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Why so many women support Trump

Angry Floof

Tricksy Leftits
Staff member
Jul 17, 2008
Sector 001
Basic Beliefs
As a former member of an American cult, I know why so many white Christian women fervently support Trump

Trump’s administration and his base, the Christian right, offer a s**t deal for women. So why do so many go for it? Same reason us “cult” kids “went for” being brutalised by each other: fear, lack of information and a steady diet of self-hating, figurehead-worshipping language.


I speak from experience when I say that when you are brainwashed, there’s a wall in your mind. Logic lies on the far side; you can’t touch it. Instead, you see everything through the lens of indoctrination. So those Trump-loving women on Facebook, they really do believe professor Ford is “making this stuff up”, that they’re superior to non-white non-Christians, that Trump is helping them. They’re incapable of thinking anything else. Their answer to that koan, “how can countering one’s own best interests keep one safe?” would be this: “For safety, my own best interest is not having my own interests.”

Why do so many women support Trump? Short answer: All the things that work to control a cult member's mind.

Safety: the group punishes dissent and non-conformity, husbands have great freedom in how they treat their wives, divorce could mean losing everything and being thrown out into a world they believe is evil and will hurt them.

Indoctrination: rally chants, repeated mantras and slogan-like sound bytes, rewarded behaviors, all while self preservatory impulses remain in the back of the mind and independent thoughts are suppressed, a sense of superiority over even "lesser" people (minorities).

Us vs. them world view: Everything and everyone outside the ideological identity group is depraved and satanic, don't believe anything out there, stay ignorant, let the men do the thinking and deciding.

And the usual Christian framework that dictates womanhood from all sides: her role is to please men and praise Jesus, and never serve in leadership except in limited ways such as teaching young girls the rules they must abide by to conform, maintain group approval, and, of course, to please men, first their fathers then their husbands.

Should our current administration revamp the U.S. into their very own Gilead, the "strong" women we see on the right, the mostly blond, pretty loudmouths who so boldly take their hatred out on non-believing women and "enemies," will not have such freedom to speak out. They'll have done their part and then, poof, they'll be reigned in when no longer needed to influence culture.
I know a woman who voted for Trump because she said that Hillary Clinton was the anti-Christ. She doesn't like Trump per se, so call it a perceived "lesser of two evils."
As a former member of an American cult, I know why so many white Christian women fervently support Trump

Trump’s administration and his base, the Christian right, offer a s**t deal for women. So why do so many go for it? Same reason us “cult” kids “went for” being brutalised by each other: fear, lack of information and a steady diet of self-hating, figurehead-worshipping language.


I speak from experience when I say that when you are brainwashed, there’s a wall in your mind. Logic lies on the far side; you can’t touch it. Instead, you see everything through the lens of indoctrination. So those Trump-loving women on Facebook, they really do believe professor Ford is “making this stuff up”, that they’re superior to non-white non-Christians, that Trump is helping them. They’re incapable of thinking anything else. Their answer to that koan, “how can countering one’s own best interests keep one safe?” would be this: “For safety, my own best interest is not having my own interests.”

Why do so many women support Trump? Short answer: All the things that work to control a cult member's mind.

Safety: the group punishes dissent and non-conformity, husbands have great freedom in how they treat their wives, divorce could mean losing everything and being thrown out into a world they believe is evil and will hurt them.

Indoctrination: rally chants, repeated mantras and slogan-like sound bytes, rewarded behaviors, all while self preservatory impulses remain in the back of the mind and independent thoughts are suppressed, a sense of superiority over even "lesser" people (minorities).

Us vs. them world view: Everything and everyone outside the ideological identity group is depraved and satanic, don't believe anything out there, stay ignorant, let the men do the thinking and deciding.

And the usual Christian framework that dictates womanhood from all sides: her role is to please men and praise Jesus, and never serve in leadership except in limited ways such as teaching young girls the rules they must abide by to conform, maintain group approval, and, of course, to please men, first their fathers then their husbands.

Should our current administration revamp the U.S. into their very own Gilead, the "strong" women we see on the right, the mostly blond, pretty loudmouths who so boldly take their hatred out on non-believing women and "enemies," will not have such freedom to speak out. They'll have done their part and then, poof, they'll be reigned in when no longer needed to influence culture.

Yea, the high woman support for Trump has been a shock. A majority of white women voted for Trump over HRC. Obviously, religion has a great part in it.
Yea, the high woman support for Trump has been a shock. A majority of white women voted for Trump over HRC. Obviously, religion has a great part in it.
This isn't religion. This is cult of personality. His comments aimed at Fox News personality (at the time) Megyn Kelly was reprehensible... yet... despite happening during the Republican Primary season, it seemed to galvanize his supporters.

It has very much become like a cult. Unfortunately, the cult is growing as he is galvanizing his Republican support overall (90% approval).
Yea, the high woman support for Trump has been a shock. A majority of white women voted for Trump over HRC. Obviously, religion has a great part in it.
This isn't religion. This is cult of personality. His comments aimed at Fox News personality (at the time) Megyn Kelly was reprehensible... yet... despite happening during the Republican Primary season, it seemed to galvanize his supporters.

It has very much become like a cult. Unfortunately, the cult is growing as he is galvanizing his Republican support overall (90% approval).

