...science doesn't debunk the bible only certain silly arguments people make, especially if using science. I say ..don't depend on the idea that may be current today but gets updated often. Besides theists have scientists too in the modern world, I'd see what they'd say before proposing anything IOWs not make things up.
You could have said that about Steves multi-claims
Except Steve is a little more careful about making claims about what science has or will find, or what he understands of the science, or what a skeptic means when he or she is underimpressed by an appeal to future authority. So, probably not.

Science and his biblical interpretation...yeah sounds consistent for steve.
Oh please...science doesn't debunk the bible
Science tells us the earth is not flat.
Science tells us that the sky is not solid and does not touch the ground.
Science has been used to get us higher than the sky, a crime that supposedly caused God to confound mankind's languages and cultures.
Science tells us there was never a Great Flood. Not just 'science has not yet found evidence for,' science has debunked the tale.
Science tells us that insects are alive.
Science tells us that trees are alive.
Science tells us that Mendelian genetics are the key to understanding why solid-coat goats can have striped kids...not striped sticks mounted where the goats are screwing.
Science tells us that the sun does not sleep in a little doghouse at night. It doesn't get the night off.

The Bible tells us that rain comes from the Waters Above when God opens little windows in the solid sky, and the water is held by clouds. The Bible also tells us that only God's support keeps the clouds from falling apart under the weight of all that water they hold.
Science tells us there's no "Water Above," no windows, we can explain rain without an appeal to God's intervention, plus science tells us that the clouds are made of the water they hold, not a separate structure.

And snakes don't talk.

If you know of ANY research currently in progress that might some day force scientists to reassess their position on these topics, please, please PLEASE let us know who's doing it, and who is funding it. Are they getting any early results that would be interesting? Say the Earth actually IS flat, or the sky IS solid, or life really SHOULD be defined by 'breath through their nostrils.' Any of that would be fascinating.
Science tells us the earth is not flat.
The bible says the world is round .. suggestions could be made for either sperical or flat.

Science tells us that the sky is not solid and does not touch the ground.

The bible doesn't say solid sky touches ground, but oddly we do say the sun sets on the horizon, a visual discription in language.
Science has been used to get us higher than the sky, a crime that supposedly caused God to confound mankind's languages and cultures.

Well it was all one language and we speak many languages after being confounded for a few thousand + years, the irony imo is that science may discover God exists.

Science tells us there was never a Great Flood. Not just 'science has not yet found evidence for,' science has debunked the tale.

Science is getting updated everyday, now I mentioned previously archeology, so far 90% + of the names of places mention in the bible have been accepted to be correct by many biblical scholars. There are issues debateble of the fossil records still!

Science tells us that insects are alive.

Science tells us that trees are alive.

The bible has scores of verses with insects describing them to be living creatures, and trees being live.

Science tells us that Mendelian genetics are the key to understanding why solid-coat goats can have striped kids...not striped sticks mounted where the goats are screwing.

Not sure yet of actual context myself, not got into this particular argument, well worth looking into sometime. The bible debunk doesn't rest on this verse of course.

Science tells us that the sun does not sleep in a little doghouse at night. It doesn't get the night off.

You mean like sunset and sunrise.

The Bible tells us that rain comes from the Waters Above when God opens little windows in the solid sky, and the water is held by clouds. The Bible also tells us that only God's support keeps the clouds from falling apart under the weight of all that water they hold.
Science tells us there's no "Water Above," no windows, we can explain rain without an appeal to God's intervention, plus science tells us that the clouds are made of the water they hold, not a separate structure.

What if there were tons of meteor showers made from ice, melting as it approaches within range of the heat of the suns or smaller ice rocks melting as they approach the atmosphere like solid objects that burn up? Why not ? Something to factor in as an alternative explanation, I'm sure they maybe others.

Cloud structure:

How Do Clouds Form?
The sky can be full of water. But most of the time you can't see the water. The drops of water are too small to see. They have turned into a gas called water vapor. As the water vapor goes higher in the sky, the air gets cooler. "The cooler air causes the water droplets to start to stick to things like bits of dust, ice or sea salt".

courtesy of NASA site.

And snakes don't talk.

Only one snake talked and one donkey spoke in the bible and not after, described as unique events. Jesus rode a donkey and it never verbally joined in on the vocal praises in song.

If you know of ANY research currently in progress that might some day force scientists to reassess their position on these topics, please, please PLEASE let us know who's doing it, and who is funding it. Are they getting any early results that would be interesting? Say the Earth actually IS flat, or the sky IS solid, or life really SHOULD be defined by 'breath through their nostrils.' Any of that would be fascinating.

Well I think we can start at least with things like the science issues of conventional biology in the mean time since the Flat Earth, I would have to study or understand the explanation concept to say anything at all. Not all believers believe this BTW, which also doesn't get in-the-way of the biblical message.

