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What is the evidence Trump is racist?

What about assuming a Black reporter can set up meetings for him with congress critters?

She can just hit them up on her blackie-talkie all black people carry everywhere

Also, she's a reporter which means she has the white person education and can translate the ebonics that the Congressional Black Caucus is using so that Trump can communicate with them.
What about assuming a Black reporter can set up meetings for him with congress critters?

You're the racist if you think the blacks are incapable of all knowing each other or that they are too stupid to have a meeting every week.
It's so obvious that Trump is a racist that only another racist might not realize it. Racism comes in degrees. I had a friendly argument with a mild racist yesterday. She made vast generalizations about some black children in a school where her son teaches. She then went on to tell me that she isn't a racist because she had a black friend that she cares for a lot. :rolleyes:

Looking at his past behavior, his recent remarks, including the insinuations that all or most black folks live in crime ridden inner cities, as well as the things he said in the past about our first black president, I'd say that Trump is a pretty strong racist. He even has his token black guy in his cabinet. If you don't see that as evidence of racism, then no other evidence will convince you.

And, I must correct a term that some of you have used. I'm not usually so anal but this is a special area to me. I've cared for people with Alzheimer's Disease for most of my forty one year career. The term "early onset Alzheimer's specifically refers to those victims of the disease who are under the age of 65 when diagnosed. I've had patients as young as 45 with AD. Trump is 70 so while he might be in the "early stages" of AD, he doesn't have early onset AD. He may have what's known as MCI or mild cognitive impairment, which often is a prelude to AD. I'm not personally convinced of that. I think he just says what he wants to believe is true and makes shit up as it best serves him. He calls things fake if he doesn't like them. He denies saying things that don't agree with the things he believes on any given day. He certainly exhibits signs of some sort of mental disturbance, but without spending a lot of time with him personally, I don't think it would be right to label him as having any specific diagnosis, other than to say that he just acts nutty. :D

Regardless of whether he's really suffering from a mental illness or not, he's certainly not fit to serve as president. And while there is something in our constitution that would allow Congress to remove him from office because he is unfit, I doubt the Republicans would do that. I tend to think they believe he will just sign any destructive bill that they send his way and that's exactly what they want. Trump is in way over his head regardless of whether he's demented or just an ignorant asshole, who thinks he's a dictator. To compare him to any other president is ridiculous. I've never seen anything like this in my lifetime. He makes Nixon seem normal by comparison.
I need your help. I have some friends who aren't convinced Trump is racist.
Can someone point to the evidence so i can educate these poor lost souls. Thanks

Let's say that someone beats up a member of a minority and invokes your name. "Will Wiley's right about these illegal immigrants," he says, when the police ask him why he beat a man bloody and then pissed on him.

SOmeone tells you that a follower of yours beat a man up in your name.

Which of the following is the racist response?

a) these people do not follow me, or my beliefs

b) people who are following me are very passionate about this country

c) people who are following me want to make our country great

d) people who are following me love this country
What about assuming a Black reporter can set up meetings for him with congress critters?

You're the racist if you think the blacks are incapable of all knowing each other or that they are too stupid to have a meeting every week.

Actually it is a conference call and we do it every morning.
More likely than what? If you voted for Trump and with great enthusiasm, it's more likely you're a racist than if you voted for Obama with great enthusiasm.

If you voted for Trump and with great enthusiasm, it's more likely you're a racist than not a racist?

Get someone to read it to you if you didn't understand: If you voted for Trump and with great enthusiasm, it's more likely you're a racist than if you voted for Obama with great enthusiasm.
I need your help. I have some friends who aren't convinced Trump is racist.
Can someone point to the evidence so i can educate these poor lost souls. Thanks

I don't believe that Trump is a racist. There is no evidence that I have seen that he is. In general, senior business men and women are among the least racist segments of society, at least among the ones that I have been exposed to. Racism is bad business today.

But a sizable portion of his support and of Republican support are racists, about 10% I would say. Their electoral advantage where it exists depends on the racists as much as it does on the various forms of legal and illegal gerrymandering. They are a minority party that has managed a bare majority in the government by the careful exploitation of their advantages such as these and the incompetence of the other party to take full advantage of theirs.

The Republicans and Trump don't have to be overtly racist to maintain the support of the racists, they only have to keep sounding the dog whistles that tell the racists that they are with them.

