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*Warning: May contain nuts, Christians and/or both

I am saying the same thing in both posts,.. as its says in the bible, God gave the design and how to go about it, being "instructed".

God: "Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch. And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits. A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof; with lower, second, and third stories shalt thou make it.

"Make a big boat out of wood and cover it in pitch. And make sure it has a window and a door."
I guess it would be a little more credible to have the "book of boat building" with extra pages full of diagrams added, it seems to you. You could argue that they should add more pages with things like "lamb recipes" and other ancient cusine with traditional cooking techniques and styles from various regions, more detailed things like how they ferment wine the Hebrew way, if one was interested in "how to" manuals. Thats not what the bible is, unfortunately in that regard.
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I guess it would be a little more credible to have the "book of boat building" with extra pages full of diagrams added, it seems to you.

Hey I'm just following your explanation.

as its says in the bible, God gave the design and how to go about it - Noah being "instructed".

The Bible doesn't say anything about a book, diagrams or even a wikihow.com page.

Just "wood, pitch, a window, a door, and big."
For fuck's sake. Maybe I'm not parsing each entry with a sense of irony, but, are we debating the plausibility of Genesis 6 - 8?? Ask most any Jewish folks you know. It's their culture & book and I think you'll find that the prevailing Jewish take is that it's folklore. Yeah. A 600-year-old man built even a doorstop out of gopherwood, without himself cracking in half? Focus, believers. In the voice of Sally O'Malley: "Six hundred. Six hundred years old!!"
I guess it would be a little more credible to have the "book of boat building" with extra pages full of diagrams added, it seems to you.

Hey I'm just following your explanation.

as its says in the bible, God gave the design and how to go about it - Noah being "instructed".

I see, sorry about that, I did wonder why you would use this as an argument.

The Bible doesn't say anything about a book, diagrams or even a wikihow.com page.

Just "wood, pitch, a window, a door, and big."
Good point . No doubt that the lack of more precise details was the intention that only ONE Ark was to be built and assuming that is was not intended for Jews or Christians to build more Arks in future.
Just "wood, pitch, a window, a door, and big."
Good point . No doubt that the lack of more precise details was the intention that only ONE Ark was to be built and assuming that is was not intended for Jews or Christians to build more Arks in future.

God gave Noah detailed but secret plans.

"No doubt", you say.

How'd you figure that out?
Just "wood, pitch, a window, a door, and big."
Good point . No doubt that the lack of more precise details was the intention that only ONE Ark was to be built and assuming that is was not intended for Jews or Christians to build more Arks in future.

God gave Noah detailed but secret plans.

"No doubt", you say.

How'd you figure that out?
Because Learner interprets "instructed" as if it can only mean "i gave you all the instructions," not allowing for the possibility of it meaning "i gave you an order, but not details." for the accomplishment of the task.

Therefore, hr can add details as necessary to the story, despite that being a sin.
Here's a thought. For the atheists. If not God, then what? Do you guys all believe that there was just this big explosion, rocks and random stuff went flying out, and then, given a billion years, everything just fell into place, by accident. I think not. After a billion years, a rock is still a rock. You are not explaining the part about the spark of life. Where did that originate? You are not explaining the part about the code (ie. DNA; laws of mathmatics and physics) that was obviously planted into everything to make it work. Where did that code come from? I say God.
Some people seem to have a mistaken idea that 'all opinions have validity'. They don't, especially when one is going to be opinionating like you are. Actually knowing what you are talking about is somewhat important.

Also, can you please elaborate on the dozen categories.
When you bring up the Ark, you are bringing up a lot of different subjects, from physics to history to structures to evolution to geology to etc...

Can you please point out to me precisely in this thread where my opinion was out of line? Just start with the first one - I'm sure there's many. And where did my physics knowledge go wrong? Thanks
For fuck's sake. Maybe I'm not parsing each entry with a sense of irony, but, are we debating the plausibility of Genesis 6 - 8?? Ask most any Jewish folks you know. It's their culture & book and I think you'll find that the prevailing Jewish take is that it's folklore. Yeah. A 600-year-old man built even a doorstop out of gopherwood, without himself cracking in half? Focus, believers. In the voice of Sally O'Malley: "Six hundred. Six hundred years old!!"

But if he lived to a 1000, then he would have been only about middle age : )

BTW: For you readers who find Noah's ark and some of the other stuff hard to swallow, but you still wish you could believe in this Christianity stuff, you can be a Red Letter Christian - you know, just believing the words that Jesus said. Apparently that'll work.
Here's a thought. For the atheists. If not God, then what? Do you guys all believe that there was just this big explosion, rocks and random stuff went flying out, and then, given a billion years, everything just fell into place, by accident. I think not. After a billion years, a rock is still a rock. You are not explaining the part about the spark of life. Where did that originate? You are not explaining the part about the code (ie. DNA; laws of mathmatics and physics) that was obviously planted into everything to make it work. Where did that code come from? I say God.

