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When Trump Defies the Courts


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
This is what has worried me all along.

When Trump defies the courts, and I believe he will, we are basically fucked.
The trumpsucking cowards in the Senate won't do anything, and the courts themselves have no enforcement mechanism.
The US Marshals won't do anything, as they are part of the executive branch, as is the USSS (as part of DHS).

The Trump Junta is free to rig our elections (using foreign help as needed) to perpetuate its reign, and Moscow Mitch is right there to make sure nobody can do anything about that. A DOJ memo prevents any legal action against the Junta as long as it maintains its power by hook or crook (crook in this case). Meanwhile they can continue to stack the courts with unqualified toadies until at last, they don't even need to defy the courts to maintain their position above the law, as the courts will simply maintain that they are, and always have been, above the law.

Short of the traditional 2nd amendment solution, which Trump himself has alluded to as appropriate when a President is illegitimate, there is really nothing that can be done.

He's already in complete defiance of the House, which is just as unlawful and egregious, and his approval number has stayed pretty constant since August (38 to 40%.) I keep expecting that number to dip down to the base level of Pure Trump Crazies (33 or 34%), at which point something like real panic would/should kick in among the Lindsey Graham types who once spoke the truth about Trump (racist, a kook, a rabble-rouser, a guy who would destroy the party if it backed him -- this is a near-exact quote of pre-2016 Convention Lindsey.)
But so far...38 to 40%. Terrible numbers, but the GOP is fully strategized to win and rule as a minority party. So what are we to make of the extra 5% of "icing" that the so-called independent voters give T? Are they simply conservative people with retirement accounts who no longer self-identify as Republican but think T can keep the stock market up? I think the "independents" are closet Republicans.
This is exactly what is going to happen in Trump’s second term. We will always be prepped for it. This is why Trump makes bombastic statements and more recently his lawyers claiming before the court, Trump can do no criminal wrong. If we are prepped, the public reaction will be lessened when it does happen.
Let’s see if and how he manages to get to a second term. I fully expect all sorts of skullduggery. Putin didn’t come this far to turn back now. I wonder if what looks to be a contested governors race in KY is a litmus test for just this. Let’s see if KY’s legislature with it super majority will let the vote stand.
He's already in complete defiance of the House, which is just as unlawful and egregious, and his approval number has stayed pretty constant since August (38 to 40%.) I keep expecting that number to dip down to the base level of Pure Trump Crazies (33 or 34%), at which point something like real panic would/should kick in among the Lindsey Graham types who once spoke the truth about Trump (racist, a kook, a rabble-rouser, a guy who would destroy the party if it backed him -- this is a near-exact quote of pre-2016 Convention Lindsey.)
But so far...38 to 40%. Terrible numbers, but the GOP is fully strategized to win and rule as a minority party. So what are we to make of the extra 5% of "icing" that the so-called independent voters give T? Are they simply conservative people with retirement accounts who no longer self-identify as Republican but think T can keep the stock market up? I think the "independents" are closet Republicans.

How would Trump’s base support level drop if their news is tailor made for them? What would change their minds? Only the GOP turning first who are of course minding the base support level.
I'm not expecting the 33-34% to change -- it's those "independents" I'm referring to, who continually keep him up near 40. If you're in the 33% true believer class, you of course distrust the "fake news" and are incapable of grasping reality.
It isn't Trump's base, it is the conservatives that refuse to vote for the only adult in a race that are the problem. Trump could go to 30%, but unless those conservatives not supporting him, vote for a third party or the Democrat, Trump's numbers will improve in the polls.

I saw a graphic recently for polling among races between Trump and varying Democrat nominees, and Hispanics after all Trump has said and done... are still 2 to 1 for Dems. Blacks and whites are also really stagnant as well. Dems are making gains with college educated white and suburban white females, but whether that only translates to the House and Senate is to be seen.

Trump has been remarkably effective and ineffective in his first term. He has managed to take the US out of treaties. He has managed to build a little bit of a wall that can be cut open with a $100 tool. He has managed to stuff the Appellate Courts. He even managed to try and sabotage ACA. He has stepped up against China.He has managed to arm twist the Fed into cutting interest rates.

However, he hasn't managed to kill ACA. He hasn't made headway with any foreign negotiations. He has killed the soybean market for US growers. Not a peep about infrastructure (not that his plan was sound at all).

The art of the deal guy can't make a single deal. Couldn't even convince Ukraine to publicly embarrass Biden ahead of the 2020 US election. But he is riding an economy that continues to do decently since well before he ever took office, but has also managed to convince people the US was in a depression in 2016.
I expect an assassination might occur if he illegally attempts to stay in power. It is every American citizen's duty to protect the constitution. The Second Amendment is the only thing in place that can physically stop him from violating the very foundation of the Republic.
The Second Amendment is the only thing in place that can physically stop him from violating the very foundation of the Republic.
That'd actually be the military that'd be protecting the Constitution by kindly removing him from the White House. Some bozo with a gun can't do much if the military is protecting Trump.

It is so cute when gun proponents actually think having a weapon makes them in any way a strategic threat to the $500+ billion a year US military. As if all of the dictatorships in the world could have been easily overthrown, had just someone had a gun.
You have to think that Mr. Trump is even a bigger and nastier waste of space in private than he is in public. Which leads me to believe that the Secret Service would not protect him at all if he were to lose the election.
I expect an assassination might occur if he illegally attempts to stay in power. It is every American citizen's duty to protect the constitution. The Second Amendment is the only thing in place that can physically stop him from violating the very foundation of the Republic.

