• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

What does it mean for something to be "logically possible"?

It is possible when there is evidence showing it is possible.

It is not possible because of mere speculation. That is not what makes things possible.

But there is evidence that supports their claim, in the same way the BB is supported.

What evidence of infinity are you talking about?

Please be specific.

It is indirect just like the BB's evidence is.

What is this indirect evidence of infinity?

Again please be specific. I want the evidence. Not some speculation.
This is what it looks like when an idiot stops even trying.

It's OK, we noticed. There was no need to point it out to us.

And really, nobody will mind that you are not trying anymore; In fact, we will probably hardly notice.

Your argument was total shit.

But why shouldn't it be? It was just something you pulled from your ass.

You think infinity is like money.

Your ignorance is severe.
It's OK, we noticed. There was no need to point it out to us.

And really, nobody will mind that you are not trying anymore; In fact, we will probably hardly notice.

Your argument was total shit.

But why shouldn't it be? It was just something you pulled from your ass.

You think infinity is like money.

Your ignorance is severe.

Your argument is total shit.

But why shouldn't it be? It was just something you pulled from your ass.

You think infinity is nothing like money.

Your ignorance is severe.
It is possible when there is evidence showing it is possible.

It is not possible because of mere speculation. That is not what makes things possible.

But there is evidence that supports their claim, in the same way the BB is supported.

What evidence of infinity are you talking about?

Please be specific.

It is indirect just like the BB's evidence is.

What is this indirect evidence of infinity?

Again please be specific. I want the evidence. Not some speculation.

The evidence is dark energy and gravity to name a couple. It also helps resolve other problems.
The evidence is dark energy and gravity to name a couple. It also helps resolve other problems.

Neither can be demonstrated to be infinite.

You have no evidence in other words.

Just speculations on top of speculations.
Your argument was total shit.

But why shouldn't it be? It was just something you pulled from your ass.

You think infinity is like money.

Your ignorance is severe.

Your argument is total shit.

But why shouldn't it be? It was just something you pulled from your ass.

You think infinity is nothing like money.

Your ignorance is severe.

I am not claiming money is nothing like infinity or vice versa. Another worthless strawman. It is all you have.

I am claiming money is real. You can hold money in your hand.

Infinity is imaginary. You cannot find it anywhere in the real world. Only finite symbols and concepts to describe it.

I understand the difference.
Your argument is total shit.

But why shouldn't it be? It was just something you pulled from your ass.

You think infinity is nothing like money.

Your ignorance is severe.

I am not claiming money is nothing like infinity or vice versa. Another worthless strawman. It is all you have.

I am claiming money is real. You can hold money in your hand.
LOL Tell that to the Zimbabweans.
Infinity is imaginary. You cannot find it anywhere in the real world. Only finite symbols and concepts to describe it.

I understand the difference.

If you understood, you would realise that there is no difference.
I am not claiming money is nothing like infinity or vice versa. Another worthless strawman. It is all you have.

I am claiming money is real. You can hold money in your hand.
LOL Tell that to the Zimbabweans.
Infinity is imaginary. You cannot find it anywhere in the real world. Only finite symbols and concepts to describe it.

I understand the difference.

If you understood, you would realise that there is no difference.

Money is something real.

Something everyone with eyes can see and hold in their hand.

You have no argument.

Just a stupid and irrational limitation on the definition of money.

Show me infinity. Show me somebody holding it in their hands.

You have no argument. Nothing.
LOL Tell that to the Zimbabweans.
Infinity is imaginary. You cannot find it anywhere in the real world. Only finite symbols and concepts to describe it.

I understand the difference.

If you understood, you would realise that there is no difference.

Money is something real.

Something everyone with eyes can see and hold in their hand.
Really? If money is real, then where is it all? The amount of money that exists as notes and coins is a TINY fraction of the total amount of money that exists. where is the rest?
You have no argument.

Just a stupid and irrational limitation on the definition of money.

Show me infinity. Show me somebody holding it in their hands.

You have no argument. Nothing.

Perhaps if you were to take a deep breath, calm down, stop ranting, and actually think, very very hard, about the words I have written, and what they COULD mean, if you didn't dismiss them as nonsense before you even read them, then you might stand a small chance of one day understanding something new and interesting about both money and infinity.

But given your determination to avoid learning anything, lest you be forced to admit to having not known it all along, it seems unlikely that you ever will.

At least nobody can blame me for not trying hard enough.
No you didn't.

You mentioned two things that are not infinite.

