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Will Trump finally be indicted in Georgia?


Aug 12, 2001
Georgia, US
Basic Beliefs
I'm gifting an article written by several experts who believe that it's time for Trump to be indicted for his attempt to overturn Georgia's election results in 2020.

Read it if you're interested and let us know what you think.


“We find by unanimous vote that no widespread fraud took place in the Georgia 2020 presidential election that could result in overturning that election.” With those words, a Fulton County special grand jury’s report, part of which was released Thursday, repudiated Donald Trump’s assault on our democracy.

The excerpts from the report did not explicitly offer new detail on a potential indictment of Mr. Trump or any other individual. But they suggest that, combined with everything else we know, Mr. Trump may very well be headed for charges in Georgia.

We need to prepare for a first in our 246-year history as a nation: The possible criminal prosecution of a former president.

If Mr. Trump is charged, it will be difficult and at times even perilous for American democracy — but it is necessary to deter him and others from future attempted coups.
Thanks for the article.

I hope Trump is indicted. I hope anyone who committed perjury is indicted. I don't care if the trials drag on for years. This is too important to rush, or ignore, or hand wave away as Trump's supporters will no doubt try to do.
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Indict, convict, imprison. There must be justice.
I agree but it will only take one juror to keep him from justice. That is what I am most concerned about when it comes to convicting Trump. It's so obvious that he broke the Georgia law, but Trump still has some totally brainwashed supporters who will never believe he broke the law, despite the overwhelming evidence.

There is only one Trump 2020 sign left in my vicinity, but imagine if someone like the guy with that sign, got on the jury. Would someone who still believes that Trump won in 2020 be able to accept the evidence that Trump illegally tried to get Georgia's SOS to overturn the legal results of the election? I'm skeptical. I just heard a legal expert in Georgia say that an indictment needs to come quickly. I'm waiting.
ATLANTA — The Georgia grand jury that investigated possible interference in the 2020 election by Donald Trump and his allies recommended indicting over a dozen people, the jury foreperson said Tuesday — a list she said "might" include the former president.

"There are certainly names that you will recognize, yes. There are names also you might not recognize," Emily Kohrs said in an interview that will air Tuesday on NBC News’ “Nightly News.”

She said the list of recommended indictments is "not a short list."

"There are definitely some names you expect," she said, declining to name any specific names in accordance with the instructions of the judge who presided over the grand jury.
I would look to his reaction on "Truth" Social.

The more he's backed into a corner, the more he lashes out. He about lost his damned mind when the FBI searched Mar A Lardo. If indictments are coming, his lawyers will know first, and he will know next. If this happens, it will be a 3am shit storm of anger on his little social media site.
I'm trying to imagine on what basis Orange Buffoon would not be indicted. How is he not guilty?
Indict, convict, imprison. There must be justice.
I agree but it will only take one juror to keep him from justice. That is what I am most concerned about when it comes to convicting Trump. It's so obvious that he broke the Georgia law, but Trump still has some totally brainwashed supporters who will never believe he broke the law, despite the overwhelming evidence.

There is only one Trump 2020 sign left in my vicinity, but imagine if someone like the guy with that sign, got on the jury. Would someone who still believes that Trump won in 2020 be able to accept the evidence that Trump illegally tried to get Georgia's SOS to overturn the legal results of the election? I'm skeptical. I just heard a legal expert in Georgia say that an indictment needs to come quickly. I'm waiting.

Voir dire will be most interesting. And such a scenario, jury nullification, despite the facts, will surely cause a mistrial.
Anyone else uncomfortable with that grand jury foreperson doing all the interviews? I know I am.
Right. She knows she can't reveal anything of substance without being in contempt, so she just goes around the houses being vague af in those interviews.
Anyone else uncomfortable with that grand jury foreperson doing all the interviews? I know I am.
And the press is reporting that the press might have screwed the pooch by being so irresponsible. If this shouldn't have happened... then why did it happen in the first place? Grand Jury stuff is not supposed to be exposed like this (except by Republicans). This is the general rule.
article said:
Her identity as the foreperson was first revealed by The Associated Press, and in addition to the AP, she has, in short order, done interviews with The New York Times, NBC News, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and CNN.

She shouldn't be doing this, the press shouldn't be giving her the platform to do as such.
Anyone else uncomfortable with that grand jury foreperson doing all the interviews? I know I am.
And the press is reporting that the press might have screwed the pooch by being so irresponsible. If this shouldn't have happened... then why did it happen in the first place? Grand Jury stuff is not supposed to be exposed like this (except by Republicans). This is the general rule.
article said:
Her identity as the foreperson was first revealed by The Associated Press, and in addition to the AP, she has, in short order, done interviews with The New York Times, NBC News, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and CNN.