Well, that IS what Trump has argued, but I sincerely hope it doesn't come to that. If Trump is shot, I hope it is a court-ordered death penalty for treason.
That said, I do think that the AR15-waving beer-bellied ignoramuses of Trumpistan might be overlooking the degree to which they might be inspiring some self appointed rabid "patriot" to save the nation for which numerous of his/her ancestors and family have fought and died. When all other recourse is removed by Trump's defiance of the courts, don't expect the entire country to lay down and meekly accept a despotic tyrant.
The Second Amendment is the only thing in place that can physically stop him from violating the very foundation of the Republic.
That'd actually be the military that'd be protecting the Constitution by kindly removing him from the White House. Some bozo with a gun can't do much if the military is protecting Trump.

It is so cute when gun proponents actually think having a weapon makes them in any way a strategic threat to the $500+ billion a year US military. As if all of the dictatorships in the world could have been easily overthrown, had just someone had a gun.

I don't think the Trump Junta could survive having its head cut off. Do you?
You have to think that Mr. Trump is even a bigger and nastier waste of space in private than he is in public. Which leads me to believe that the Secret Service would not protect him at all if he were to lose the election.

Well, it is their job.. All Presidents get to keep 2 Secret Service personnel assigned to them for life, as far as I heard here before. Trump, whether peacefully accepting loss of the office or being forcibly removed, will still retain those 2 SS officers (yes, that particular abbreviation was intentional). If he is removed from office and not just the loser of the next election, then maybe that changes? I don't know.
a "well armed militia" is needed for such a problem, if one should arise. Our SS is pretty well equipped to keep one crazy person that posts their every intention and keyword ridden hate speech on social media from getting a lucky shot... not sure how well equipped that branch is against a "well armed militia", though.
The Second Amendment is the only thing in place that can physically stop him from violating the very foundation of the Republic.
That'd actually be the military that'd be protecting the Constitution by kindly removing him from the White House. Some bozo with a gun can't do much if the military is protecting Trump.

It is so cute when gun proponents actually think having a weapon makes them in any way a strategic threat to the $500+ billion a year US military. As if all of the dictatorships in the world could have been easily overthrown, had just someone had a gun.

I don't think the Trump Junta could survive having its head cut off. Do you?

I have that guy on ignore so I missed that.. funny, he can't tell the difference between the effectiveness of a single crazy person versus half a country of patriots. And that's not even the reason he's ignored.
I agree. We should have two secret service personnel with arms around him* at all times.

On the other hand has anyone ever seen well armed militia when to be so requires it to be armed like the US army or Marines. The feds now supply local officials with federal arms so I don't see any so called 'well armed militia' appearing any time soon.**

*preferably affixing him in a straitjacket.

** more likely normal citizens should be afraid, very afraid.
I don't think the Trump Junta could survive having its head cut off. Do you?
The survivors will insist that they're working Trump's plan, from notes and conversations they had with him. Throw out the right words, the right insults, they can keep it going for quite a while.

That, or they hide the body, announce that it was 'a near miss,' and Bonespurs goes into seclusion. His daily tweets continue, his stonewalling the courts continues, his rallies continue (He'll skype in). Right up until Don Jr. tweets that it's just not the same without Dad...
You have to think that Mr. Trump is even a bigger and nastier waste of space in private than he is in public. Which leads me to believe that the Secret Service would not protect him at all if he were to lose the election.

Well, it is their job..
If Trump is not re-elected, and he tries to stay on as President, it is not part of their job to help him subvert the Constitution. The SS would be under no obligation to protect him from being physically ousted from the White House, since he would have no reason to be there if he is not re-elected.
I don't think the Trump Junta could survive having its head cut off. Do you?

I have that guy on ignore so I missed that.. funny, he can't tell the difference between the effectiveness of a single crazy person versus half a country of patriots. And that's not even the reason he's ignored.
The half a country of patriots must have some serious weaponry if they can reach the DC area, from where they live. If someone tried to take over the US, and they had military support, Congress would be freed of their role, at least, the opposing party would be... and mobilizing to DC would likely be a bit harder with the deployed military. But you can continue the 2nd Amendment fan fic where boys with guns can fend off predator drones.
But you can continue the 2nd Amendment fan fic where boys with guns can fend off predator drones.
Yeah, quick quiz on that.
What worked best for Randy Weaver on Ruby Ridge:
[_] Rifle
[_] Pistol
[_] Body Armor
[_] Lawyer

...and that was just Marshals.
You have to think that Mr. Trump is even a bigger and nastier waste of space in private than he is in public. Which leads me to believe that the Secret Service would not protect him at all if he were to lose the election.

Well, it is their job..
If Trump is not re-elected, and he tries to stay on as President, it is not part of their job to help him subvert the Constitution. The SS would be under no obligation to protect him from being physically ousted from the White House, since he would have no reason to be there if he is not re-elected.

one can only hope.. not sure where people in this thread are getting the idea that the military has anything to do with the personal protection of ousted Presidents. That's not even the whole SS.. just a few, not the Armed Forces at all.
If Trump is not re-elected, and he tries to stay on as President, it is not part of their job to help him subvert the Constitution. The SS would be under no obligation to protect him from being physically ousted from the White House, since he would have no reason to be there if he is not re-elected.

one can only hope.. not sure where people in this thread are getting the idea that the military has anything to do with the personal protection of ousted Presidents. That's not even the whole SS.. just a few, not the Armed Forces at all.
No un-elected President is remaining President without substantial military support, as without it, they have no basis for power. The Secret Service would be irrelevant. And the Secret Service wouldn't be rounding up the opposing party.
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