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What is a "dotard?"

I just love how diplomacy has reached the lowest common denomonator - name calling. Maybe we should let the 5th graders of each country negotiate. They would be better at it.
I just love how diplomacy has reached the lowest common denomonator - name calling. Maybe we should let the 5th graders of each country negotiate. They would be better at it.

What?! This is all part of Trump's Art of Diplomacy.
1. Try to do more than you are qualified to do.
2. CYA.
3. Never take anything off the table, including nuclear weapons.
4. Learn about the world, only if you want to.
5. Threaten anyone who disagrees with you and call them names.
I just love how diplomacy has reached the lowest common denomonator - name calling. Maybe we should let the 5th graders of each country negotiate. They would be better at it.

What?! This is all part of Trump's Art of Diplomacy.
1. Try to do more than you are qualified to do.
2. CYA.
3. Never take anything off the table, including nuclear weapons.
4. Learn about the world, only if you want to.
5. Threaten anyone who disagrees with you and call them names.
I think it is more like:
1) Say whatever comes to your mind.
Well, when i saw the word 'dotard,' i thought of Statler and Waldorf from the Muppet Show.

I can really see Cheato up there in the box...

1) Heckling is an art form that demonstrates your superiority to the act on stage.

Everything else flows from there.
Well, when i saw the word 'dotard,' i thought of Statler and Waldorf from the Muppet Show.

I can really see Cheato up there in the box...

1) Heckling is an art form that demonstrates your superiority to the act on stage.

Everything else flows from there.
Trump just has not figured out yet that fellow actors do not normally heckle each other, especially while they are still on the stage.
I know, since right-wing radio moaned so much about how Obama was a tyrant, it is now time for years of delicious payback.

Sure. If Kim kicked the bucket tomorrow and NK asked Trump to take his place, he wouldn't even think about it.
Certainly, since he supposedly became president here without thinking about it.
I bet the North Korean newspapers and talk shows are full of angst about how Kim is recklessly leading the country into war today.

The North Korean government has as much regard for truth as the current US administration.

Their leader has an excuse. He was born into that insanity.

Trump developed his insanity on his own.
This round to Kim.

And "rocket man" is terrible. It's a compliment, if anything. I can hear Kim telling his consorts, "Y'know, baby, they call me rocket man".
Yeah, Rocket Man makes me think of Iron Man... Compared to 'Crooked Hillary' and 'Lying Ted' this meme is quite lame on the insult front. I keep hoping that Rocket Man notices Jon Stewart's FFvC meme. If it has to be a ride upon a crazy train, it might as well be humorous...and it did seem to hit a Fuckface Von Nervestick.

Although juvenile, the reason "rocketman" insult an insult the way 'Crooked Hillary' and 'Lying Ted' are is that the dotard worships ruthless dictators. He isn't going to truly attempt to insult one of his idols.
I bet the North Korean newspapers and talk shows are full of angst about how Kim is recklessly leading the country into war today.

The North Korean government has as much regard for truth as the current US administration.

Their leader has an excuse. He was born into that insanity.

Trump developed his insanity on his own.
Ah, and only barely second to the Bible, it is absolutely the greatest developed insanity of all time.
The North Korean government has as much regard for truth as the current US administration.

Their leader has an excuse. He was born into that insanity.

Trump developed his insanity on his own.
Ah, and only barely second to the Bible, it is absolutely the greatest developed insanity of all time.

Whether Trump is insane or not, there's a lot of insanity in the USA at the moment; more than before the election result. :)
BTW, where is Elton John on all this, with Orangey using his hit? What's next, Border Song to promote the wall? I think we need a new single, and fast -- 'Comb-Over in the Wind (2017)', which would be all about what an absolute jughead SCROTUS looks, with his dead ferret waving all over the place in a breeze.
I'm just assuming. If it were alive, and Orangey was in the middle of a rant, calling someone names, I assume a live ferret would send a jet of piss straight down the President's face, out of nervousness. But then, I don't walk around with a ratty orange ferret on my head.
This round to Kim.

And "rocket man" is terrible. It's a compliment, if anything. I can hear Kim telling his consorts, "Y'know, baby, they call me rocket man".

I too was surprised at the choice... "Rocket boy" would have been an insult... diminutive. "Rocket Man" seems a compliment... an acknowledgement of achievement.

seems Trump "refined" his insult this weekend by adding "little" to the beginning. He's now "Little Rocket Man", apparently.
I too was surprised at the choice... "Rocket boy" would have been an insult... diminutive. "Rocket Man" seems a compliment... an acknowledgement of achievement.

seems Trump "refined" his insult this weekend by adding "little" to the beginning. He's now "Little Rocket Man", apparently.

Distinct from "Big Rocket Man" in Iran. Cheato is all about clarity.
seems Trump "refined" his insult this weekend by adding "little" to the beginning. He's now "Little Rocket Man", apparently.

Distinct from "Big Rocket Man" in Iran. Cheato is all about clarity.
Are you channeling Bullet Tooth Tony?

Yeah, like any typical narcissist, The Dotard recognizes his limp insult and is feebly trying to recover the upper insulting hand...
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