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We in 1984 Territory Here With Russian - Taliban story?

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
This bothers me. It isn't the bounties. It isn't whether Trump won't speak against Russia on it.

It's the admitted alleged utter lack of on the same story the White House and Trump are apparently dealing with... and I don't believe that is the case.

This feels like diversion. Trump denies it, White House comes out with another version of how the intel was or was not shared. And it is all a diversion, to avoid discussion the actual story. So Trump gets his cover, and the White House doesn't need to discuss it. Kind of like shifting the controversy, so instead of talking about Trump/Putin and Russia paying bounties on US soldier killings, we are talking the White House is all over the fucking place with Trump on this.

At this point, we are willing to believe that the White House and Trump are that disconnected. But this really does feel like a convoluted method of avoiding the subject. And none of it fits.

article said:
White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany held a briefing Monday amid a growing furor over bounties that U.S. intelligence says Russia placed on U.S. troops in Afghanistan — and the lack of a U.S. response.

But her answers didn’t match up with President Trump’s, nor did they jibe with basic logic.

First, there was a significant disconnect between what McEnany said and what Trump said Sunday night. Trump claimed that not only was it inaccurate to say he had been briefed on the Russian-bounties intelligence, but also that the intelligence itself wasn’t credible.

“Intel just reported to me that they did not find this info credible, and therefore did not report it to me or @VP” Pence, Trump said.
Firstly, why would Trump be briefed on faulty intelligence. He isn't briefed much at all, so why would staffers waste the few moments he is briefed to discuss something that isn't true....

Well... I suppose.

Then the day after McEnany comes out and completely contradicts the President? Says he wasn't briefed. So then that launches the whole, 'why in the heck wouldn't he be briefed' on it. You wouldn't admit something so ridiculous.

We return to the, 'if you lie all the time' situation. Trump won't sit down for an actual press conference, McEnany can say whatever, which then diverts the dialogue from the actual story. I don't think we can believe anything that comes out of this White House.
JH said:
We in 1984 Territory Here With Russian - Taliban story?

What are you, Rip Van Winkle or something?
Seriously, Jimmy - I usually do admire the consistently measured tone of your delivery, but ...
Yeah, it's been years since we entered 1984 territory.
It's at least late 1987 now, and we are at war with Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia. Everyone but Russia. It has always been that way.

Plus, the white house IS going to brief congress.....but only the GOP.

So ... the enablers will be thoroughly briefed on Trump's idea of how to minimize the damage to the GOP.
(That should take ten minutes:
"Because otherwise, trouble."
"Okay then.")
As usual, anyone attending that briefing who actually believes anything represented as facts in those briefings deserves what they will eventually get.
JH said:
We in 1984 Territory Here With Russian - Taliban story?

What are you, Rip Van Winkle or something?
Seriously, Jimmy - I usually do admire the consistently measured tone of your delivery, but ...
Yeah, it's been years since we entered 1984 territory.
It's at least late 1987 now, and we are at war with Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia. Everyone but Russia. It has always been that way.

Plus, the white house IS going to brief congress.....but only the GOP.

So ... the enablers will be thoroughly briefed on Trump's idea of how to minimize the damage to the GOP.
(That should take ten minutes:
"Because otherwise, trouble."
"Okay then.")
As usual, anyone attending that briefing who actually believes anything represented as facts in those briefings deserves what they will eventually get.

Well, of course they'll lie. This meeting is to get everyone's lies on the same page. So they'll know the story to tell the evil democrats, the untrustworthy media, the stupid voters, and the intel communities.
Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi has requested the head of the CIA and the Director Of national Intelligence to brief Congress on all of this. And Schumer has also made that request to have these intelligence officers report to all 100 Senate members. I am sure that this is not going to be put to bed by Trump's GOP only briefing. All such important intelligence findings are supposed to be reported to the Congressional intelligence oversight committees, the "Gang Of Eight" and that apparently was not done as per law. Who did that? And there are still a bunch of officials out there that apparently tried to get action from the White House and failed to get action. They may be willing to come forward. They could be risking careers to do so, so may wait until weeks before the election so Trump will not have time to screw them over. But still enough time to take Trump down. This is all going to get very interesting very quickly. Expect lots of high ranking military officer and intelligence officer leaks. And this is going to make campaigning for vulnerable GOP candidates exciting. Like say, Mitch McConnell and Joni Ernst.
What are you, Rip Van Winkle or something?
Seriously, Jimmy - I usually do admire the consistently measured tone of your delivery, but ...
Yeah, it's been years since we entered 1984 territory.
It's at least late 1987 now, and we are at war with Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia. Everyone but Russia. It has always been that way.