Breath through the nostrils is not such an issue imo , certainly not a bible debunker?
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Uhhh..go directly to Genesis 30 for the striped sticks. Do not pass go. It is one of the most ridiculous passages in the Bible, right up there with my personal favorite, Numbers 5 on the test for adultery. It is pure moonshine, folklore, take your pick. (It also seems to be a business scam perpetrated with supernatural powers.)
For my files: what are the Bible references to insects/trees being inanimate?

Not inanimate. just not alive. Starting with Adam, who was a fully formed body until God blew his breath in and he became a living being. Noah was not directed to save insects, plants, fish, just things that breathe through their nostrils. Because spirit enters a body through breathing. This comes up a few times here and there through the OT.
Hey Gang,

Here are my thoughts after a quick read through of the latest:

1) As to why God doesn't reveal himself more evidently - so as say, to provide less death and such. As a human, we can't fully know the mind of God, but we can assume that, being God, and us being only human, his wants and needs out weigh ours. Imagine a child building sand castles, including little sand people, out of the sand, and then later smashing them into dust. From the point of the sand (it's okay Rhea, I know Sand has no point of view), a) we can't even comprehend anything other above and beyond sand (unless we believe) and b) it may be the end of us, but to the happiness of the little child (God in this analogy), the reaction of the sand is ultimately not important. What is amazing is that God has decided to save any of us. And to those who are saved, knowing that is surely only by this graciousness, our love and happiness and appreciation will be, and is, through the roof.

For those who have decided to accept the fate of being smashed back to the sand (death), so be it. You don't seem to care. I scarcely care, but I'm giving it a feint go, and God, being so awesome, is open to let more in. And, as pointed out, it doesn't even matter how much of a lowlife you/we/i are or have been, God just requires this one little thing. That you believe that his son died on the cross and rose again.

John 3:16 New International Version (NIV)

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

We'll keep reminding you until we are blue in the face, because that is the new requirement, and being nice, we want you to enjoy the big party also. In the end though, we're not going to mourn those who didn't make it, anymore than we mourn the sperm who didn't make it to the egg.

It seems that God is revealing more to us as time goes - proving more of what the Bible says is true. Maybe we are not yet at the Ark part. But maybe that 'rock formation' is the Ark. Maybe not. Stay tuned as science and archaeology reveal more.

In the meantime, as the Red Letter Christians do, you can believe what Jesus said and not worry so much about the rest. As mentioned before, God himself has let it slip out of the bag that the Bible may have been tampered with - so we (Christians) don't necessarily have to view the Bible as fully infallible. We also have see that some of the stories may be more symbolic in nature. Was there a real Garden of Eden with the snake and all that. Maybe. Or maybe God chose to include that story in the Bible for other purposes - such as to illustrate a greater truth.

Bottom line - I'll always believe. Most of you sceptics here probably never will, and we'll just have to wait and see how the cookie does in fact crumble. I can tell you that I feel a lot wiser being on the side that even has a chance.

We are all on the search for happiness in this world, and as a Christian I can tell you that I am at the top end of ecstatic bliss, knowing and believing that the Kingdom of Heaven awaits, in all it's glorious perfection. I believe, therefore I feel it, and am truly happy, now, and having aligned myself with the most powerful God in this universe, that of the Bible, I feel invincible, and full of endless potential, now.

What have you aligned yourself with? "Reality, facts and death. But a noble death. A death, and life, where you can hang my head high knowing that you did not believe in any fairy tales. Still, you are living a life where you believe that death awaits. Those children and friends that you love, the ones (who half are secretly Christian by the way) who love you. It won't matter a jot after your last breath.

So, while you're alive, you should be attempting every thing that you can do get past the death part. Christianity is the WAY. You just need to Believe that part above about Jesus. Not a thing more. Don't have to go to church, don't have to be a great person, just one little simple thing. But you can't, because you're just too smart. Do you see how you really aren't that smart at all?

You're welcome.


Is that designed to DISsuade people from Christianity? Because it looks more like a message of "You lowlifes are too stupid to have any of what I got" than anything else.

Evangelical Christianity. It's not only a religion of "me, me, me!" It's also a religion of "fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!"

