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"You know, I'm not really involved in the -- in the Daniels thing." When is it too much?

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
Rudy Giuliani made heads move... a bit more... when he spoke with Sean Hannity and explained as a "fact", his words, not mine that Trump and Cohen paid off Daniels.
Rudy Giuliani said:
Having something to do with paying some Stormy Daniels woman $130,000? Which, I mean, is going to turn out to be perfectly legal. That money was not campaign money. Sorry, I’m giving you a fact now that you don’t know. It’s not campaign money. No campaign finance violation.
Rudy Giuliani said:
They funneled through a law firm, and the president repaid it.
His words. Also, technically, while I'm not a lawyer, it probably is never a good idea to say your client "funneled" anything. Funneling usually involves withholding information or breaking the law.

Regardless, there we have it. After Trump completely blew things out of the water when he told an aghast looking Fox and Friends crew that Cohen was his lawyer for the Stormy Daniels thing, Giuliani fills in the final pieces of the puzzle.

Then come Sunday.

George Stephanopoulus said:
The president said you didn’t get the facts straight, so let’s try to get some facts on the table to begin with. The president does acknowledge meeting Stormy Daniels, correct?
This is straight out of the gate. And Giuliani's answer:
Rudy Giuliani said:
You know, I’m not really involved in the -- in the Daniels thing. So I don’t -- I don’t know. I mean, he denies that it happened. She has written a letter denying it.
Despite protests from my wife, I was interested to see where this interview went. I changed the channel after Giuliani's response to the first question he was asked. I knew I was going to just waste my time, the bullshit sluice gate was open.

When is this shit going to become too much?

Trump: A!!!
Trump: B!!!
Trump: Not A, kind of B!!!
Trump: C!!!

Sanders: Trump is telling us the truth.
Sanders: Trump is telling us the truth.
Sanders: Trump is telling us the truth.
Sanders: Trump is telling us the truth.

Giuliani: He paid her through funneling the payments in an illegal process via his lawyer Cohen.
Giuliani: Who's Stormy Daniels?

One thing I'm learning about sociology, is that apparently, if you lie enough, people grow bored and move on. Politicians lie, but Trump lives a lie. It is his way of life. And it seems impossible to tell if this is all intentional, devised to create fatigue with awaiting the truth (see Memento) or just a chaotic and desperate attempt to throw as much shit out there that no one can see anything anymore because their faces are covered in it. When the lies are so pervasive, you can't even corner them on one because they'll just move on to the next.

Lying and this administration is so unending, what damage is it doing to our Democracy? Are we going to be able to hit the Ctrl+Z hotkey and it'll return to what it was like under Obama, where you get lied to here and there, but it is status quo. Or is this developing a new status quo?
...Also, technically, while I'm not a lawyer, it probably is never a good idea to say your client "funneled" anything. Funneling usually involves withholding information or breaking the law.

Funneling is a relative term. When you're used to working for people who launder money, the word is actually a happy change of pace. The word also contains "fun" and IS fun, like funnel cakes and drinking beer upside down. Laundering is like laundry, too much work. Also, illegal. :)
Lying and this administration is so unending, what damage is it doing to our Democracy?

You mean other than undermining the foundations of democracy, looting the Treasury, destroying our international standing and influence and setting up a transition to make America into an autocratic state?
Well, other than that. there's stuff about Trump's hair that could lead our youth astray fashion-wise...
"Tell a lie loud enough and often enough, people will accept it as truth..." Orwell.

I suspect even the Ministry of Truth cannot keep up with Trump. Pretty soon it will be Donald Christ. Period. "Jesus"? Nah, that was some darkie.
There is one thing certain in all of this, Trump has watched the news coverage very carefully and he knows the impression left by Giuliani. Rudi looks like an SNL skit of Rudi Giuliani and that is not lost on Trump.

The fact that Giuliani still has his kneecaps, indicates one thing. Giuliani was doing as he was told, saying what he was told to say, all of it engineered by Donald Trump. This bit of performance art crashes and burns, leaving Trump no one to blame but himself.