So ... the enablers will be thoroughly briefed on Trump's idea of how to minimize the damage to the GOP.
(That should take ten minutes:
"Because otherwise, trouble."
"Okay then.")
As usual, anyone attending that briefing who actually believes anything represented as facts in those briefings deserves what they will eventually get.

Well, of course they'll lie. This meeting is to get everyone's lies on the same page. So they'll know the story to tell the evil democrats, the untrustworthy media, the stupid voters, and the intel communities.

So Keith, as a career military guy can you tell me when foreign adversaries putting bounties on US Military personnel became a partisan issue?
Dems should have invaded that "briefing" like the Gaetz gang did when Republicans were included in a hearing but their line was that Republicans weren't included.
I hope it was conducted in person and all were unmasked.
So Keith, as a career military guy can you tell me when foreign adversaries putting bounties on US Military personnel became a partisan issue?
Well, 2017 was when i saw conservatives wearing T-shirts that implied Russians or their agents w were better than Hillary. So i think it goes back to the Right's 30-year love affair with demonizing Hillary.
They've groomed the Horde to not question anything said or done by one of The Sanctified, no matter how far it opposes their alleged principles, and villify any dissent.
Niw i think they're stuck with 'sunken costs.' Sort of. It's not so much that they've invested time, effort, into Trump. It's explaining why this is the breaking point. You cannot expect a politician to say, 'This was the point. Misstep number 4,534. That was when he went too far.'
Because they're immediately going to be asked, 'Why wasn't step 4,533 a breaking point? Either because it was just as bad, OR because it was the forty-five hundredth fucking misstep?! Why?'
Actually this is a real problem for the War anywhere party. Trump's put America first. Republicans are habitual flag wavers. Trump apparently can't read daily briefs so getting something like this past him is literally child's play and leaves a physical record to boot.

"I heard" or more aptly "I never heard" won't wash. The tweet-bag-in-chief is up schiit's creek.

I suspect this will poll-ax Blowtus

NYT for drover of the year.

I mean, sacrificing American Hero lives to curry favor with Putin. Git a Rope!!
We return to the, 'if you lie all the time' situation. Trump won't sit down for an actual press conference, McEnany can say whatever, which then diverts the dialogue from the actual story. I don't think we can believe anything that comes out of this White House.

During the last Republican administration, they had the "lie all the time" thing down to a science. They were brutally consistent with the lies, to the point where 70 percent of the country believed Iraq was somehow involved or perhaps even behind 9/11. Reporters had to carefully sift through a solid wall of carefully crafted bullshit in order to expose what was really going on, and even then the White House's messaging was so consistent and slick that the press had a hard time keeping momentum going on a story. They were ruthlessly disciplined. "Here's today's lie, here's how we're going to sell it, and here's how we're going to spin it if people don't buy it." They all got together, agreed on the lie, and nobody went off script.

The Trump administration? Incompetent liars struggling to get their story straight, then Trump jumps up like an idiot and blows their cover with a tweet, leaving them scrambling to spin it as something other than sheer incompetence.

But wait...that's not all! According to Carl Bernstein - who knows something about exposing Presidential lying - Trump is not just a congenital liar, but mind-bogglingly incompetent. To the point that his own staff considered him a threat to national security.


In hundreds of highly classified phone calls with foreign heads of state, President Donald Trump was so consistently unprepared for discussion of serious issues, so often outplayed in his conversations with powerful leaders like Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Erdogan, and so abusive to leaders of America's principal allies, that the calls helped convince some senior US officials -- including his former secretaries of state and defense, two national security advisers and his longest-serving chief of staff -- that the President himself posed a danger to the national security of the United States, according to White House and intelligence officials intimately familiar with the contents of the conversations.

