First half of Flight - Movie about a drug addict pilot that can apparently sober up in an instant and perform a miraculous maneuver to save a plane. I don't know if I'm going to watch the second half of the film. Don't know what it is in it for me to care about. It seems to be asking whether a person can recklessly put people's lives into danger, and then save them despite not being in any condition to save people which why he was being reckless to start with.
The movie is about the constant deception, self-justification, and avoidance behavior of a high-functioning addict. The pilot's righteous indignation that his heroism is being questioned is part of his problem. He uses the fact that his flying skills were still pretty damn good to deflect even the suggestion that piloting the aircraft while under the influence of alcohol and drugs was wrong.
His employer and his union are enablers, since both would be happier not knowing how much the guy had to drink before the flight. His friends and co-workers have their own moral dilemmas; they're caught between gratitude for his saving them with a maneuver only he would have dared to try, and knowing he shouldn't have been at the controls.
It's a pretty good movie. I give it 7/10.