• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

What STUPID Thing Did Trumpy Do/Say, TODAY?

Where would that fat-ass poser BE.....without people (trying to climb-over each-other) attempting to explain what he meant????

This post should just become a meme.

Also, Medicine Man, weren't you here long ago with a different name? IIt ca't be possible to have two people wiith this same style...
It ca't be possible to have two people wiith this same style...
Certainly it can.

Sadly while great strides have been made in the field of medication for impulse-control issues, the funding for programs to ensure that everyone who needs it, gets it, is sorely lacking.
Why Feed the Birdbrains?

Trump is a doer, not a talker. He treats the media with so much well-deserved contempt that he doesn't care about finishing his thoughts. He meant Obama founded ISIS in the sense that Carter got Reagan elected, etc.

Where would that fat-ass poser BE.....without people (trying to climb-over each-other) attempting to explain what he meant????

Explain to whom? His Netwit opponents are parrots caged by their mind-owners among the yacking media's ambitious imbeciles. The on-air airhead Diploma Dumbos have no right to an explanation; they don't even have a right to their jobs.
Kardashian Lexicon

Trump has the best words. His words are so good he doesn't even need to complete full sentences to get his ideas across.​

"Clueless" is not a word. It's illogical slang coined by bimbo Valley Girl spoiled degenerates. The faddish way this contradiction is used would fit the nonsense of "When it comes to doing crossword puzzles, he is clueless."
Donald Trump Tweet said:
It is not "freedom of the press" when newspapers and others are allowed to say and write whatever they want even if it is completely false!

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