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What music are you listening to right now? (Warning: Lotsa videos)

They're famous for "What I Like About You" and the 80s MTV hit "Talking In Your Sleep," but the Romantics had a few other really great songs. This one is particularly fierce...
Seems like a Tom Waits kind of day for me today.


So I fell in love with this today.

I've argued this for years: First, I like rap (Okay, I grew up on it and love it), but most rappers are terrible performers on stage. I mean, KRS-One brings a massive amount of pure energy, of course, and there's the Roots, and Redman is a warm and funny enough guy that he can own a large audience. But it's often just the rapper on their own, or with their boys standing around on stage. I'm glad to see that Del and Dan (ie. Deltron) did it right - especially since Deltron 3030 was an awesome album.

On another note, for no apparent reason, I went back to old MF DOOM - and classic underground rap album. As in, it sounds like he recorded it in his basement. But for a not-quite-coherent guy who styles himself after Dr. Doom, to the point of *wearing a metal mask in concerts*, the sound fits.

Fuck yeah. MF Doom is one of the best rapers I've ever heard.

First...I assume you mean "rappers" XD

Second...I still have my first print of "Operation: Doomsday" CD somewhere. The one with "I hear Voices Part 1" video on it.

I could go on, but...eh, Ta-Nehisi Coates already wrote it better than I could.

Also...just in case you never saw this one before, this audio always just puts a a smile on my face, even though it's an instrumental...

That is a really unfortunate typo.

You guys knew what I meant. You're right though, that was a pretty bad typo.

My faves from that one was probably "Absolutely". DOOM at his absolute coldest, combined with a perfect Madlib beat that almost sounds like he's using covert lines to transmit orders to his underlings - and still subtly tells you that he's joking.

But for now, I was thinking of other near-coherent raps. Current song:

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