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What are the arguments for God?

You lost me on that last part, so I bold typed it and you'll see it above this paragraph. Please clarify, AJ113. ...
An apparently simple, 'stupid' belief in god(s) can develop into something serious. Such as crashing planes into skyscrapers.
Thank you for lining out that explanation Underseer. Neat stuff. I still don't understand but it was a good wake/bake read. abbaddon you wigged me out a little with yours. And thank you for clarifying for me AJ113. I've talked about God as much as I need to now, because God is so obviously unreal. I think you've nailed it.
abbaddon you wigged me out a little with yours.
That's interesting. Can you do me a favor and clarify just a little how it "wigged" you out? Thanks.
abbadon I had no problem with what you said. It was actually pleasant. Just wigged me a lil because I don't understand how some people think. I'd like to, but it isn't going to happen. I find it easier to accept God without constantly adoring it, rather than denying God and adoring it constantly. Something I can't explain yet. Or do you understand exactly what I am saying? I don't like to disrespect good people. I'm just going to let it go, as any rational person should.
You lost me on that last part, so I bold typed it and you'll see it above this paragraph. Please clarify, AJ113. And hey, I totally agree with the rest, but the path to stupidity you mentioned isn't the only one available. Path I mean. Whatever you want to call it. But at least it comes in a variety of colors. Sometimes even transparent. The variety in life is just another fishy situation.

Pick a random spot on the surface of the Earth, and chances are you would not be able to live there without significant technological assistance, but fish are doing pretty well living in that random spot right now.

KT, I took what you said, and I replaced Earth with the known universe. Then I replaced fish with the human race. Good call. You're right.

Well, except for the fact that there is no surface of the known Universe, and if you picked any random spot in the Universe neither humans nor fish could live there without technological assistance. In fact, only very specialized bacteria would be able to live in that random spot in the known Universe, so now your argument boils down to god creating the Universe for bacteria.
so now your argument boils down to god creating the Universe for bacteria

Our bodies are made of nothing but bacteria. Something like 95% if I remember right. But that doesn't really relate to your point. Just an odd fact that I find interesting. Why is the bacteria floating around out there? Who put it there? Has to be God because X = potato, so Y is a tasty French fry.

It has been explained in this thread. The reasoning behind convincing ourselves that anything is real at all. The mathematics and whatnot are right on point. But hold on, reality is knocking. How unreal is God, if the argument never goes away? Some things are so ridiculously unreal that they become more real than real, just by devoting energy into arguing about them. My argument is based around that, and not the potential existence of God, which I just inadvertently made more real btw.
Considering ( I know this has been covered quite a few times), If you are to accept that there are bacteria out there then we could make the logical assumption that there must be organic life out there even similar to ours. The number of solar systems let alone galaxies are a number so great that all kinds of conditions exist. However "there is no evidence of it" unless we make the assumption by looking at ourselves from an outside perspective, we are that very proof! (By this line of thought anyway)

Bacteria will always have the potential to develope into larger life forms with the same organic sequence of processes. The "laws" of these processes,are easy to predict because of the properties more or less is known. A ready made set of instructions (if you will) for all physical things in a seemingly chaotic universe. IMO it really doesn't make sense with the concept that we exist from a galactic lucky shot and are still forever being lucky with the continious repetition of life existing amongst dangers so great in the surrounding universe.
so now your argument boils down to god creating the Universe for bacteria

Our bodies are made of nothing but bacteria. Something like 95% if I remember right. But that doesn't really relate to your point. Just an odd fact that I find interesting. Why is the bacteria floating around out there? Who put it there? Has to be God because X = potato, so Y is a tasty French fry.

It has been explained in this thread. The reasoning behind convincing ourselves that anything is real at all. The mathematics and whatnot are right on point. But hold on, reality is knocking. How unreal is God, if the argument never goes away? Some things are so ridiculously unreal that they become more real than real, just by devoting energy into arguing about them. My argument is based around that, and not the potential existence of God, which I just inadvertently made more real btw.

You remember incorrectly. An adult human body is made up of about 1% to 3% bacteria. You are likely thinking of water, as many people mistakenly claim that the human body consists of that much water. It is true that the human body is mostly water, but it is more like an average of about 60% water for an adult human, with women typically coming in at a higher percentage of water than men.

As for the rest of your post, it makes very little sense, time to pass that bowl...
I think one of you is talking number and the other is talking mass.

Bacterial cells in the human body outnumber 'human' cells. But the mass of the 'human' cells greatly exceed that of the bacteria. Bacterial cells are small and simple. Complex cells tend to be larger. There are a few grotesquely large bacteria out there, I think, but not in the human body.

So you are both right from a certain point of view.
Hey, I've seen pics of bacteria with little faces. They have mouths and eyes. Sometimes they're even smiling in pics.
I think one of you is talking number and the other is talking mass.

Bacterial cells in the human body outnumber 'human' cells. But the mass of the 'human' cells greatly exceed that of the bacteria. Bacterial cells are small and simple. Complex cells tend to be larger. There are a few grotesquely large bacteria out there, I think, but not in the human body.

So you are both right from a certain point of view.

No, because even considering the number of cells, as opposed to mass, the highest estimates from a few years ago put the number of bacteria cells at 90% (100 times the number of human cells), but more recent research reduces that percentage to more like 30% to 50%, though there will be much variation in individual humans.
A paid educator told me the bacteria statistic in 2001. Maybe science has changed it's mind since then. They have the right to do that I guess. Constantly.
Yeah, science is so stupid, changing their conclusions when they have new evidence. It should be more dogmatic.
It should be more dogmatic.

I'm sure it will be eventually, once they "figure it all out". But I'm not holding my breath. They've nailed about .002% of what we assume to be a universe. Great progress. Pacifying temporarily with ever-changing explanations is just the norm. Accepting a solid yet obvious spiritual lie is just as irrational, yet the immediate rewards are better. It all comes down to logic doesn't it? Please tell me how being religious is less logical, excluding the fact that everything about religion is an outright LIE and we know it. Logic still makes it as viable a choice.
Ugh, too much not even wrong.
What we consider to be the universe has to be the product of intention. Even if woman and mankind are inconsequential bacteria that have no purpose at all... they still come from an intelligence of sorts.

It is impossible for things to line up they way they have in this world. It is impossible, blastula. Something really sketchy happens in the way we go about trying to understanding that, too. Almost as if doubting God helps materialize it. Given enough centuries of arguments and prayer, ANY God could become real. The energies poured into those arguments and prayer are very powerful. You're aware of the experiments done with auditoriums full of people praying?

Religious fables of Virgin birth and turning wine into bread are not relevant to me when it comes to God. The fables can become true in afterthought, because thought is all there is. It could be that all Gods are real, even if they weren't born that way.
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