The calls caused former top Trump deputies -- including national security advisers H.R. McMaster and John Bolton, Defense Secretary James Mattis, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and White House chief of staff John Kelly, as well as intelligence officials -- to conclude that the President was often "delusional," as two sources put it, in his dealings with foreign leaders. The sources said there was little evidence that the President became more skillful or competent in his telephone conversations with most heads of state over time. Rather, he continued to believe that he could either charm, jawbone or bully almost any foreign leader into capitulating to his will, and often pursued goals more attuned to his own agenda than what many of his senior advisers considered the national interest.

In 1984, the bad guys actually knew what the fuck they were doing. This is something else.
New info says that this Russia Taliban bounty issue was in the President's written daily intelligence briefings in March 2019. NOT 2020. One year earlier than previously thought. Trump was personally briefed by John Bolton about this in March 2019 too. But did he abandon his accomodationist policies toward Russia in the following YEAR? Nope.
We return to the, 'if you lie all the time' situation. Trump won't sit down for an actual press conference, McEnany can say whatever, which then diverts the dialogue from the actual story. I don't think we can believe anything that comes out of this White House.

During the last Republican administration, they had the "lie all the time" thing down to a science. They were brutally consistent with the lies, to the point where 70 percent of the country believed Iraq was somehow involved or perhaps even behind 9/11. Reporters had to carefully sift through a solid wall of carefully crafted bullshit in order to expose what was really going on, and even then the White House's messaging was so consistent and slick that the press had a hard time keeping momentum going on a story. They were ruthlessly disciplined. "Here's today's lie, here's how we're going to sell it, and here's how we're going to spin it if people don't buy it." They all got together, agreed on the lie, and nobody went off script.

The Trump administration? Incompetent liars struggling to get their story straight, then Trump jumps up like an idiot and blows their cover with a tweet, leaving them scrambling to spin it as something other than sheer incompetence.

But wait...that's not all! According to Carl Bernstein - who knows something about exposing Presidential lying - Trump is not just a congenital liar, but mind-bogglingly incompetent. To the point that his own staff considered him a threat to national security.


In hundreds of highly classified phone calls with foreign heads of state, President Donald Trump was so consistently unprepared for discussion of serious issues, so often outplayed in his conversations with powerful leaders like Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Erdogan, and so abusive to leaders of America's principal allies, that the calls helped convince some senior US officials -- including his former secretaries of state and defense, two national security advisers and his longest-serving chief of staff -- that the President himself posed a danger to the national security of the United States, according to White House and intelligence officials intimately familiar with the contents of the conversations.

The calls caused former top Trump deputies -- including national security advisers H.R. McMaster and John Bolton, Defense Secretary James Mattis, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and White House chief of staff John Kelly, as well as intelligence officials -- to conclude that the President was often "delusional," as two sources put it, in his dealings with foreign leaders. The sources said there was little evidence that the President became more skillful or competent in his telephone conversations with most heads of state over time. Rather, he continued to believe that he could either charm, jawbone or bully almost any foreign leader into capitulating to his will, and often pursued goals more attuned to his own agenda than what many of his senior advisers considered the national interest.

In 1984, the bad guys actually knew what the fuck they were doing. This is something else.

Yup, exactly. Trump is a clown, a buffoon, an embarrassment. The man is pure bluster and self-promotion. His incompetence should be obvious to anyone with an ounce of sense, unless of course they have wrapped up their entire identity around "owning the libs". The man shouldn't be in charge of anything important, let alone in charge of the executive branch of the United States.

Perhaps this latest scandal will turn off enough Republicans. His base is too far gone, they are entirely enraptured in his personality cult. But perhaps some portion of the many Republicans who were never big fans of him to begin with will just decide to stay home. It doesn't have to be a lot, these things are won at the margins. Biden may not be scary enough. The Republicans just haven't run a decades-long fear-mongering campaign against Biden like they had against Clinton, where many Republican voters thought of her as some sort of cartoon supervillain. Of course, they were able to swift-boat Kerry in pretty short order, so who knows?
New info says that this Russia Taliban bounty issue was in the President's written daily intelligence briefings in March 2019. NOT 2020. One year earlier than previously thought. Trump was personally briefed by John Bolton about this in March 2019 too. But did he abandon his accomodationist policies toward Russia in the following YEAR? Nope.

Yeah, I just read that on CNBC. So Bolton knew 16 months ago but was saving this juicy tidbit for his tell-all?