I can imagine Rudi trying to dissuade the President, even telling him that this scenario is going to make it worse, but Trump insists. The wheels come off at the starting line, but Trump won't let it go.

So, we have the surreal scene if Giuliani in his second round of TV interviews, saying, "I'm still learning the facts," as if he hasn't spent his time preparing for this, face to face with Donald Trump.

To be fair, that is a poor way to learn facts, but still.
Rudy Giuliani made heads move... a bit more... when he spoke with Sean Hannity and explained as a "fact", his words, not mine that Trump and Cohen paid off Daniels.

His words. Also, technically, while I'm not a lawyer, it probably is never a good idea to say your client "funneled" anything. Funneling usually involves withholding information or breaking the law.

Regardless, there we have it. After Trump completely blew things out of the water when he told an aghast looking Fox and Friends crew that Cohen was his lawyer for the Stormy Daniels thing, Giuliani fills in the final pieces of the puzzle.

Then come Sunday.

George Stephanopoulus said:
The president said you didn’t get the facts straight, so let’s try to get some facts on the table to begin with. The president does acknowledge meeting Stormy Daniels, correct?
This is straight out of the gate. And Giuliani's answer:
Rudy Giuliani said:
You know, I’m not really involved in the -- in the Daniels thing. So I don’t -- I don’t know. I mean, he denies that it happened. She has written a letter denying it.
Despite protests from my wife, I was interested to see where this interview went. I changed the channel after Giuliani's response to the first question he was asked. I knew I was going to just waste my time, the bullshit sluice gate was open.

When is this shit going to become too much?

Trump: A!!!
Trump: B!!!
Trump: Not A, kind of B!!!
Trump: C!!!

Sanders: Trump is telling us the truth.
Sanders: Trump is telling us the truth.
Sanders: Trump is telling us the truth.
Sanders: Trump is telling us the truth.

Giuliani: He paid her through funneling the payments in an illegal process via his lawyer Cohen.
Giuliani: Who's Stormy Daniels?

One thing I'm learning about sociology, is that apparently, if you lie enough, people grow bored and move on. Politicians lie, but Trump lives a lie. It is his way of life. And it seems impossible to tell if this is all intentional, devised to create fatigue with awaiting the truth (see Memento) or just a chaotic and desperate attempt to throw as much shit out there that no one can see anything anymore because their faces are covered in it. When the lies are so pervasive, you can't even corner them on one because they'll just move on to the next.

Lying and this administration is so unending, what damage is it doing to our Democracy? Are we going to be able to hit the Ctrl+Z hotkey and it'll return to what it was like under Obama, where you get lied to here and there, but it is status quo. Or is this developing a new status quo?

Wow, the entire Trump staff are all geniuses! Just look at the way they're outsmarting those stupid elitist libtards!!!!!!!

The libtards are playing checkers, while Trump, Giuliani and the rest of them are playing 47th dimensional chess! Trump won the election, so that proves that he's smarter than everyone else, because the other Republican candidates weren't smart enough to get help from the Russi[ent]hellip[/ent] whoops! No collusion! No collusion! I didn't mean to say that! Fake news! Uranium One!!!!!!! [/parody]
Trumptards are claiming it as proof that she lacks credibility. No, seriously.

Kinda funny that someone who has sex on camera for money loses credibility for a misdemeanor charge of 'someone touched me while I was on stage.'

Funny, too, in that the reason someone touched her when they shouldn't is because she went national with the fact that FFvC touched her when he shouldn't have...
Rudy Giuliani made heads move... a bit more... when he spoke with Sean Hannity and explained as a "fact", his words, not mine that Trump and Cohen paid off Daniels.

His words. Also, technically, while I'm not a lawyer, it probably is never a good idea to say your client "funneled" anything. Funneling usually involves withholding information or breaking the law.

