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WH bans selected MS press from news briefing

It is nice to think things.
J842P is right, media had been extremely easy on Obama and other politicians. And I think had they been doing their job we would not have been having Trump as POTUS now.
So the American press is to blame for the racist right movements in Europe as well as Brexit?
Well, yes. Middle East mess is on US government for the most part which in turn is on US press which did nothing.
Man, pro-Russia people want to blame everything on America.
And you blame everything on Russia.

Nah - Russia is just a thug trying to hide the bankruptcy of the nation he is supposed to be leading behind a facade of false bravado. Trump is so stupid that all he can think about is trying to match Putin's strongman style. The media just reports the stupidity, and that's what pisses off El Cheato. His role model Putin doesn't have that problem because he's allowed murder of "disappear" anyone who tries to tell the truth about his antics.

How do you know all that?

The same way I know the sky is blue when it's daytime and not cloudy.
It is nice to think things.
J842P is right, media had been extremely easy on Obama and other politicians. And I think had they been doing their job we would not have been having Trump as POTUS now.
So the American press is to blame for the racist right movements in Europe as well as Brexit?
Well, yes. Middle East mess is on US government for the most part which in turn is on US press which did nothing.
Man, pro-Russia people want to blame everything on America.
And you blame everything on Russia.

Nah - Russia is just a thug trying to hide the bankruptcy of the nation he is supposed to be leading behind a facade of false bravado. Trump is so stupid that all he can think about is trying to match Putin's strongman style. The media just reports the stupidity, and that's what pisses off El Cheato. His role model Putin doesn't have that problem because he's allowed murder of "disappear" anyone who tries to tell the truth about his antics.

How do you know all that?

The same way I know the sky is blue when it's daytime and not cloudy.
TV told you that sky is blue?
It is nice to think things.
J842P is right, media had been extremely easy on Obama and other politicians. And I think had they been doing their job we would not have been having Trump as POTUS now.
So the American press is to blame for the racist right movements in Europe as well as Brexit?
Well, yes. Middle East mess is on US government for the most part which in turn is on US press which did nothing.
Man, pro-Russia people want to blame everything on America.
And you blame everything on Russia.

Nah - Russia is just a thug trying to hide the bankruptcy of the nation he is supposed to be leading behind a facade of false bravado. Trump is so stupid that all he can think about is trying to match Putin's strongman style. The media just reports the stupidity, and that's what pisses off El Cheato. His role model Putin doesn't have that problem because he's allowed murder of "disappear" anyone who tries to tell the truth about his antics.

How do you know all that?

The same way I know the sky is blue when it's daytime and not cloudy.
TV told you that sky is blue?

No, my friends from all points in the political spectrum, and those who work in positions to know, told me the sky was blue.
Why do you ask, barbos? Did the TV tell you that Putin is a Great Leader of The People, and that Cheato adopting his means is proof of that Fact?
It is nice to think things.
J842P is right, media had been extremely easy on Obama and other politicians. And I think had they been doing their job we would not have been having Trump as POTUS now.
So the American press is to blame for the racist right movements in Europe as well as Brexit?
Well, yes. Middle East mess is on US government for the most part which in turn is on US press which did nothing.
Man, pro-Russia people want to blame everything on America.
And you blame everything on Russia.

Nah - Russia is just a thug trying to hide the bankruptcy of the nation he is supposed to be leading behind a facade of false bravado. Trump is so stupid that all he can think about is trying to match Putin's strongman style. The media just reports the stupidity, and that's what pisses off El Cheato. His role model Putin doesn't have that problem because he's allowed murder of "disappear" anyone who tries to tell the truth about his antics.

How do you know all that?

The same way I know the sky is blue when it's daytime and not cloudy.
TV told you that sky is blue?

No, my friends from all points in the political spectrum, and those who work in positions to know, told me the sky was blue.
Why do you ask, barbos? Did the TV tell you that Putin is a Great Leader of The People, and that Cheato adopting his means is proof of that Fact?
You are friends with Jen Psaki, Maxine Waters, Donald Trump?
They work/worked in a position to know, but do they actually know?
Nah - Russia is just a thug trying to hide the bankruptcy of the nation he is supposed to be leading behind a facade of false bravado. Trump is so stupid that all he can think about is trying to match Putin's strongman style. The media just reports the stupidity, and that's what pisses off El Cheato. His role model Putin doesn't have that problem because he's allowed murder of "disappear" anyone who tries to tell the truth about his antics.

