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WTF Democrats?

Why don't the Democrats in Congress introduce a bill that does nothing but forbid LEGAL asylum seekers' children from being kidnapped?
At least they can lay it all at the feet of the 'Pugs when they refuse to hear it.
They seem bound and determined to let Cheato blame them for this whole fascist fiasco.

Have we seen any meaningful evidence to suggest that they as a whole oppose the procedure in question? Or rather, did before it hit the press? Neither Obama nor Clinton were exactly known for their leniency on immigration. That's sixteen years of Democratic policy-setting between them. The right of the United States to detain indigenous children is one that has always been retained by the state.

There has never been a purposeful policy of punishment and retaliation via separating children from parents in order to 1) deter immigration and 2) to push the opposing party into giving in to demands.

So you're okay with purposefully taking children from their parents so that the Democrats will give Trump money for his wall that he said Mexico would pay for? Is that right?

Of course not, I think our government is run by monsters.
There has never been a purposeful policy of punishment and retaliation via separating children from parents in order to 1) deter immigration and 2) to push the opposing party into giving in to demands.

So you're okay with purposefully taking children from their parents so that the Democrats will give Trump money for his wall that he said Mexico would pay for? Is that right?

Of course not, I think our government is run by monsters.

Yes, yes it is. They are torturing people - leveling cruel and unusual punishment upon people who, at worst, have committed misdemeanors.
Where is the UN? Why aren't they charging "Crimes against Humanity" like they would if any other country was doing this shit?
I'd probably feel differently if there actually was a risk of "infestation" by rapists and gangsters (but probably not). The fact is that you, I or the next US Citizen you see is more likely to be a rapist, murderer or other criminal than a randomly selected immigrant - legal or illegal. It's a pure sham - cruelty for cruelty's sake, in the hope of giving drooling trumpsuckers a hard-on that will make them vote.
Yes, yes it is. They are torturing people - leveling cruel and unusual punishment upon people who, at worst, have committed misdemeanors.
Where is the UN? Why aren't they charging "Crimes against Humanity" like they would if any other country was doing this shit?

You'd be surprised what the international community will turn a blind eye to. The DR/Haiti border has seen similar abuses for decades, and little done in response by other powers. There are very few who ar ready to risk duiplomatic consequences to champion the rights of refugees and asylum seekers. They are wanted by no one, so no one comes to their aid.

“When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt" Lev 19:33-34
Yes, yes it is. They are torturing people - leveling cruel and unusual punishment upon people who, at worst, have committed misdemeanors.
Where is the UN? Why aren't they charging "Crimes against Humanity" like they would if any other country was doing this shit?

You'd be surprised what the international community will turn a blind eye to. The DR/Haiti border has seen similar abuses for decades, and little done in response by other powers. There are very few who ar ready to risk duiplomatic consequences to champion the rights of refugees and asylum seekers. They are wanted by no one, so no one comes to their aid.

“When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt" Lev 19:33-34
The UN are reacting

Just because you dont know about doesnt mean it doesnt happen...
Yes, yes it is. They are torturing people - leveling cruel and unusual punishment upon people who, at worst, have committed misdemeanors.
Where is the UN? Why aren't they charging "Crimes against Humanity" like they would if any other country was doing this shit?

You'd be surprised what the international community will turn a blind eye to. The DR/Haiti border has seen similar abuses for decades, and little done in response by other powers. There are very few who ar ready to risk duiplomatic consequences to champion the rights of refugees and asylum seekers. They are wanted by no one, so no one comes to their aid.

“When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt" Lev 19:33-34
The UN are reacting

Just because you dont know about doesnt mean it doesnt happen...

Saying "This might be torture" is a far cry from outright declaring crimes against humanity. It might make some "human rights experts" feel good to have raised that conjecture, but it does less than nothing - it NORMALIZES crimes against humanity.
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