• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

*Warning: May contain nuts, Christians and/or both

Really? I would more assess bullying based on an imbalance of power in the exchange.
If 1i can give as good as he gets, then no bullying has happened.


By that definition of bullying, maybe 63 has a point.

You are entering the arena armed with reason and humor... 1I is armed with belief and faith.

On this forum that values reason, this gives you a distinct advantage. If the thread were on a Christian forum that values faith then 1I would have the advantage so would be the bully.

But he does post as if faith were valued here. Maybe no one has told him?
Really? I would more assess bullying based on an imbalance of power in the exchange.
If 1i can give as good as he gets, then no bullying has happened.


By that definition of bullying, maybe 63 has a point.

You are entering the arena armed with reason and humor... 1I is armed with belief and faith.

On this forum that values reason, this gives you a distinct advantage. If the thread were on a Christian forum that values faith then 1I would have the advantage so would be the bully.

But he does post as if faith were valued here. Maybe no one has told him?

Someone should tell him. I would suggest, that since 63 is posing as his white knight, he should be the one to explain to 1I that someone should offer, and defend, rational arguments if they want their claims to be taken seriously.
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Similarly the religionist like 1eye who waltzes in here saying he’s going to “help us understand” things that we understood long ago and found stupid and harmful is the same kind of destructive “good intention” that is based on arrogance and a deep rooted lack of understanding or care to understand the people he thinks are beneath him.

That is a huge mass of insinuations you have made about his motives. You claim (or analogize) that he is arrogant, does not care to understand us, and thinks that we are beneath him, and that he has a superiority complex. What evidence do you cite to support those extremely hostile criticisms? Your best one cited is where he said he wants to "help us understand." Do you have anything more to justify those extremely nasty accusations? It sounds like projection, and you are actually moreso the one with the superiority complex than he is.

You do know that he isn't the only person doing this in this thread, right?

Someone else here is being condescending and appears to have a superiority complex (while being blind to his own faults).
Similarly the religionist like 1eye who waltzes in here saying he’s going to “help us understand” things that we understood long ago and found stupid and harmful is the same kind of destructive “good intention” that is based on arrogance and a deep rooted lack of understanding or care to understand the people he thinks are beneath him.

That is a huge mass of insinuations you have made about his motives. You claim (or analogize) that he is arrogant, does not care to understand us, and thinks that we are beneath him, and that he has a superiority complex. What evidence do you cite to support those extremely hostile criticisms? Your best one cited is where he said he wants to "help us understand." Do you have anything more to justify those extremely nasty accusations? It sounds like projection, and you are actually moreso the one with the superiority complex than he is.

You do know that he isn't the only person doing this in this thread, right?

Someone else here is being condescending and appears to have a superiority complex (while being blind to his own faults).

I think the “someone else” knows exactly what he’s doing.
You do know that he isn't the only person doing this in this thread, right?

Someone else here is being condescending and appears to have a superiority complex (while being blind to his own faults).

I think the “someone else” knows exactly what he’s doing.
In one sense of "know", maybe.

I once saw a person standing by a 4-way stop. She was shouting at people to come to a full stop. She yelled whose turn was next. She railed at anyone who didn't come to a complete stop. Pedestrian road-rage. Maybe she'd been nearly run over while crossing the intersection. And instead of deciding "I'll be more mindful for my part in things" she wanted to control what she can't control -- others.

Maybe she knew her rationally deliberated reasons ("however obnoxious this is, however crazy they think I am, I'm doing it for their own good"). But, she was a mindless, unaware, bent person all the same.
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Maybe you could point out posts by 1I where he actually addressed questions about his reasoning (other than offering a Bible quote) not what the Bible says.

Having those kinds of discussions with him is fine, that is exactly my point. I largely disagree with his religious views as well and have objected to them in this thread. Where I object to other atheists in this thread is when they are condescending to him and he has done nothing mean-spirited to provoke it. Those atheists are also strangely quiet when they or other atheists are condescending. It is a massive hypocrisy that has crept into the community, and it needs to be checked and audited.

I have seen him more than willing to preach but not actually engage in a discussion by defending his assertions.

I have seen the same of many of the other atheists in this thread specifically and on the forum on the whole, but for some reason 1ICrying seems to be a more attractive target for hostile aggression and reaction than the atheists who do the same. Tribalism at play?

Before you claim that you didn't derail this into an analysis of 1I, Here is where it started:

Do you think 1ICrying is acting with charitable intentions?

Even if the phrasing in that post did not convey that, would you say that he has charitable intentions and is not articulating them well enough, or would you rate his intentions as more hostile and antagonistic? Something else?

You are correct that I said that, but incorrect that it was a derail. This was already a discussion about the merits of 1ICrying’s views, his manner of debate, insinuations about his motives, etc. which others had brought up before I did. I was merely changing the unsupported assertions and hypocritical criticisms of others made in this thread that they themselves apparently thought relevant to this thread.
That is a huge mass of insinuations you have made about his motives. You claim (or analogize) that he is arrogant, does not care to understand us, and thinks that we are beneath him, and that he has a superiority complex. What evidence do you cite to support those extremely hostile criticisms?
From his own words.