That's most of it. Trump's caterwauling about how various legitimate, well-reputed news sites are "fake news" even when their "info is real", along with him inviting in crap sites like the Washington Times - and particularly Breitbart, is a worrisome example of him attempting to act like an authoritarian ruler. Basically, it's a weak attempt to discredict oppositional press, and elevate sites that just make stuff up and do no reporting.

Or, more likely, he actually believes the bullshit that such sites print, which would explain why he so readily believes that he "Inherited a mess" or why he keeps sobbing about how Paris and Sweden are muslim-rape-gang-infested fiery hellscapes. Neither one bodes well for his actions.
How do you know all that?

One way is I read sources that provide references for their data that can be checked. For instance: Infographic: Here’s How the Global GDP Is Divvied Up
http://foreignpolicy.com/2017/02/24/infographic-heres-how-the-global-gdp-is-divvied-up/ is a blog that presents an interesting graphic


and analysis based on data from the world bank which it lists and I provide for data: http://data.worldbank.org/data-catalog/world-development-indicators# and for projections: http://data.worldbank.org/data-catalog/global-economic-prospects# which themselves include further access and references. |

This is how legitimate news is produced.

Argue what you will but Russia isn't even a major player in Asia as it represents about 5% of Asian GDP. If Russia didn't have such large balls (mainly ill repair decrepit nuclear arsenal) Putin wouldn't even have a microphone. Oh shit. Israel has about 1/4 of Russia's GDP. What an economic pussy Russia is.

You are bringing this back to the nut of what is a free objective press. It is one that presents news based on facts and witness interview reporting backed up by at least two corroborating sources to the population it serves without: hindrance beyond protecting public, holding bias or hidden perspective.

Thank ewe.
One added thought since we're talking about Trump and news. Name calling and labeling is not news. Why the one who labeled did so is the news. So when you read "Trump call a critic 'fake news'" the news is not not the claim he makes - though to some why sensationalist cries are attention getting might be news - its why Trump is trying to dis his 'enemies that is the news.
How do you know all that?

One way is I read sources that provide references for their data that can be checked. For instance: Infographic: Here’s How the Global GDP Is Divvied Up
http://foreignpolicy.com/2017/02/24/infographic-heres-how-the-global-gdp-is-divvied-up/ is a blog that presents an interesting graphic


and analysis based on data from the world bank which it lists and I provide for data: http://data.worldbank.org/data-catalog/world-development-indicators# and for projections: http://data.worldbank.org/data-catalog/global-economic-prospects# which themselves include further access and references. |

This is how legitimate news is produced.

Argue what you will but Russia isn't even a major player in Asia as it represents about 5% of Asian GDP. If Russia didn't have such large balls (mainly ill repair decrepit nuclear arsenal) Putin wouldn't even have a microphone. Oh shit. Israel has about 1/4 of Russia's GDP. What an economic pussy Russia is.

You are bringing this back to the nut of what is a free objective press. It is one that presents news based on facts and witness interview reporting backed up by at least two corroborating sources to the population it serves without: hindrance beyond protecting public, holding bias or hidden perspective.

Thank ewe.

I don't see how all of this relevant to my "How do you know all that?" post
One way is I read sources that provide references for their data that can be checked. For instance: Infographic: Here’s How the Global GDP Is Divvied Up
http://foreignpolicy.com/2017/02/24/infographic-heres-how-the-global-gdp-is-divvied-up/ is a blog that presents an interesting graphic


and analysis based on data from the world bank which it lists and I provide for data: http://data.worldbank.org/data-catalog/world-development-indicators# and for projections: http://data.worldbank.org/data-catalog/global-economic-prospects# which themselves include further access and references. |

This is how legitimate news is produced.

Argue what you will but Russia isn't even a major player in Asia as it represents about 5% of Asian GDP. If Russia didn't have such large balls (mainly ill repair decrepit nuclear arsenal) Putin wouldn't even have a microphone. Oh shit. Israel has about 1/4 of Russia's GDP. What an economic pussy Russia is.

You are bringing this back to the nut of what is a free objective press. It is one that presents news based on facts and witness interview reporting backed up by at least two corroborating sources to the population it serves without: hindrance beyond protecting public, holding bias or hidden perspective.

Thank ewe.

