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What STUPID Thing Did Trumpy Do/Say, TODAY?

Hmmmmmmm....emulate the style of web pages, huh??

Specifically, those from the '90s.

And, that differs from (actually) attaching those sites....how??

Well, those web pages, for the most part, do not exist any more, and those that do still exist have updated their style so that it is more modern, and causes fewer eyeballs to hemorrhage.​


BUT.....I do miss the ol' late-'90s Salon articles.....that were compiling, as things were developing....all during the Clinton Inquisition.

There ARE some, that are still available.....but, not nearly the total-volume accumulated.


Trying to get back on topic, Trump apparently called Obama both the founder of ISIS and ISIS's "most valuable player" in in two separate interviews. Not even his most blinded supporters can try to dismiss this one as a joke that was misrepresented by the "liberal media." Seems H. Clinton is somehow also the ISIS MVP. I guess "most" has a different meaning in Trump-speak.

You really can't make this shit up.
Trying to get back on topic, Trump apparently called Obama both the founder of ISIS and ISIS's "most valuable player" in in two separate interviews. Not even his most blinded supporters can try to dismiss this one as a joke that was misrepresented by the "liberal media." Seems H. Clinton is somehow also the ISIS MVP. I guess "most" has a different meaning in Trump-speak.

You really can't make this shit up.

I think this whole thing is a non-issue, really. Do you listen to AM radio? Christian broadcasting? They literally say stuff like this EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Trump supporters already believe this. He is merely continuing to say what his supporters think. That's why they love the guy. I said Trump would run this part of his campaign just like his primary. Thankfully, I was right, because it's destroying his chances to win.
Trying to get back on topic, Trump apparently called Obama both the founder of ISIS and ISIS's "most valuable player" in in two separate interviews. Not even his most blinded supporters can try to dismiss this one as a joke that was misrepresented by the "liberal media." Seems H. Clinton is somehow also the ISIS MVP. I guess "most" has a different meaning in Trump-speak.

You really can't make this shit up.

I think this whole thing is a non-issue, really. Do you listen to AM radio? Christian broadcasting? They literally say stuff like this EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Trump supporters already believe this. He is merely continuing to say what his supporters think. That's why they love the guy. I said Trump would run this part of his campaign just like his primary. Thankfully, I was right, because it's destroying his chances to win.

What makes it an issue is that Trump really believes it too and he is a candidate for POTUS. Never underestimate the stupidity of the American public...it is still possible that he gets elected.

ETA: America's Finest News Source has weighed in: Trump’s Prefrontal Cortex Admits It Can’t Possibly Filter All Impulsive Comments Coming From Rest Of Brain.
Problem of course is that on the other side you've got Clinton... who keeps stumbling into her own issues. It is corruption vs stupidity. Which will win?

It's hard to say. There's a lot of both in our government. I would say that Clinton is much more like the rest of the politicians we have in government, so whatever her level of corruption is, it is consistent with most other politicians and more acceptable to the public than the level of stupidity from Trump's side, of which there are fewer (though not zero) in government.
Trying to get back on topic, Trump apparently called Obama both the founder of ISIS and ISIS's "most valuable player" in in two separate interviews. Not even his most blinded supporters can try to dismiss this one as a joke that was misrepresented by the "liberal media." Seems H. Clinton is somehow also the ISIS MVP. I guess "most" has a different meaning in Trump-speak.

You really can't make this shit up.

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Trying to get back on topic, Trump apparently called Obama both the founder of ISIS and ISIS's "most valuable player" in in two separate interviews. Not even his most blinded supporters can try to dismiss this one as a joke that was misrepresented by the "liberal media." Seems H. Clinton is somehow also the ISIS MVP. I guess "most" has a different meaning in Trump-speak.

You really can't make this shit up.

I think this whole thing is a non-issue, really. Do you listen to AM radio? Christian broadcasting? They literally say stuff like this EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Trump supporters already believe this. He is merely continuing to say what his supporters think. That's why they love the guy. I said Trump would run this part of his campaign just like his primary. Thankfully, I was right, because it's destroying his chances to win.

.....WITH a little help from himself.

