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Why am I having trouble finding average high and lows on current weather reports now?


Aug 3, 2001
Seattle, WA
Basic Beliefs
Science Based Atheism
This is maddening.

I only even looked because I saw a massive spike in SSTA (Sea surface temperature anomaly) off the coast of Japan. I was trying to get that information connected to it.

So, this weather report looks very extensive, but has no daily averages or records listed.

have to go to this other page to get daily averages:

So, at any rate the average low and high for Tokyo today is 2 and 10 Celsius. The forecasted high and low are 5 and 19 celsius.
It's a conspiracy! 97% of scientists are part of a vast international conspiracy against the oil companies!!!!!!!
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Actually, it would maybe be the opposite. Showing daily records and averagew would let people know things are getting scary.

At any rate, I am fully subscribed to the evidence that global warming is manmade and aggressively happening.
Actually, it would maybe be the opposite. Showing daily records and averagew would let people know things are getting scary.

At any rate, I am fully subscribed to the evidence that global warming is manmade and aggressively happening.

Scary? Really? How so?
Actually, it would maybe be the opposite. Showing daily records and averagew would let people know things are getting scary.
Well, the point of a weather forecast is to tell people what the weather is going to be, not to scare them that the world is going to end.

At any rate, I am fully subscribed to the evidence that global warming is manmade and aggressively happening.
Cute. Climate change, "change". The US Midwest has had an unbelievably warm winter this year, after a record warm summer. In fact, it was 51 this morning... in late February. However, one must remember that just because the temperature seems to be on average about 10+ degrees above normal here, the average global temp is rising much slower, which means other parts of the globe are colder than normal. So when one looks at the temperature and says, gee, global warming must be true because it is in the 60s for the fifth straight day in February in NE Ohio, isn't looking at the whole picture. Because if NE Ohio was representative of global temperatures, the Earth would be heating up 5 to 10 degrees higher than normal everywhere.
If you want to look at global climate, you can't do it by reference to local weather; You need to look at climate, and you need to look at the whole globe.

There are a few different agencies and organizations (both government and non-government) that collect and publish this data, and their findings are fundamentally all in agreement with one another, with only insignificant differences due to methodology and choice of baseline.



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