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WH bans selected MS press from news briefing

Yes. That I don't agree with your remedy doesn't mean I don't understand your view that the press is too cozy with the White House.

This is not "my remedy." My remedy would be for the press to stop acting like sycophants, and to adversarially and seriously start questioning administration positions, and stop acting as propaganda arms of the executive branch. I would love if the press would act in a principled manner by simply reminding them it is their duty as a fundamental pillar of a free society.

But of course, that's like hoping teenagers won't get pregnant by telling them "don't have sex."

So, if them being banned from a press briefing is what actually lights a fire under their asses, I guess we have to take it.

And anyway, it's not that I don't think you understand. It's that I don't think you really care.
These are not "news" briefings.

They are propaganda and since Trump they are outright lies.

This sick partisan politics without morality has thoroughly infected the press though.

There was a day if somebody tried this everyone from the press would boycott.
Could be since you think a good adversarial relationship should include barring access to media.

See, the logic is like this:

The MSM is too sycophantic to the White House. This is exactly like fascism, especially if dinner is served and jokes are told.

Now that the MSM is having an adversarial relationship with the White House, banning them is the perfect way to reward them!

That makes total sense, just like the idea that a dinner and jokes are the hallmarks of a fascist regime.

See...that was easy!


Yes, actually, that is *exactly* what facism is like - it is a the collusion of private industry, the media, and art in service to the political will of the one-party state. The term itself derives from fascio, a bundle of sticks symbolizing strength through unity - and that includes unity of the state with various social institutions - chief among them the media.

And I don't know how much you know about Nazis, but they loved swanky dinner parties. And they certainly loved politically correct comedy.
And I don't know how much you know about Nazis, but they loved swanky dinner parties. And they certainly loved politically correct comedy.

Well then, we're exactly like Nazi Germany. :rolleyes:
I very rarely agree with anything JP42P says, and won't go nearly as far as he has here with his rhetoric, but he has a little bit of a point.

I read an article a few weeks ago discussing exactly this topic. (I will try to find it again, if I can) The gist was the author's concern that media would tone down their investigative reporting in order to remain a part of the press briefings, because this is (theoretically) the most immediate and accurate source of information from any administration.

While past administrations might have been annoyed with the press, there have not been these constant threats of excluding particular media outlets. With this pretender under the delusion he is a dictator rather than just a dickhead, we did run the very real risk of the media turning into the "sycophants" JP42P believes they already are.

Now, instead, I hope, those excluded will feel freed and pissed enough to go full bore into investigating every aspect of this administration.
WH bans NYT, CNN, and others from WH press briefing https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/24/...lumn-region®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0

Yeah. Shoe thrown.

Is it welcome to Fascist America yet for those slow to get the message?

I suggest we react, then discuss what the hell just happened.

Fascist Americä ", is already here, though it's likely to continue getting worse. Why weren't people complaining about Obama in this regard?
From 5 years ago.
Slouching Towards Nuremberg?

Strange things are happening in the United States these days, and every day seems to bring additional scary news. The similarity to the erosion of civil liberties in Germany during the 1930s is a bit too close for comfort. Many will regard this statement as hyperbole, and, to some extent, it is. But let’s take a close look at what is going on before we dismiss the comparison out of hand.

I. The creation of a political climate in which the police are out of control, arbitrarily free to intimidate anyone for virtually anything

II. The persecution of whistleblowers, protesters, and dissenters

III. The dramatic expansion of the surveillance of American citizens on the part of the National Security Agency (NSA)

IV. The corruption of the judicial system by means of show trials of Muslim activists

V. The construction of political detention centers, also known as Communication Management Units (CMU’s)

VI. The shredding of the Bill of Rights by means of the National Defense Authorization Act

VII. Future scenarios: The “disappearing” of intellectual critics of the U.S. government?
INow, instead, I hope, those excluded will feel freed and pissed enough to go full bore into investigating every aspect of this administration.

Well, they've already done that. they're giving every signal that there's something incriminating, and that they've lost control of info.

Interestingly, guess which conservative websites suddenly got press credentials today?
Quite frankly, I don't give a shit about who the administration allows at the press briefings. Just ask yourself this - could the Trump administration have pulled off what the Bush administration did with the Iraq war, where the "fourth estate" was essentially acting as the propaganda arm for the Bush Admin, with some token liberal caricature playing the role of the useful-idiot pacifist foil to some admin-approved war-monger?
As now we're living in an age of White House Soap Opera, I particularly don't see the need for him to ban the mainstream media except to take a pointed jab at the press's coverage of the administration. However, I, much like you, think it has the potential to work to the public's advantage even it's temporarily to the press's disadvantage.