The Republicans of the 1960's and 1970's into the 1980's realized this. They were cynically catering to the racists to get their votes to enable the Republicans to disadvantage the racists and the 99% in general economically. But eventually the inevitable happened, the dog whistles became so embedded in the Republican psyche that the Republicans slowly started to believe in them. They really believe in welfare queens, in reverse racism reducing the horizons of deserving young white folks, in the poor being responsible for poverty, in Reagan single handedly saving us from forced bussing, the red menace and liberalism run wild, Bush I saving us from hundreds of Willie Hortons, etc. You see the proof of these on a daily basis here, in these pages.

The only difference with Trump is that he doesn't use many of the dog whistles, he tells it like it is but it isn't. How fifty years of Republican propaganda wants you to believe that it is.

If you cater to racists, you're a racist; you are using and inciting discrimination, and fostering racist attitudes. You are what you do, at least as much as what you think or feel but leave unexpressed.
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Please. He's both.

I'm being totally serious. I was listening to NPR and they were playing snippets of interviews he's done for the past 30+ years. I detest the man, but that's not what makes me think that he has a serious physical problem that is affecting his mental acuity. I don't know whether it involves substance abuse, as has been alleged, or is some form of dementia, but his speaking pattern is substantially different. In the '80's, he was still a hard core (not very ethical) businessman and sounded like it. But he sounded smart, if not intelligent. Now, he just sounds...smarmy. He contradicts himself continuously--which is the big tell, IMO. I would seriously like to see a genuine medical/psychiatric report on the man, conducted by a real, ethical, disinterested team of physicians and medical professionals. No laughable 'note' from his doctor.

So you noticed that too? Early onset Alzheimer's?

You know, I think so too--but it's not that early (he is 70), I think his condition is one reason Melonia's been looking so glum.
You are comparing what Obama said to what happened, not to what he meant or intended to do. Trump has no more intent to "put America first" than he ever had to release his tax returns when audits were complete, which he repeatedly promised during his campaign. (Today he flatly announced that he won't.)
Trump's intent is to make WMMs ("White 'Murrikin Males) think he is going to put them first. If/when they realize he hasn't done that, he'll blame everyone who ever criticized him, as always.

There is nothing in his actions and the actions of congress that will have any benefit to the non-wealthy other than a vague "trickle down" promise.

I bet you he didn't even pay his pee hookers.

No: his Russian hosts paid them. . . .
The apologists always try to take each statement in isolation and invent alternative meanings for it that might not be racist. But that is equal to isolating each piece of evidence that smoking causes cancer and finding the particular flaw with the methods for that study to discount it as evidence. There is no smoking gun proving smoking causes cancer, and yet not a rational person in the world doubts it. A different flaw/excuse needs to be given for each piece/type of evidence, while smoking causes cancer is the far simpler account that can explain every result.

Likewise, a different non-racist interpretation is required for each seemingly racist comment, and yet Trump being racist is the extremely simple and perfectly parsimonious account that explains all such statements. Plus, this same mechanism of him being racist also explains the words and actions of others connected to Trump. This includes people that know him privately who say he is extremely racist and worse human being than anyone imagines, despite those people (such as Penn Jillette) being strongly anti-Hillary, aligned with Trump economically, and generally very conservative in most areas other than the racism that has come to define the GOP.
The same parsimonious explanation also accounts fo why so many of his strongest supporters also show clear evidence of racism, and why THE most openly racist people in US support him.

And no, that is not "guilt by association". It is guilt by a overwhelming preponderance of the evidence, of which particular types of associations are merely part of it. And all associations are not equal. Some are completely incidental, such as two completely unconnected people getting on the same bus. But some are meaningful, such as when a people who have proven that they really only care about a single political issue (white power) endorse and strongly back a political candidate. It means that those people who have the most vested interest in figuring out who is on the side of their racist agenda have examined that candidates words and deeds and decided that is their man. When combined with the fact that racism is the only parsimonious explanation for that persons words and deeds, it creates an extremely strong body of converging evidence, despite any one isolated piece on its own being hand-waved with excuses.

In sum, the question is not whether any specific statment is clearly racist, but whether it is plausible the totality of all the statements, endorsements, and things true about Trump would all be true of a person who was not either racist or (arguably worse) deliberately trying to promote racism in order get the backing from racist he needs for his personal gain.
Note the harmful consequences of the latter the same as actually being racist, so it would actually be even more immoral and downright evil if Trump were dishonestly promoting racism for political ends.

You didn't actually say something there to suggest he is racist.

true, proof is not mere suggestion.
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