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What is the evidence Trump is racist?

the difference between obama's "yes we can" and what was heard is substantially huge in comparison.

You are comparing what Obama said to what happened, not to what he meant or intended to do. Trump has no more intent to "put America first" than he ever had to release his tax returns when audits were complete, which he repeatedly promised during his campaign. (Today he flatly announced that he won't.)
Trump's intent is to make WMMs ("White 'Murrikin Males) think he is going to put them first. If/when they realize he hasn't done that, he'll blame everyone who ever criticized him, as always.
Another bait thread.
Unless you have video of Trump personally lynching a few negroes, WW will deny and deflect. Even if you have such video, it will have have to be certified as un-doctored by a trustworthy third party like Uncle Vlad.

If people are stupid enough to think Trump is anything but a racist judging by his words and his actions, there is nothing anyone can do to help them. You can't cure stupid.

^^^ that
the difference between obama's "yes we can" and what was heard is substantially huge in comparison.

You are comparing what Obama said to what happened, not to what he meant or intended to do. Trump has no more intent to "put America first" than he ever had to release his tax returns when audits were complete, which he repeatedly promised during his campaign. (Today he flatly announced that he won't.)
Trump's intent is to make WMMs ("White 'Murrikin Males) think he is going to put them first. If/when they realize he hasn't done that, he'll blame everyone who ever criticized him, as always.

There is nothing in his actions and the actions of congress that will have any benefit to the non-wealthy other than a vague "trickle down" promise.

I bet you he didn't even pay his pee hookers.
The definitive evidence that Trump is a racist is that he says he's not.

Wait, how does that work exactly?

If saying "I am not a racist" is proof that someone is a racist, does that mean saying "I am a racist" is proof that someone is not a racist?

Or is saying "I am a racist" also proof that someone is racist?

If both statements are proof that the speaker is a racist, what statement can someone make to not be a racist?
It works when it's Trump. Don't make it so difficult.
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You are comparing what Obama said to what happened, not to what he meant or intended to do. Trump has no more intent to "put America first" than he ever had to release his tax returns when audits were complete, which he repeatedly promised during his campaign. (Today he flatly announced that he won't.)
Trump's intent is to make WMMs ("White 'Murrikin Males) think he is going to put them first. If/when they realize he hasn't done that, he'll blame everyone who ever criticized him, as always.

There is nothing in his actions and the actions of congress that will have any benefit to the non-wealthy other than a vague "trickle down" promise.

I bet you he didn't even pay his pee hookers.

No doubt his Uncle picked up that tab. Next time it will be you and me. Fair's fair y'know.
It works when it's Trump. Don't make it so difficult.

So if Trump says he isn't racist, that is proof that he is? Does that mean if Trump says that he is, then it is proof that he isn't?

Or is either statement proof that he is? If both those statements are proof that he is, what would he have to say to provide evidence that he isn't?

All the talk about "no evidence would ever convince a Trump supporter that Trump isn't racist" seems very closely reverse mirrored in this thread.
Please. He's both.

I'm being totally serious. I was listening to NPR and they were playing snippets of interviews he's done for the past 30+ years. I detest the man, but that's not what makes me think that he has a serious physical problem that is affecting his mental acuity. I don't know whether it involves substance abuse, as has been alleged, or is some form of dementia, but his speaking pattern is substantially different. In the '80's, he was still a hard core (not very ethical) businessman and sounded like it. But he sounded smart, if not intelligent. Now, he just sounds...smarmy. He contradicts himself continuously--which is the big tell, IMO. I would seriously like to see a genuine medical/psychiatric report on the man, conducted by a real, ethical, disinterested team of physicians and medical professionals. No laughable 'note' from his doctor.

So you noticed that too? Early onset Alzheimer's?
I noticed that too. But I think I only watched one young Donald youtube, he is quite different from old. Same story with Bush.
the difference between obama's "yes we can" and what was heard is substantially huge in comparison.

You are comparing what Obama said to what happened, not to what he meant or intended to do. Trump has no more intent to "put America first" than he ever had to release his tax returns when audits were complete, which he repeatedly promised during his campaign. (Today he flatly announced that he won't.)
Trump's intent is to make WMMs ("White 'Murrikin Males) think he is going to put them first. If/when they realize he hasn't done that, he'll blame everyone who ever criticized him, as always.