She shouldn't be doing this, the press shouldn't be giving her the platform to do as such.
She wanted her 15 minutes of fame. According to MSNBC:

Kohrs also revealed some other concerning facts. She reported that when witnesses invoked their Fifth Amendment right to refrain from answering questions on the basis that their answers might incriminate them, she could hear all of the other grand jurors writing furiously. This could indicate that jurors were improperly holding the assertion of a constitutional right against witnesses. She said another member of the grand jury brought a newspaper into the room every day and pointed out stories about their investigation, though she herself avoided news coverage to maintain an open mind.

I can only imagine the skyrocketing blood pressure of District Attorney Fani Willis, who, unlike the special grand jury, actually has the power to bring indictments and who has said her decision is “imminent.” A blabbing grand jury threatens to upend the whole enterprise. At some point, impropriety by a grand jury could be grounds for a claim of violation of the due process rights of the accused. And a successful claim could taint anything that occurred afterward, requiring dismissal of any indictments and a complete do-over, so long as the statute of limitations has not yet run.

I sure hope she didn't cause grounds for Trump to declare it all a "witch hunt" and be able to toss any charges out because of her actions.
Anyone else uncomfortable with that grand jury foreperson doing all the interviews? I know I am.
And the press is reporting that the press might have screwed the pooch by being so irresponsible. If this shouldn't have happened... then why did it happen in the first place? Grand Jury stuff is not supposed to be exposed like this (except by Republicans). This is the general rule.
article said:
Her identity as the foreperson was first revealed by The Associated Press, and in addition to the AP, she has, in short order, done interviews with The New York Times, NBC News, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and CNN.

She shouldn't be doing this, the press shouldn't be giving her the platform to do as such.
She wanted her 15 minutes of fame. According to MSNBC:

Kohrs also revealed some other concerning facts. She reported that when witnesses invoked their Fifth Amendment right to refrain from answering questions on the basis that their answers might incriminate them, she could hear all of the other grand jurors writing furiously. This could indicate that jurors were improperly holding the assertion of a constitutional right against witnesses. She said another member of the grand jury brought a newspaper into the room every day and pointed out stories about their investigation, though she herself avoided news coverage to maintain an open mind.

I can only imagine the skyrocketing blood pressure of District Attorney Fani Willis, who, unlike the special grand jury, actually has the power to bring indictments and who has said her decision is “imminent.” A blabbing grand jury threatens to upend the whole enterprise. At some point, impropriety by a grand jury could be grounds for a claim of violation of the due process rights of the accused. And a successful claim could taint anything that occurred afterward, requiring dismissal of any indictments and a complete do-over, so long as the statute of limitations has not yet run.

I sure hope she didn't cause grounds for Trump to declare it all a "witch hunt" and be able to toss any charges out because of her actions.
While her motives do matter, I'm concerned about why THE PRESS fucked up. Granted, the press is about money and not justice.
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She wanted her 15 minutes of fame. According to MSNBC:

Kohrs also revealed some other concerning facts. She reported that when witnesses invoked their Fifth Amendment right to refrain from answering questions on the basis that their answers might incriminate them, she could hear all of the other grand jurors writing furiously. This could indicate that jurors were improperly holding the assertion of a constitutional right against witnesses. She said another member of the grand jury brought a newspaper into the room every day and pointed out stories about their investigation, though she herself avoided news coverage to maintain an open mind.

I can only imagine the skyrocketing blood pressure of District Attorney Fani Willis, who, unlike the special grand jury, actually has the power to bring indictments and who has said her decision is “imminent.” A blabbing grand jury threatens to upend the whole enterprise. At some point, impropriety by a grand jury could be grounds for a claim of violation of the due process rights of the accused. And a successful claim could taint anything that occurred afterward, requiring dismissal of any indictments and a complete do-over, so long as the statute of limitations has not yet run.

I sure hope she didn't cause grounds for Trump to declare it all a "witch hunt" and be able to toss any charges out because of her actions.
I can see a legitimate reason for writing when someone pleads the fifth: If I were organizing things I would be making a list of relevant bits of information and what each side said about them. Taking the fifth inherently implies they did not provide an answer--and it's often good to document nulls to avoid later thinking they were overlooked. I frequently do so programming. (Deciding to not act is not the same as not deciding to act even though the end result is the same.)

Newspapers a big no-no, though!
Anyone else uncomfortable with that grand jury foreperson doing all the interviews? I know I am.

Yes and I wish I knew whether the jury was instructed not to talk about it or not.
Someone in authority, I don't remember who, said she has not said anything that was forbidden.
Anyone else uncomfortable with that grand jury foreperson doing all the interviews? I know I am.

Yes and I wish I knew whether the jury was instructed not to talk about it or not.

The judge said discussing the deliberations is forbidden. Basically, they can talk about Fight Club, but they can't talk about what was said during Fight Club.
She may not have crossed any legal lines, but that doesn't mean she might not be damaging the case.
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