Just watched the 2nd episode of "The Strain".
Not getting any better.
Still very soap opera-ish with the main character. Yes, he's a self-centered jerk with marital problems but now they throw in
that he's a recovering alcoholic as well. Unless that's going to play into the future of this show, it was really a backstory that wasn't important and a waste of time. Unless the producers just want to make the CDC look bad - again.
They're still sticking with the
supernatural bent, with people sorta selling out their fellow human beings to get favors done. A main villain character is basically needing a new liver so accepts a deal with the devil. Even though we learn there is a transplant waiting for him, that as a wealthy man he can afford, he's willing to sell out his entire species for a certain kind of immortality. Like most characters with similar motivations I always wonder what sort of world he wants to live to see.
Stupid plot ploys are put into play - authorities don't listen to doctors, they listen to a web report of misinformation.
I was sitting there going, "OK, you guys are epidemiologists, scientists and doctors, whip out your reports. You have bodies to show, test results, they just have a story you can easily refute with forensic evidence..." and I waited and waited and waited.
Nope. Our hero doctors don't offer any defense. None. Zero. The main guy doctor just loses his temper about his personal life being brought up "You've been stressed out."
In another scene, a HUGE office is
overrun by zombies, but the huge office only appears occupied by 1 person. At the lack of communication from the office, the main woman character offers in explanation, "They have over 200 bodies to autopsy, they're probably busy..."
Who is this "they"? We only saw one pathologist in an otherwise empty lab. No assistants, no staff, no anyone else.
It's dumb and not getting any smarter.
I would stop watching but a co-worker keeps telling me it's supposedly going to get really clever and wrap itself up with a 'wow' factor.
It doesn't look promising.