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Which movie did you watch today and how would you rate it?

Blitz, 6/10: Jason Statham playing the part of a hard drinking, hard nosed detective in London. An earlier victim of his rough justice starts a spree of killing coppers. Statham's character has to find the psycho before he kills eight cops in his "Blitz" of murder. It was an OK movie with Statham doing what he does best, looking menacing and being gruff.
All Things To All Men, 4/10: Starring Gabriel Byrne and Rufus Sewell. A crime thriller set in London that has Sewell's character (a detective in Scotland Yard) playing both sides against the middle. A very convoluted plot with mysterious characters popping into play that I just wasn't sure what their place in the scheme of things was. Basically a load of codswallop.
Foxcatcher, 3/10: My wife and I just don't get what was supposed to be so great about this film. The pacing was slow and ponderous. I agree with Christopher Orr of The Atlantic, who said this: "Foxcatcher is among the best movies of the year, but ultimately it seems one better suited for awards than for audiences." Some critics call it a "crime drama", when the crime doesn't occur until 95% through the film, and there is no indication that it is coming, unless you know the true story on which this is based.
Ok so this movie is well acted and has an interesting story
But for some reason I just could not get involved with the characters
And I found the pace of this movie to be just a long slog
So ultimately I was kinda bored by this movie
The cult movie AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON. This movie mixes horror and comedy plus gore to hilarious effect.

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Wreck-It Ralph

I'm a sucker for Disney animations, and this one would definitely have been the BEST MOVIE EVER had I seen it when I was 8. As an adult I have to take out a few points for the somewhat predictable plot, but otherwise, it's a perfect family movie. It's got relatable underdog characters for both boys and girls, plenty of video-game references for the teens, and a certain female supporting character with tits the size of basketballs for daddy.
Paul - 6/10

Meh. Watchable but pretty mediocre. Having rewatched Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and The World's End, this really paled in comparison. I know it's not part of the same series and it's from a different director, but I was expecting something a lot better.
Wreck-It Ralph

I'm a sucker for Disney animations, and this one would definitely have been the BEST MOVIE EVER had I seen it when I was 8. As an adult I have to take out a few points for the somewhat predictable plot, but otherwise, it's a perfect family movie. It's got relatable underdog characters for both boys and girls, plenty of video-game references for the teens, and a certain female supporting character with tits the size of basketballs for daddy.

WOOHOO! Another animated film lover. I quite liked Wreck-It Ralph also. Shame it's PG or I would take it to school for the kids to watch.
First half of Flight - Movie about a drug addict pilot that can apparently sober up in an instant and perform a miraculous maneuver to save a plane. I don't know if I'm going to watch the second half of the film. Don't know what it is in it for me to care about. It seems to be asking whether a person can recklessly put people's lives into danger, and then save them despite not being in any condition to save people which why he was being reckless to start with.

Did get me to read up on the Air Alaska crash this seems to be based on. Nothing like that stuff to make me not want to fly even more.
TED. Mark Wahlberg, Mia Kunis. A damn teddy bear causes his adult owner problems. Cheeky adult fairy tale. 6/10. [Just in time as the sequal is about to be released]

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Jurassic World - 9/10 - very much enjoyed this, the humans were a little bit boring in places but thankfully the dinosaurs were on hand to save the day.

Jurassic World (2015)

I agree with Draconis.

dinosaurs - lots of action, lots of fun 9/10

humans - stereotypes played out with reasonable skill 5.5/10

If you want a monster movie, it's great.

Jurassic World

Judging it as a movie and taking into account things like plot, character development, acting, a storyline that remains consistent from scene to scene, etc - 2/10

Judging it as a frigging awesome spectacle of awesomeness that's the most awesome way to spend an awesome two hours this summer - 10/10. I was going to rank it 11, but then I just made 10 higher instead.

It's what the sequel to Jurassic Park should have been. It basically ignores the two pieces of dog turd that were the actual sequels and picks up in the future of the first movie and is amazing running-away-from-dinosaurs action. I heard one commentator say that if you chopped $100 million off the budget and called it Escape From Dinosaur Island, it would have fit in perfectly as a cheesy sci-fi channel weekend movie, but that extra budget worked and they made themselves an awesome spectacle.

Jurassic World
5.5 out of 10

Just as dumb as it looks.

Woman wears high heels and a white outfit throughout the movie and never gets dirty.

Cardboard characters - anal-retentive corporate lass and ex-military slob "regular" guy are our two leads, trying to squeeze chemistry out of their complete lack of it, and sympathetic emotion out of the two kids, one of whom is sleepwalking through 3/4s of the movie. The rest of the characters, well, you can pretty much tell who's going to be dino chow.

Some of the effects are good, others look like plastic models being moved about they're so fake looking.

The leads forget about

the bad dinosaur

half-way through the movie and seem completely unconcerned with

the safety of the thousands of people waiting to leave the island, the release of animals from their paddocks that are thus just wandering around the park and the large number of flying dinos released into the wild.

If you want dumb and loud, this is your summer movie.