You might not be Catholic but just believe this anyway if it makes you feel good, and hope for a front row seat: "That the saints may enjoy their beatitude and the grace of God more abundantly they are permitted to see the punishment of the damned in hell." (Thomas Aquinas)
The bible says the world is round .. suggestions could be made for either sperical or flat.
Nope. Nowhere does any bible author use 'sphere.' Some of the translations of that verse in Isaiah say 'god sits above the compass of the earth.' You remember compasses? Those little pointy things with pencils you used in 5th grade to draw flat circles on paper?
Elsewhere in Isaiah, they promise that God will pick up the Earth by the edges and shake the Evil off it like cleaning a rug. Those flat things that go on flat floors.
And Earth's construction is described as spreading the Earth across the surface of the Waters Below. A mudpie floating on the surface.
The bible doesn't say solid sky touches ground, but oddly we do say the sun sets on the horizon, a visual discription in language.
It describes the sky as a solid dome, with the sun, moon, stars and planets rolling around inside it. And it compares it to a tent. The walls of tents come down to the ground. They did not describe the sky as an umbrella or a gazebo.
Science has been used to get us higher than the sky, a crime that supposedly caused God to confound mankind's languages and cultures.
Well it was all one language and we speak many languages after being confounded for a few thousand + years, the irony imo is that science may discover God exists.
Ducking the fact that we've exceeded the limits imposed on Nimrod and nothing happened.
Science tells us there was never a Great Flood. Not just 'science has not yet found evidence for,' science has debunked the tale.
Science is getting updated everyday, now I mentioned previously archeology, so far 90% + of the names of places mention in the bible have been accepted to be correct by many biblical scholars.
Yeah, and the action in The Sting takes place in cities that really existed in the 1930s. Doesn't make The Sting historical, though.
There are issues debateble of the fossil records still!
No, there really are not. There are people who pretend to have expertise in the area, who pretend that the evidence for fossils is not overwhelming, but there's no real scientific debate over Earth's history, not enough quibble-room left for a global flood.
Science tells us that insects are alive. Science tells us that trees are alive..

The bible has scores of verses with insects describing them to be living creatures, and trees being live..
Scores, huh? Care to list them?
Science tells us that Mendelian genetics are the key to understanding why solid-coat goats can have striped kids...not striped sticks mounted where the goats are screwing.

Not sure yet of actual context myself, not got into this particular argument, well worth looking into sometime. The bible debunk doesn't rest on this verse of course..
Oh, of course.
But I remember grade school.

You have a friend who tells you LOTS and LOTS of facts. Some of them, you later find out are complete bullshit. Like Tom Scott, who assured me that if you stick a penny into a girl's no-no place, it will come out tarnished if she has an STD. If it's copper-colored, she's clean.

So, like, your friend tells you 10 things as absolute fact. You discover that 9 of them are total bullshit. How much credit are you going to give to the 10th fact?
Science tells us that the sun does not sleep in a little doghouse at night. It doesn't get the night off.
You mean like sunset and sunrise.
No, I do not.
The Bible clearly states that God has built a little bedchamber for the Sun, where it goes each night, much the way the holy scriptures are boxed up when not in use. Then it (Sol) gets up in the morning and scurries over to the spot where it will start the day. This is only possible on a flat earth.
The Bible tells us that rain comes from the Waters Above when God opens little windows in the solid sky, and the water is held by clouds. The Bible also tells us that only God's support keeps the clouds from falling apart under the weight of all that water they hold.
Science tells us there's no "Water Above," no windows, we can explain rain without an appeal to God's intervention, plus science tells us that the clouds are made of the water they hold, not a separate structure.

What if
BZZZZZZZZT! Not applicable. Genesis describes the earth's creation as an inside out snow-globe. The solid sky keeps the waters above out of the dome. Nothing about ice meteors. This is desperate and unbiblical.
Why not ?
Because it's just making shit up and ignoring what the bible actually says.
Something to factor in as an alternative explanation, I'm sure they maybe others.
Nope. You would only 'factor in' an alternate explanation because you desperately want the biblical text to NOT be a dumb-as-rock just-so story from bronze-age superstition. So you use your current knowledge to try to pretend they had better knowledge.
Cloud structure:
How Do Clouds Form?
courtesy of NASA site.
Which has zip point shit to do with the ignorant bible verse... But thanks for playing.
And snakes don't talk.

Only one snake talked
Right, right, it's slightly less COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE because it only happened one time.
If you know of ANY research currently in progress...
Well I think we can start at least with things like the science issues of conventional biology in the mean time since the Flat Earth, I would have to study or understand the explanation concept to say anything at all.
So, you don't know enough about what the Bible says to understand it, but you know your preferred conclusion, which you'll use to base your defense.
Sad, really, that no one ever actually taught you what's actually in the book you're using to wager your soul.
Not all believers believe this BTW, which also doesn't get in-the-way of the biblical message.
But shouldn't it? Tom Scott and the penny. Can you trust your soul to someone who doesn't know how rain works?
Breath through the nostrils is not such an issue imo , certainly not a bible debunker?
What? Good heavens, Learner, if it's true, if nothing lives until that first breath, then the abortion debate is settled! It's not murder! It's not even inconveniencing anyone. Life starts at THIS end of the birth canal. This should be CRITICAL to establishing the basis ofyour faith, your position on abortion, not to mention euthanasia.
Or when you say 'the bible message' do you think that's completely silent on the abortion debate?
Is that designed to DISsuade people from Christianity?

Doesn't matter. His conscience is clear. He will report to his lord that he has taken God's Word to the heathen bastards. He's made the information available, and he gets his brownie points. accepting the Word, that's on our shoulders, not his.
He will shake his head sadly, repeat a platitude ("they were too devoted to their sins" or whatever) and go throw shit on someone else's windows.
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