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Why YEC can seem plausible

The thread is about science vs creationism.

Based on qualitative scientific tools YEC can not be true.

Creationists try to debunk quantitative science in favor of a few lines in an ancient text by unknown authors.

I generally understand religion, but I do not understand the utter blind belief in ancient writings as literal. It seems like a form of mental illness. Obsessives belief and tunnel vision.

Taking metaphor and poetry as truth, akin to believing Santa existed 3000 years from now not knowing the origin of the myth.
The curse/fall involved many things including thorns and painful childbirth.

That is a real dickish curse, innit. The “Turn the other cheek” portion of the trinity sure had a quiet little voice in this divine head.

Plus the idea that Eve got punished worse, even though it took Satan himself to trick her, while Adam got pulled into the mire by a mere woman (some “head of household,” huh? They certainly gave that job to the wrong human.)

But yeah, childbirth pains for half the human race forever. “If he takes your cloak, offer your shirt as well,”. “Shut up! Shut ALL THE WAY UP! Voices in my head! I’m doing everlasting PAIN, do you hear!?”

Romans 8:22
We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.

Oh, no, not whole creaation. Just women. I love the way men are like, “we were all punished,” while they step into another room for brandy while the women labor.

Ridiculously, according to your chart, it happened in a single generation from typical 900 year lifespans to typical 400 and then again in a single generation to 200 years. So the ridiculous apologetics that there was some “gradual change” is put to the lie by your own graphic.
Actually most of the older Bible manuscripts don't fully support that chart, instead they point to this one in post #389:

That’s the same graph, They just split up the colors in each bar to make you feel differently when you look at it. To deceive you.. Watch out for that. There’s no reason to color the pre-parent part of the line differently.

There are three obvious groups of data:
- the 900-year olds group
- the 400 year olds group
- the 200 year olds group.
- if you insist, you can call Shem the sole occupier of a 600 year old group

These changes are sudden and vast and occur in a single generation each time.

Each line represents a single human being. The life span is cut in half from Noah to his grandson. That is not a known pace for any kind of mutation. It defies evidence.

The mechanism involves mutations and the effect of mutations isn't completely gradual (I mean with incest the effect of mutations can vary a lot)

Exactly. Hence my point.
Your graph shows that your god introduced lifespan effects from DNA mutation exacerbated by incest that would cut lifespans in half in a single generation, then created a situation where incest was required for generations, and didn’t warn his chosen people.

You cannot have 8 people on the plant and not engage in incest.

And at any point in history lifespans can often vary a lot (e.g. 20%+) even though they theoretically should be pretty constant.

No. There is no point in history that lifespans changed permanently for the entire population by 20% in a single generation. Not ever.

You are making excuses for a story that has no support, even internally in your own story.
The thread is about science vs creationism.

Based on qualitative scientific tools YEC can not be true.

Creationists try to debunk quantitative science in favor of a few lines in an ancient text by unknown authors.

I generally understand religion, but I do not understand the utter blind belief in ancient writings as literal. It seems like a form of mental illness. Obsessives belief and tunnel vision.

Taking metaphor and poetry as truth, akin to believing Santa existed 3000 years from now not knowing the origin of the myth.

Yea, it's just bizarre. The only so-called evidence that they offer is that it's written in their book; and that it might be possible. That's it.

That was not sarcasm.
That was an honest question.

Ok you weren't being sarky, but I did know it was an honest question. I merely answered with a similar (mocking) undertone.

You keep assigning motive to me. And then using that fabrication to justify your own bad behavior.
Is this the “eye for an eye” part of your religion, or the “turn the other cheek” part of your religion?

But in reality, you keep assigning me a motive that is not true. If you want to be snarky and mocking, do it on your own, don’t be like Adam with the apple, “she made me! Punish her with labor pains for eternity! It’s her fault! She made me!” Or like the wife beater, “I wouldn’t have hit her if she didn’t behave badly.”

It’s not a good look.

You say that the DNA was going to start mutating causing birth defects among closely related parents, and that your god knew it, and he still created a flood that would cause his people to have incest for many generations. And I ask, “what was his point?”

"After the flood, incest for many generations" is a false notion for intenttion, a misleading representation.

Can you explain how 3 sets of parents, each of whom was responsible for independent diasporas did not employ incest to procreate? I’d be interested in your math.

The sons of Ham… they became a “race,” right? Did they do this by interbreeding with their first cousins (which is incest) and therefore not become their own race, but rather all three brothers’ lines were indistinguishable? Or did they do it by separating and Ham’s kids mating with Ham’s kids (which is incest) to create a distinct race of Ham?

Either there’s no difference in any of the lineages because they did not split at the brothers and the incest was never closer than first cousins (which is incest) OR the three branches did maintain distinction - by sibling incest.