CNBC Article said:
White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said during a press briefing Monday that the president had not been briefed. Pressed on the matter by reporters, including whether that applied to the president’s daily briefing, she said: “He was not personally briefed on the matter. That is all I can share with you today, is that both the CIA director, the national security advisor, and the chief of staff can all confirm neither the president or the vice president was briefed.”

So, knowing A Clownstick Orange doesn't like to hear bad news about his creditor, they put it in the daily brief knowing he does not read the daily brief because reading is boring and besides it makes him sleepy and walked away saying: Hey, he was told.
We return to the, 'if you lie all the time' situation. Trump won't sit down for an actual press conference, McEnany can say whatever, which then diverts the dialogue from the actual story. I don't think we can believe anything that comes out of this White House.

During the last Republican administration, they had the "lie all the time" thing down to a science. They were brutally consistent with the lies, to the point where 70 percent of the country believed Iraq was somehow involved or perhaps even behind 9/11. Reporters had to carefully sift through a solid wall of carefully crafted bullshit in order to expose what was really going on, and even then the White House's messaging was so consistent and slick that the press had a hard time keeping momentum going on a story. They were ruthlessly disciplined. "Here's today's lie, here's how we're going to sell it, and here's how we're going to spin it if people don't buy it." They all got together, agreed on the lie, and nobody went off script.
They were also careful to cover lies by using juxtaposition A LOT!

The Trump administration? Incompetent liars struggling to get their story straight, then Trump jumps up like an idiot and blows their cover with a tweet, leaving them scrambling to spin it as something other than sheer incompetence.
That is my concern though. While I can suppose it is easily possible these people are that incompetent, these incompatible lies seem too incompatible. It appears like they are desperately trying to change the story from Russia to their lying. And we are finding out why that could be true, that his was known in 2019, not 2020.

Maybe we are far enough into the primary season that the GOP can finally grow a damn spine.
According to some congress critter on CNN, everybody (including Pelosi, etc) got the that "briefing" in paper. And since Trump does not read it..... Also it was "Russians might do that" assessment variety, basically projecting. It's nothing burger, people.
According to some congress critter on CNN, everybody (including Pelosi, etc) got the that "briefing" in paper. And since Trump does not read it..... Also it was "Russians might do that" assessment variety, basically projecting. It's nothing burger, people.

Well, if they are claiming a paper trail, then it should be trivially easy for them to prove everyone knew in writing.

Not holding my breath for this lie to be acknowledged.
According to some congress critter on CNN, everybody (including Pelosi, etc) got the that "briefing" in paper. And since Trump does not read it..... Also it was "Russians might do that" assessment variety, basically projecting. It's nothing burger, people.

Well, if they are claiming a paper trail, then it should be trivially easy for them to prove everyone knew in writing.

Not holding my breath for this lie to be acknowledged.

Or one can simply ask Pelosi.
The guy on CNN was https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Stewart_(politician) , he is a Trumper but he is a proper rusophobe as well. So it could go either way.
The congress critter: Rep Adam Kinzinger https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/29/politics/russia-bounties-presidential-daily-briefing/index.html

The sounds of backing off "....If I didn't say it right .... He doesn't know about it ...if what I was told is true ...." Kinzinger sounds like a loaded logging truck rolling down a fire trail backing off all the way ......

You need more than this barbos

lezzeee, Tar, eyup; feathers, eyup; rail, eyup. rope, eyup, twelve good men and true, eyup. Party on!!
So Keith, as a career military guy can you tell me when foreign adversaries putting bounties on US Military personnel became a partisan issue?
Well, 2017 was when i saw conservatives wearing T-shirts that implied Russians or their agents w were better than Hillary. So i think it goes back to the Right's 30-year love affair with demonizing Hillary.
They've groomed the Horde to not question anything said or done by one of The Sanctified, no matter how far it opposes their alleged principles, and villify any dissent.
Niw i think they're stuck with 'sunken costs.' Sort of. It's not so much that they've invested time, effort, into Trump. It's explaining why this is the breaking point. You cannot expect a politician to say, 'This was the point. Misstep number 4,534. That was when he went too far.'
Because they're immediately going to be asked, 'Why wasn't step 4,533 a breaking point? Either because it was just as bad, OR because it was the forty-five hundredth fucking misstep?! Why?'

I think it's simpler than that. Trump has the power of the GOP purse; that's why they stay in line.
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