What's the spark of life?
Here's a thought. For the atheists. If not God, then what?
Physics, chemistry, evolution, and time.
Do you guys all believe that there was just this big explosion, rocks and random stuff went flying out, and then, given a billion years, everything just fell into place, by accident.
Personally, I'm not convinced that there was a 'beginning'. But the models assuming a beginning do not assume an explosion and that in the early beginning there was only energy, no matter. Then, over time, the laws of physics gave us what we now see.
I think not. After a billion years, a rock is still a rock.
In some cases under some conditions. In other cases under other conditions, that isn't so.
You are not explaining the part about the spark of life. Where did that originate? You are not explaining the part about the code (ie. DNA; laws of mathmatics and physics) that was obviously planted into everything to make it work. Where did that code come from? I say God.
What is this spark of life?

The rest is explained. You just haven't bothered to study it.
Just "wood, pitch, a window, a door, and big."
Good point . No doubt that the lack of more precise details was the intention that only ONE Ark was to be built and assuming that is was not intended for Jews or Christians to build more Arks in future.

God gave Noah detailed but secret plans.

"No doubt", you say.

How'd you figure that out?

He didn't. He will grasp at straws to keep from drowning in a flood of facts and reason. And those straws apparently ain't made of gopherwood either 'cause he's drowning. Where's a miracle when you really need one? You would think that if God existed he would show up to support his followers in times of need.
Here's a thought. For the atheists. If not God, then what?
This is a "thought," to you?
You are thru offering evidende FOR gods, so maybe incredulity for any other possibility leaves gods in the end?
Do you guys all believe that there was just this big explosion, rocks and random stuff went flying out, and then, given a billion years, everything just fell into place, by accident.
No, that's not anything like what i believe.
If youre only going to talk in parodies ofscience, at least try to be original....
I think not.
I really don't give a fuck what you think about a lampoon of science.
It has no bearing on the discussion. That's like saying i do not believe Fred Flintstone built the Great Wall. Why bother to criticize the claim No one is making?
After a billion years, a rock is still a rock.
Unless it's a rock with a half-life. By then, it's a completely different rock.
I suspect you're also thinking Hovind's complaints about 'evolved from rocks' have some bearing on the discussion. Theydo not.
You are not explaining the part about the spark of life. Where did that originate?
Can you demonstrate thst this "spark" is a thing? Not just poetic nonsense?
You are not explaining the part about the code (ie. DNA; laws of mathmatics and physics) that was obviously
??? I don't think you know what that word really means.
planted into everything to make it work. Where did that code come from? I say God.
big surprise. You have asserted your premise as your conclusion.
Big waste of time, though.
Some people seem to have a mistaken idea that 'all opinions have validity'. They don't, especially when one is going to be opinionating like you are. Actually knowing what you are talking about is somewhat important.

Also, can you please elaborate on the dozen categories.
When you bring up the Ark, you are bringing up a lot of different subjects, from physics to history to structures to evolution to geology to etc...

Can you please point out to me precisely in this thread where my opinion was out of line? Just start with the first one - I'm sure there's many. And where did my physics knowledge go wrong? Thanks

Any attempt to try and say there is evidence for a flood is trespassing on valid science.
For you readers who find Noah's ark and some of the other stuff hard to swallow, but you still wish you could believe in this Christianity stuff, you can be a Red Letter Christian - you know, just believing the words that Jesus said. Apparently that'll work.
Exactly why would we "want to believe in this Christainity stuff?"
And what tells you that this approach....'works?'
What do you mean by 'works?'

Can we still get to heaven if we think Genesis is allegory?
The tradition that Moses wrote five books, including the description of his own funeral?

Where's the rubric for how much we have to believe?
... just believing the words...
How does believing some words matter? I thought the difference Jesus introduced was, before him people worried about strict obedience to laws, and he'd come to convince them that a transformation of the heart mattered more.
1ICrying - you should know that the questions you are asking have been pushed out by christians practiically verbatim for centuries. And they have been nonsense for all that time.

So you should know, as you ask, that you are asking people who have been around this cart track before and the arguments were neither convincing nor even valid scientifically.

You might want to, instead of declaring what you think we believe, you might want to have a little humility and listen and learn for a while instead of waltzing in acting like you are saying something that none of us have heard 1000 times before.

Read through the threads here. See what’s ALREADY been discussed. See if you can figure out what we already know about the really elementary and poorly constructed “arguments” you think you are armed with.

This is just some friendly advice for you. You may not know that your whole thread is of the “Oh, sweet merciful crap - not another one,” variety.

(Earth goes around the sun each day? Really? Duuuude.)
God gave Noah detailed but secret plans.

"No doubt", you say.

How'd you figure that out?
Because Learner interprets "instructed" as if it can only mean "i gave you all the instructions," not allowing for the possibility of it meaning "i gave you an order, but not details." for the accomplishment of the task.

Therefore, hr can add details as necessary to the story, despite that being a sin.

God gave Noah detailed but secret plans.

"No doubt", you say.

How'd you figure that out?

He didn't. He will grasp at straws to keep from drowning in a flood of facts and reason. And those straws apparently ain't made of gopherwood either 'cause he's drowning. Where's a miracle when you really need one? You would think that if God existed he would show up to support his followers in times of need.

Spoilsports. :whyyou:
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