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Washington Post - Trump Gave Top Secret Info To Russians


Loony Running The Asylum
Staff member
Oct 22, 2002
Frozen in Michigan
Old Fart
Basic Beliefs
Don't be a dick.
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"National Security
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador"

"The information the president relayed had been provided by a U.S. partner through an intelligence-sharing arrangement considered so sensitive that details have been withheld from allies and tightly restricted even within the U.S. government, officials said."
Confirmed by Buzzfeed

Two US officials who were briefed on Trump’s disclosures last week confirmed to BuzzFeed News the veracity of the Post report, with one official noting that “it’s far worse than what has already been reported.”
Yeah so when are these details that are secret going to be shared with the US citizens
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump 6 Jul 2016
Crooked Hillary Clinton and her team "were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information." Not fit!

Time to not let Ol' Loose Lips speak to anyone on his own anymore.
Can't wait to see the bullshit mental gymnastics his supporters go through to excuse this one.

I don't give a crap what his brain-dead supporters says. I want to know if the House of Representatives is finally going to start impeachment proceedings. :angry:
Can't wait to see the bullshit mental gymnastics his supporters go through to excuse this one.

I don't give a crap what his brain-dead supporters says. I want to know if the House of Representatives is finally going to start impeachment proceedings. :angry:

Impeachment on what basis?
I don't give a crap what his brain-dead supporters says. I want to know if the House of Representatives is finally going to start impeachment proceedings. :angry:

Neither the House nor Senate will do anything until they're convinced it endangers their chances of re-election. Until then, they're Trump's lap dogs. Given how much apathy and shoulder-shrugging we've seen over every other fuckup from Trump, I'm not sure that's ever going to happen. Such brazen disregard for national security might ruffle more feathers than usual, but anyone still standing by him is so fucking detached from reality that they'll invariably invent some bullshit rationale for ignoring it.
Can't wait to see the bullshit mental gymnastics his supporters go through to excuse this one.

The main battle cry is that it is fake news since the sources were anonymous. A couple have claimed that since the president can arbitrarily declassify anything that it doesn't matter.
This is what I was basically saying the problem was long ago.

U.S. officials said that the National Security Council continues to prepare multi-page briefings for Trump to guide him through conversations with foreign leaders, but that he has insisted that the guidance be distilled to a single page of bullet points — and often ignores those.

“He seems to get in the room or on the phone and just goes with it, and that has big downsides,” the second former official said. “Does he understand what’s classified and what’s not? That’s what worries me.”

That and he was also apparently bragging about the great Intel he gets every day.

When the fuck are the GOP going to reign in this dumb fuck? How bad to the optics have to get? Do we need dead spies dumped into the Oval office?

The frustrating thing is technically, the President can classify/declassify as he sees fit. Nevertheless, he should not have shared this information.

This man is a human wrecking ball, and has caused SO much damage to our country in only what, 115 days? Of course, if recent news reports are true, Trump is considering a major overhaul of his White House. This will not help. I think this team is about as good as it will ever get, and that is fucking sad.
Can't wait to see the bullshit mental gymnastics his supporters go through to excuse this one.

The main battle cry is that it is fake news since the sources were anonymous. A couple have claimed that since the president can arbitrarily declassify anything that it doesn't matter.

The news conference just now claims that no information was given away so now there is disparity of information.
Can't wait to see the bullshit mental gymnastics his supporters go through to excuse this one.

The main battle cry is that it is fake news since the sources were anonymous. A couple have claimed that since the president can arbitrarily declassify anything that it doesn't matter.

He can declassify OUR stuff, but declassifying something from an ally would be a whole different ball of toupee wax.
It wasn't his information to declassify, not without their permission.
The news conference just now claims that no information was given away so now there is disparity of information.

Why would it matter if the White House is denying it? They lie on a daily basis; it's their normal mode of operation. Besides, it looks like they're playing petty word games:


White House officials pushed back, saying Trump didn't discuss intelligence sources or methods of collection. But the reports said Trump disclosed highly classified information, not sources or intelligence collection methods.
Confirmed by Buzzfeed

Two US officials who were briefed on Trump’s disclosures last week confirmed to BuzzFeed News the veracity of the Post report, with one official noting that “it’s far worse than what has already been reported.”

You mean copies the Washington Post and credits it.

Laptops as tools of terrorism are common knowledge and


Laptops and electronic devices larger than a smart phone have been banned from carry-on luggage coming to the UK from airports in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia.

The move was announced yesterday after a similar ban in the US.

Six UK airlines – British Airways, EasyJet, Jet2, Monarch, Thomas Cook and Thomson – and eight foreign carriers are affected.

Now, details over the scramble to stop technology coming onto planes are beginning to emerge.
Confirmed by Buzzfeed

Two US officials who were briefed on Trump’s disclosures last week confirmed to BuzzFeed News the veracity of the Post report, with one official noting that “it’s far worse than what has already been reported.”

You mean copies the Washington Post and credits it.

You mean you can't read.

Laptops as tools of terrorism are common knowledge and


Laptops and electronic devices larger than a smart phone have been banned from carry-on luggage coming to the UK from airports in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia.

The move was announced yesterday after a similar ban in the US.

Six UK airlines – British Airways, EasyJet, Jet2, Monarch, Thomas Cook and Thomson – and eight foreign carriers are affected.

Now, details over the scramble to stop technology coming onto planes are beginning to emerge.

You mean copies the Washington Post and credits it.

Have you any idea how journalism works?

Laptops as tools of terrorism are common knowledge

Except Trump didn't merely say "terrorists are using laptops." He gave away specific, classified information meant only for a select few in the highest echelons of government. That the president would casually give this information away to the foreign minister of a country he's under investigation for colluding with is as clear a demonstration that he is unfit for office as any. Why are you defending this behaviour?
He's apparently allowed to tell his Russian bosses anything he wants. Nothing to see here. Move along.
Have you any idea how journalism works?

Laptops as tools of terrorism are common knowledge

Except Trump didn't merely say "terrorists are using laptops." He gave away specific, classified information meant only for a select few in the highest echelons of government. That the president would casually give this information away to the foreign minister of a country he's under investigation for colluding with is as clear a demonstration that he is unfit for office as any. Why are you defending this behaviour?

The problem is there is a disparity of information.
The report from anonymous sources claims he provided classified information vs. a denial by those who where there (a few minutes ago) who state this is incorrect.

There is an investigation into allegations that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians but has done nothing except go around in circles.

So there is nothing to say so far that anything was actually given away to anyone.
The problem is there is a disparity of information.
The report from anonymous sources claims he provided classified information vs. a denial by those who where there (a few minutes ago) who state this is incorrect.

Please provide a link to an official White House statement that specifically says "No classified information was revealed."
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