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Who lies more --- the Left or the Right?

Who lies more -- the Left or the Right?

  • It's only the Right which lies, never the Left.

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • It's only the Left which lies, never the Right.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • There's no provable case where the Left lied.

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • There's no provable case where the Right lied.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Both sides lie, but the Right lies more than the Left.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Both sides lie, but the Left lies more than the Right.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Whichever side is better at lying is the one which will win.

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Getting your candidates elected takes priority over telling the truth.

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • The Hunter Biden laptop never existed, despite the recent trial.

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • It's necessary to lie when it helps win more votes for your side.

    Votes: 1 7.1%

  • Total voters
Maybe Bomb thinks that the "Main Stream Media" is "Left." If so he may be counting every local TV weather report that makes a wrong prediction and every joke on nationally syndicated sitcom that doesn't disparage gay people as "left."

I've met some people who think like this.
Maybe Bomb thinks that the "Main Stream Media" is "Left." If so he may be counting every local TV weather report that makes a wrong prediction and every joke on nationally syndicated sitcom that doesn't disparage gay people as "left."

I've met some people who think like this.
There's a big difference between being wrong about a prediction and lying. Otherwise I was lying my arse off when I said "Dragonage 2 is going to be awesome!"
The left lies more than the right. That's glaringly obvious. The left talks more than the right.
I'm curious what you mean by this.
What I meant is the way to tell when the left or the right are lying is to check if their lips are moving. I would have thought the meaning was obvious and a


icon was superfluous, but apparently not.

It certainly doesn't seem true, off the bat. Just a cruise down my radio dial finds dozens of conservative and religious stations, in three languages, and exactly one leftist AM station and NPR if you count them. And I live in the alleged heart of liberal land.
:consternation2: Radio is a random sample of western culture now?
The left lies more than the right. That's glaringly obvious. The left talks more than the right.
I'm curious what you mean by this.
What I meant is the way to tell when the left or the right are lying is to check if their lips are moving. I would have thought the meaning was obvious and a


icon was superfluous, but apparently not.
Well, no. And you still haven't explained what you meant.

Is that what you mean? That people on the Right don't ever just say what they mean, just pussy-foot around, force people to guess, and feign offense when people "assume the worst" ? Because that does happen a lot.

If you people want to tell everyone else how we're allowed to live our lives, the least you owe us is to be frank and clear when you're giving the marching orders. Say what's on your mind. I dare you.
:consternation2: Radio is a random sample of western culture now?

I don't own a television, so I can't comment on it. But the internet exists in barely interacting hives of groupthink. Do you have evidence of a paucity of rightwing bluster in some medium I'm not familiar with?
The left lies more than the right. That's glaringly obvious. The left talks more than the right.
I'm curious what you mean by this.
What I meant is the way to tell when the left or the right are lying is to check if their lips are moving. I would have thought the meaning was obvious and a


icon was superfluous, but apparently not.
Well, no. And you still haven't explained what you meant.
Good god. The implication was that whichever side talks more necessarily lies more, which relies on the tacit premise that both sides lie all the time. It was pure snark, and you're ruining the joke. But you do you.

If you people want to tell everyone else how we're allowed to live our lives, the least you owe us is to be frank and clear when you're giving the marching orders. Say what's on your mind. I dare you.
Oh for the love of god. Who are you calling "you people" and when the hell have I ever told you how to live your life? A plague on both your houses.
The left lies more than the right. That's glaringly obvious. The left talks more than the right.
I'm curious what you mean by this.
What I meant is the way to tell when the left or the right are lying is to check if their lips are moving. I would have thought the meaning was obvious and a


icon was superfluous, but apparently not.
Well, no. And you still haven't explained what you meant.
Good god. The implication was that whichever side talks more necessarily lies more, which relies on the tacit premise that both sides lie all the time. It was pure snark, and you're ruining the joke. But you do you.

If you people want to tell everyone else how we're allowed to live our lives, the least you owe us is to be frank and clear when you're giving the marching orders. Say what's on your mind. I dare you.
Oh for the love of god. Who are you calling "you people" and when the hell have I ever told you how to live your life? A plague on both your houses.
Do you really think anyone is fooled when you play these word games?
Maybe Bomb thinks that the "Main Stream Media" is "Left." If so he may be counting every local TV weather report that makes a wrong prediction and every joke on nationally syndicated sitcom that doesn't disparage gay people as "left."

