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Washington Post - Trump Gave Top Secret Info To Russians

So what if anyone of you were POTUS and NSA/CIA comes to you and says "we have a high degree of confidence that ISIS is in the final stages of planning to blow up Metro train in some Russian city"
You would of course do the right thing - don't tell Putin, cause you know, he is a bad guy.

If I were in his position I would follow the standard protocols for intelligence sharing rather than drop the info in an off-hand conversation with a diplomat while foreign reporters are hanging about. But then I'm not a slack-jawed buffoon and I have the ability to not use every opportunity for self-aggrandizement.

Which is not to mention that if the 'ticking time bomb' scenario is to be believed waiting for such a diplomatic meeting would waste precious time. The entire scenario is indefensibly wrong from every angle.
We all know how accurate "anonymous sources" can be
We also suspect how accurate the White House will be when covering their asses.

I know it's hard to know who is the bigger bullshitter. Probably neither the WoPo or McMaster is telling the truth. Not sure how that would work, but it's probably the case
The partner is likely Israel and they want ISIS to be a force still to prevent Syria from being intact and raising hell with Hezbollah again.

I hope that this breaks down any cooperation with Israel going forward.

So what if anyone of you were POTUS and NSA/CIA comes to you and says "we have a high degree of confidence that ISIS is in the final stages of planning to blow up Metro train in some Russian city"
You would of course do the right thing - don't tell Putin, cause you know, he is a bad guy.

Your scenario is meaningless because that isn't what happened. He "went off script" while bragging about the fact that he has "people brief me on great intel every day." No shit, you're the fucking president. He's like a god-damned elementary schooler trying to sound cooler than everyone else.

So what actually happened?
My hypothetical example illustrated absurdity of this notion that US can not share sensitive intelligence information with Russia.
If I were in his position I would follow the standard protocols for intelligence sharing rather than drop the info in an off-hand conversation with a diplomat while foreign reporters are hanging about. But then I'm not a slack-jawed buffoon and I have the ability to not use every opportunity for self-aggrandizement.

That's the thing. The motherfucker just can't shut his mouth about how goddamn great he is at every opportunity to every person he comes into contact with. It's his fallback, his way of socializing. He simply does not know how to do otherwise. And he isn't going to learn how to do things any differently. If he's so thunderously inept that he doesn't know better than to talk about intelligence in a room where there are Russian diplomats and Russian reporters present... I mean, what the fucking fuck???

He needs to be removed. Now. So what if we get Pence? There's several dump trucks worth of shit to cover him in once Trump is back to golfing and grabbing pussies full time. He'll be the the longest running lame duck in the history of the nation.
So what if anyone of you were POTUS and NSA/CIA comes to you and says "we have a high degree of confidence that ISIS is in the final stages of planning to blow up Metro train in some Russian city"
You would of course do the right thing - don't tell Putin, cause you know, he is a bad guy.

If I were in his position I would follow the standard protocols for intelligence sharing rather than drop the info in an off-hand conversation with a diplomat while foreign reporters are hanging about. But then I'm not a slack-jawed buffoon and I have the ability to not use every opportunity for self-aggrandizement.

Which is not to mention that if the 'ticking time bomb' scenario is to be believed waiting for such a diplomatic meeting would waste precious time. The entire scenario is indefensibly wrong from every angle.
Well, you elected that guy. Maybe NSA/CIA suggested that they should share this info with russians and Bafoon in chief thought it's a proper way to share it. Again, you knew who you were electing.
If I were in his position I would follow the standard protocols for intelligence sharing rather than drop the info in an off-hand conversation with a diplomat while foreign reporters are hanging about. But then I'm not a slack-jawed buffoon and I have the ability to not use every opportunity for self-aggrandizement.

Which is not to mention that if the 'ticking time bomb' scenario is to be believed waiting for such a diplomatic meeting would waste precious time. The entire scenario is indefensibly wrong from every angle.
Well, you elected that guy. Maybe NSA/CIA suggested that they should share this info with russians and Bafoon in chief thought it's a proper way to share it. Again, you knew who you were electing.

I can assure you I had very little to do with electing him. Nor am I the one in this thread defending his actions.
At the moment we appear to have "an anonymous source" that informed the Washington Post versus someone who was in the room.

McMaster said:
"There is nothing that the President takes more seriously than the security of the American people.

The story that came out tonight as reported is false. The president the foreign minister reviewed a range of common threats to our two countries, including threats to civil aviation.

At no time, at no time were intelligence sources or methods discussed. And the president did not disclose any military operations that were not already publicly known.

Two other senior officials who were present, including the Secretary of State, remembered the meeting the same way and have said so. Their on-the-record accounts should outweigh those of anonymous sources.

I was in the room. It didn't happen."

We all know how accurate "anonymous sources" can be

Understand unit cohesion and you'll better understand the reason for McMaster's comments.
Well, you elected that guy. Maybe NSA/CIA suggested that they should share this info with russians and Bafoon in chief thought it's a proper way to share it. Again, you knew who you were electing.

I can assure you I had very little to do with electing him. Nor am I the one in this thread defending his actions.
"You" means "Americans".
Anyway, GB and others in Five Eyes knows about it. And I doubt Lavrov works for ISIS. And ISIS knows US knows.
whichphilosophy said:
I pointed out there is a disparity of information. That cannot mean there was or was not a breach. However again the accusers failed to provide a burden of proof.

Several reputable news outlets confirming it via multiple sources within government is pretty strong evidence that it happened. That a bunch of Trump appointees are claiming it didn't means jack shit.

So either it happened, or WaPo, The New York Times, Reuters and every other news outfit that's confirmed this all made it up/have been duped. Which do you think rational people will accept as the more likely explanation?

Unsubstantiated information, whether from a reputable source or not is still unsubstantiated.Media simply passes on reports. In most cases they copy from each other.
We also suspect how accurate the White House will be when covering their asses.

Rumour mongers and speculators have the burden of proof.

Unspecified reports and speculation seems to pass on as news.
You seem to want everyone to shut up until we can actually report a conviction, but you don't want an investigation to be started in order to get the conviction.
The president has now confirmed that he did it via twitter. And threw McMaster under the bus at the same time.
yep. Loyalty to someone who will throw you under the bus in a heartbeat.

What's this got to do with an anonymous source suggesting that Trump passed over some Lap Top information to the Russians?

Yea, that source would be Trump. He just tweeted that he gave out the information because he is president. And he can release any damn information that he wants. Regardless of who is harmed and potentially killed for it. And clearly, his defenders will stop at no act to defend him. Sad....
Trump just finished saying that his spokes-people can't keep up with him so we shouldn't expect them to be correct. So I don't expect them to be correct this time.

And per Trump's tweet this morning, they weren't.

I actually feel bad for McMaster on this one. I'm sure that he hadn't seen the WaPo article when he spoke but had been told that it said Trump revealed sources and methods so he denied that.

On second thought, no I don't feel bad for him. Anyone that would work for Trump at this point and not realize that they will look like a fool eventually must already be a fool in the first place.
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