That's because I 100% agree with you on the dire need for the press to have an adversarial relationship with any administration no matter which party's candidate makes it to the Oval Office. As a liberal, I wouldn't care if the candidate I voted in was exposed for corruption or bad foreign policies. My allegiance is not to the party with which I identify on policy issues but to the principle of the government being answerable to all of us as the American public and the government being transparent as to its intentions. I also cannot abide the sycophancy with which the mainstream media in the past has literally acted as a propaganda arm for past involvement in wars. Frankly, no American has wanted any long-range involvement in the Middle East, but it's been fed to us as desirable for reasons like bringing "freedom" and "democracy" to a heathenish world.

Except I have very pointed questions which exposes the selfish and self-serving hypocrisy of all past administrations and enables the public to be freed from delusion as to our modus operandi: Why haven't we brought democracy to North Korea which is currently a communist state and a totalitarian dictatorship? Or even Russia that though poses as a democracy to the world is in its operation a de facto dictatorship? Or what about China who has long believed that democracy is incompatible with its cultural values and has only some democratic elements within the "republic" that is run in an autocratic style? Could it be that since these countries are nuclear we don't actually want to spearhead destruction their way by spreading "freedom" and "democracy" in bombing them to kingdom come because we'd instigate WWIII and be in return destroyed ourselves? How quaint and generous and selfless then our leaders are to tell us all the time about the necessity of bringing "freedom" and "democracy" in the Middle East; oil, the profits from the arm dealers and other war machines in what is essentially a war racket, and indulging Israel as our friend to humiliate and subjugate the Palestinian Christians and Palestinian Muslims is all a mighty handsome compensation and all a display of our past administrations' "generosity."

And if we should next go to war in Iran on a pretext of freeing the people from oppression, we should all know that this is another example of our unfailing generosity, especially since we were also the generous ones to wage an ignoble campaign to topple the enlightened Shah regime to enable the fall of the state to Ayatollah Khomeni's iron fist. And did I mention how generous we were when we in 2006, as Wikileaks detailing cables on Syria show, believed that we should topple the Syrian regime and funded opposition groups to Syria's Assad so that we had a stake in the game and we had been planning and planting seeds of combustion in Syria for decades? Our cup runneth over now since we'd managed to foster chaos in the Middle East for decades, and ISIS is the direct result of CIA actions as even Julian Assange had once explained.

So, in summation, not only do we need an adversarial press, we need a public that is aware and able to have all relevant information from the press, which can only happen if the press rises above partisan politics and seriously does investigative journalism as it's been intended to do as the fourth estate. I want the truth, especially the inconvenient ones. And I want it from the press specific to every single administration that goes into the White House. Our collective futures are at stake when that doesn't happen and then also the futures of those generations still to come.

INow, instead, I hope, those excluded will feel freed and pissed enough to go full bore into investigating every aspect of this administration.

Well, they've already done that. they're giving every signal that there's something incriminating, and that they've lost control of info.

Interestingly, guess which conservative websites suddenly got press credentials today?

I heard some weird alt-right conspiracy nut blogger got a spot.
I agree with J842P, but I think this current "war" between press and government is superficial and will not result in press/media starting doing their job. Trump is an aberration, trashing him is good for liberal media ratings. Once Trump is gone everything will be back to "normal".
OK. Its a briefing. POTUS briefings and department releases are political documents. At issue is does everyone have access to the information whether it is true or no even if they tend to treat most of it as untrue or suspect.

I believe access is solidly within the first amendment. Now, if POTUS wants to limit questions and interviews they are certainly within their bounds to limit questioners to those who faun. They are not free to prohibit those they keep from questioning or interviewing to have access to the information made by the questioning and interviewing.

As for WH calling the press opposition that is way over the top. Most press is only skeptical and cynical. For WH to claim press entites opposition and to deny access is to claim tth ones banned enemy of the state.

My view is POTUS is acting like a Nazi in treating the press as opposition. They are not Nazi just because they deny some press live access to WH pov briefings. If questions are being taken at these briefings however, they have crossed the line.

BTW. any time power selectively denies access to question technically they are acting as Nazis.
OK. Its a briefing. POTUS briefings and department releases are political documents. At issue is does everyone have access to the information whether it is true or no even if they tend to treat most of it as untrue or suspect.

I believe access is solidly within the first amendment. Now, if POTUS wants to limit questions and interviews they are certainly within their bounds to limit questioners to those who faun. They are not free to prohibit those they keep from questioning or interviewing to have access to the information made by the questioning and interviewing.

As for WH calling the press opposition that is way over the top. Most press is only skeptical and cynical. For WH to claim press entites opposition and to deny access is to claim tth ones banned enemy of the state.

