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Will Trump be impeached?

Will Trump be impeached?

  • Trump will be impeached

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • Trump will NOT be impeached

    Votes: 9 36.0%
  • Trump will resign before impeachment

    Votes: 12 48.0%

  • Total voters
The GOP won't impeach for obstruction of justice. It'd be harder not to over money laundering.


The Republican Party exists now in what is essentially a consequence-free environment. No matter what happens, their voters will line up next November and send them right back to DC. Take health care, for example. Awhile back the House came out with a bill which strips millions of people of their insurance and gives rich folks an 800 billion dollar tax cut. Consequences? None. Their base couldn't possibly care less. So the Senate took that ball and ran with it, crafting a bill which screws just as many people, takes a baseball bat to Medicaid's knees, and gives a trillion dollar tax cut to rich folks.

They did this because they know that their voters will happily grant them continued control of the Senate next year. Mitch McConnell could propose a bill to eliminate Medicare and Paul Ryan could cackle "and were coming for your Social Security next" and it wouldn't lose them a single seat in Congress.

Trump can obstruct justice (like he has) admit to it on television (like he has), tamper with witnesses (like he has), and admit to that on television (like he just did) and the Republicans in the House and Senate won't lift a finger because there are no consequences for them if they don't.
the investigation hasn't produced anything of worth yet.
And the 2017 World Series Champions haven't really accomplished much so far this year!

This doesn't detract from the fact that the investigation has produced nothing of worth. Subjective opinion is also of no worth to man nor beast, fish nor fowl.
Given how everyone is lawyering up, I hold out hope for a Mueller slamdunk the republicans just can't ignore. Any ambiguity in Mueller's findings and it's business as usual.

No way in hell Trump will try for another four years. It's too much like hard work, hard work he doesn't understand and isn't about to learn. Him wanting to be president was just about the winning.
I hold out hope that should we all make it through these next four years, at least some portion of hardline Trump followers will play the "are you better off now than you were four years ago" reel in their heads. Not likely though. See Ford's post.
I do believe Trumpkins haven't run out of Trump-like characters to put forward. Does anyone see them going with a standard off the self politician in the future regardless of what Trump does?
Ted Nugent's only 68.
Given how everyone is lawyering up, I hold out hope for a Mueller slamdunk the republicans just can't ignore. Any ambiguity in Mueller's findings and it's business as usual.

No way in hell Trump will try for another four years. It's too much like hard work, hard work he doesn't understand and isn't about to learn. Him wanting to be president was just about the winning.
I hold out hope that should we all make it through these next four years, at least some portion of hardline Trump followers will play the "are you better off now than you were four years ago" reel in their heads. Not likely though. See Ford's post.
I do believe Trumpkins haven't run out of Trump-like characters to put forward. Does anyone see them going with a standard off the self politician in the future regardless of what Trump does?
Ted Nugent's only 68.

I suspect the more important question is: was being Prez good for Trump's bottom line. If so, he'll run again.

I read that he charges the SS $2k for their golf carts to follow him around on the course.
Subjective opinion is also of no worth to man nor beast, fish nor fowl.

That sure doesn't stop YOU from repeating yours ad nauseum:

This doesn't detract from the fact that the investigation has produced nothing of worth.

When the investigation produces something that gets Cheato impeached, that will still be worth nothing - to YOU.
I suspect the more important question is: was being Prez good for Trump's bottom line. If so, he'll run again.

I think it's more like was being President enough of an ego stroke for him and how awesome was it to campaign and think of how tremendous it would be to win again.
I suspect the more important question is: was being Prez good for Trump's bottom line. If so, he'll run again.

I think it's more like was being President enough of an ego stroke for him and how awesome was it to campaign and think of how tremendous it would be to win again.

money = ego stroke

Yeah, the adoring crowds keep him stable, of which he can't have too much, but the important thing is money.
That sure doesn't stop YOU from repeating yours ad nauseum:

This doesn't detract from the fact that the investigation has produced nothing of worth.

When the investigation produces something that gets Cheato impeached, that will still be worth nothing - to YOU.

Are you suggesting my opinion is also of no worth to man nor beast, fish nor fowl. :)

Agreed that if the investigation produces something impeachable then impeachment shall proceed after the vote.

Here's the latest from the bookies (Paddy Power Bookmakers)

The odds of impeachment are 3/1


  • stock-vector-vomiting-man-cartoon-59653741.jpg
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Are you suggesting my opinion is also of no worth to man nor beast, fish nor fowl.

No suggestion. People have been telling you straight up to your face that you are full of shit.

Let's see the Impeachers in the house (s) support their case instead letting the public grasp on new media titbits and inconclusive investigations, or facts which are established but confidential. What is required is evidence based conclusions to go forward.