Ya' gotta remember to give credit, where it's due.....ESPECIALLY when it's Trumpy-The-Klown. He pretty-much DEMANDS it.
On-Air Airheads

Problem of course is that on the other side you've got Clinton... who keeps stumbling into her own issues. It is corruption vs stupidity. Which will win?

Trump's "stupidity" proves how stupid the Establishment's know-it-all pundits are. The Gotcha Gang will be exposed for the lizards they are underneath their flashy costumes.
Trying to get back on topic, Trump apparently called Obama both the founder of ISIS and ISIS's "most valuable player" in in two separate interviews. Not even his most blinded supporters can try to dismiss this one as a joke that was misrepresented by the "liberal media." Seems H. Clinton is somehow also the ISIS MVP. I guess "most" has a different meaning in Trump-speak.

You really can't make this shit up.

Trump is a doer, not a talker. He treats the media with so much well-deserved contempt that he doesn't care about finishing his thoughts. He meant Obama founded ISIS in the sense that Carter got Reagan elected, etc.
Trying to get back on topic, Trump apparently called Obama both the founder of ISIS and ISIS's "most valuable player" in in two separate interviews. Not even his most blinded supporters can try to dismiss this one as a joke that was misrepresented by the "liberal media." Seems H. Clinton is somehow also the ISIS MVP. I guess "most" has a different meaning in Trump-speak.

You really can't make this shit up.

I stand corrected!
Trying to get back on topic, Trump apparently called Obama both the founder of ISIS and ISIS's "most valuable player" in in two separate interviews. Not even his most blinded supporters can try to dismiss this one as a joke that was misrepresented by the "liberal media." Seems H. Clinton is somehow also the ISIS MVP. I guess "most" has a different meaning in Trump-speak.

You really can't make this shit up.

Trump is a doer, not a talker. He treats the media with so much well-deserved contempt that he doesn't care about finishing his thoughts. He meant Obama founded ISIS in the sense that Carter got Reagan elected, etc.

Where would that fat-ass poser BE.....without people (trying to climb-over each-other) attempting to explain what he meant????
Trying to get back on topic, Trump apparently called Obama both the founder of ISIS and ISIS's "most valuable player" in in two separate interviews. Not even his most blinded supporters can try to dismiss this one as a joke that was misrepresented by the "liberal media." Seems H. Clinton is somehow also the ISIS MVP. I guess "most" has a different meaning in Trump-speak.

You really can't make this shit up.

Trump is a doer, not a talker. He treats the media with so much well-deserved contempt that he doesn't care about finishing his thoughts. He meant Obama founded ISIS in the sense that Carter got Reagan elected, etc.

He is still a birther who claimed earlier that Obama actively supported ISIS. From the Huffing Post article I linked above
Huffington Post said:
Hewitt suggested Trump hadn’t meant his statement to be taken literally, but the candidate cut him off.

“No, I meant he’s the founder of ISIS."

Reinterpret that.

ETA I'll give you credit for not trying to dismiss it as a joke.
Trying to get back on topic, Trump apparently called Obama both the founder of ISIS and ISIS's "most valuable player" in in two separate interviews. Not even his most blinded supporters can try to dismiss this one as a joke that was misrepresented by the "liberal media." Seems H. Clinton is somehow also the ISIS MVP. I guess "most" has a different meaning in Trump-speak.

You really can't make this shit up.

Trump is a doer, not a talker. He treats the media with so much well-deserved contempt that he doesn't care about finishing his thoughts. He meant Obama founded ISIS in the sense that Carter got Reagan elected, etc.

Trump has the best words. His words are so good he doesn't even need to complete full sentences to get his ideas across.
Trump is a doer, not a talker. He treats the media with so much well-deserved contempt that he doesn't care about finishing his thoughts. He meant Obama founded ISIS in the sense that Carter got Reagan elected, etc.

Trump has the best words. His words are so good he doesn't even need to complete full sentences to get his ideas across.​

Trump is selfish and low on intellect. Therefore he says things that appear quite stupid to someone who is not selfish and is not low on intellect. And I know a few people who love him for it.
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