Regardless, there we have it. After Trump completely blew things out of the water when he told an aghast looking Fox and Friends crew that Cohen was his lawyer for the Stormy Daniels thing, Giuliani fills in the final pieces of the puzzle.

Then come Sunday.

George Stephanopoulus said:
The president said you didn’t get the facts straight, so let’s try to get some facts on the table to begin with. The president does acknowledge meeting Stormy Daniels, correct?
This is straight out of the gate. And Giuliani's answer:
Rudy Giuliani said:
You know, I’m not really involved in the -- in the Daniels thing. So I don’t -- I don’t know. I mean, he denies that it happened. She has written a letter denying it.
Despite protests from my wife, I was interested to see where this interview went. I changed the channel after Giuliani's response to the first question he was asked. I knew I was going to just waste my time, the bullshit sluice gate was open.

When is this shit going to become too much?

Trump: A!!!
Trump: B!!!
Trump: Not A, kind of B!!!
Trump: C!!!

Sanders: Trump is telling us the truth.
Sanders: Trump is telling us the truth.
Sanders: Trump is telling us the truth.
Sanders: Trump is telling us the truth.

Giuliani: He paid her through funneling the payments in an illegal process via his lawyer Cohen.
Giuliani: Who's Stormy Daniels?

One thing I'm learning about sociology, is that apparently, if you lie enough, people grow bored and move on. Politicians lie, but Trump lives a lie. It is his way of life. And it seems impossible to tell if this is all intentional, devised to create fatigue with awaiting the truth (see Memento) or just a chaotic and desperate attempt to throw as much shit out there that no one can see anything anymore because their faces are covered in it. When the lies are so pervasive, you can't even corner them on one because they'll just move on to the next.

Lying and this administration is so unending, what damage is it doing to our Democracy? Are we going to be able to hit the Ctrl+Z hotkey and it'll return to what it was like under Obama, where you get lied to here and there, but it is status quo. Or is this developing a new status quo?

I don't know if you noticed this or not, but politicians were lying long before Trump got into politics, therefore Trump is not lying.

You really should learn good logic like they teach on the propaganda outlets preferred by both conservatives and libertarians. If anyone else is also lying, that proves that Trump is not lying, just like colonel Sanders being racist proved that the Papa John's guy isn't racist for associating with white supremacist groups.

If you are still confused, you can read a logic textbook about the logical principle of tu quoque: someone else being wrong proves that you are right.
Everyone always makes the 1984 comparison, I think it closer to A Brave New World.

Both of those were best-sellers and actual literary accomplishments. What's going on here just TEH STOOPID.
It is much worse than "TEH STOOPID" as right-wingers have chugged the Flavor Aid. The House of Representatives is stuffed with pro-Trump Republicans. For over a year, they have been doing their best at obstructing an investigation into Trump. Truth doesn't seem to matter anymore.
Everyone always makes the 1984 comparison, I think it closer to A Brave New World.

Both of those were best-sellers and actual literary accomplishments. What's going on here just TEH STOOPID.
It is much worse than "TEH STOOPID" as right-wingers have chugged the Flavor Aid. The House of Representatives is stuffed with pro-Trump Republicans. For over a year, they have been doing their best at obstructing an investigation into Trump. Truth doesn't seem to matter anymore.

Okay, no sarcasm (for a brief moment).
The 'pug congresscritters are in panic/survival mode. They can't oppose Trump in any way without risking their seats. They're getting the judicial appointments they want, which will endure far longer than Trump They're getting big tax breaks for their donors and pursuing to only course than can possibly keep them in office beyond their next electoral challenge. In return, they are willing to submit America's freedoms to the ravages of a traitorous, self-interested fool. They know that is a bad thing, but what's their alternative? The Their people have spoken, and they must submit to their constituents.

If November is a repeat performance of 2016 (which it will be if steps to keep Putin out of it don't succeed) this country will be set irreversibly on the path to autocracy. Only record turnout can prevent it - and even that may not be sufficient.
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