Which was it?

It is not possible to have three sibling parents populate a world without incest, though, and for many generations.

Try drawing a chart and see how you can get great-grandchildren without incest happening. (Try this same chart with Adam and Eve, by the way)

Anyway our friend 'excreationist' has given a good explanation, mutation before and after the flood, which I'll borrow as the response here. To which I must mention, excreationist, as the name suggests, is not a YEC or theist, and he doesn't agree with the theology, which most of us know by now. But he is honest with his fair analysis, to sujects of relating texts and other relating aspect in their context, highlighting the easy to understand concept of mutations and it's implications.

He has not given a good explanation.
Though if you insist on saying that your god introduced damage to his creation to cut their lifespans by 50% in a single generation, we can talk about the psychosis that would be needed to harm people so severely and permanently on a whim.

I don’t need to assign your god that level of antipathy, because I don’t find your story that anyone ever lived to be 950 years old to be the least bit compelling. But if you insist, then, yes, I see how you accuse your god of creating genetic damage to his creation to punish them for what their forebears had done. What a guy.

That was not sarcasm. I am genuinely confused about this claim that your god made DNA start to create mutations. For some reason.

Like the above: I thought I detected a mocking undertone but I still took this to be a serious question.

You thought wrong. But you couldn’t hold yourself back from judging and accusing in public and in writing. And then blaming it on me. If you want to be snarky, just own it and say, “I wanted to be snarky.” Don’t pretend I made you do it. You did it because you wanted to.

And so, I'm wondering. Were you confused because you thought I was making some claim, as if, word for word verbatim I got the explanation for DNA because it's written in the bible? Please tell me that's not so - not you too? :rolleyes:

I got the idea for 'DNA doesn't get better' from people like scientist Dr. James Tour! I mentioned him a few times already.

Does every change in the universe come from your god, or not? I thought you were saying that your god introduced DNA mutation because Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge, having been utterly naive and also left alone in the room with this terrible device unsupervised and in the company of a known felon.

You may have gotten the idea for 'DNA doesn't get better' from people like scientist Dr. James Tour! but you were presenting a creation story where your god is the designer of everything, and that mutations did not exist until he got angry. You then correlate genetic mutations (created by your god) with the exacerbating influence of incest (the need for which is created by your god). And then you said that entropy in the universe (created by who, now?) causes everything to degrade, and I wondered, on top of all the above whether you were making the claim that your god was degrading as well.

And now I also wonder, is there entropy in your heaven?
The point I forgot to mention to all this as you ask. 'Death came into the world' because man was tainted from the beginning. Sins are forgivable and Adam and Eve seem to be remorseful. God pitied them, made them garments and still allowed them to live, rather than erase them there and then. 'Be frutiful and multiply'

Why would a designer promote replication of the flawed design, rather than making a new set that is not flawed, and letting Adam and Eve be doting aunt and uncle?

There are people who carry devastating genetic defects. They often choose to adopt, or dote on their nieces and nephews rather than create a suffering being. The story could have had the god create a new set without the defect that cause the rage-inducing error in the garden - but instead, it created more rage-inducing, increasingly defective future generations, which it then drowned most of and then further damaged the remainder.

It’s a pretty weird story.

That was not sarcasm.
That was an honest question.

Ok you weren't being sarky, but I did know it was an honest question. I merely answered with a similar (mocking) undertone.

You say that the DNA was going to start mutating causing birth defects among closely related parents, and that your god knew it, and he still created a flood that would cause his people to have incest for many generations. And I ask, “what was his point?”

"After the flood, incest for many generations" is a false notion for intenttion, a misleading representation.

Anyway our friend 'excreationist' has given a good explanation, mutation before and after the flood, which I'll borrow as the response here. To which I must mention, excreationist, as the name suggests, is not a YEC or theist, and he doesn't agree with the theology, which most of us know by now. But he is honest with his fair analysis, to sujects of relating texts and other relating aspect in their context, highlighting the easy to understand concept of mutations and it's implications.

That was not sarcasm. I am genuinely confused about this claim that your god made DNA start to create mutations. For some reason.

Like the above: I thought I detected a mocking undertone but I still took this to be a serious question.

And so, I'm wondering. Were you confused because you thought I was making some claim, as if, word for word verbatim I got the explanation for DNA because it's written in the bible? Please tell me that's not so - not you too? :rolleyes:

I got the idea for 'DNA doesn't get better' from people like scientist Dr. James Tour! I mentioned him a few times already.

You know that 'scientist' is an umbrella term that includes a wide range of disparate specialisms, right?

And that a scientist speaking outside his field isn't notably more competent than any random person?

According to Wikipedia, "scientist" Dr James Tour is a materials science, nanoengineering and computer science specialist, and has research interests in Chemistry, Materials, Electronics, Nanotechnology, and Graphene.

