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Who lies more --- the Left or the Right?

Who lies more -- the Left or the Right?

  • It's only the Right which lies, never the Left.

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • It's only the Left which lies, never the Right.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • There's no provable case where the Left lied.

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • There's no provable case where the Right lied.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Both sides lie, but the Right lies more than the Left.

    Votes: 12 75.0%
  • Both sides lie, but the Left lies more than the Right.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Whichever side is better at lying is the one which will win.

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Getting your candidates elected takes priority over telling the truth.

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • The Hunter Biden laptop never existed, despite the recent trial.

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • It's necessary to lie when it helps win more votes for your side.

    Votes: 1 6.3%

  • Total voters

1) Care to supply an example the left is lying about today that is worse?
The left lies about the foundation of the USA. And while the founders of America were no doubt far from perfect, it is more than disingenuous to use today's standards to judge their actions of the past. Even if the George Washingtons and Thomas Jeffersons were the bad people (which they weren't) the left's extreme indoctrination of youth is a grave blunder to the future of our country. More so than fake WMD's.
Please cite the texts please. The texts the children are being taught to teach them that Washington and Jefferson are "bad people". Thanks in advance.
I really like the voter fraud lie—you know, the one that's trying to destabilize their own country by undermining trust in the electoral process. That one Those two definitely should have won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.
Good example. FIFY. The Dems and Reps were in on that lie up to their necks. The endless claims that Russia had hacked the 2016 election, complete with co-opting uncritical friendly media, were a playbook for Trump's lies after 2020.

I thought the Russian hacks were confirmed by U.S. intelligence agencies.
I really like the voter fraud lie—you know, the one that's trying to destabilize their own country by undermining trust in the electoral process. That one Those two definitely should have won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.
Good example. FIFY. The Dems and Reps were in on that lie up to their necks. The endless claims that Russia had hacked the 2016 election, complete with co-opting uncritical friendly media, were a playbook for Trump's lies after 2020.
I thought the Russian hacks were confirmed by U.S. intelligence agencies.
Claims of hacking the 2020 election were by Trump et al. The 2016 wasn't hacked by Russia, but they certainly were trying to influence it with actual fake news and the like on social media. Russia's direct involvement with Trump is unknown, though complicated with the fact that they did have that secret meeting at Trump Tower with people linked to the Kremlin.
So, yes, they attempted to hack. The term 'hack' isn't limited to script kiddies.
Russia's direct involvement with Trump is unknown, though complicated with the fact that they did have that secret meeting at Trump Tower with people linked to the Kremlin.

The same guy who said "Russia, if you’re listening — I hope you are able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let’s see if that happens."?

We're not sure about THAT guy's (EDIT) involvement?
Russia's direct involvement with Trump is unknown, though complicated with the fact that they did have that secret meeting at Trump Tower with people linked to the Kremlin.

The same guy who said "Russia, if you’re listening — I hope you are able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let’s see if that happens."?

We're not sure about THAT guy's (EDIT) involvement?
We almost know without a doubt that Putin and Wikileaks were working together or at least allied. We don't know that Trump and Putin were a link.
The Iraq WMD lie has left the Middle East in turmoil to this day. One significant consequence of that lie is the emergence of ISIS. Got any leftist lies that produce those kinds of results?
Assuming you accept that Lenin was a leftist then "Peace, Land, Bread" will be up there as leftist lie with huge consequences.
If I were looking to hire liars so skilled they could destabilize an entire region, I'd definitely be considering Republican candidates.
I'll assume you are correct and not exaggerating
"Everyone lies" is a non-point that deflects from which "side" is the bigger liar.

If one side tells 100 little fibs and the other side tells 50 little fibs along with 50 big lies, then going on about "both sides lie" and "everyone lies" becomes really stupid. There's ONE standout liar in this scenario.
If we insist on assuming that "fibs" < "lies" then we will get nowhere. Fibs=lies
The Iraq WMD lie has left the Middle East in turmoil to this day. One significant consequence of that lie is the emergence of ISIS. Got any leftist lies that produce those kinds of results?
Assuming you accept that Lenin was a leftist then "Peace, Land, Bread" will be up there as leftist lie with huge consequences.
If I were looking to hire liars so skilled they could destabilize an entire region, I'd definitely be considering Republican candidates.
I'll assume you are correct and not exaggerating
Going by the original post in this thread, I'm pretty certain going by the context of what Lumpen was saying they are only interested in US examples. Otherwise I would have added Howard's "prices will not rise under a GST" and his definitions of core and non-core promises as examples of lies from the right.

Also,if you want an example of Republican fuckery through lies google "Karl rove John McCain black baby".
The Iraq WMD lie has left the Middle East in turmoil to this day. One significant consequence of that lie is the emergence of ISIS. Got any leftist lies that produce those kinds of results?
Assuming you accept that Lenin was a leftist then "Peace, Land, Bread" will be up there as leftist lie with huge consequences.
Well, gee, if you have to go back an entire century... :rolleyes:
Given that the right is far more religious and religion is the ground zero of lies, the right lies far more than the left. No matter what is true of the meaningless Hunter case, it's a near invisible speck in the universe of lies that define conservatism, which inherently denies all new facts that don't cohere with the inherently less informed ideas of the past the conservatism kills to preserve.
The Iraq WMD lie has left the Middle East in turmoil to this day. One significant consequence of that lie is the emergence of ISIS. Got any leftist lies that produce those kinds of results?
Assuming you accept that Lenin was a leftist then "Peace, Land, Bread" will be up there as leftist lie with huge consequences.
Well, gee, if you have to go back an entire century... :rolleyes:
Yet despite being a century ago it had very great consequences that are still being felt today. I did not realise that there was a grandfathering clause on submissions.
I really like the voter fraud lie—you know, the one that's trying to destabilize their own country by undermining trust in the electoral process. That one Those two definitely should have won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.
Good example. FIFY. The Dems and Reps were in on that lie up to their necks. The endless claims that Russia had hacked the 2016 election, complete with co-opting uncritical friendly media, were a playbook for Trump's lies after 2020.

