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Who lies more --- the Left or the Right?

Who lies more -- the Left or the Right?

  • It's only the Right which lies, never the Left.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It's only the Left which lies, never the Right.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • There's no provable case where the Left lied.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • There's no provable case where the Right lied.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Both sides lie, but the Right lies more than the Left.

    Votes: 9 75.0%
  • Both sides lie, but the Left lies more than the Right.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Whichever side is better at lying is the one which will win.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Getting your candidates elected takes priority over telling the truth.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • The Hunter Biden laptop never existed, despite the recent trial.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • It's necessary to lie when it helps win more votes for your side.

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters
[__] Non Sequitur. Define your terms: Who and what is "The Left" and/or "The RIght"?
I like how this thread started with "who lies more", and then went into a deliberately disingenuous synopsis about Hunter Biden's laptop.

Wake me up when the left calls someone the equivalent of a secret Kenyan Muslim who is working the atheists to bring about Sharia law. A lie the the right peddled for fucking years incidentally (and some still do).

After that, please tell me the left wing equivalents of Whitewater, WMDs in Iraq, Saddam was behind 9/11, Swiftboat Veterans for Truth, Climate change is a hoax, Michelle Obama is a man, Al Quaeda has smuggled nuclear weapons into the US, Sandy Hook was staged, Jade Helm is part of the left taking over, kitty litter trays in kindergerten classes, Jewish Space Lasers (my favourite), Obama's Death Panels, Trickle down economics, Antifa planning to attack the RNC and the stolen election - just for starters.

Um...Hunter Biden's Laptop. No...wait, let me say that like a right winger:


The alleged contents of which have been in the possession of the NY Post for years, as well as Rudy Giuliani, the FBI, and now Republican members of Congress and their staffs. After all this time, what have they brought to the public's attention in the sacred, briefly shit-stained halls of Congress?

Pictures of Hunter's junk.

Yet you'd think - by virtue of the rhetoric - it contained proof of many of the wild right wing claims you referenced above and more. Given the amount of coverage on the right, you'd think the laptop was the most important story not just in the US, but on the world stage. Will the fact that Hunter has been convicted and is facing jail time shut them up?

We're already seeing the answer. They are furious. Not that he was convicted, but that his relatively swift trial and easy conviction is the result of a "Deep State" conspiracy! Proof of which can no doubt be found on...everyone say it together...Hunter Biden's Laptop.

It has become the end-all be-all solution for all things right wing. Former President and current front-runner convicted of felonies and up on dozens more? "Whatabout Hunter Biden?" Economy going so good even some on Fox News are routinely stunned by reports of progress? "Coming up, the latest developments in the Hunter Biden Laptop case." The only other stories they're covering are (obviously) Joe Biden's alleged dementia, and the hysterical cries that "the left is coming for your stoves!"

The thing is, the "latest developments in the Hunter Biden Laptop case" is a look into their alternate reality. There's no "latest" at all, since - as mentioned above - the entire contents of the thing (even if they haven't been altered) have been available for years. There is nothing "new" to find there, and if there were really this blockbuster that they say is "just around the corner," they'd have brought it forth by now. They keep teasing it because they know that's the only way they can keep it going.

The whole thing is a lie. Their own guy - Lev Parnas - was sent to Ukraine to "dig up dirt" on the Bidens, and he testified to Congress not long ago that he found nothing. Yet they keep up the lie.

Really, the question should be "which side lies bigger and more often?" Which is the bigger lie? "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky" or "I gave back all the classified documents?" Which one of those is a national security threat?
[__] Non Sequitur. Define your terms: Who and what is "The Left" and/or "The RIght"?
In America, it refers to republicans are the right; democrats are the left.
Well, it used to be that way. In the House, the GOP is split between right-wing and alt-right. In the Senate, the GOP is generally right-wing. "The Left" also means anyone that disagrees with the alt-right that isn't a Republican. If they are a Republican then they are RINOs.