Before making poorly informed claims about DNA, he really should have spoken to colleagues who know something about Molecular Biology, Genetics, or Evolutionary Biology. Because his claim (if indeed he made it) is laughably incorrect.

DNA most assuredly does get better, and the mechanisms by which it does this are very well understood. They include selection, recombination, apoptosis, and a range of 'proofreading' and 'auditing' pathways during cell division that reduce mutation rates and repair damage done by free radicals and other reactive species.

But you would no more expect a materials scientist to know about these things than you would expect a paediatrician to know how to treat basal cell carcinoma; or a plumber to know how to wire an electrical distribution board.

When the county inspector condemns your substandard electrical installation, that was installed by a plumber, he won't be impressed that you got a 'tradesman' to do the work, because you asked the wrong kind of tradesman.

Equally, I am deeply unimpressed by the opinion of 'scientist' Dr Tour with regards to DNA, because he's the wrong kind of scientist.

You should try not to be so easily impressed by titles. Having a doctorate implies expertise in the field in which that doctorate was granted; But tells you nothing about a person's knowledge outside that field. being a scientist doesn't make anyone a universal authority; Nor does it mean that every utterance that they make is scientific.
Oh, no, not whole creaation. Just women.
Even Genesis 3 also says "Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it" and "all creation" can include natural disasters, meat-eating animals and mutations.
That’s the same graph, They just split up the colors in each bar to make you feel differently when you look at it. To deceive you.. Watch out for that. There’s no reason to color the pre-parent part of the line differently.
No they are fundamentally different. In the earlier graph Shem and Abraham are alive at the same time - in the other one Shem dies 500 years before Abraham was born....
There are three obvious groups of data:
- the 900-year olds group
- the 400 year olds group
- the 200 year olds group.
- if you insist, you can call Shem the sole occupier of a 600 year old group

These changes are sudden and vast and occur in a single generation each time.
In the Septuagint the lifespans from Noah onwards are more gradual...
Each line represents a single human being. The life span is cut in half from Noah to his grandson.
In the Septuagint is is 40% less (950 to 565). As usual there were some counter-arguments from YECs but then they eventually hit a wall....
Genesis 6:3 can be read as God prophesying that Pre-Flood longevity would soon come to an end.

After the flood, incest for many generations" is a false notion...

Well, that depends on how strictly you define incest and consanguinity.

A lot of bible critics (who rant and rave about incest) simultaneously argue in favour of same-sex marriage saying how homosexual behaviour is such a natural thing in the animal kingdom. Well, incest is a natural thing too.

...And rape.
...And infanticide.
Genesis 6:3 can be read as God prophesying that Pre-Flood longevity would soon come to an end.

After the flood, incest for many generations" is a false notion...

Well, that depends on how strictly you define incest and consanguinity.

A lot of bible critics (who rant and rave about incest) simultaneously argue in favour of same-sex marriage saying how homosexual behaviour is such a natural thing in the animal kingdom. Well, incest is a natural thing too.

...And rape.
...And infanticide.

You're missing the point.

Nobody's arguing that same sex marriage is supported by the fact that homosexuality is natural.

They are arguing that the religious claim that homosexuality is unnatural is false. Which it is.

The problem for the religious opponents of consenting adults marrying whomever they choose is that there really aren't any good arguments against it, so they're left with arguments from an authority that their opponents don't accept as an authority; Or claiming that the whole business is unnatural, which is both a falsehood and a fallacy.

To mistake their rebuttal of a poor argument by their opponents as an argument for their position is yet another error. Don't you people ever get anything right?
Genesis 6:3 can be read as God prophesying that Pre-Flood longevity would soon come to an end.

After the flood, incest for many generations" is a false notion...

Well, that depends on how strictly you define incest and consanguinity.

A lot of bible critics (who rant and rave about incest) simultaneously argue in favour of same-sex marriage saying how homosexual behaviour is such a natural thing in the animal kingdom. Well, incest is a natural thing too.

...And rape.
...And infanticide.

We are part of the animal kingdom. Unless you want to debunk generics.

Typical Christian conservative reasoning, false equivalence. Comparing homosexuality to incest and rape.

If Noah is true, then we all have incestuous origins. That is the point.

I don't thnk the abbcint Jews prohibited abortion by inducng labor.
Genesis 6:3 can be read as God prophesying that Pre-Flood longevity would soon come to an end.

After the flood, incest for many generations" is a false notion...

Well, that depends on how strictly you define incest and consanguinity.

A lot of bible critics (who rant and rave about incest) simultaneously argue in favour of same-sex marriage saying how homosexual behaviour is such a natural thing in the animal kingdom. Well, incest is a natural thing too.

...And rape.
...And infanticide.

We are part of the animal kingdom. Unless you want to debunk generics.