My view is POTUS is acting like a Nazi in treating the press as opposition. They are not Nazi just because they deny some press live access to WH pov briefings. If questions are being taken at these briefings however, they have crossed the line.

BTW. any time power selectively denies access to question technically they are acting as Nazis.

Can we start calling this kind of stuff acting like Tonton Macoute instead?
I agree with J842P, but I think this current "war" between press and government is superficial and will not result in press/media starting doing their job. Trump is an aberration, trashing him is good for liberal media ratings. Once Trump is gone everything will be back to "normal".

Normal may be gone, dissipated as a result of his campaign. And the 'war' with the press?

It is the war between Intelligence and the White House and small pieces of a larger puzzle regarding the Obama Admin are coming into focus.

This isn't about the press wanting to destroy Trump, this is about an Administration that is betraying most American democratic institutions and the two wings left that are trying to save out democracy.

But you wouldn't know jack about democracy, so you continue saying the things you do.
I agree with J842P, but I think this current "war" between press and government is superficial and will not result in press/media starting doing their job. Trump is an aberration, trashing him is good for liberal media ratings. Once Trump is gone everything will be back to "normal".
Normal may be gone, dissipated as a result of his campaign. And the 'war' with the press?

It is the war between Intelligence and the White House and small pieces of a larger puzzle regarding the Obama Admin are coming into focus.

This isn't about the press wanting to destroy Trump, this is about an Administration that is betraying most American democratic institutions and the two wings left that are trying to save out democracy.

But you wouldn't know jack about democracy, so you continue saying the things you do.
I don't think you know about democracy as much as you think.
J842P is right, media had been extremely easy on Obama and other politicians. And I think had they been doing their job we would not have been having Trump as POTUS now.
Normal may be gone, dissipated as a result of his campaign. And the 'war' with the press?

It is the war between Intelligence and the White House and small pieces of a larger puzzle regarding the Obama Admin are coming into focus.

This isn't about the press wanting to destroy Trump, this is about an Administration that is betraying most American democratic institutions and the two wings left that are trying to save out democracy.

But you wouldn't know jack about democracy, so you continue saying the things you do.
I don't think you know about democracy as much as you think.
It is nice to think things.
J842P is right, media had been extremely easy on Obama and other politicians. And I think had they been doing their job we would not have been having Trump as POTUS now.
So the American press is to blame for the racist right movements in Europe as well as Brexit? Man, pro-Russia people want to blame everything on America.
I don't think you know about democracy as much as you think.
It is nice to think things.
J842P is right, media had been extremely easy on Obama and other politicians. And I think had they been doing their job we would not have been having Trump as POTUS now.
So the American press is to blame for the racist right movements in Europe as well as Brexit?
Well, yes. Middle East mess is on US government for the most part which in turn is on US press which did nothing.
Man, pro-Russia people want to blame everything on America.
And you blame everything on Russia.
It is nice to think things.
J842P is right, media had been extremely easy on Obama and other politicians. And I think had they been doing their job we would not have been having Trump as POTUS now.
So the American press is to blame for the racist right movements in Europe as well as Brexit?
Well, yes. Middle East mess is on US government for the most part which in turn is on US press which did nothing.
Man, pro-Russia people want to blame everything on America.
And you blame everything on Russia.

Nah - Russia is just a thug trying to hide the bankruptcy of the nation he is supposed to be leading behind a facade of false bravado. Trump is so stupid that all he can think about is trying to match Putin's strongman style. The media just reports the stupidity, and that's what pisses off El Cheato. His role model Putin doesn't have that problem because he's allowed murder of "disappear" anyone who tries to tell the truth about his antics.
It is nice to think things.
J842P is right, media had been extremely easy on Obama and other politicians. And I think had they been doing their job we would not have been having Trump as POTUS now.
So the American press is to blame for the racist right movements in Europe as well as Brexit?
Well, yes. Middle East mess is on US government for the most part which in turn is on US press which did nothing.
Man, pro-Russia people want to blame everything on America.
And you blame everything on Russia.

Nah - Russia is just a thug trying to hide the bankruptcy of the nation he is supposed to be leading behind a facade of false bravado. Trump is so stupid that all he can think about is trying to match Putin's strongman style. The media just reports the stupidity, and that's what pisses off El Cheato. His role model Putin doesn't have that problem because he's allowed murder of "disappear" anyone who tries to tell the truth about his antics.

How do you know all that?
I agree with J842P, but I think this current "war" between press and government is superficial and will not result in press/media starting doing their job. Trump is an aberration, trashing him is good for liberal media ratings. Once Trump is gone everything will be back to "normal".

I fear that you may be right, but I do hope time for the sake of the American public that it is not so. The press doesn't serve us by being servile to any administration.

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