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WATCH: Trump supporter tells her daughters boys groping girls is ‘no big deal’ Tana Ganeva


Veteran Member
Jan 31, 2013
New York, Manhattan, Upper West Side
Basic Beliefs
Hardcore Atheist
Dear shitting fuck..that woman is too stupid to breathe....

As lawmakers and reporters reeled over the latest accusations against Brett Kavanaugh, there’s little consensus about what can and should be believed and what any of it means for his confirmation. Donald Trump today doubled down on his stance that the accusations are a “con game” by Democrats bent on sabotaging an innocent man, even as more accusations that he engaged in sexual misconduct piled up.

A woman Trump supporter from Bozeman, Montana, interviewed by MSNBC yesterday thinks the initial accusation by Christine Blasey Ford is no big deal, even if events occurred as Dr. Ford has described them.

“Groping a woman? At 18?” she says incredulously. “I mean how many guys do you know who think that’s no big deal?” she asked her young daughters, who nodded affirmatively. “It’s not a big deal,” the woman continued.

Dear shitting fuck..that woman is too stupid to breathe....

As lawmakers and reporters reeled over the latest accusations against Brett Kavanaugh, there’s little consensus about what can and should be believed and what any of it means for his confirmation. Donald Trump today doubled down on his stance that the accusations are a “con game” by Democrats bent on sabotaging an innocent man, even as more accusations that he engaged in sexual misconduct piled up.

A woman Trump supporter from Bozeman, Montana, interviewed by MSNBC yesterday thinks the initial accusation by Christine Blasey Ford is no big deal, even if events occurred as Dr. Ford has described them.

“Groping a woman? At 18?” she says incredulously. “I mean how many guys do you know who think that’s no big deal?” she asked her young daughters, who nodded affirmatively. “It’s not a big deal,” the woman continued.


a 15-year old girl is not a woman. Being pinned down on a bed is more than groping. So Madam is faking up/ shading the facts to make her position seem a little less heinous.
“Groping a woman? At 18?” she says incredulously. “I mean how many guys do you know who think that’s no big deal?” she asked her young daughters, who nodded affirmatively. “It’s not a big deal,” the woman continued.
If I had daughters I think I would have to have a serious talk with them if they hung around with guys that thought groping was no big deal.


More good ones in this article.

Dear shitting fuck..that woman is too stupid to breathe....

As lawmakers and reporters reeled over the latest accusations against Brett Kavanaugh, there’s little consensus about what can and should be believed and what any of it means for his confirmation. Donald Trump today doubled down on his stance that the accusations are a “con game” by Democrats bent on sabotaging an innocent man, even as more accusations that he engaged in sexual misconduct piled up.

A woman Trump supporter from Bozeman, Montana, interviewed by MSNBC yesterday thinks the initial accusation by Christine Blasey Ford is no big deal, even if events occurred as Dr. Ford has described them.

“Groping a woman? At 18?” she says incredulously. “I mean how many guys do you know who think that’s no big deal?” she asked her young daughters, who nodded affirmatively. “It’s not a big deal,” the woman continued.

She gets that the alleged groping was NON-CONSENSUAL? And that it wasn't RAPE because she was able to escape?
I can't help but suspect that most of these rape-apologist GOP women are mothers of boys who they are in effect defending, either because they know their kids have done similar or fear they will.
I can't help but suspect that most of these rape-apologist GOP women are mothers of boys who they are in effect defending, either because they know their kids have done similar or fear they will.
Well it is also the blinders issue for some people, such as not liking gays until they find out their friend is gay. They don't have any personal experience with sexual harassment (though might be ignorant of whether a close friend does), and they have lived a good life, therefore it must be something the woman did. If they had a friend that came forward, their views would likely change. I have a great amount of disdain for that type of person.
Remember too we have people so ignorant that they think a raped woman never can get pregnant from her rape. If she gets pregnant it means she was a willing participant and not raped.
Remember too we have people so ignorant that they think a raped woman never can get pregnant from her rape. If she gets pregnant it means she was a willing participant and not raped.

Yeah...I can't find it now, but wasn't there some xtian pastor or rethuglican congressvermin who said that the girl could just will the pregnancy away if she was raped, or words to that effect?
Second one on the list.


And BTW, I got this from Snopes that says these are all true.
Thanks, Ziprhead - it was the Tod Akin thing I had a half memory of.

The whole nauseating idea of "legitimate rape" and he said...

: “From what I understand from doctors, that's really rare. If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.

I don't know what doctors he got that horseshit from, but they clearly couldn't have been medical doctors. Maybe they were "doctors" of divinity or theology or similar areas of convoluted nonsense.
Thanks, Ziprhead - it was the Tod Akin thing I had a half memory of.

The whole nauseating idea of "legitimate rape" and he said...

: “From what I understand from doctors, that's really rare. If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.

I don't know what doctors he got that horseshit from, but they clearly couldn't have been medical doctors. Maybe they were "doctors" of divinity or theology or similar areas of convoluted nonsense.

Or he's just full of shit and pulled it out of his ass.
Thanks, Ziprhead - it was the Tod Akin thing I had a half memory of.

The whole nauseating idea of "legitimate rape" and he said...

: “From what I understand from doctors, that's really rare. If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.

I don't know what doctors he got that horseshit from, but they clearly couldn't have been medical doctors. Maybe they were "doctors" of divinity or theology or similar areas of convoluted nonsense.

Or he's just full of shit and pulled it out of his ass.

It's obvious. Abortion is always wrong. Therefore any situation that makes abortion a sensible option must not be what it appears. Pregnant from rape? It must not have been rape.

It's the sort of logic you get when you put faith above reason.
Remember too we have people so ignorant that they think a raped woman never can get pregnant from her rape. If she gets pregnant it means she was a willing participant and not raped.

It was a mainstream medical belief in the Middle Ages that a woman could not become pregnant without having an orgasm, and that therefore if she became pregnant she must have enjoyed the sex, which was therefore not rape. This was a very convenient belief, at a time when one of the few ways a woman could prove that any man had had sex with her at all, was to become pregnant; The combined "wisdom" of the (all male, naturally) medical and legal professions was that rape was effectively impossible to prove in a court of law unless there were a number of eyewitnesses to the attack, who would testify in the victim's favour.

It doesn't shock me as much as it probably should to learn that many US Republicans and law makers are still clinging to medical errors from 1,000 years ago.
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