Typical Christian conservative reasoning, false equivalence. Comparing homosexuality to incest and rape.

If Noah is true, then we all have incestuous origins. That is the point.

I don't thnk the abbcint Jews prohibited abortion by inducng labor.
Part of the animal kingdom as in, earthly creatures domain i.e. all made with the same earth elements? Genetics will behave the same in all creatures.

All the above (in bold) are sexual desires. You can add hetrosexual fornication/ desires to the list too, if that will seem a little fairer.
We are part of the animal kingdom. Unless you want to debunk generics.

Typical Christian conservative reasoning, false equivalence. Comparing homosexuality to incest and rape.

If Noah is true, then we all have incestuous origins. That is the point.

I don't thnk the abbcint Jews prohibited abortion by inducng labor.
Part of the animal kingdom as in, earthly creatures domain i.e. all made with the same earth elements? Genetics will behave the same in all creatures.

All the above (in bold) are sexual desires. You can add hetrosexual fornication/ desires to the list too, if that will seem a little fairer.

Mating is genetic. Marriage and monogamy is a social convention to help with social stability. In a tribal society it reduces conflict.

Same with nudity.

Religion in general has always been about putting a thin veneer over our genetic behavior. Same with any culture, keeping order.

Relgion s outivmg its social usefulness.
We are part of the animal kingdom. Unless you want to debunk generics.

Typical Christian conservative reasoning, false equivalence. Comparing homosexuality to incest and rape.

If Noah is true, then we all have incestuous origins. That is the point.

I don't thnk the abbcint Jews prohibited abortion by inducng labor.
Part of the animal kingdom as in, earthly creatures domain i.e. all made with the same earth elements? Genetics will behave the same in all creatures.

All the above (in bold) are sexual desires. You can add hetrosexual fornication/ desires to the list too, if that will seem a little fairer.

I had no idea that typical Christian conservative reasoning was a sexual desire.

The more you know...
This is about a documentary from 2017:
This is about those interviewed:
Steve Austin, PhD – Geologist
Andrew Snelling, PhD – Geologist
Kurt Wise, PhD – Paleontologist
Marcus Ross, PhD – Paleontologist

In fact all of the people in that link have a PhD - unlike flat earth fans....
Can any YEC explain why Jehovah sent the flood to begin with?
To wipe out the wicked people.... that happens a few times including genocide in the promised land. (Where they are commanded to kill everything that breathes...)

What does "wicked" mean in this context?

Was wiping out wicked people the right thing to do?

Was wiping out wicked people by a global flood the best way to do that?

Was everyone truly so wicked as to be sentenced to a brutal death? Was there any collateral damage from Jehovah's action?

Does God still cause natural disasters today with the goal of wiping out wicked people?

Would followers of God be justified in also wiping out wicked people?

If the purpose of the flood was to wipe out wicked people, did it work?

If not, then why are YECs defending it?
Can any YEC explain why Jehovah sent the flood to begin with?

Everyone was evil! Everyone but Noah and family. Somehow everything degraded to all heck, except one family, who still remained in the ways of God.* Mankind, who was given the breath of life, was wicked... much like that arse God. Maybe it was shadow projection.

* - ways unspecified before narrative of the flood
What does "wicked" mean in this context?
The context:
Genesis 6:5
"The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time."​
Was wiping out wicked people the right thing to do?
Genesis 6:6
"The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled"​

Well wiping them out is a way of taking action against this problem...
Was wiping out wicked people by a global flood the best way to do that?
Well it makes an interesting story...
Was everyone truly so wicked as to be sentenced to a brutal death?
It is relatively merciful - well compared to the church's traditional view that hell lasts forever....
Was there any collateral damage from Jehovah's action?
Well there's the animals - but that is similar to Deut 20:16-17
Does God still cause natural disasters today with the goal of wiping out wicked people?
No. The rainbow after the flood showed future floods are different.
Would followers of God be justified in also wiping out wicked people?
In the OT yes - in the NT no. Perhaps unless they were part of the government?
If the purpose of the flood was to wipe out wicked people, did it work?
Well it would have reduced the proportion - from 99.99999% plus....
BTW this is comparing "the days of Noah" to later times:
If not, then why are YECs defending it?
It's an example of a wicked earth - and about the judgment of Jesus to come....
Does God still cause natural disasters today with the goal of wiping out wicked people?
No. The rainbow after the flood showed future floods are different.
Well, that is certainly one view among those theological groups that believe in the Deluge tale (already a minority group at least among the preachers, that think there was a biggly floody). There are quite a few believers in the inerrant Bible god that believe their god still is out there causing disasters to punish 'wicked people' or a country. The Katrina hurricane is a good example where lots of whack-a-noodle preachers got on their soap box talking of such...
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