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Will Biden drop out? Who replaces him?

Say what you will about Trump's speech last night (the usual going off on tangents and the lies) but I didn't really see much in the way of dementia, or him losing his train of thought, non-sequitors, forgetting people's names, etc. like we do with Biden. He went on for about an hour and a half, both on script and off. I really don't understand where people are coming from (here and elsewhere) who say Biden's brain is fine and Trump is the one with dementia. What are they watching, and where are they getting their news from?
Trump brags about passing a competency test, repeatedly. That is called a red flag. And Trump fucks up too. Trump is old, slow mover, has problems with slanted surfaces, can't manage a faltering teleprompter, screws up who he is talking about. Honestly, the performance gap between the two is not that wide.

The big difference is Biden looks old, while Trump promotes a more energetic old. Trump over the last few decades has fiercely protected hia image, so he goes about it a lot more than average, from his fake skin color to his ridiculous hair. But he seems to have enough energy to project that he has energy. He sounded tired last night from the clips I heard, but it was limited, so maybe not representative.

There is little evidence Biden is losing it, despite what a few in here have suggested. Biden appears to be mentally acute enough to manage the job, but he is struggling with physical part of it. Trump isn't remotely mentally fit for the job, not smart enough and sure the hell doesn't care about discharging his duties in the full faith of following the Constitution. January 6th still happened, and how he is getting away from his actions that led to it, well it is depressing as all heck
Say what you will about Trump's speech last night (the usual going off on tangents and the lies) but I didn't really see much in the way of dementia, or him losing his train of thought, non-sequitors, forgetting people's names, etc. like we do with Biden. He went on for about an hour and a half, both on script and off. I really don't understand where people are coming from (here and elsewhere) who say Biden's brain is fine and Trump is the one with dementia. What are they watching, and where are they getting their news from?

He went into his normal Gish gallop mode, pouring out a torrent of questionable claims, innuendo, and personal invective on whatever thought entered his head without any regard for truth. He didn't lose his train of thought, but that train wasn't running on any particular track. It was a stream of consciousness performance that revealed much about how he views reality. I found it painful to listen to, as did a lot of his other critics, but it was largely grammatical. The teleprompter did help to keep it coherent in some spots. I don't recall a lot of the paraphasia (so-called "fluent aphasia") symptoms that he is normally prone to, but his inability to focus on a subject and wrap it up in coherent thoughts does strike me as a mental impairment. As one commentator put it, he seemed to get bored by the material on his teleprompter, frequently going off script. He has given record-length convention rambles in the past, but this one was by far the longest. Some people simply walked out rather than wait for him to run down.
I don't know why people are pretending to be doctors and diagnosing people without the qualifications. But OK.
Biden looks more and more frail every time we see him. One bought of pneumonia will bring him down. IMO he does have the mental acuity during certain times of the day and there is no question the man is brilliant and can get things done. As Bill Maher said "It's looks like Grandpa's last Christmas." There is stellar younger talent in the democratic wings that can stand up to Trump and not fumble a debate. It has been suggested that 4 townhalls (in each region of the country) be conducted by Barack Obama and Bill Clinton to vet candidates and it be decided at the convention. A very democratic process.

I’m not seeing anything democratic about Clinton and Obama, from the corporatist “New Democrat” wing of the Democratic Party, the betrayers of the legacy of the New Deal, conducting any vetting of anyone.
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