I don't see how all of this relevant to my "How do you know all that?" post

Look down in the lower corner of the orange portion of the graph. Russia rakes up about 3% of Asia's contribution with 1.8% of world GDP As I noted that means israel is about one third the economic size of Russia. Israel, a state of about 6 million citizens has economic has one third the product of Russia with 180 million people and about 10% of the world's oil production. Russia is a gnat. Oil is still at about $54 a barrel. Russia needs oil at about $85 dollars a barrel to support it's economy. Some russian soldiers in and about Ukraine are still waiting to be paid. World bank databases are really important in sizing up the relative power of a nation to make trouble for extended time. I know that because I read articles that are fact based and referenced and I have a decent brain.

That's how my post relates to your query.
I don't see how all of this relevant to my "How do you know all that?" post

Look down in the lower corner of the orange portion of the graph. Russia rakes up about 3% of Asia's contribution with 1.8% of world GDP As I noted that means israel is about one third the economic size of Russia. Israel, a state of about 6 million citizens has economic has one third the product of Russia with 180 million people and about 10% of the world's oil production. Russia is a gnat. Oil is still at about $54 a barrel. Russia needs oil at about $85 dollars a barrel to support it's economy. Some russian soldiers in and about Ukraine are still waiting to be paid. World bank databases are really important in sizing up the relative power of a nation to make trouble for extended time. I know that because I read articles that are fact based and referenced and I have a decent brain.

That's how my post relates to your query.
How is that relevant to the topic of discussion?
But if you must know, russian PPP GDP per capita is on par with other less developed countries such as Brasil. Mexico, China, it's about 40-50% of that in US.
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Look down in the lower corner of the orange portion of the graph. Russia rakes up about 3% of Asia's contribution with 1.8% of world GDP As I noted that means israel is about one third the economic size of Russia. Israel, a state of about 6 million citizens has economic has one third the product of Russia with 180 million people and about 10% of the world's oil production. Russia is a gnat. Oil is still at about $54 a barrel. Russia needs oil at about $85 dollars a barrel to support it's economy. Some russian soldiers in and about Ukraine are still waiting to be paid. World bank databases are really important in sizing up the relative power of a nation to make trouble for extended time. I know that because I read articles that are fact based and referenced and I have a decent brain.

That's how my post relates to your query.
How is that relevant to the topic of discussion?
Good question. I'd be more concentrating on how Russia has no history of a free press or democracy.
How is that relevant to the topic of discussion?
Good question. I'd be more concentrating on how Russia has no history of a free press or democracy.
Actually Russia has a little bit of that. There was a free press in 1917, before October revolution and in 1990s after Soviet Union fell.
US does have a free press, no question about that. it's just they are not interested in actually doing something constructive with it.
US does have a free press, no question about that. it's just they are not interested in actually doing something constructive with it.

I beg your pardon?

Exactly how many waterskiing squirrels would you be aware of without the US media taking the time to ignore the events of the world in order to cover them? None, that's how many. Please retract your fallacious statement. :mad:
Our printed press is actually very good. The cable press, a disgrace.

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any accredited journalist holding a press badge is ENTITLED to be present at any and all WH press briefings. How the WH views those accredited journalists does not matter one fuck.
Could be since you think a good adversarial relationship should include barring access to media.

I said any sort of adversarial relationship is preferable to the status quo - which was the MSM essentially acting as a mouthpiece for the administration -- except for the soft-balliest of softball questions every now and then to keep up appearances -- out of fear that the admin won't allow access to the briefings. As far as I'm concerned, this may light a fire.

Your reasoning is curious, that they will be more likely to be adversarial than mouthpieces if they are barred, rather than this motivating them to suck up to try to get back in favor.

And as if they haven't been adversarial to Trump to this point. That they don't ask every great question they could is not a matter of being a mouthpiece, it's just that the media overall isn't great.

Of course, a majority of liberals were absolutely silent about the Obama administrations unprecedented persecution of whistle-blowers, charging 8 different whistleblowers under the WWI era Espionage Act. That is more than double of all previous presidents combined. This being a very real threat of First Amendment principles. Of course, most self-described liberals I meet only give a shit about these sorts of things when Republicans are in office.

And of course, now the very same Democrats who have called Snowden a traitor that must "come home and face the music," are praising the leakers who exposed Flynn. Excuse me if I cannot stand the hypocrisy.

Most people of every political party are silent about those issues. Most Americans don't care. Why single out liberals? Other than it's your hobby horse?


And you know what? I'm going to challenge you to support your claim that I "think a good adversarial relationship should include barring access to media."

Well, you just admitted you think it would "light a fire." If you want to nitpick the "should include," then it's just nitpicking.
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