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Who lies more --- the Left or the Right?

Who lies more -- the Left or the Right?

  • It's only the Right which lies, never the Left.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It's only the Left which lies, never the Right.

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • There's no provable case where the Left lied.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • There's no provable case where the Right lied.

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Both sides lie, but the Right lies more than the Left.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Both sides lie, but the Left lies more than the Right.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Whichever side is better at lying is the one which will win.

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Getting your candidates elected takes priority over telling the truth.

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • The Hunter Biden laptop never existed, despite the recent trial.

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • It's necessary to lie when it helps win more votes for your side.

    Votes: 1 7.1%

  • Total voters
What puzzles me, though, is why so many Americans seem to blame Assange and Pootie for undermining trust in the electoral process by airing the DNC's dirty laundry, instead of blaming the DNC for undermining trust in the electoral process by having that dirty laundry in the first place.

Luckily, there are two words that can enlighten you in that regard - context and intent. I'm sorry if that confuses you and I am very sorry if that still confuses you.
Here are two lies from Democrats.

  • Andrew Cuomo (Sexual harassment allegations)
    • "I never touched anyone inappropriately or made inappropriate sexual advances." - March 3, 2021, amid multiple allegations of sexual harassment.
Yes you did bruh.

  • Anthony Weiner (Sexting scandals)
    • "I have made terrible mistakes. I have hurt the people I care about the most and I am deeply sorry." - July 23, 2013, after his second sexting scandal.

Yeah, you were sorry you got caught.

Neither lie resulted in a war or the rise of radical Islamic groups though. :confused:
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Assuming you accept that Lenin was a leftist then ... Peace, Land, Bread[/SIZE][/B][/URL] " will be up there as leftist lie with huge consequences.

I assumed that OP was about the Left and Right as they exist in 21st-century Anglophone countries.

If instead this is a thread about ancient history, why go back only to 1920? Didn't the Pepinids of Austrasia commit a Big Lie in the 7th century, placing an imposter "Dagobert II" on the Neustrian throne, and later killing him? (But I'm not sure if it's the Pepinids or the Merovingians who map to "The Left" or "The Right.")
Joe Biden: "I went to law school on a full academic scholarship, the only one in my class to have a full academic scholarship."

If random anti-Trump channels on YouTube are considered "The Left", let me give an example of "The Left" lying.

Go to YouTube and search for "Trսmp РООРЅ НІМЅЕLF Lіvе оn ЅТАGЕ, СRОWD RЕАСТЅ ІΝ НОRRОR." You'll get several hits pointing to videos with that title, but apparently NONE of them mention any POOP, whether on stage or not, nor are any crowds reacting in HORROR.

Do these lies get an exemption, on the grounds that the Liar is just hoping for a few pennies' worth of extra click-bait? I'd love to see these Liars pay a price, but am afraid that some "on The Left" are happy to see the lying click-bait even when they realize it is a lie.
The Iraq WMD lie has left the Middle East in turmoil to this day. One significant consequence of that lie is the emergence of ISIS. Got any leftist lies that produce those kinds of results?
Assuming you accept that Lenin was a leftist then "Peace, Land, Bread" will be up there as leftist lie with huge consequences.
As a reminder, Lenin was Russian. There is also a question as to whether those were lies or inconpetence. They likely thought it could work, it didn't.
If random anti-Trump channels on YouTube are considered "The Left", let me give an example of "The Left" lying.

Go to YouTube and search for "Trսmp РООРЅ НІМЅЕLF Lіvе оn ЅТАGЕ, СRОWD RЕАСТЅ ІΝ НОRRОR." You'll get several hits pointing to videos with that title, but apparently NONE of them mention any POOP, whether on stage or not, nor are any crowds reacting in HORROR.

Do these lies get an exemption, on the grounds that the Liar is just hoping for a few pennies' worth of extra click-bait? I'd love to see these Liars pay a price, but am afraid that some "on The Left" are happy to see the lying click-bait even when they realize it is a lie.
The question is 'was the lie intended for partisan or economic reasons'. If it is clickbait for ad revenue, it isn't a partisan lie. If it is a legit attempt to fool people into thinking it happened, that be a leftist lie. I haven't seen vids like that on YouTube but it sounds like Elon Musk bait, where people slap Musk in the title, a Tesla symbol in the image and then claim something something Musk, but it is just clickbait.
Russia's direct involvement with Trump is unknown, though complicated with the fact that they did have that secret meeting at Trump Tower with people linked to the Kremlin.

The same guy who said "Russia, if you’re listening — I hope you are able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let’s see if that happens."?