I thought the Russian hacks were confirmed by U.S. intelligence agencies.
They were confirmed. Russian hacking groups were successful at a phishing attempt on the DNC servers. There were 2 Russian hacking groups found on the servers. Hillary Clinton's servers at the state dept were hacked as well.
The lies about the WMD's were pretty big and bad lies. But the lies the left is telling right now are equally (if not more) damaging. The left is in (almost) total control of our education system right now so those lies will follow generations to come.

Yeah example, please.
The present school system now thinks it can raise your kid better than the parents. The liberal policies of not disciplining bad behavior has caused some teachers not to even feel safe in their own classrooms.

Is it any wonder there are so many home schooled kids nowdays?
Educated voters vote blue

This is a problem for the GOP. Therefore the education system MUST be faulty in their eyes. That's a "rose colored glasses" view of how the Right sees it.

The actual truth is much harder to swallow for them. Regardless, they are pretty focused on destroying education

The social conservatives (religious right) effect Canadian schools too.
GOP politicians may not be very smart but they DO know how to lie! But they lack the imagination to think of new sins or crimes. Instead their accusations are usually based on the own sins and crimes.

GOP CLAIM: Clinton and Biden are pedophiles, or operate child sex rings. (Yes, this absurd claim was endorsed by high-placed GOPsters.)
FACT: It is Trump who was close friends with Jeffrey Epstein. YouTube shows at least one video of Trump speaking to a 14-year old girl in a way that might get a "lesser" man arrested.

GOP CLAIM: The Ds stole the 2020 election and will try to steal the 2024 election.
FACT: It is the Rs and only the Rs whose major policy position is to cheat and steal elections any way they can.

GOP CLAIM: The Ds ruin the economy. Biden has plunged the country into another depression.
FACT: Biden's economy is setting records. And the Ds have consistently outperformed the Rs economically throughout my lifetime.

Benghazi, Biden's "impeachment", Trump's impeachment -- All Republican lies. Anyone who hints at some sort of "same-same" is either pitifully ignorant or themself a pro-GOP liar.

The Iraq WMD lie has left the Middle East in turmoil to this day. One significant consequence of that lie is the emergence of ISIS. Got any leftist lies that produce those kinds of results? If I were looking to hire liars so skilled they could destabilize an entire region, I'd definitely be considering Republican candidates.

Very good example. We now know that Cheney et al knew they were lying. The misadventure cost the U.S. Treasury Trillions of dollars, took the lives of more than a Million Iraqis, empowered bad players like Saudi and Iran, diverted attention from Afghanistan thus also turning that war into a fiasco, and destabilized the Middle East. Since some here might have been in diapers at the time, let's be clear: Cheney et al were Republicans.
I really like the voter fraud lie—you know, the one that's trying to destabilize their own country by undermining trust in the electoral process. That one Those two definitely should have won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.
Good example. FIFY. The Dems and Reps were in on that lie up to their necks. The endless claims that Russia had hacked the 2016 election, complete with co-opting uncritical friendly media, were a playbook for Trump's lies after 2020.
I thought the Russian hacks were confirmed by U.S. intelligence agencies.
Claims of hacking the 2020 election were by Trump et al. The 2016 wasn't hacked by Russia, but they certainly were trying to influence it with actual fake news and the like on social media. Russia's direct involvement with Trump is unknown, though complicated with the fact that they did have that secret meeting at Trump Tower with people linked to the Kremlin.
^^^^ That ^^^^

Good example. FIFY. The Dems and Reps were in on that lie up to their necks. The endless claims that Russia had hacked the 2016 election, complete with co-opting uncritical friendly media, were a playbook for Trump's lies after 2020.
Senate Intel Releases Election Security Findings in First Volume of Bipartisan Russia Report
^^^^ That ^^^^

Bipartisan Russia Report said:
Key Findings and Recommendations:

The Russian government directed extensive activity against U.S. election infrastructure. The Committee found the activity directed at the state and local level began in at least 2014 and carried into at least 2017. The Committee has seen no evidence that any votes were changed or that any voting machines were manipulated.
^^^^ That ^^^^

And yet in spite of that, a large fraction of the U.S. population, including intelligent and educated people, believed that Russian hackers had remotely accessed voting machines and altered the vote count. Why is not a mystery. An awful lot of news reports from that period in respected media outlets gave that impression by artful word choice. "Tampering" should have won the 2017 word-of-the-year award.
Russia's direct involvement with Trump is unknown, though complicated with the fact that they did have that secret meeting at Trump Tower with people linked to the Kremlin.

The same guy who said "Russia, if you’re listening — I hope you are able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let’s see if that happens."?

We're not sure about THAT guy's (EDIT) involvement?
We almost know without a doubt that Putin and Wikileaks were working together or at least allied. ...
^^^^ That ^^^^

What puzzles me, though, is why so many Americans seem to blame Assange and Pootie for undermining trust in the electoral process by airing the DNC's dirty laundry, instead of blaming the DNC for undermining trust in the electoral process by having that dirty laundry in the first place.
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