• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

What music are you listening to right now? (Warning: Lotsa videos)

On that show, Dead and Company being the continuation of the Grateful Dead, from 1965 to 2019 and counting. One of the great things is the fans. Old timers, mid timers like me, all the way to my teenagers and younger. I wonder how many bands draw such a range of fans.
Set II opener. Help on the way>Slipnot>Franklins Tower (Help>Slip>Frank) song starts 9 min, 30 secs in. Franklins starts at 22:45 . Very excellent version.

Nice 80s synth. Has an intro that starts fast then slows down to reverse direction. Interesting effect.

This version with by far the best sound quality has the lowest views.
I don't particularly care for Christmas music. I mean, it's okay to listen to on Christmas Eve and Christmas day, but the non-stop onslaught that starts around Thanksgiving is annoying. Plus there's really not that many good Christmas songs, so most of the time you're listening to endless cover versions of about 8-10 "classics."

Except for this:


It doesn't really lend itself to cover versions. Nobody's topped the original, and as far as I'm concerned nobody can. Plus it's got a great message. Throw your arms around the world at Christmas time. Don't just sit there wallowing in consumerism and drink. Pause and think about those who are less fortunate. Then do something about it.
Beil Innes, Bonzo Dog Doo Wah Band, Rutles, Monty Python et al has dies aged 75.

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