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Which movie did you watch today and how would you rate it?

Some Like It Hot. This is a comedy classic in B/W. The late Jack Lemon and Tony Curtis best work on my humble opinion. I've watched this film at least a dozen times, and it gets better the older it gets.
Best for Lemmon in a comedy (The Out of Towners, The Front Page) or overall (Missing, Save the Tiger, Day of Wine and Roses)? I only ask because I've seen about 30 of his movies.
Mystery Team


An imperfect but often very funny mystery-comedy from the internet sketch troupe Derrick Comedy. A trio of one-time kid detectives from the Encyclopedia Brown mold have never really grown up--but now they're in high school and someone wants them to solve a murder. Nice to see an entertaining movie made on a very modest budget.

A guy who was abducted by evil aliens is a conduit of sorts for them. This is an attempt to treat the abduction phenomenon seriously. The main character is a tortured, emotionally beat up guy who is also something of an obscure astronomer who apparently is picked up by the aliens from time to time. But for what purpose it's never really explained. The aliens are just evil meanies who appear ready to take over the world but don't. Instead they take over the government agent who's holding the main character hostage. And she's a terrible actress BTW...

Bah. I've lost interest in bothering to explain it.

Frontier Marshal


This 1939 Western has the distinction of being the first film to feature Wyatt Earp as a character--earlier productions based on Earp's life had given the character a fictitious name at the insistence of Earp's widow. At times this one comes across like a dry run for John Ford's My Darling Clementine (both films were Fox productions)--the two movies share several highly similar scenes and plot elements. Here, you don't have any of Ford's artistry or visual poetry, but Randolph Scott makes a stalwart Earp and it's a tightly paced film that's worth a look.

Also of note--one character in the film is the real-life vaudevillian Eddie Foy, who is played by none other than his son, Eddie Foy, Jr.
Some Like It Hot. This is a comedy classic in B/W. The late Jack Lemon and Tony Curtis best work on my humble opinion. I've watched this film at least a dozen times, and it gets better the older it gets.
Best for Lemmon in a comedy (The Out of Towners, The Front Page) or overall (Missing, Save the Tiger, Day of Wine and Roses)? I only ask because I've seen about 30 of his movies.

"The Apartment"...
Best for Lemmon in a comedy (The Out of Towners, The Front Page) or overall (Missing, Save the Tiger, Day of Wine and Roses)? I only ask because I've seen about 30 of his movies.

"The Apartment"...
How in the world did I forget to include that?! It falls under both categories, also one of my favorite films.
Skyfall - 7/10
Good old-fashioned enjoyable action spy romp. What more can I say?

I had one annoyance, and sometimes I think I overthink movies too much when I'm watching them, but I can't help but lose my grip on my suspension of disbelief when the bad guy's plans are so ludicrously intricate. Javier Bardem's character's plan, like the Joker's in The Dark Knight, relies on an insanely specific and detailed set of happenstance circumstances that are largely out of his control. That other characters will do things and other events will happen that just happen to coincide with his genius plan at the right time and in the right place.
Best for Lemmon in a comedy (The Out of Towners, The Front Page) or overall (Missing, Save the Tiger, Day of Wine and Roses)? I only ask because I've seen about 30 of his movies.

"The Apartment"...
Lemmon did make some truly comedy classics. One of my favourites was Irma LA Douce. With Shirley McLaine before she became a weirdo.
Skyfall - 7/10
Good old-fashioned enjoyable action spy romp. What more can I say?

I had one annoyance, and sometimes I think I overthink movies too much when I'm watching them, but I can't help but lose my grip on my suspension of disbelief when the bad guy's plans are so ludicrously intricate. Javier Bardem's character's plan, like the Joker's in The Dark Knight, relies on an insanely specific and detailed set of happenstance circumstances that are largely out of his control. That other characters will do things and other events will happen that just happen to coincide with his genius plan at the right time and in the right place.

Yeah and you never know what's in it for his henchmen. I hope they're getting paid a lot.
Skyfall - 7/10
Good old-fashioned enjoyable action spy romp. What more can I say?

I had one annoyance, and sometimes I think I overthink movies too much when I'm watching them, but I can't help but lose my grip on my suspension of disbelief when the bad guy's plans are so ludicrously intricate. Javier Bardem's character's plan, like the Joker's in The Dark Knight, relies on an insanely specific and detailed set of happenstance circumstances that are largely out of his control. That other characters will do things and other events will happen that just happen to coincide with his genius plan at the right time and in the right place.

Yeah and you never know what's in it for his henchmen. I hope they're getting paid a lot.

Henching is pretty thankless work. Although I understand that they have a really good dental plan.
Yeah, the whole subway thing was just too much. That everything worked down to the second. Too bad Austin Powers didn't work with that... walk into a room chasing Dr. Evil. Subway train crashed in a culvert.

Powers: What the heck is that?
Dr. Evil: Well, it was an elaborate plan to destroy you, but I woke up an hour late today so...
Lemmon did make some truly comedy classics. One of my favourites was Irma LA Douce. With Shirley McLaine before she became a weirdo.
"Irma" was great and Shirley MacLaine was awesome in both, but "The Apartment" takes it...
I think Wilder let Lemmon take hold of the reins a little too much in Irma. The movie is good overall, but Lemmon was a little over the top in it.

Of movies that aren't as obvious The Wackiest Ship in the Army was a solid comedy for Lemmon. A much better film than the title would make one think.
Yeah, the whole subway thing was just too much. That everything worked down to the second. Too bad Austin Powers didn't work with that... walk into a room chasing Dr. Evil. Subway train crashed in a culvert.

Powers: What the heck is that?
Dr. Evil: Well, it was an elaborate plan to destroy you, but I woke up an hour late today so...
"Irma" was great and Shirley MacLaine was awesome in both, but "The Apartment" takes it...
I think Wilder let Lemmon take hold of the reins a little too much in Irma. The movie is good overall, but Lemmon was a little over the top in it.

Of movies that aren't as obvious The Wackiest Ship in the Army was a solid comedy for Lemmon. A much better film than the title would make one think.

I completely agree regarding "Irma".

I'm renting "The Wackiest Ship".
Internal Affairs


Mike Figgis's Hollywood debut is a solid crime thriller. You can probably guess from the title that the protagonist, played by Andy Garcia, is working for the "cops' cops." This one has a strong cast--Garcia is joined by Richard Gere, Laurie Metcalf and Michael Beach, among others--and a nice tone of moral ambiguity throughout. It's weakened only by a few overblown scenes and cliched plot developments.
Rat Race. Not John Cleese's best efforts. Not to mention the woeful performance by Rowan Atkinson. As a comedy it flops badly. 4.5/10.
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