True, but religion has certainly laid the groundwork for such a cult to arise.
I know a woman who voted for Trump because she said that Hillary Clinton was the anti-Christ. She doesn't like Trump per se, so call it a perceived "lesser of two evils."

That hits all three points, safety, indoctrination, us v them.
There was a study done and it found that women who vote Democratic were more likely to block those who disagreed with them on social media, such as Republicans.

The same study also showed that conservative women are less likely to block those on social media who disagree with them.

Open-mindedness is more on the side of conservative women there.
There was a study done ...
That's as far as i go before calling very probably bullshit.
When YOU say 'a study,' do you mean a formal one with an effort to reduce confirmation bias, or do you mean an authority figure you like posted an opinion?
CAn you cite? Do you remember where you learned this?
Is it college research, Faux News, a conservative think tank, your ass?

And, really, 'a study?'
There was someone here on the forum bitching about single-point conclusions....
There was a study done and it found that women who vote Democratic were more likely to block those who disagreed with them on social media, such as Republicans.

The same study also showed that conservative women are less likely to block those on social media who disagree with them.

Open-mindedness is more on the side of conservative women there.
But who comments more on YouTube Videos. A study on that would be sick!
There was a study done ...
That's as far as i go before calling very probably bullshit.
When YOU say 'a study,' do you mean a formal one with an effort to reduce confirmation bias, or do you mean an authority figure you like posted an opinion?
CAn you cite? Do you remember where you learned this?
Is it college research, Faux News, a conservative think tank, your ass?

And, really, 'a study?'
There was someone here on the forum bitching about single-point conclusions....

Democratic women most likely to block 'friends' on social media over politics

You guys need to get out of the echo chamber
There was a study done ...
That's as far as i go before calling very probably bullshit.
When YOU say 'a study,' do you mean a formal one with an effort to reduce confirmation bias, or do you mean an authority figure you like posted an opinion?
CAn you cite? Do you remember where you learned this?
Is it college research, Faux News, a conservative think tank, your ass?

And, really, 'a study?'
There was someone here on the forum bitching about single-point conclusions....

Democratic women most likely to block 'friends' on social media over politics

You guys need to get out of the echo chamber

No, you just need to post your sources before people challenge them.
Because people really need to challenge you.

But that's a SURVEY. Not a study.
You said study. Can you cite a study that you said was done?
Or Jesus? Ever find the Jesus quote?
The SURVEY says that right after the election, more Dem women axed contacts than Rep women.
A STUDY might have been able to how how many of the Rep women had Dem friends in the first place. Your conclusion is not supported by your link.
It could be that Rep women were more likely to filter their friends before the election, for one possible alternate.
Or maybe there are just far fewer Rep women on social media?
Or maybe Rep women used other justifications for their culling?

You are not in a strong position to bitch about echo chambers, halfie.
The SURVEY says that right after the election, more Dem women axed contacts than Rep women.
A STUDY might have been able to how how many of the Rep women had Dem friends in the first place. Your conclusion is not supported by your link.
It could be that Rep women were more likely to filter their friends before the election, for one possible alternate.
Or maybe there are just far fewer Rep women on social media?
Or maybe Rep women used other justifications for their culling?

You are not in a strong position to bitch about echo chambers, halfie.

Yes, a finding goes against the left, you have to make excuses for it. If this survey said, "Republican women most likely to block friends on social media over politics", you would not ask the questions you did. You would accept it.
Yes, a finding goes against the left, you have to make excuses for it.
If that is true, then we are very lucky you can't seem to support a SINGLE GODDAMNED ONE of your claims.
But it is also very obvious when your post is or has an unsupportable claim, you would much rather blame the person who caught it than admit error.
Every. Fucking. Time.
Hell, I always thought it was because they liked getting their pussies grabbed by rich assholes. HRC women don’t like sex. I’m sure that’s it.
The SURVEY says that right after the election, more Dem women axed contacts than Rep women.
A STUDY might have been able to how how many of the Rep women had Dem friends in the first place. Your conclusion is not supported by your link.
It could be that Rep women were more likely to filter their friends before the election, for one possible alternate.
Or maybe there are just far fewer Rep women on social media?
Or maybe Rep women used other justifications for their culling?

You are not in a strong position to bitch about echo chambers, halfie.

Yes, a finding goes against the left, you have to make excuses for it. If this survey said, "Republican women most likely to block friends on social media over politics", you would not ask the questions you did. You would accept it.
Support of Trump isn't political, and when people found out the people they knew weren't who they thought they actually were, that led to some ties being cut. This isn't partisan, this baseline humanitarian stuff.
I'm not going to analyze why so many white women supported Trump. I only know one personally and she's a conservative Christian, and she frequently makes very bad decisions, which is why at age 68, she can barely make it on her SS allotment and her part time job. Imo, her support of Republicans is another bad decision she has made, especially considering that the very social programs that she depends on to survive have never had strong support from Republicans.

But, I did hear some good news this morning. Women's support of Trump is starting to drop quite rapidly. Actually, it's Republican women who are starting to realize the mistake they made by voting for the nasty, sexist, racist man. Their support has dropped by about 10 to 15%. I hope the other 40% of white women who support him, will wake up.

If the Dems nominate a fairly moderate candidate, it currently looks likely that Trump will lose in 2020. But, we have a way to go, so who knows what will happen by then.
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