When an investigation occurs there can be hundreds of lines to explore.

Whether he is or not is beside the point.

The only conclusion is that there is no way of telling if Trump is impeachable at this stage. Whether he is impeachable or not is another question.

It seems Robert Mueller, the special counsel appointed to examine Russia’s role in the presidential election, is now reported to be checking the actions of Trump and widely checking the campaign team.

This is not unusual for any investigation since all areas should be covered. However it does imply little has been found so far.
It doesn't matter what the investigation finds. The repugs will whitewash it. There will be no impeachment. Even if by some miracle the dems take control of the house and vote articles of impeachment there's no way 2/3 of the senate will convict. Trump is not totally stupid. He knows that. He won't resign. This whole impeachment talk is just fantasy.

I think proving collusion might be difficult. I say "might" because often, Trump can be relied on to open his big fat mouth and verify everything, as he has already done with obstruction of justice. Nevertheless, even though Trump admitted to obstruction a couple of times, a clever lawyer might be able to get him off IF they can keep Trump's mouth shut. Whether collusion is found or not, the fact that Russia has already intervened in our voting process on Trump's behalf is not for debate, despite a few protests from those that for some reason wish to deny reality. This is what I think we should be concentrating on in the future.

I think what will happen is that Mueller's investigation (or someone else if he's fired) will find some rather illegal financial activity from Trump's company. I suspect it will be money laundering from Russia, or some rather shady deals involved in his New York real estate dealings. Look, just some cursory investigation found some very shady dealings going on during his campaign. Spending charity money for his personal legal fees, for example. Mysterious money has kept Trump afloat, where did it come from? This will be found, and it will be blatantly illegal enough that congressional Republicans will not be able to ignore it. Then, Trump will resign, citing conspiracy theory and fake news. It's my hope that he and his family will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and the name "Trump" becomes a national disgrace. I hope the restitution he pays breaks him, and his family fortune goes back to paying those he hurt. I hope his financial empire (such as it is) crumbles, and other than hearing that he's up for parole every few years, I hope we never hear about his ass again. I hope that even the worst rated reality TV show won't accept his calls.

It's my hope that a huge Democratic backlash will take place, ushering in a new time for Democrats to get their shit together, and for the Republicans left that have any personal honor to retake control of their party, and stop pandering to the very lowest common denominator. I hope the Republicans re-institute their long lost legacy of intelligentsia, and become a threat to the Democrats, pushing them to do better. It's my hope that two strong parties emerge ignoring their fringe base for the most part, and working together in a healthier democratic system.

I doubt that last paragraph will happen though. Most likely what will actually happen is a government reality TV show taking place on an island where people propose policy stunts and hope not to be voted off, with all of America phoning in their vote.
So my guess is that Mueller will be able to find straight up fraud (pre election) and emoluments if he is able to crack open the LLC maze that Trump has made for himself. Rather the LLC maze that his shark accountants have made.

There will almost certainly be many low value or underwater properties that Trump will have sold for many multiples of fair value to domestic or foreign people expecting favors.

But it will be done in a way that insulates him as much as possible, while still giving him the money. Also his sons will have done a lot of the deals. But for a normal fraud case of a mafia member (for example) that would not stop a good prosecutor.

Probably it will work like this:

Trump makes an LLC and had to legally sign the documents. Then he signed a document giving authority to his sons or some other trusted person to make purchase/sale decisions. They make loads of money selling crap property to bribers. Trump has plausible deniability. But in a sane world the owner of LLCs should not be able to do this.

I would bet that it will be this: TrumpCorp (a) owns LLC (b) sells property to US "investor" (c) who then sells to the US of foreign briber (d).

The opacity of LLCs is a real problem in the age of Citizens United:

I think proving collusion might be difficult. I say "might" because often, Trump can be relied on to open his big fat mouth and verify everything, as he has already done with obstruction of justice. Nevertheless, even though Trump admitted to obstruction a couple of times, a clever lawyer might be able to get him off IF they can keep Trump's mouth shut.
But the thing about impeachment is, you don' t need to prove as much as you need to convince. The Senate acts as judge and jury and basically need only feel that their voters won't hold their feet to the fire if they convict.

So if enough evidence is found and spread across the headlines that the balance of voters are calling for blood, the Senate may feel free to convict him of anything the House may suggest.

Whether he faces criminal prosecution after he's no longer the President, and no longer has immunity, is another matter, for another (or actual) court.
No suggestion. People have been telling you straight up to your face that you are full of shit.

