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Will Trump chicken out of debating Hillary?


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
I'm having a hard time imagining Trump having to actually debate someone instead of just flinging poo. I figure there will be something declared "unfair" about the existing Clinton/Trump debate schedule, and he'll weasel out of it if he can. But can he?

He was already complaining about the schedule, conflicting with NFL games
The early whispers are that he's going to try and do just that. He's already made grunts about how CNN needs to raise $5 million to give to veterans before he'll debate. He's also already setting it up by saying that CNN's going to be unfair to him if he doesn't show up for the debate.

Despite everything else, I think if he refuses to debate, that'll be the end of him. He'll still have his hardcore supporters--the authoritarian crowd who at this point see him as a true savior and nothing short of that--but any independents and moderate Republicans (and even less moderate Republicans) would be done with him. They either won't vote or they'll hold their nose and vote for Hillary.

On the other hand, a debate may be just as disastrous for him. He's not going to prepare by trying to learn real things. It's too late in the game for that. He's had over a year to get up to speed and he hasn't bothered. That shit he pulled at the Republican debates won't fly.

In a Presidential debate, the moderators will tell him he needs to stop talking and they will hold his feet to the fire. Not to mention that Hillary will blister his ass up one side and down the other.

What I wish they would do is get rid of the audiences at Presidential debates (and in primaries for that matter). It should be the candidates, the moderators, and the camera crews. That's it. Cheering and booing crowds are uncouth distractions.
The early whispers are that he's going to try and do just that. He's already made grunts about how CNN needs to raise $5 million to give to veterans before he'll debate. He's also already setting it up by saying that CNN's going to be unfair to him if he doesn't show up for the debate.
Yeah, he is really laying the ground work here. The trouble is, in the modern era, has anyone actually refused to debate before? I know, the Saints v Falcons game will be on, but sometimes we need to make sacrifices.

In a Presidential debate, the moderators will tell him he needs to stop talking and they will hold his feet to the fire.
LOL!!!! Yeah right. As if that will ever happen.
Not to mention that Hillary will blister his ass up one side and down the other.
I can just see Hillary Clinton littering her responses and comments with traps just waiting for Trump to step in one pile after the other and lacking the ability to see he is being set up.

I wish they would do is get rid of the audiences at Presidential debates (and in primaries for that matter). It should be the candidates, the moderators, and the camera crews. That's it. Cheering and booing crowds are uncouth distractions.
Actually answering the questions the candidates were asked would be really cool too! :)
I know, the Saints v Falcons game will be on, but sometimes we need to make sacrifices.

Right - we do. He doesn't.

Actually answering the questions the candidates were asked would be really cool too! :)

I saw an interesting proposal last night from some academic type - institute Oxford debating rules. Made me chuckle because I can't see ANY politician defending their own and refuting the other's stance on a given issue using nothing but formal logic. I'd love to see them try. Especially teh Donald.
He will at first. Then when the firestorm erupts, he'll say he never meant that. He was just kidding. That's how he operates.

Mr. Trump, your opening statement please. You have three minutes.

"When I'm president, I will be the best president ever. And it's gonna be YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU...

(2 minutes, 57 seconds later)



Right - we do. He doesn't.

Actually answering the questions the candidates were asked would be really cool too! :)

I saw an interesting proposal last night from some academic type - institute Oxford debating rules. Made me chuckle because I can't see ANY politician defending their own and refuting the other's stance on a given issue using nothing but formal logic. I'd love to see them try. Especially teh Donald.

Iq2 has a petition going around to do just that. It'll never happen, of course, since the major parties don't want to set a precedent but it's certainly fun to think about.
The debate commission should not have scheduled a debate to conflict with an NFL game, that just gives people like Trump an excuse not to attend. Monday Night Football has been on for more than 40 years now, the commission should have known this. Sunday Night Football & Thursday Night Football has been around since 2006.

The 2016 NFL schedule didn't need to come out before the debates were scheduled; the commission should expect that the NFL would continue to play games on nights they normally would play games.
To the OP: He's going to try to weasel out of them, because he knows Hillary is going to open up a can of whoopass on him and stomp him into the mud.

He's going to find some conspiracy theory that will point to the debate being rigged (the "letter from the NFL" attempt fell flat) and/or he's going to try to extort - yet again - money from the networks for his appearance ("to give to charity") in an attempt to make them look like the bad guys when they ignore him, as usual and then claim the media

1) didn't cooperate with him
2) didn't give him critical information
3) gave Hillary all the answers since they are a "liberal media"
4) call in sick

Trump will try to get out of them and his excuses will be totally in line with all the stunts he pulled before.

The debate commission should not have scheduled a debate to conflict with an NFL game, that just gives people like Trump an excuse not to attend. Monday Night Football has been on for more than 40 years now, the commission should have known this. Sunday Night Football & Thursday Night Football has been around since 2006.

The 2016 NFL schedule didn't need to come out before the debates were scheduled; the commission should expect that the NFL would continue to play games on nights they normally would play games.

The decision of when to air the football games was made in 2015.

It's just an unhappy coincidence to those who actually watch the games.
I say make the leagues and TV reschedule. What makes it gospel to let businesses have the best audience times? Announce debates for Sunday evening from 6 to 8 Pacific Time and be done with it. I would have done it to The Wonderful World of Disney and Heidi in the sixties and I'm saying we should do it now to Concussion FL. Or announce them for Tuesdays from six to eight and force NCIS to reschedule.

As for Trump ensure all cellphones be eliminated from all participating or watching the events including news and TV teams and that the debate be scheduled with a thirty minute delay before being broadcast. Nothing makes a blanket wetter than yesterdays news as feedback (tweeters responding to something that happened thirty minutes ago). Force audience to literally sit on their hands during the debate.
Trump is now stating that the election will be rigged against him.
The decision of when to air the football games was made in 2015.

It's just an unhappy coincidence to those who actually watch the games.

Um, no. Which specific teams would play on that specific Monday would have been decided in 2015, but whether or not they'd have Monday Night Football games was decided before the 1970 season.

I don't blame Hillary Clinton for this scheduling; I blame the debate commission for screwing up something that should be easy. I have no reason to believe that HRC is behind this.
I don't see how Drumpf can refuse to debate HRC. Part his campaign bravado is that he is going to stand up and go after ISIL. How can he be taken seriously if he will not even go into a room with Hillary Clinton? Refusing to "debate" her even once would make him seem like a big fat but small handed coward to the moderates and independents he needs to woo, and, frankly, even to some of his base.
I don't blame Hillary Clinton for this scheduling; I blame the debate commission for screwing up something that should be easy. I have no reason to believe that HRC is behind this.

i don't see this as a screw up. There is football nearly every night of the week and fans can Tivo the debates or catch the highlights.

- - - Updated - - -

Actually answering the questions the candidates were asked would be really cool too! :)

Ain't no shit, right? That is so ridiculously irritating.


"How would you protect America?"
"My opponent's plan for taxing badgers is crushing American families."
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