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Why Atheists Get the Idea of "Faith" Wrong

I dom’t think he actually knows what he is trying to say. If he did, he wouldn‘t be strategically skipping over posts he evidently can’t handle while regurgitating anodyne bromides restating claims that have already been soundly reubutted.
This post would be more appropriate in a thread entitled "Unknown Soldier is really dumb."

You are wrong and doubling down, that's all.
When using the word "faith," the religious probably mean that they are confident in a God or that what's said about that God is true.
So then that implies that a religious person would understand if someone said they have “faith in science” that person was intending a different meaning than the person who is confident in their god, yes?
The idea of faith is the same while the object of the faith differs: science versus a god.
So, it seems like we are zeroing in your point. Is it your claim that atheists worship science as a god?
Uh, no. I said "...the object of the faith differs..." I then listed two possible objects of faith: science and a god. So some people have faith in science meaning they see science as a good source of truth, and other people put faith in a god seeing that god as a good source of truth.
I apologize if I'm putting words in your mouth, but this seems to be the logical conclusion of your argument.
I have no idea how you got I was saying that atheists worship science as a god while I used the phrase "science versus god." When you read my post, did you read the word "versus" thinking I wrote "as"?
Well you said the object is the same. Religious people worship god. I apologize if i extrapolated incorrectly. Thanks for the correction.
I dom’t think he actually knows what he is trying to say. If he did, he wouldn‘t be strategically skipping over posts he evidently can’t handle while regurgitating anodyne bromides restating claims that have already been soundly reubutted.
This post would be more appropriate in a thread entitled "Unknown Soldier is really dumb."
I’m not saying you are dumb. I’m saying you are avoiding all the posts dealing with the biblical definition of faith. And you continue to do so.
isn't a set of beliefs but the conviction that beliefs are true.

I grew up in a conservative Catholic family. I've lived my entire adult life in conservative Protestant southern Indiana.
I too was raised Catholic and live in a predominately Protestant town.
I don't remember a single religious person agreeing with that.
Often the word "faith" is used as a synonym for "religion," but I'm discussing faith as in the phrase, "to have faith in."
It's possible a few do. But near all make a distinction between their faith based beliefs and other, evidence based, beliefs.
It's amazing that you know that nearly all the Protestants in your hometown "make a distinction between their faith based beliefs and other, evidence based, beliefs." In any case, what is that distinction they make between "faith-based" beliefs and evidence-based beliefs? Have they told you that there is no evidence for their religious beliefs?
I worked with Cristian creationists who were very good engineers applying science . They compartmentalized science and faith.

One of the best examples is Newton. Galileo never renounced his faith.

Science in modern popuar culture can be cult like. But that i sjust human nature. People with no science training or knowledge, like yourself, do take what they hear from scientist on shows and in pop since books as a gospel truth on faith. That again is human nature and it does not reflect on the nature of science.

Like your taking a quote from Dawkins probably out of context and insisting it is the absolute truth.

In the 90s Hawking said he could pove the unverse could create itself out of nothing withiut a need for a god. It caused a theologcal stir in the UK. Great scientist but a bit on the wacky side, as those British excentrics seem to be.

In the 90s Hawking said he could pove the unverse could create itself out of nothing withiut a need for a god.
And unless he wrote a physics paper showing that, it was simply his opinion. Is there a citation to point to?
Hawking also wrote a book saying on the very first page that philosophy was dead, and later that there’s a version of reality in which the moon is made of Roquefort cheese. So, watever … :shrug:

In the 90s Hawking said he could pove the unverse could create itself out of nothing withiut a need for a god.
And unless he wrote a physics paper showing that, it was simply his opinion. Is there a citation to point to?
I believe it was in his last book. I don't think there was a thory.

I reject any claim of something from nothing. There is no experimental way to demo sate something actually came from nothing.

"Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing," he writes. "Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist.Sep 1, 2010

I do not worship science or elevate scientists to mythical status.

From the bio I read of AE he was actually a regular guy.

Doesn't diminsh his work. He was a human being and lieked to party, drink, and smoke cigars with peers. He had his own idiosyncrasies.

He put his pants on one leg at a tme like everybody else.

Dawkin's philsophixng does not make true or make scince. Same as with Dawkins philospohizng on faith, relgion, amd scince.