I've met some people who think like this.
Hey zorq, have you ever seen me disparage gay people? Maybe you count all the people who disagree with you about anything as interchangeable parts. I've met some people who think like this.
I've not studied the thread: I find the question absurd. The Right lies about 800 times as much as "the Left" and anybody who doesn't know this is too ill-informed to matter. Do you need the "error bars" on that 800 ratio?

And when "the Left" lies it's just routine fibbing: "I won't *** in your mouth" or "If you like your health insurance you can keep it Asterisk: Unless it's scammish insurance now non-compliant under federal law." The Right tells Big Lies like there's a prize for biggest liar. Just a moment ago I clicked a link showing a GOP Senate candidate who presented a map showing Minneapolis public water fountains and claimed that the dots were NOT water fountains, but were crime incidents. Watch a few different news sources and you may wonder if my "800 ratio" was an UNDER-estimate.
The Iraq WMD lie has left the Middle East in turmoil to this day. One significant consequence of that lie is the emergence of ISIS. Got any leftist lies that produce those kinds of results? If I were looking to hire liars so skilled they could destabilize an entire region, I'd definitely be considering Republican candidates.
I really like the voter fraud lie—you know, the one that's trying to destabilize their own country by undermining trust in the electoral process. That one definitely should have won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.
Can I give an honorable mention to the lie that "tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations would lead to substantial job creation and economic growth"? I'm sure the wealthy who benefited from it would agree that's a favorite.
The Iraq WMD lie has left the Middle East in turmoil to this day.
I think that might be a bit of hyperbole. The Middle East wasn't exactly super stable to begin with (even before Western meddling). The WMDs "in" Iraq was much less the lie of consequence as was the W Admin juxtaposition of Hussein and 9/11. That was the imagery to get American support. WMDs was to help create a legal context for invasion.
One significant consequence of that lie is the emergence of ISIS. Got any leftist lies that produce those kinds of results? If I were looking to hire liars so skilled they could destabilize an entire region, I'd definitely be considering Republican candidates.
A political lie is exaggerating incoming inflation and minimizing existing inflation. Biden does that.

A criminal lie is claiming election fraud, when you are the one actually committing it, conspiring with others to forge state documents which is a felony. Trump did that.

"Both sides" lie in politics, where as lying is generally taking creative license with information. The alt-right of the Republican Party? That is such a different kettle of fish, they are actually crabs.
The Middle East wasn't exactly super stable to begin with (even before Western meddling).

Triggering the already unstable Middle East with the WMD lie is like adding a heavy load to an unstable bridge and causing it to collapse. The person who adds the load still plays a significant role in the collapse. In fact, with all the intelligence they had on the bridge beforehand, they should have known what would happen.
I think the left is losing the race when it comes to impactful lies. As for quantity, that's in the air.
Maybe Bomb thinks that the "Main Stream Media" is "Left." If so he may be counting every local TV weather report that makes a wrong prediction and every joke on nationally syndicated sitcom that doesn't disparage gay people as "left."

I've met some people who think like this.
Hey zorq, have you ever seen me disparage gay people? Maybe you count all the people who disagree with you about anything as interchangeable parts. I've met some people who think like this.
Hey Bomb, if you don't like it when confused people make guesses about the vague and confusing things you post then here's an idea, stop posting vague and confusing shit.

There is nothing "obvious" about any of your stated assertions or the unstated assertion you expected us to mind read from you in that first confusing post you made.

Does the left really talk more than the right? Show your work. Is the volume of speech really the the most significant factor when counting lies? Show your work. Do both sides lie "all the time"? Show your work.

One more piece of advice. If that was actually intended as a joke, it bombed. Comedy depends on delivery. Your audience lost the thread because you expected them to infer too much. Work on it..
I think Bomb's point/joke is that, as Dr. House used to say, "Everyone lies.". Lieing is a human thing, and people on both sides of the ideological spectrum are humans (who lie). And the more you talk, the more lies you are capable of telling. People are throwing a lot of cherry picked anecdotes about who is doing the lieing, but to really conclude one side is worse than the other, would require more statistically rigorous evaluation. I sense a lot of confirmation bias going on.
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