Releasing taxes is trivial. It is only important to those who put potential conflicts ahead of what's truly important. When the ambulance is dispatched, I'm not going to be overly concerned about the validity of his drivers license. A few conflicts here or there on a path worth traveling is wholly unimportant.

Oh, the "yes we can" saying can be fully comprehended in the eyes of the mothers as their children sang to it.
A lot of what he said in the campaign was spun to make him look racist. The thing he said about Mexico "not sending its best" and that "they're rapists" etc wasn't a racist rant so much as it was a conspiracy theory rant about the Mexican government. Indeed the fact that he says "they're not sending their best" and then goes on about rapists etc, shows that he thinks there are Meixicans not being sent who are not rapists etc.

That said, the best evidence that he is indeed racist is his birther craziness. I see no explanation for that other than him being racist. As Bernie Sanders often said, nobody ever asked him for his papers, and he too is the son of immigrants.
A lot of what he said in the campaign was spun to make him look racist. The thing he said about Mexico "not sending its best" and that "they're rapists" etc wasn't a racist rant so much as it was a conspiracy theory rant about the Mexican government. Indeed the fact that he says "they're not sending their best" and then goes on about rapists etc, shows that he thinks there are Meixicans not being sent who are not rapists etc.

Trump thinks there are around 20 million mexicans in the US (illegal plus legal). The population of mexico is 120 million. So he thinks > 1 in 7 mexicans are rapists and murderers. Do you think that's close to the actual number?

From crime rates in Mexico Wiki page:
Crime rates in Mexico per 100,000 inhabitants (in 2005):
Murder: 10.91
Rape: 12.86​

Before you counter that Trump thinks the Mexican rapists and murderers have moved to the US, the statistics of Mexicans committing such crimes in the US are not orders of magnitude different than rates by US citizens committing those crimes.

So where does this claim that there is such a high percent of rapists and murderers among Mexicans come from?
A lot of what he said in the campaign was spun to make him look racist. The thing he said about Mexico "not sending its best" and that "they're rapists" etc wasn't a racist rant
Wrong. It was racist. The question is whether Trump is a racist or whether he was cynically playing to racist fears. Given the number of verified actions and statements by Trump over the past 40 years, it is reasonable to conclude it was racist.
A lot of what he said in the campaign was spun to make him look racist.

Poor Twumpy Wumpy! Guess he never suspected anything like that would happen to HIM, after he knowingly spread vile lies about our President for years, then spread totally fabricated lies about his opponent, denied saying things that he was recorded saying, and contradicted himself at every turn.
Thin-skinned lying sack of shit that he is, he is still hard pressed to equivocate those nefarious activities with some people taking offense at the racist garbage with which he fueled his campaign.
Now, he has won. That's the "good" news for him. The bad news is that now there is no "other guy" to blame - the chickens are coming home to roost and he better start paying attention to matters at hand that outweigh his petty personal vendettas.
A lot of what he said in the campaign was spun to make him look racist. The thing he said about Mexico "not sending its best" and that "they're rapists" etc wasn't a racist rant so much as it was a conspiracy theory rant about the Mexican government. Indeed the fact that he says "they're not sending their best" and then goes on about rapists etc, shows that he thinks there are Meixicans not being sent who are not rapists etc.

Trump thinks there are around 20 million mexicans in the US (illegal plus legal). The population of mexico is 120 million. So he thinks > 1 in 7 mexicans are rapists and murderers. Do you think that's close to the actual number?

The actual number coming in that he's calling rapists and murderers or the actual number of rapists and murderers coming in? In either case I don't find it relevant. He's not calling Mexicans in general rapists or murderers, nor is "Mexican" a race. What he's doing is speaking a conspiracy theory of how the Mexican government is "not sending their best" as if the Mexican government is deciding who comes over the US border, and offloads its worst to the US. He's playing into his general anti-immigrant rhetoric. He's also doing that when talking about putting a "ban on Muslims from certain parts of the world until we know what the hell is going on". His shtick is that you don't know who is coming in and are not vetting people properly, so put a stop on it until you do. It is general paranoia and nationalism more than it is racism.

