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Will Trump Resign?

Meh...he said that Clownstick would resign quite a few times last year as the impeachment hearings were going on, then later saying cuz he thought Clownstick knew he couldn't win re-election.

For example:
I myself consider that doubtful, considering how willing Trump is to stick with things that outrage people. He is not afraid of being an asshole, it seems -- he seems to have no sense of shame.
Meh. Trump's ego -- always bigger than his ass -- now outbalances Saturn. The biggest insult in Trumpworld isn't liar or con man or stalker. It's loser.
I've long thought when the end nears he will go overseas and simply refuse to come back to avoid arrest. Either go over there and resign, (in case Pence doesn't follow through with a pardon) or claim that he is still president, the election was invalid, the Deep State has forced him out, etc.. then wait for a redneck revolution to put him back in power.
There isn't enough sodium chloride in the galaxy for me to consume to take anything Scaramucci says seriously. Trump bowing out gracefully is as likely as me growing a seventh nipple. It's pretty farcical to assume someone in their seventies who has never had to face the consequences of their actions suddenly giving up. So long as Trump has even one sycophantic supporter who believes all the stupid shit that comes out of his mouth, he will convince himself that everyone supports him and he doesn't need to resign.

That's all he needs. Some half-wit to echo his crap like we saw with the hydroxchloroquine debacle and his presidency will still draw life. ;)
What he will do, should he lose to Biden, is ride in the limo with Joe on Inaug. Day. Bets?

The cunt is so terrified of criticism he won't go to baseball matches, turn up to dinners at the White House and even call off press briefings. If he loses, his bone spurs will flare up on Inauguration Day, guaranteed.
He'll be in Mar-A-Lago from the day after the election to the arrival of the US Marshalls on 21 January.
The transition team will be a scavenger hunt for anything not ransacked, ransomed, or peed on, in an empty building.
The only thing untouched will be Melania's Christmas Decorations, still up, and still resembling Giger's set designs for Aliens.
I think that AS thinks that Trump has a sense of shame, even if it is a tiny one. But enough of a sense of shame to be humiliated by a perceived failure.

But he may have no sense of shame, no feeling of humiliation by even the greatest failure.

Or else he may have some, but he has decided that he is going to tough it out when he receives a lot of negative criticism. Thus acting as if he has no sense of shame.
I can imagine Mr. Trump announcing he will not seek re-election based on some excuse, but not resigning. But I seriously doubt he will do either.
I can imagine Mr. Trump announcing he will not seek re-election based on some excuse, but not resigning. But I seriously doubt he will do either.

He's not going to resign because pollsters say he's going to lose. They said that last time.
Maybe if Stephen Miller says he's going to lose?
Nah, he'll just fire Miller and appoint Barr to dual duty as AG/Senior Policy Advisor.
Save the Murrikins some money. MAGA

I seriously think that if/when he loses the election, Trump will commit to 100% blatant sedition, starting with a baseless claim that the election was rigged. He'll get Barr and maybe McConnell to go along with it and put a stamp of validity on the idea, and of course Uncle Vlad will back them to the hilt of his mighty propaganda sword. Their line about the US Marshals, the military and anyone else should they try to enforce the election results, will be as usual to accuse them of what he's doing: "No traitor, no traitor - they're the traitors!"
The patridiots who stormed the MI Capitol might even start flinging lead around.
I can imagine Mr. Trump announcing he will not seek re-election based on some excuse, but not resigning. But I seriously doubt he will do either.
He cannot ask for donations to NOT campaign. No easy money in quitting.
At the very least, he gets to have (had) large groups of people cheer him on, and he didn't have to pay for it... and neither did the cheering people.

Resigning would meant Trump would likely need to charge for appearances, attendance could drop. Or not. His followers are nuts.
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