You have no evidence of infinity.

So now you must have direct evidence? Then the BB is impossible too because there is no direct evidence of it?

What is this evidence?

You offer no specific evidence, just a bunch of beating around the bush and claims.

Explain to me the indirect evidence of infinity.

Please be specific.

Saying the words "Dark Energy" or "Gravity" is not evidence of anything.
If money is real, then where is it all?

If worms are real where are they all?


Perhaps if you were to take a deep breath, calm down, stop ranting, and actually think, very very hard, about the words I have written, and what they COULD mean, if you didn't dismiss them as nonsense before you even read them, then you might stand a small chance of one day understanding something new and interesting about both money and infinity.

But given your determination to avoid learning anything, lest you be forced to admit to having not known it all along, it seems unlikely that you ever will.

Surely you are aware that the world money supply VASTLY exceeds the amount of physical currency - Notes, coins and even bullion - in existence?

Actually, scrub that. You have impressed me as someone who manages to be blissfully unaware of even the most basic facts about reality, so perhaps you are completely unaware of this.


The total value of notes and coins in the world is approximately US$5 Trillion; 'Narrow Money', which is the money immediately available (notes and coins, plus money in checking and other immediate access accounts) is around US$28.6 Trillion, more than five times the amount that exists as notes and coins; 'Broad Money', which also includes fixed term deposit savings accounts, is around US$80.9 Trillion, sixteen times as much money as exists in notes and coins, and more than ten times the value of all the world's gold bullion.

If we include money that exists in derivatives markets, there is roughly US$630 Trillion; the total of all notes and coins in circulation is less than the rounding error in the figure for the total amount of money that exists in derivatives.

There, you go - if you didn't just reflexively decide that you would declare whatever I said to be wrong, without giving it any consideration, then you might have learned something today.

But please feel free to continue to advertise your abject ignorance to the world, if that's your preference.
A thing is real is it can be found anywhere.

All one needs to do is find one bill or one coin to show money is a real thing.

To show infinity is real only requires showing one real example too.

If you want to compare infinity to something you have to compare it to something like the Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny.

Those things are as real as infinity.
So now you must have direct evidence? Then the BB is impossible too because there is no direct evidence of it?

What is this evidence?

You offer no specific evidence, just a bunch of beating around the bush and claims.

Explain to me the indirect evidence of infinity.

Their model requires infinity to explain important observations that we see today like gravity and dark matter. It even says in the paper that the term that causes the infinite past is unavoidable.

Saying the words "Dark Energy" or "Gravity" is not evidence of anything.

There is not a whole lot that cosmologists get for evidence when trying to figure out the origins of the universe. The Big Bang's major evidence was the CMB and expansion from redshift (Hubble's Law). Meanwhile, those 2 observations don't provide certainty but rather just keep an originally imagined idea an open possibility. Don't you agree?
A thing is real is it can be found anywhere.

All one needs to do is find one bill or one coin to show money is a real thing.

To show infinity is real only requires showing one real example too.

And yet the infinite number of points between the start of a ruler and the one inch mark hasn't persuaded you.

If I tried to prove the existence of money by showing you a dollar bill, and you said 'That's not a dollar, it's just a bit of paper with green ink on it', then (ironically) you would be correct - a dollar bill is shithouse evidence for money. But when someone shows you real evidence for infinity, you dismiss it.

That's why everyone else in this thread now realizes that your posts are an idiotic waste of time. You accept evidence that isn't; and you reject evidence that actually is - and you are utterly resistant to learning anything, and completely determined that you will never admit to having been wrong about anything. So you will likely remain ignorant of these things forever.

I feel rather sorry for you; You are missing out on a fascinating and richly detailed reality, because you are terrified of being seen to be in error about anything. Everyone makes mistakes; Nobody knows everything. Admit that you are wrong - or at the very least, consider the possibility for the sake of argument, and see where it leads you - I can assure you that the world will keep turning, and that far from losing respect, you will gain a great deal of respect from your peers if you take a more humble approach.

Or stick to your guns, and be thought a fool, if you prefer - it's no skin off my nose.
A thing is real is it can be found anywhere.

All one needs to do is find one bill or one coin to show money is a real thing.

To show infinity is real only requires showing one real example too.

If you want to compare infinity to something you have to compare it to something like the Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny.

Those things are as real as infinity.

From this post and what you have said to me so far, you seem to be saying that something does not exist until it is found. That is absolutely wrong.

I don't think that you believe this.
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