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When Trump Defies the Courts

Suspending the Constitution does not make one a dictator. It is simply exercising the Constitution.
Breaking the law doesn't make you a criminal. You are simply exercising your legal options.
You know, it's not the INVADER that starts a war. That's just a surprise real estate transaction. With tanks.
it's not a war until the DEFENDERS take exception to the invaders and ruthlessly start shooting back. THEN it's a war. A decent PR office should be able to make the case that crossing the border wasn't what started the war. It was the other side, the hypocrites that ASK for peace, but won't throw their guns down and peaceably surrender.
Thanks to halfie for his half-hearted, half-witted attempt to say something relevant to the OP.
By his assertions, once Trump defies the courts and officially places himself above the law, it should be open season on him.
Actually, if defying the Constitution is kosher... removing Trump from office without a trial would just be enacting an electoral mulligan.
Because I believe the President should use his power given to him by the Constitution to suspend that very same Constitution due to great threats from progressives?

Please clarify for me.

If people who disagreed with you about basic values constituted a majority, you would happily install a dictator rather than respect that majority?

Suspending the Constitution does not make one a dictator. It is simply exercising the Constitution.
Cite the exact language in the Constitution that you think permits the POTUS to suspend the Constitution.
Suspending the Constitution does not make one a dictator. It is simply exercising the Constitution.
Breaking the law doesn't make you a criminal. You are simply exercising your legal options.
You know, it's not the INVADER that starts a war. That's just a surprise real estate transaction. With tanks.
it's not a war until the DEFENDERS take exception to the invaders and ruthlessly start shooting back. THEN it's a war. A decent PR office should be able to make the case that crossing the border wasn't what started the war. It was the other side, the hypocrites that ASK for peace, but won't throw their guns down and peaceably surrender.

This could be a fun game

Paying off a cop isn't bribery. You are simply expediting your tax dollars to were you want them to go first.
Blowing up an embassy isn't terrorism. You are simply exercising your right to free speech.
Sacrificing babies to our lord Satan isn't infanticide. You are simply exercising your right of freedom of religion.
Suspending the Constitution does not make one a dictator. It is simply exercising the Constitution.
Cite the exact language in the Constitution that you think permits the POTUS to suspend the Constitution.

Article 1, Section 9, clause 2.

Lincoln suspended it. Bush Jr suspended it.

What you just cited relates to the specific issue of imprisonment without charges being filed in court. To clarify using the examples you cited, it was used with regards to prisoners held during the civil war (Lincoln) and Gitmo during the early 2000s (Bush Jnr). It holds no relevance with regards to suspending elections as you alluded to here, or suspending the Constitution due to ideological reasons like you implied here

Wow, I know more about the US Constitution than Half-life does! Don't ask me about the Australian Constitution though - the only thing I know about that is that it is illegal for an airport to use eminent domain on a family's home/castle for expansion.
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