Like what exactly? Can you provide any exact links and exact quotes? So far what you have come up with to support those nasty insinuations about his character are that he said he is going to “help us understand." Is that really what you are basing your well-poisoning rhetoric on?
When someone says I'll pray for you my instincts tell me they're really trying to comfort themselves with the only thing they know to do in such a situation. When they pray for an unconscious person who is very very ill they are comforting themselves obviously.

They can have a multitude of feelings and impulses for saying those things, and I would agree that what you mention is one of them. They may sincerely think the recipient of it will be comforted by it as well. Also they have been conditioned to say it in those circumstances, and did not invest a lot of forethought into whether atheists would be offended by it or not. Like saying “Bless you” after a person sneezes. It is partly a historical habit, not any conscious religious intention literally behind it.
Oh! I am sincerely sorry, Brian. What did i say to you that you took as an unprovoked insult at yourself?

We discussed it earlier, and you acknowledged being sarcastic.


Prior to then, I had publicly complimented you in this thread. You took the compliment and decided throw it back with some condescension on top. (Don’t tell anyone here that you were being condescending though. That is a cardinal sin among members of this thread…at least on the days when they feel like it. Other days they cheer it on.).

Let me file that right behind the last time i asked your guidance on how i could post.

Sarcasm aside, the offer still stands.
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Note to everyone-I will be away from my computer for most of the next couple days or so. If you want get in some good slurs, now would be a grand time for you. It will be a bit before I can reply. I am eager later to see what shapes up here.
Oh! I am sincerely sorry, Brian. What did i say to you that you took as an unprovoked insult at yourself?
We discussed it earlier, and you acknowledged being sarcastic.

Of course i acknowledged being sarcastic. I mean, like, have we been introduced?
But... You take that as an unprovoked attack?


I cannot comprehend such a world view. Seriously.
It explains a lot, though. No wonder you would prefer nice people to clever assholes, for one thing.

Brian, i meant you, and mean you no harm. It was certainly no attack.
I like you. Always have, still do, but if that is where your threshold lies, i gotta leave you completely alone.
Brian63 said:
Having those kinds of discussions with him is fine, that is exactly my point. I largely disagree with his religious views as well and have objected to them in this thread. Where I object to other atheists in this thread is when they are condescending to him and he has done nothing mean-spirited to provoke it. Those atheists are also strangely quiet when they or other atheists are condescending. It is a massive hypocrisy that has crept into the community, and it needs to be checked and audited.

So, is it okay for atheists to be condescending to each other? It's obvious that I'm not the only one who has noticed that one of the atheists in this thread is being very condescending to his fellow atheists. I'm more concerned with how we atheists treat each other than how some of us react to a Christian evangelist who thinks he can save us. No matter how much effort that person seems to be making to be polite, his position is already arrogant and condescending by its very nature.
Oh! I am sincerely sorry, Brian. What did i say to you that you took as an unprovoked insult at yourself?
We discussed it earlier, and you acknowledged being sarcastic.

Of course i acknowledged being sarcastic. I mean, like, have we been introduced?
But... You take that as an unprovoked attack?


I cannot comprehend such a world view. Seriously.
It explains a lot, though. No wonder you would prefer nice people to clever assholes, for one thing.

Brian, i meant you, and mean you no harm. It was certainly no attack.
I like you. Always have, still do, but if that is where your threshold lies, i gotta leave you completely alone.
Get a room you two. ;)
We'd have to have tape running down the center. And a wall on the tape.
And separate doors. But other than that, yeah...
We'd have to have tape running down the center. And a wall on the tape.
And separate doors. But other than that, yeah...
Just remember, when he says 'No', it really means 'No'. ;)
I cannot comprehend...

That is how you start with the treatment. First acknowledge the problem. When someone compliments you and you sarcastically mock them by using their compliment against them, the problem is less theirs and more yours. I found your response useless and decision to go that route disappointing, but if that is part of your worldview and what you want to have as your worldview, that is all up to you.

1ICrying came in with some very flawed apologetics, but he has been still a very kind person and should be treated the same. Just debate the merits of the arguments, and do not start flinging personal insults and derogatory statements, regardless of how much you dislike his worldview.
That's all I got for now. Thank you all who are contributing to this lovely thread. I wish that I had the time to correct you all : ) but I just don't have the time.

But I'll be back.


This is the voice I am hearing in every one of 1I’s posts.
**yawn**. Another Christiansplainer.
Oh, yawn and grow up and learn how to be civil.
Why did you not bold the smilie immediately after that? He may have just wanted to mean it in a more joking manner. Even if he meant it more seriously, so what? Worse things have been said in response to him, earlier in the thread. As an example:

I would recommend you at least make an attempt to do so before saying such stupid and blatantly, ignorantly, incorrect stuff as the tripe above.

Would you call out that statement as being at least as condescending towards 1ICrying?
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