Let's see the Impeachers in the house (s) support their case instead letting the public grasp on new media titbits and inconclusive investigations, or facts which are established but confidential. What is required is evidence based conclusions to go forward.

When an investigation occurs there can be hundreds of lines to explore.

Whether he is or not is beside the point.

The only conclusion is that there is no way of telling if Trump is impeachable at this stage. Whether he is impeachable or not is another question.

It seems Robert Mueller, the special counsel appointed to examine Russia’s role in the presidential election, is now reported to be checking the actions of Trump and widely checking the campaign team.

This is not unusual for any investigation since all areas should be covered. However it does imply little has been found so far.

This convoluted response is why people think you're full of shit.

OP question was quite straightforward. Here it is again:

Do you think he will be impeached, or resign under threat of such? At anytime in his administration - even 7 years from now if he is re-elected. Or does he just go about and continue to rule for four or eight years and turn power over?

There is no requirement for any respondent to lay out explicitly with evidence the actual case for impeachment.
It is an opinion poll, not a trial, and it is not your place to hijack the thread with your own personal demands or requirements.

And as others have pointed out, impeachment is an inherently political process. The President is effectively immune from prosecution as a legal matter. That can only happen if he's removed from office, and that (in my opinion) won't happen until the House and Senate are no longer controlled by the President's party. If that were to happen, and if Trump continues to publicly admit to obstruction of justice, witness intimidation, and keeps firing people trying to investigate his shenanigans, then I'd say there's a good chance impeachment proceedings would begin.

I don't have to make the legal case in this thread, just offer my opinion...which I just did.

If you want, start your own thread with your own demands.
Let's see the Impeachers in the house (s) support their case instead letting the public grasp on new media titbits and inconclusive investigations, or facts which are established but confidential. What is required is evidence based conclusions to go forward.

When an investigation occurs there can be hundreds of lines to explore.

Whether he is or not is beside the point.

The only conclusion is that there is no way of telling if Trump is impeachable at this stage. Whether he is impeachable or not is another question.

It seems Robert Mueller, the special counsel appointed to examine Russia’s role in the presidential election, is now reported to be checking the actions of Trump and widely checking the campaign team.

This is not unusual for any investigation since all areas should be covered. However it does imply little has been found so far.

This convoluted response is why people think you're full of shit.

OP question was quite straightforward. Here it is again:

Do you think he will be impeached, or resign under threat of such? At anytime in his administration - even 7 years from now if he is re-elected. Or does he just go about and continue to rule for four or eight years and turn power over?

There is no requirement for any respondent to lay out explicitly with evidence the actual case for impeachment.
It is an opinion poll, not a trial, and it is not your place to hijack the thread with your own personal demands or requirements.

And as others have pointed out, impeachment is an inherently political process. The President is effectively immune from prosecution as a legal matter. That can only happen if he's removed from office, and that (in my opinion) won't happen until the House and Senate are no longer controlled by the President's party. If that were to happen, and if Trump continues to publicly admit to obstruction of justice, witness intimidation, and keeps firing people trying to investigate his shenanigans, then I'd say there's a good chance impeachment proceedings would begin.

I don't have to make the legal case in this thread, just offer my opinion...which I just did.

If you want, start your own thread with your own demands.

I have no demands; only observations My answer was as mentioned earlier, a definite don't know.

Of course there is no requirement for any respondent to lay out explicitly with evidence the actual case for impeachment because the investigation is still ongoing. Since I don't intend to speculate I can then confirm a definite don't know.
This convoluted response is why people think you're full of shit.

OP question was quite straightforward. Here it is again:

Do you think he will be impeached, or resign under threat of such? At anytime in his administration - even 7 years from now if he is re-elected. Or does he just go about and continue to rule for four or eight years and turn power over?

There is no requirement for any respondent to lay out explicitly with evidence the actual case for impeachment.
It is an opinion poll, not a trial, and it is not your place to hijack the thread with your own personal demands or requirements.

And as others have pointed out, impeachment is an inherently political process. The President is effectively immune from prosecution as a legal matter. That can only happen if he's removed from office, and that (in my opinion) won't happen until the House and Senate are no longer controlled by the President's party. If that were to happen, and if Trump continues to publicly admit to obstruction of justice, witness intimidation, and keeps firing people trying to investigate his shenanigans, then I'd say there's a good chance impeachment proceedings would begin.

I don't have to make the legal case in this thread, just offer my opinion...which I just did.

If you want, start your own thread with your own demands.

I have no demands; only observations My answer was as mentioned earlier, a definite don't know.

Of course there is no requirement for any respondent to lay out explicitly with evidence the actual case for impeachment because the investigation is still ongoing. Since I don't intend to speculate I can then confirm a definite don't know.

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