Science in terms of culture does have a relgious or cult like quality.
By “nothing,” I think he doesn’t mean literally nothing, but some kind of quantum field.
When using the word "faith," the religious probably mean that they are confident in a God or that what's said about that God is true.
So then that implies that a religious person would understand if someone said they have “faith in science” that person was intending a different meaning than the person who is confident in their god, yes?
The idea of faith is the same while the object of the faith differs: science versus a god.
So, it seems like we are zeroing in your point. Is it your claim that atheists worship science as a god?
Uh, no. I said "...the object of the faith differs..." I then listed two possible objects of faith: science and a god. So some people have faith in science meaning they see science as a good source of truth, and other people put faith in a god seeing that god as a good source of truth.
I apologize if I'm putting words in your mouth, but this seems to be the logical conclusion of your argument.
I have no idea how you got I was saying that atheists worship science as a god while I used the phrase "science versus god." When you read my post, did you read the word "versus" thinking I wrote "as"?
Well you said the object is the same.
No--look at what I highlighted in bold. Before that I posted that the idea of faith is the same.
Religious people worship god. I apologize if i extrapolated incorrectly. Thanks for the correction.
I've seen this same thing in the religious. They read what they want the writing to mean.
I dom’t think he actually knows what he is trying to say. If he did, he wouldn‘t be strategically skipping over posts he evidently can’t handle while regurgitating anodyne bromides restating claims that have already been soundly reubutted.
This post would be more appropriate in a thread entitled "Unknown Soldier is really dumb."
I’m not saying you are dumb. I’m saying you are avoiding all the posts dealing with the biblical definition of faith. And you continue to do so.
With 572 posts and counting, I'm bound to miss a few especially the ones posted by "the wacko." Anyway, post that "biblical definition" and whatever issue you wish to raise about it, then I'll try to address it.
The dictionary gives a reasonable definition of faith in relation to religion, a definition that relates to what we are given in Hebrews 11:1.
Religious people worship god. I apologize if i extrapolated incorrectly. Thanks for the correction.
I've seen this same thing in the religious. They read what they want the writing to mean.
But I’m willing to admit that I was wrong and misinterpreted and I apologized to you for the error.
I dom’t think he actually knows what he is trying to say. If he did, he wouldn‘t be strategically skipping over posts he evidently can’t handle while regurgitating anodyne bromides restating claims that have already been soundly reubutted.
This post would be more appropriate in a thread entitled "Unknown Soldier is really dumb."
I’m not saying you are dumb. I’m saying you are avoiding all the posts dealing with the biblical definition of faith. And you continue to do so.
With 572 posts and counting, I'm bound to miss a few especially the ones posted by "the wacko." Anyway, post that "biblical definition" and whatever issue you wish to raise about it, then I'll try to address it.
You’re kidding, right? I’ve done this numerous times, as have others. I even invited you a few posts up to address this post. And you’ve completely ignored all this. You’re not interested in a diaglogue. I don’t think you can defend your position.
I dom’t think he actually knows what he is trying to say. If he did, he wouldn‘t be strategically skipping over posts he evidently can’t handle while regurgitating anodyne bromides restating claims that have already been soundly reubutted.
This post would be more appropriate in a thread entitled "Unknown Soldier is really dumb."
I’m not saying you are dumb. I’m saying you are avoiding all the posts dealing with the biblical definition of faith. And you continue to do so.
Or maybe just a blind man picking blueberries. Please don't beat-up on me. That is just an honest observation. I apologize if it comes across as offensive. Most people have never picked blueberries so probably won't get the allusion.
I worked with Cristian creationists who were very good engineers applying science . They compartmentalized science and faith.
That's understandable as we now know that our brain is actually many different conscious entities that communicate with each other to the degree that an "I" emerges, what we call consciousness. Therefore it is possible that many brains do not possess this degree of intra connectedness, that all parts do not optimally communicate, giving rise to the condition you point out, wherein rational faculties and irrational faculties seem to exist independently. This is not so unusual and makes sense given our current knowledge of how the brain works.
I dom’t think he actually knows what he is trying to say. If he did, he wouldn‘t be strategically skipping over posts he evidently can’t handle while regurgitating anodyne bromides restating claims that have already been soundly reubutted.
This post would be more appropriate in a thread entitled "Unknown Soldier is really dumb."
I’m not saying you are dumb. I’m saying you are avoiding all the posts dealing with the biblical definition of faith. And you continue to do so.
Or maybe just a blind man picking blueberries. Please don't beat-up on me. That is just an honest observation. I apologize if it comes across as offensive. Most people have never picked blueberries so probably won't get the allusion.
*flashes back to childhood and picking blueberries (wild ones... which means small)... quarts of them*

I dom’t think he actually knows what he is trying to say. If he did, he wouldn‘t be strategically skipping over posts he evidently can’t handle while regurgitating anodyne bromides restating claims that have already been soundly reubutted.
This post would be more appropriate in a thread entitled "Unknown Soldier is really dumb."
I’m not saying you are dumb. I’m saying you are avoiding all the posts dealing with the biblical definition of faith. And you continue to do so.
Or maybe just a blind man picking blueberries. Please don't beat-up on me. That is just an honest observation. I apologize if it comes across as offensive. Most people have never picked blueberries so probably won't get the allusion.
Everything Moogly has posted here is wrong because he's a bad person, and as we all know, bad persons cannot be right.
Or maybe just a blind man picking blueberries. Please don't beat-up on me. That is just an honest observation. I apologize if it comes across as offensive. Most people have never picked blueberries so probably won't get the allusion.
*flashes back to childhood and picking blueberries (wild ones... which means small)... quarts of them*

I don't get it. I have no idea how I'm like a blind man picking blueberries.
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