I'm just glad I didn't pay for it.
First half of Flight - Movie about a drug addict pilot that can apparently sober up in an instant and perform a miraculous maneuver to save a plane. I don't know if I'm going to watch the second half of the film. Don't know what it is in it for me to care about. It seems to be asking whether a person can recklessly put people's lives into danger, and then save them despite not being in any condition to save people which why he was being reckless to start with.

The movie is about the constant deception, self-justification, and avoidance behavior of a high-functioning addict. The pilot's righteous indignation that his heroism is being questioned is part of his problem. He uses the fact that his flying skills were still pretty damn good to deflect even the suggestion that piloting the aircraft while under the influence of alcohol and drugs was wrong.

His employer and his union are enablers, since both would be happier not knowing how much the guy had to drink before the flight. His friends and co-workers have their own moral dilemmas; they're caught between gratitude for his saving them with a maneuver only he would have dared to try, and knowing he shouldn't have been at the controls.

It's a pretty good movie. I give it 7/10.
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First half of Flight - Movie about a drug addict pilot that can apparently sober up in an instant and perform a miraculous maneuver to save a plane. I don't know if I'm going to watch the second half of the film. Don't know what it is in it for me to care about. It seems to be asking whether a person can recklessly put people's lives into danger, and then save them despite not being in any condition to save people which why he was being reckless to start with.

The movie is about the constant deception, self-justification, and avoidance behavior of a high-functioning addict. The pilot's righteous indignation that his heroism is being questioned is part of his problem. He uses the fact that his flying skills were still pretty damn good to deflect even the suggestion that piloting the aircraft while under the influence of alcohol and drugs was wrong.

His employer and his union are enablers, since both would be happier not knowing how much the guy had to drink before the flight. His friends and co-workers have their own moral dilemmas; they're caught between gratitude for his saving them with a maneuver only he would have dared to try, and knowing he shouldn't have been at the controls.

It's a pretty good movie. I give it 7/10.
I understand that. My problem is they seemingly set up an impossible paradox. If he was high on coke and drunk, he couldn't have saved the plane. That is the reason why pilots aren't supposed to be coke and drunk. I think I'll stay with The Day of Wine and Roses.
I saw The Isle 5/10. A story about a deranged woman and her flotilla of tiny floating fishing fucking murder cabins.

And Splintered aka Let the Bullets Fly 4/10 a tone deaf Chinese action comedy wherin you are supposed to be sad over some deaths and violence, but laugh at others.
First half of Flight - Movie about a drug addict pilot that can apparently sober up in an instant and perform a miraculous maneuver to save a plane. I don't know if I'm going to watch the second half of the film. Don't know what it is in it for me to care about. It seems to be asking whether a person can recklessly put people's lives into danger, and then save them despite not being in any condition to save people which why he was being reckless to start with.

Did get me to read up on the Air Alaska crash this seems to be based on. Nothing like that stuff to make me not want to fly even more.

I didn't see the second half either for some reason. But I thought it was setting up the idea of a bad guy doing a good thing and how such a situation should be handled.



I have no problem with movies being shot in Canada. But sometimes a film is so obviously shot in Canada that it makes everything else about the movie seem cheaper.

This one's about creatures from night terrors coming to life. I liked the concept because when I was a kid I used to have these horrifying night terrors that produced wide-eyed, wide awake screaming fits. But I do know that the stuff of these night terrors were not cheap rubber slugs and flimsy rubber bat-creatures that busied themselves with wannabe hip 20-somethings.

The pace was also slow.

I've seen worse, but you can definitely find something better to watch.

mad max: fury road - for the 4th time - 15/10

seriously if going to see a constant thrill-ride spectacle action chase film is what you want to do with your movie time, go see this instead of jurassic world - because this movie is actually well made and not only non-stop intensity, but has an amazing screenplay.

A police robot is given consciousness by his programmer. He starts off similar to an infant but progresses rapidly. The problem is, through a series of highly unlikely events, he's being "raised" by a set of gangsters that are a nearly indescribable caricature of Crip/Blood types of Los Angeles street-gang members.

It could be my ignorance of South African gang culture. But do they really act like that? Is it yet another cultural gift the U.S. has bestowed upon the world? If so, I sincerely apologize to the rest of the planet.

Anyway, two of the gangsters could not possibly be sympathized with by anyone over the age of 9 and the third is a female so bizarre looking (yet somehow hot I have to admit), but also so kind that it just makes the thing entirely unbelievable. You get taken out of the story again and again to roll your eyes. Then you have to refocus only to get taken out again minutes later.

It's a great idea, has great special effects, and despite its unnecessary flaws, is still more watchable than most of what's out there.

Terminator Salvation
After all the negative reviews this movie got I never watched it until now
And I almost wish I hadn't because this movie was just awful
And I'm the guy who can enjoy watching Terminator 3
The characters have all got absolutely no personality and the acting is all pretty forgettable
The CGI is bad, and even the original looks better quality (Plus where are all the Laser Guns like we saw in Terminator 1?)
And the script is just a complete mess
Finally the whole thing is incredibly incredibly incredibly booooooooorrrrrrriiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnngggggggggggggggg
Just avoid this movie wherever possible
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