For instance Bill Maher is a Libertarian, however is considered part of "The Left". Loren Pechtel is a Libertarian who'd best be considered a moderate-conservative. But he appears to be part of "The Left" on a number of things.
[__] Non Sequitur. Define your terms: Who and what is "The Left" and/or "The RIght"?
In America, it refers to republicans are the right; democrats are the left.
The progressive, anarchist, communist, and (occasionally) libertarian movements are the fractured constellation that makes up the Left in the US. The Democrats are more of a "big tent party". You could call them the Center, but they are really more of a "whatever suits the needs of the moment" body that can be readily pulled right or left by its current constituencies. Reaganist Republicans and the Trumpistas are fighting over control of the Right, but seldom admit it out loud as their party's rhertoric hinges on the myth of a single, unified American culture.
[__] Non Sequitur. Define your terms: Who and what is "The Left" and/or "The RIght"?
In America, it refers to republicans are the right; democrats are the left.
The progressive, anarchist, communist, and (occasionally) libertarian movements are the fractured constellation that makes up the Left in the US. The Democrats are more of a "big tent party". You could call them the Center, but they are really more of a "whatever suits the needs of the moment" body that can be readily pulled right or left by its current constituencies. Reaganist Republicans and the Trumpistas are fighting over control of the Right, but seldom admit it out loud as their party's rhertoric hinges on the myth of a single, unified American culture.
It isn't a myth, at least what they are talking about, it is a unified white heterosexual American culture that they seek to restore. And they are getting closer to managing that.
[__] Non Sequitur. Define your terms: Who and what is "The Left" and/or "The RIght"?
In America, it refers to republicans are the right; democrats are the left.
The progressive, anarchist, communist, and (occasionally) libertarian movements are the fractured constellation that makes up the Left in the US. The Democrats are more of a "big tent party". You could call them the Center, but they are really more of a "whatever suits the needs of the moment" body that can be readily pulled right or left by its current constituencies. Reaganist Republicans and the Trumpistas are fighting over control of the Right, but seldom admit it out loud as their party's rhertoric hinges on the myth of a single, unified American culture.
It isn't a myth, at least what they are talking about, it is a unified white heterosexual American culture that they seek to restore. And they are getting closer to managing that.
They secretly have very different visions of what that actually looks like, though. Democratic or post-democratic? Overtly Christian or alt-right? Totalitarian or anarchic? They agree on who they want dead, detained, or deported. But they have no clear vision of America's future once all of the bad guys are gone, and would immediately collapse into viscious infighting if they succeeded in taking control of the govenrment. As, indeed, we already seen with wave after wave of "purges" of their own ranks by the Trumpistas, especially in the House and on local election and school boards.
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OK, maybe there's no way to really measure exactly, for sure, which side tells the most lies.

But it would be nice to keep score, or try to. Or rather, it would be nice to identify individual cases where it can be established with certainty which side lied.

E.g. the Hunter Biden Laptop

Which side lied about this?

Don't the Leftists have to admit now that they are the ones who lied, not Hannity and Giuliani claiming this laptop existed and was taken by police for evidence?

It's not often that we have a clearcut case to prove which side told the truth and which side lied. Because both sides make up their own "facts" -- the Red facts vs. the Blue facts. And each side can cite their news source --- MSNBC or Fox News etc. for their "facts" which prove the other side is lying.

But in the case of the H. Biden laptop, the truth now is undeniable. This laptop was used for evidence in the recent trial. For years Progressive talk-show hosts have denied that the laptop even existed, and that the whole story was fabricated by Hannity and Giuliani etc. So don't the Demos have to admit this time that it's their side which lied?

What are some other cases where BOTH SIDES must recognize the same truth and must agree on which side lied? Do Trumpsters have to admit that their side is the one which lied, in some other case?

It is true that the Left must admit this now -- Right? It's their side which lied about this. Each side accused the other of lying, for 2 or 3 years. And it is now established what the truth is -- that the laptop did exist and was taken by the FBI for evidence, as Trumpists claimed, while Demos/Progressives continued to deny it and accused Hannity-Giuliani of making up the whole story, because no such laptop existed. And they continued saying this for at least 2 years.

Isn't it good to establish the Truth, for certain, in this or that case, identifying beyond doubt which side lied and which side told the truth? Are Progressives honest enough to now admit that it's their side which lied in this case? At least in this one major Left-Right squabble, it's official that it was the Demos/Left/Bidens who were the liars. Right?
Because the truth does not matter to any of them anyway. Its all about party loyalty.......and

“You cannot reason a person out of a position he did not reason himself into in the first place.”― Jonathan Swift​

The criminals who bashed in the windows and smashed the door jambs of our Capitol building, then rampaged through it for 3 hours, some of them stealing items, some of them defecating in the hallways, many calling for the VP to be lynched, others searching for Nancy Pelosi while calling her name, assaulting cops with flag poles and chemical spray, causing over $1 million in damage to the building -- these criminals are "unbelievable patriots" (Trump) and "political hostages" (Crazy Woman Greene) and "tourists" (Tucker Carlson) who were merely carrying out "legitimate political discourse" (GOP declaration).
Case clooooooooooooooooooooooosed.
The left lies more than the right. That's glaringly obvious. The left talks more than the right.
Really? In my neck of the woods, the evidence from talk radio and TV suggests otherwise to me.

IMO, there is mo objective way to measure this, There is the frequency measurement issues and then there is the qualitative measure issues.
Really, the question should be "which side lies bigger and more often?" Which is the bigger lie? "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky" or "I gave back all the classified documents?" Which one of those is a national security threat?
Uhh...is laptop the correct answer? ;)
The left lies more than the right. That's glaringly obvious. The left talks more than the right.

Yeah, well whatever the lies are, they're probably less significant than the one where America upholds Christian values despite a constitution that ensures the separation of church and state.
The left lies more than the right. That's glaringly obvious. The left talks more than the right.
The left uses big words that the folks on the right - whose political philosophy can fit on a hat - are suspicious of. It didn't used to be this way.

I'm old enough to remember when William F. Buckley used to go on PBS and be downright erudite. He'd definitely be called a RINO by the right now. "This guy uses big words and he sounds kinda British. He's probably a libtard! MAGA!!!"
The left lies more than the right. That's glaringly obvious. The left talks more than the right.
I'm curious what you mean by this. It certainly doesn't seem true, off the bat. Just a cruise down my radio dial finds dozens of conservative and religious stations, in three languages, and exactly one leftist AM station and NPR if you count them. And I live in the alleged heart of liberal land.
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