We're not sure about THAT guy's (EDIT) involvement?
We almost know without a doubt that Putin and Wikileaks were working together or at least allied. ...
^^^^ That ^^^^

What puzzles me, though, is why so many Americans seem to blame Assange and Pootie for undermining trust in the electoral process by airing the DNC's dirty laundry, instead of blaming the DNC for undermining trust in the electoral process by having that dirty laundry in the first place.
I'm not questioning the leak, I'm questioing the strategic timing of said leaks to cover Trump when bad stuff was coming out on him.

Even back when Assange was embarrassing the W Admin, I was skeptical of their actual motives in releasing particular documents.
Joe Biden: "I went to law school on a full academic scholarship, the only one in my class to have a full academic scholarship."

View attachment 46426
This is only one of many lies for Joe Biden, going way back. From 1988:


WASHINGTON (AP) _ Sen. Joe Biden claimed during a campaign appearance in New Hampshire last spring that he finished in the top half of his law school class, although records indicate he finished near the bottom.

In a videotape aired by the public service cable network C-SPAN several months ago, the Delaware Democrat was asked at a campaign stop in Claremont, N.H., on April 3 about what law school he attended and how well he did.

''The first year in law school I decided I didn’t want to be in law school and ended up in the bottom two-thirds of my class and then decided I wanted to stay and went back to law school and in fact ended up in the top half of my class,’' he went on.

But last week Biden released his law school records showing he had graduated 76th in a law school class of 85. The law school transcript also showed he made little progress in class standing through the three-year course, ranking 80 out of 100 in the first semester of the first year, and 79th out of 87 the second semester of his second year.

Biden has been deviled about questions in the last 10 days about his law school career and his use of others’ words in his speeches without credit. He revealed last week that he committed plagiarism in law school and took a course over to make up for the error.

There's more, but I'll end up quoting the whole article if I keep this up!
He literally said
I'm sure we all remember this lie.

View attachment 46427
That wasn't a lie, it was ignorant arrogance.

Sure, and claiming that Hussein was an ally of al-Qaeda was ignorant and arrogant. The entire mission was based on multiple lies, and the purpose of the speech was to deceive the American people by claiming we were on track to spread freedom and end terrorism. You sure that was all just Ignorance & arrogance?
He literally said
I'm sure we all remember this lie.

View attachment 46427
That wasn't a lie, it was ignorant arrogance.

Sure, and claiming that Hussein was an ally of al-Qaeda was ignorant and arrogant.
No, that was a lie. The W Admin deluded themselves into thinking running Iraq was going to be a cakewalk. The experts said otherwise but they honestly thought the world operated differently to them.

They made the Hussein / 9-11 juxtaposition up (lie), but they thought Iraq was won and done (ignorant arrogance). The excuses would come later like Rumafeld blaming his failure on the military ("you go into war with the army you have").
Oh, sure, because there's no way an upcoming presidential election and widespread protests against the war could have possibly influenced the decision to prematurely declare the mission accomplished. Right.
What puzzles me, though, is why so many Americans seem to blame Assange and Pootie for undermining trust in the electoral process by airing the DNC's dirty laundry, instead of blaming the DNC for undermining trust in the electoral process by having that dirty laundry in the first place.
Whistleblowers make everyone feel uncomfortable. You never know who'll get blown next.
What puzzles me, though, is why so many Americans seem to blame Assange and Pootie for undermining trust in the electoral process by airing the DNC's dirty laundry, instead of blaming the DNC for undermining trust in the electoral process by having that dirty laundry in the first place.
Whistleblowers make everyone feel uncomfortable. You never know who'll get blown next.
Assange isn't a whistleblower.
Yeah, he was just the publisher through WikiLeaks, which did a great job exposing how the DNC operated behind the scenes. I consider the discrepancy between how the DNC operates privately and how they present themselves publicly to be deceptive. In other words, they lie.
What puzzles me, though, is why so many Americans seem to blame Assange and Pootie for undermining trust in the electoral process by airing the DNC's dirty laundry, instead of blaming the DNC for undermining trust in the electoral process by having that dirty laundry in the first place.
Whistleblowers make everyone feel uncomfortable. You never know who'll get blown next.
Assange isn't a whistleblower.
No, he's a pimp for whistleblowers. But if you're caught in one of his little exposes, you done did a dirty.
Yeah, he was just the publisher through WikiLeaks, which did a great job exposing how the DNC operated behind the scenes. I consider the discrepancy between how the DNC operates privately and how they present themselves publicly to be deceptive. In other words, they lie.
Yes, the DNC wouldn't pass a purity test. Wikileaks is selective with what they post. Wikileaks did a good job posting stolen documents by the Russians in order to help Trump with his pussy grabbing claims. They weren't on any remotely noble mission of trying to clean up politics in America (or the West).
But WikiLeaks is not an American political entity, so they don't align with either the left or the right on this topic. However, some of the information they revealed is relevant to the discussion.
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