Trump's thunderous "Make America Great Again" and "Put America First" lines are part of the same rhetoric. He wants a more insular and self-serving America. This could be both good and bad for your country. I think you can expect to see a lot more anti-USA sentiment cropping up outside the US in the next few years and a lot of anti-rest-of-the-world sentiment cropping up within.
Trump thinks there are around 20 million mexicans in the US (illegal plus legal). The population of mexico is 120 million. So he thinks > 1 in 7 mexicans are rapists and murderers. Do you think that's close to the actual number?

The actual number coming in that he's calling rapists and murderers or the actual number of rapists and murderers coming in? In either case I don't find it relevant.

It is relevant because it follows from what he said, not because of your opinion.

He's not calling Mexicans in general rapists or murderers...

See, now you're not being relevant and that's because that's not what I wrote.

..., nor is "Mexican" a race.

Mexican is indeed a race. Example: someone who hates Mexicans because they claim they are most often smelly and stupid due to genetics is a racist.

What he's doing is speaking a conspiracy theory of how the Mexican government is "not sending their best" as if the Mexican government is deciding who comes over the US border, and offloads its worst to the US.

Your claim is not mutually exclusive to what I wrote and therefore it's not a rebuttal.

He's playing into his general anti-immigrant rhetoric. He's also doing that when talking about putting a "ban on Muslims from certain parts of the world until we know what the hell is going on".

Again not mutually exclusive to racism. I've already discussed the numbers and why such numbers would show an extremely high percent of murderers and rapists among Mexicans. Did you not understand how that is regardless of whether it's a conspiracy theory or anti-immigrant?

His shtick is that you don't know who is coming in and are not vetting people properly, so put a stop on it until you do. It is general paranoia and nationalism more than it is racism.

Trump's thunderous "Make America Great Again" and "Put America First" lines are part of the same rhetoric. He wants a more insular and self-serving America. This could be both good and bad for your country. I think you can expect to see a lot more anti-USA sentiment cropping up outside the US in the next few years and a lot of anti-rest-of-the-world sentiment cropping up within.

This isn't nationalism. Nationalism is "we're awesome" not 14% of Mexicans are rapists and murderers. If you put that number in the context of his overt racism demonstrated in court and what he admitted to, then it's more likely racism regardless of whether he eats taco salad and loves the hispanics in his kitchen for making it for him.
Yeah, he was claiming for a fact that Mexican immigrants were mostly criminals. He only "assumed" that some were good people.

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He's not calling Mexicans in general rapists or murderers, nor is "Mexican" a race.

It's irrelevant if it's a race, other than for pedantic bs, since it would still be bigotry, regardless if it's race based or nationality based.
Yeah, he was claiming for a fact that Mexican immigrants were mostly criminals. He only "assumed" that some were good people.

- - - Updated - - -

He's not calling Mexicans in general rapists or murderers, nor is "Mexican" a race.

It's irrelevant if it's a race, other than for pendantic bs, since it would still be bigotry, regardless if it's race based or nationality based.

That's not what he actually said if you look at him saying it. At the time he was also addressing Latino supporters with others. It's very clear what he referred to.
Thanks, but I don't need any WPsplaining, I know what he said.
Trump thinks there are around 20 million mexicans in the US (illegal plus legal). The population of mexico is 120 million. So he thinks > 1 in 7 mexicans are rapists and murderers. Do you think that's close to the actual number?

The actual number coming in that he's calling rapists and murderers or the actual number of rapists and murderers coming in? In either case I don't find it relevant. He's not calling Mexicans in general rapists or murderers, nor is "Mexican" a race. What he's doing is speaking a conspiracy theory of how the Mexican government is "not sending their best" as if the Mexican government is deciding who comes over the US border, and offloads its worst to the US. He's playing into his general anti-immigrant rhetoric. He's also doing that when talking about putting a "ban on Muslims from certain parts of the world until we know what the hell is going on". His shtick is that you don't know who is coming in and are not vetting people properly, so put a stop on it until you do. It is general paranoia and nationalism more than it is racism.

Trump's thunderous "Make America Great Again" and "Put America First" lines are part of the same rhetoric. He wants a more insular and self-serving America. This could be both good and bad for your country. I think you can expect to see a lot more anti-USA sentiment cropping up outside the US in the next few years and a lot of anti-rest-of-the-world sentiment cropping up within.

This is true but some people have so been conditioned by the media they go a little deaf at some point so they actually believe what they are told to belief. The trick is normally ask a person who has been subjected to this will be to watch and say what they heard and saw. It may take a few goes.
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